Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 895: The unfinished hanging, the undead dragon (?????...

The night is already deep...

However, at this time, Xueyuan Metropolis, a closed circular city where more than 80% of the'citizens' are students, is mainly dominated by schools and scientific research institutions, and almost never go to work or attend classes at night. Those scientific researchers and students of all grades in various schools rarely turned on the lights in their rooms at this time in the middle of the night, or gathered to the open dormitory corridors and corridors where they could see farther and more clearly. On the top of the building, they looked into the distance together.


Now, in the night sky above the academy city, there is a knight riding on the back of a huge firebird, holding a shiny shield and an ultra-long flame spear, and at the same time leading A large group of'fire birds' soared in the dark night sky of the city...

Just now, people only saw those'firebirds' rising from the ground, like red sharp blades, forming an arrow-like spindle formation in the air, and the leading'firebird', Under the leadership of the incomparably dazzling, bird-leading'Firebird' knight, he brazenly rushed towards the huge and hideous shadow of the terrifying dragon in the sky!

Looking from a distance, that little "Firebird" knight, who seems to be wearing a school uniform, is really like a goddess of war descended from the gods or an unparalleled warrior who is about to rise up and slay the dragon. With the radiant light, it almost illuminates the entire academy city, especially the other party's daring to launch a charge against the huge black shadow in the sky, which makes people feel dizzy and unable to be oneself.

It is obvious that the "Firebird" knight must be a first-year transfer student from Tokibandai Middle School in the Academy City. The eighth eight-year-old girl of the eighth LV5 flame control superpower who appeared in the public view only recently, Annie. Hasta no doubt...

It’s just that, in the dark right now, even if some people have equipment that can look into the distance, there are not many people who can really clearly see a clear image of a little girl... more and farther, those The students or other onlookers in the academy city that are onlookers in the distance can only vaguely see a large group of strange, bird-shaped flames flying towards the dark shadow of the dragon in the sky. , And then faintly saw the figure of someone on top of the biggest'Firebird'.



While the others were watching, a certain little girl led her Firehawk Legion closer and closer to the hesitant colorful dragon.

"Fire Eagle Legion, have you seen it? It's the big guy above, go with me and tear it up! Everyone rushed side by side~!!!"


Tweet~! ! !

Soon, as the fire eagle and the giant dragon were getting closer and closer to the sky, the little Annie, who was very engaged and did not wait for the response of the other party, waved the super long spear in her hand, like a majestic and majestic As a general, he led hundreds of pseudo-pure blood fire eagle troops under his command. They directly transformed into three teams in the air, and then they faced the other side above the sky from different directions. And roaring and preparing to recoil down, the dragon rushed forward fiercely!

"Roar~! ! ’

If we only talk about the attack distance, it is obvious that the dragon's breath is a little farther!

and so,

Before the fire eagles could enter the close range of claw beak attacks or attack the dragon with flame jets, its red, black, and blue dragon head had already taken the lead to fly towards it. The fire eagles breathed out three different breaths of fiery red, ice blue and black red!

In an instant, the breath of those dragons directly enveloped a large swath of fire eagles in the breath of dragons with different attributes...


The pure-blooded fire eagles that were originally not real fire-elemental lives are nothing more than the pseudo-pure-blooded fire eagles that a little girl used her LV5 flame control ability to mimic as toys. After being submerged by the red terrifying flame, the blue breath of frost and the dark red breath of the black dragon with the power of the earth, except for those fire eagles that were hit by the breath of frost and were "dyed" and turned into "ice fire eagles" Apart from us, there was nothing at all for the rest, and they approached the dragon smoothly, and then surrounded the other side and began to eject their flames or newly transformed into frost power. .

They fluttered with their wings, hundreds of them, just like sparrows surrounding a giant eagle, turning directly in the sky thousands of meters high, constantly facing the dragon. His head, wings, giant claws, tail, back door, horns, neck and back, etc., are constantly bombarding any place that can be attacked with all the means they have!

In the blink of an eye, after the handover of the fire eagles and the dragons, the dragon in the sky was instantly on fire, and red flames and blue cold light began to glow continuously. The light after the explosion made the students and citizens of the academy city watching in the distance look like they felt that the fire eagles had an absolute advantage at once?

Unfortunately, the actual situation is:

Even a little girl who is giving orders and controlling the fierce attack of the fire eagle to the dragon knows that that level of flame or frost attack is against that huge guy, and against the power of flame and frost. Guy, there is definitely no effect on the kind of resistance to magic, especially to the fire and frost!

"Continue to attack!!"


However, even if there is no effect, that kind of attack cannot be stopped for a moment! !



Besides, she didn't have any hope for those fake ‘pure blood fire eagles’, she just hoped that they could attract the attention of the dragon as much as possible.

Therefore, after the fire eagles began to entangle with the dragon, she had been quietly controlling her mount to fly in the outermost periphery. She took advantage of the entanglement between the dragon and the group of fire eagles, and jumped high. Flew up, and then she held up her extended air combat special "Lonokes Gun", and rushed towards the huge green dragon head from diagonally above!

If it is under normal circumstances, this colorful dragon is actually not completely unkillable, and it is not afraid of her LV5 flame control ability... But, how can others bring their own healing professions, especially those with natural The green head of the force and the red head of the life force! If you can't get rid of the two troublesome heads at the same time, the other party can heal themselves continuously or simply rebirth directly. It would be troublesome to think about that kind of thing!

Also, if the opponent is not stupid and knows how to use the time power of the bronze dragon head reasonably, it is also possible that the three heads must be knocked out at the same time to defeat the opponent? So, now she has to rush over and kill one of the heads, and before the other party heals and recover, try to see if the other two heads can also be killed?

(Dear little master, you should give up. Anyway, you will definitely not succeed. It is not a fool, but it has five heads thinking, and it is also a giant dragon. The weight of its brain is heavier than two adult humans on earth. heavier……


——Tibbers, who knew what his little master wanted to do, after seeing the opponent start to drive the Fire Eagle to charge, he untimely spoke out in his heart. )

"You shut up! Tibbers!!"


Queen Anne, who is having fun, is leading the army to kill the enemy and is preparing to "rush into the battle" personally, how can she listen to the persuasion of a bad bear who will only make trouble? Therefore, she didn't even care about a guy who was tied to her waist and couldn't fly, and then definitely didn't have a chance to play today, but just let the fire eagle under her body accelerate and charge.

(Whatever you do...)

(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Finally, Tibbers doesn’t want to comment anymore about a nasty little master who always likes to do evil or to make troubles. Anyway, it knows that it has already been used to it. Okay, I should get used to it quickly?)

"Roar~! ! ’

‘Sizzle~! ! ’

Soon, after seeing that his own frost breath and dragon flame breath were not ideal for those fire eagles, the colorful dragon quickly changed its strategy, so that except for the bronze dragon head, it kept moving around. The fire eagles breathed out the effective bronze hour sand with the power of time, dispelling the fire eagles or directly annihilated, the other two red dragon heads and blue dragon heads actually opened their huge mouths directly. The neck is long, and the fire eagles who dared to approach it directly bite!

Soon, when the flame and frost dragon's breath were invalid, it really succeeded in chewing the flame mimic fire eagles in their huge mouths.

"Wow~! ! ’

A roar of the dragon rang!

It turned out that while the dragon extinguished the fire eagle, the sharp claws and sharp beak of the fire eagle also left deep peck marks and **** scratches on the scales of the dragon. Marks, directly grabbed the original smooth and beautiful blue scales on the dragon's body with claw marks and made its entire body become flowery and full of blood...

But obviously, the fire eagles' attack effect is very limited, because, ah, the dragon scales and dragon skins with extremely strong physical defense capabilities are not the kind of plausible pseudo-blood fire eagles formed by flame mimicry that can shake of!

However, in addition to leaving those superficial scars, the fire eagles' desperate attack efforts are not completely ineffective! At least, after losing more than half of them, they succeeded in leaving gaps in the giant wing membranes of the dragon, and slowed its movements a lot.

However, this is the maximum extent that their efforts can achieve, because as the number decreases, the damage they can cause to the dragon seems to be far less than that of the green dragon who heals itself and recovers faster?


If Little Annie really summoned the elite pure-blooded fire eagle troops that are at least high-level peaks directly from her flameland, or simply summoned her exclusive legendary fire eagle lord mount Then, can this colorful dragon in front of you be successfully killed and swallowed alive?


∑(??△`)? !

Facts once again proved that the five heads of the colorful dragon are not just decorations!

Because, that not only means that the opponent has five heads for thinking about problems or controlling the body, five mouths that can breathe dragon flame, five huge mouths that bite the enemy, and at the same time there are ten basketballs the size of. His eyes can see the enemies that may appear in all directions! !

So, Xiao Annie just deliberately let those useless mimic lifeless fire eagles frantically attack the enemy and try to attract the enemy's attention, and soon declared bankruptcy...


At this moment, when she was holding up the long, "Lonokes Spear" that was said to have pierced through Jesus, preparing to dive from the sky to attack a certain green dragon head that had penetrated the dragon, a pair of shocking Big orange eyes, don't know when they have locked her firmly?

Then, naturally, a dragon roar sounded...

"Roar~! ! ’

Immediately afterwards, the bronze dragon head that had just been beaten to death once suddenly twisted the giant snake-like neck and opened the huge mouth upwards towards her... Then, without warning, there was no sign. The violent breath of the bronze dragon spit out directly, and after easily annihilating several dragon eagles that were specially used to block its sight, they also sprayed it at Annie herself without any reduction!


!? (??\'\'????)??↗

No way. Seeing her sneaky actions were seen by the enemy, Little Annie could only control the huge fire eagle under her crotch. She turned abruptly, dodged the enemy’s attack, and swooped directly from the side. Passed by, and took advantage of the trend to hit the dragon's hind legs severely! !

‘Roar~! ! ’

Another whimper and cry of pain sounded!

Then, the dragon's tail, which was like a siege hammer, with exposed bone spurs and hard large bones, slammed viciously towards the position of Little Annie! !


As a last resort, after being forced to release and dodge, the flame spear was directly smashed by the dragon's terrifying tail! And Little Annie herself was dangerously under the giant mouth of the other side's tail hammer, sharp claws, and the two black and green dragon heads that turned to bite her, gently controlling her. After turning left and right and then left, the fire eagle successfully escaped easily from its long entangled snake-like neck.



"You big lizard, you will never bite me like this~!!!"


Air combat or something, Little Annie is the best at it.

You know, when Queen Anne served as a major officer on the ship Hope in the Kepru district back then, she still had the nickname "Fire Eagle Never Fallen".

At that time, in addition to being the best and most powerful ghost agent on the Hope, she was also an ace pilot and crazy tanker who had never been shot down among all the officers and soldiers on the Hope. And the best'strategic conductor' and so on? So, although she is using the LV5 level of flame control ability, although it is not enough, but that big awkward guy wants to hit her, that is something you can't even think about, never think about it. ! !

"Yeah~! You can't hit me~!"

ヽ(????????)?? la la la??

A certain little girl who was so mad and swayed began to sway and impact vigorously beside the dragon, and from time to time she controlled her fire eagle to tear a piece of **** dragon scales from the dragon, even if she couldn’t kill her opponent The other party cried out.

Now Annie is having a good time, very unscrupulous!

Because, the head under her crotch is a stronger mount that is one size bigger than those fire eagles that are still entangled with dragons, but she mimicked it with flames, comparable to real fire eagles or those fighters. Something is better controlled, and it's easier to fly.

"Roar~! ! ! ’

However, just after a certain messy little girl had just finished speaking, a huge red flame pierced the sky directly, submerging her and her fire eagle in an instant, making her laughter and laughter suddenly sudden. But...

Tweeted~! !

Fortunately, instead of waiting for the flame-spitting dragon head to show a proud look, nor waiting for the crowd watching to exclaim, after a clear and sharp eagle chirp, the little girl riding on the fire eagle unexpectedly Just rushed out from that dragon's breath again intact?

"You stupid!"


"I'm telling you, flames have no effect on me~!!!"


After riding her own fire eagle out of the dragon's breath without damage, as soon as Little Annie stretched out her hand, another long flame mimicry ‘Lonukis’ Spear’ appeared in her hand again.

In fact, this matter has already been known to others!

Because, her current status is the LV5 flame control superpower of Academy City, and the person who controls the flame is obviously definitely not burned by the flame! Otherwise, a certain senior girl named Misaka Mikoto would have been electrocuted countless times by the opponent's own current?

However, now that she remembered that Misaka Mikoto-senpai, when little Annie was manipulating the fire eagle to evade and chasing her breathing dragon, and began to hover the other person in the sky, she finally couldn't help but move towards the darkness. Took a peek above the sky.

Because she knew that, just now, the little sister Shirai Kuroko took the Misaka Mikoto to the high altitude sky in an instant, and was hidden in the dark sky, and she was doing the kind of free-falling motion on it...

Presumably, the other party is definitely planning to do the kind of precision diving ‘super-electromagnetic gun’ bombing from the sky, right?



After seeing that the fire eagle next to the dragon following was wiped out so that there were not a few remaining, I felt that I should continue to cooperate with the two of them, and felt that I should make greater movements in order to attract more dragons. Pay attention, so as not to be caught by the other two guys who were freely falling in the sky, Little Annie suddenly turned her head, instead of retreating, she waved her hand directly, and a series of fireballs blasted towards the dragon behind!

"I burned you to death~!!!"


Along with the fire eagle under the control of Xiao Anni, a very fast cobra maneuver came. A series of fireballs may be as many as dozens or hundreds. They are like rockets or missiles launched by fighter jets. It violently dragged a fiery red track in the night sky, and bombarded the ferocious dragon that was chasing behind! !

boom! boom! boom! boom!

A series of huge explosions and firelights began to explode in the sky, directly following the huge dragon that was chasing behind, and there was nowhere to hide, drowning in the waves of fire and explosion shock waves. .



"Not dead? Then I will burn again~!!!"


Seeing that the opponent was swallowed by her own flames and temporarily unable to distinguish the direction, Xiao Anni let her fire eagle hover over the past, and then began to use the flame mimicry spear in her hand as a tool for resonance and launch. A series of fireballs blasted out behind the opponent!

boom! boom! boom! boom!

A bigger fire exploded in the sky once again, and circles of sound and gleaming fires almost illuminated the entire school city... and the one who originally planned to lean over to check the situation has been hovering in the school day and night. The news airship above the garden city was also frightened and quickly turned around, leaving this dangerous place far away.

"Look at the gun~!!!"


While hitting it, Little Annie felt that she was in the way, and she simply threw it directly at the huge fireball in the sky, together with the "Lonuckis Gun" in her hand.


"It's not over yet!!"


When the fire eagle hovered to the other side of the opponent, a flame spear appeared on Annie's left and right hands, and...


Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh~!

One after another, the flame mimicry spears began to plunge in from different directions toward the dragon that seemed to be struggling and conflicting in that huge fireball! Then, they soon collapsed and exploded again, creating a group of terrifying explosions and sounds that were all lost to the fireballs just now.





Boom~ boom~ boom~! !

Rumbling rumbling...

With the fierce fire light and sound constantly sounding, after the bombardment for a long time, I felt that it was almost done. I couldn't bomb indefinitely. I was afraid that others had too high expectations for her LV5 flame control ability. Reluctantly closed his hand and stopped, and controlled the fire eagle under him, flying far down to the side of the dragon.

Just now, she did that on purpose, in order to irritate the nasty big guy, and beat the opponent as much as possible?


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(If a bad little master keeps on stopping, Tibbers may really protest... because the LV5's fire control ability does not include infinite firepower. No one can use super powers without interruption. It's neither scientific nor magic!!)

‘Hoho woo~! ! ! ’

The roar of the giant dragon sounded again behind him. Obviously, the continuous attack of a certain wretched little girl just now, the continuous and precise bombing that seemed to be massive, and the terrifying firelight did not seem to be able to truly Hurt that dragon...

At least, the opponent still has the strength to scream, and it doesn't sound like the kind of serious injury?





"I slid, I won't play with you..."


Seeing that her LV5 level of flame control super ability is really easy to do nothing, little Annie, who is unwilling to continue to perform hard and unwilling to cheat, has to scratch her head helplessly, and immediately controls her fire eagle to turn around. Just run!

Because she knew that she must have completely angered the big guy with five heads now, and she has done her best now, so let's do it for now.

"Roar~! ! ’

‘Sizzle~! ! ’

Now, after a little girl stopped the flame bombardment that even a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier could burn, a certain dragon whose whole body was burnt miserably and whose scales were cracked a lot, unexpectedly suddenly I rushed out of the fireball, and while two of the heads were chasing and roaring at a certain little girl who was running ahead, the other two heads, the red and green heads, used their vitality to breathe. The power of nature breathes, using those powers with healing functions to constantly repair its body?

So, it didn't take long for it to work hard, it turned out to be like an okay person, flapping the huge wings that became intact and the body that still had bright dragon scales, and caught up again.

(Little master, I am afraid that you also know that an attack of that level is definitely not possible, and it will hurt your skin at most. What is it for you?

(● ̄(??) ̄●)

——Tibbers didn’t understand. What's the point of a bad little lord doing that kind of useless thing like that, and irritating the big lizard and being chased in embarrassment? Is it fun? )

"Ha! Of course I know!"


"But just now I and Mikoto-senpai said that they wanted to show them which two guys to illuminate the direction and attract everyone's attention?!"


Although, it was her own idea to illuminate the direction or something.

Because Little Annie knows that if she is in a bright place, it is not easy to see things in the dark. That is because the light is not equal... On the contrary, in the dark, it is easy to see things clearly. People and things in a well-lit place, like a certain dragon with a blazing flame on its body?

and so,

Even after playing for a long time, she still remembers what she should do now. After counting that some two guys who are free fall in the sky will soon rush down and carry out a sneak attack from the sky, she took it for granted. The land did its best.

In fact, if it wasn't for the mythical multicolored dragon that was secretly obtained by herself, it was not too afraid of flames. If it was replaced by another one, it would have been burned to ashes or blown to pieces by her attack! In short, she will definitely not admit that she screwed it up!


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

"Roar~! ! ’

At this time, Little Annie found that behind her, the dragon once again flapped its huge wings and chased it quickly...



"No way, it seems that you can't kill it like that, why Mikoto-senpai hasn't arrived yet..."


Seeing that the big guy behind him gets closer and closer, and from time to time he still breathes the bronze dragon with the power of time. There is no way to see the little Annie who can no longer do anything with her LV5 flame ability. , So I had to speed up and move up and down to avoid.

Fortunately, she herself is not afraid of flames, nor is she afraid of frost. Otherwise, if the other dragon heads cooperate with each other and spit at her, it is impossible to say that she, the so-called "Never Fallen Fire Eagle", will really fall this time. .

"Wow! So dangerous!!"



"You can't hit me~!!!"



Although a certain little girl in the sky looks very embarrassed, being chased by the angry giant beast, but in the eyes of others, she has actually done a very good job and is very admirable. !

After all, being able to fight the dragon that only exists in myths and legends with one person's power is really not something ordinary people can do!


‘So strong...’

‘Is that really LV5 level flame control ability? Also, the power of the dragon is too exaggerated. If such an existence launches an attack on our city, who can resist it? ! ’

Ai Sui Huang Quanchuan muttered to himself, staring his eyes round, watching as he first summoned the firebirds to launch a swarm attack on the dragon in the sky, and then simply fights the dragon alone, all kinds of fireballs, flame spears, and flames. The arrows continued to bombard, and in the end, even if they were chased by the angry dragon, they continued to counterattack. The little girl who had beaten the dragon behind him with no other means was amazed.

Of course, she is now more worried about that giant dragon...because she can see that the little girl seems to have tried her best, if that can't defeat the monster who doesn't know why it appeared in Academy City , Then how should they protect this beautiful city by then?


‘Yes, I have never seen such a capable person, and such a huge monster...’

In the impression of iron decoration, even other LV5 capable people, no one seems to be able to issue that degree of continuous offensive. In her opinion, if the little girl’s enemy was an army, she would definitely be easily annihilated by the fireball bombarded by a fighter plane, right?

Regarding the dragon, the iron decoration does not want to comment!

Because in her opinion, such a terrible thing can no longer be classified into the category of biology.

'correct! ’

'how? ’

‘Are the students and citizens in this security zone evacuated now? ’

‘There are too many people, it’s night again, I think there should be none...’


‘Why, do I need to send some more people? ’

"No need..."

‘? ? ’

‘Now it’s not important to evacuate or not, Aisui, you have also seen, they are now flying in the sky to fight, and what we do does not make much sense. ’

For the terrible dragon who is still fighting in the sky and the LV5 girl who can compete with the dragon, the location of a small city area is obviously unrestricted!

Therefore, even if they try hard to evacuate people, it is useless, because for the large and one small targets that can fly in the sky, maybe only one dive is needed, maybe they can easily appear in any school district. The sky is up.

'what! It seems so...’



In the sky, Shirai Kuroko and Misaka Mikoto are doing the last free fall motion!

At this moment, the two hands of the two are buckling together tightly, the wind around their ears is getting louder and louder and hunting, and the original white skin and muscles on their cheeks are now affected by that. The strong wind felt by the sharp fall was like a knife, and it was deformed!

Even, they can't even open their eyelids now...


"My sister, our speed... is getting faster and faster... soon, coming soon... Are you ready now?!"

And looking at the giant dragon that is getting closer and closer, and the little guy watching Annie deliberately lure the other person to where the two of them are falling, it seems to be convenient to save the two of themselves from the difficulty of falling During the difficult gliding in the direction, Shirai Kuroko took the risk of injecting a mouthful of air, and said with difficulty to the sister next to him.


However, Misaka Mikoto did not speak. She just grasped the coin in her hand tightly, straightened her right hand and pointed at the lower target that was getting closer and closer as they fell. Lightning lingered on the clenched fist, ready to launch at any time.

At this time, Misaka Mikoto had to admit that the plan just now had some flaws?

Because, she found helplessly at this moment:

In this kind of high-speed free fall situation, it is completely different from standing on the ground. She definitely has no way to aim and attack precisely one by one. Therefore, she is ready to use which kind to herself again In terms of heavy load and very difficult "Super Electromagnetic Shotgun" to approach and directly bombard the enemy! !

As for what the outcome will be, only God knows...


"Sister! It, it, it! It has seen us!!!"

Suddenly, as the distance got closer and closer, as the dragon that had just looked very small from above became bigger and bigger, Baijing Kuroko was horrified to discover that among the other's five hideous heads One, is actually looking upside down?


Heizi Baijing is sure that the other person's eyes are indeed seeing them!

Because at this time, the electric light in the hands of my sister's adult is lingering, and with their rapid fall, it must be as conspicuous as a moving white light or thunderbolt in the eyes of the other person. As long as you are not blind, it must be Can see! !

The facts are clear, their secret offensive has been discovered by the other party!

There was a problem with their previous plan, because the other party has five heads and ten pairs of eyes. It is indeed a bit difficult to sneak attack from above the other party in the sky.

‘Hoooooo~! ! ’

After discovering the giant dragon with an enemy above it, two of the five heads, the red and blue big heads, naturally raised their heads, and directly breathed two red and blue breaths. Let the scorching dragon's breath and the icy frost directly swept towards some two enemies who were falling freely!

And its other three heads are still doing other things, such as chasing the little girl in front and observing the movement from left to right and below... Obviously, it has a lot of heads, even if two heads are separated to attack from the top The enemy that struck did not prevent it from chasing the hateful little firebird and the little **** the firebird.


Now that the situation is urgent, Misaka Mikoto has no time to explain, just screams! She believed that her sister would understand her meaning.

"I know!!"

Huh! !

Without thinking about it, Baijing Kuroko directly activated her LV4 space movement ability.

Rumbling rumbling...

When the two dragons breathed, and the red flames and frost swept through and they were about to rush past the two people's place, their bodies disappeared in a timely manner.



"Scientific shotgun super-electromagnetic gun!!!"


Next second,

Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko have already moved instantaneously and appeared right in front of the dragon. At this time, Misaka Mikoto's straight and electric light curled, and the right hand of the twisted electric snakes on top was already there. The dragon's head suddenly opened under the astonished gaze! !

Boom~! ! ! !

There were dozens of lightning-carrying, red trajectories fired by the super-electromagnetic gun slammed out of the front of the two, from Misaka Mikoto's right hand!

After those'cannonballs' left their hands, they were continuously accelerated, and then as the fire of those cannonballs entrained in lightning and high-speed flying frictional air lit up, they caught the dragon by surprise, letting those cannonballs be firmly on the ground. It bombarded the dragon’s body, wings, wing membranes, snake-like necks and heads, and instantly punched the thick parts of the dragon’s body into huge blood holes, exposing many weak parts to the entire body. It penetrates and knocks countless blood, skulls, brains, scales, meridians, muscles, etc. along the direction of the cannonball flight, forming a scene of rain and flowers...

However, it was dark right now. Except for the two people who continued to fall freely after the bombardment and a little girl not far away who was flying a kite, people farther away only saw the flashes of lightning. , The dragon was bombarded by one or two students who suddenly appeared and planted on the ground obliquely.


Suddenly, Baijing Kuroko didn't care about watching the dragon, so he exclaimed in a panic.

Because, at this time, she and her sister are already very fast, and although her LV4 space movement ability is point-to-point movement, there is no inertia, but the speed of their free fall to the present is already very fast. Under the circumstances, if they teleported directly to the ground, their own kinetic energy would definitely be thrown directly to the ground to death!

Therefore, she must first make multiple spatial movements according to the direction of their kinetic energy, teleport so that the direction of the kinetic energy is opposite to the direction of gravity, and then use gravity to offset the kinetic energy on them, so that they can instantaneously safely again. Move to the ground.



"That big guy, is he dead?!"


Little Annie now has no time to pay attention to the yelling and moving instantaneously, and she doesn’t know where she is going, but she looks at the one in the distance for the first time. A certain dragon doing parabolic motion from a height of more than a thousand meters.

Now, with her eyes with eyesight exceeding 1.5, she can see clearly even in the dark. After the other party has withstood the full blow of Miss Heizi and Mikoto-senpai’s arrival within nearly 30 meters. , There are terrible wounds all over his body, blood is pouring out like money without money, even the four dragon heads are hanging motionless, seemingly dead?


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Tibbers is very sure, sure and certain that the other party is still not dead... But if a bad little master now takes the opportunity to make up for the big dragon, it may not be necessarily!!)

‘Sizzle~! ! ! ’

Suddenly, when almost everyone thought that a certain five-headed dragon was dead, or even if it was not dead, it was already seriously injured and was about to fall heavily to the ground, smashing certain buildings and causing huge casualties. The bronze head that seemed to be able to move even though it was blood-scarred, unexpectedly spit out the richer bronze breath directly toward his body after a mournful cry?

"Oh oh~!!!"


There is no need to wait for the result, little Annie knows what the dragon is doing! Moreover, she discovered that she just seemed to have missed an excellent kill of the opponent?


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

"Roar~! ! ’

"Wow~! ’’Ooo~! ’‘Hoooo~! ! ’

Soon, after the bronze dragon head kept spitting out that kind of thick bronze sand on his body without money, under some kind of magical power, it quickly resurrected in situ,'full of blood and blue'. , So that the four dragon heads that had been drooping and motionless instantly recovered and roared, and quickly stopped the trend of falling?

When it fluttered and flew again, apart from its own bronze dragon head which still had a lot of injuries, the other heads and bodies were intact, without any scars, as if they had not experienced it at all. Ever any battle in general?



Little Annie suddenly felt that the dragon seemed a bit foul...Because the other party's own nanny brought its own shaman and druid that kind of treatment is not counted, but it can actually use the power of the bronze dragon to reverse its own time. , I'm dying, I can "read files" again?

This kind of thing, unless it is strong enough to crush the opponent directly with strength, otherwise, it may be really a bit unbearable for someone to change it...



When Xiao Annie was considering whether to perform ‘supernormal’, she didn’t know what was going on. In the dark night in the distance, a high-speed moving...water tower flew out of the spur? !

Om~! !

Rumble! ! !

Suddenly, the change happened again...

That's right, it's the water tower!

Moreover, it is still in the kind of installation on the top of the building, Fang Fangzheng is pouring concrete steel bars, specially used to store water to prevent some irresponsible water supply companies that only charge money when the water supply pressure is seriously insufficient. The kind of large water tower that provides water for the building! !

It just cut through the air at a very high speed and made the roar of a large plane when it took off. It slammed into the five-color dragon who was about to adjust its posture and continue fighting after recovery, and directly violently It hit it and broke open in an instant. While hurting it, it also caused hundreds of cubic meters of water in the water tower to directly pour its head and face...

"Wow~! ! ! ’

After being attacked again, the dragon roared, and when it fluttered its wings in a panic and turned its head to look in the direction where the water tower was flying, only to see two more water towers rushing towards it?

ING~! !

boom! ! boom! ! !

After the infiltrating sound, two more water towers slammed into it, causing it to pump directly, losing its balance and flying ability, and spinning directly to the ground again...



"It actually... ran away?!"

(:??????)????????! !

Soon, Xiao Anni discovered that when she was ready to make persistent efforts, a new helper came to her side, and she planned to play with the big guy and teach her that the other party can't cheat... Big guy, when it was about to plant in the river in the academy city, it flapped its wings again and walked along the river directly towards the city outside the academy city without looking back. Fly away embarrassed in the direction of the sea? !


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

Everyone can tell that the dragon was scared, so it ran away!

Or it can be said that they ran away? !

Although it hasn't lost until now, but after consuming a lot of strength and stamina, leaving a lot of blood and finding that the enemy here is not easy to mess with, it seems to be afraid? Therefore, it is now speeding up and running desperately...As for whether it will consider returning to the Academy City to retaliate again after its strength and spirit are restored, it is temporarily unknown.


"My sister, did we win?"

Looking at the figure of the dragon that is getting farther and farther away, and the less and less unwilling roar, he finally solved the problem of kinetic energy and moved safely to the ground. At this time, he moved towards with fear. Asked Mikoto Misaka, who was still holding the palm of her left hand tightly.


Seeing her right hand with cracking and bleeding skin, Misaka Mikoto shook her head with a headache.

From this point of view, her "shotgun super-electromagnetic gun" is still a bit difficult to control. No, after using it again, it will bite her back! However, the degree of backlash this time is not too strong, maybe, after she has more numbers, she can perform it safely and worry-free?


"My elder sister, who was so powerful just now that he threw such a big water tower?!"

If you win, you must win everyone has seen it, the dragon ran away dingy! However, what Baijing Heizi is more concerned about now is who is so powerful just now, who can throw a dragon as big as a water tower? !

The kind of water tower that directly controls objects to smash dragons, and is still such a big and heavy water tower, should be some kind of ability to control objects? However, Shirai Kuroko said that in her impression, no one should have the ability to move water towers?

"I do not know either……"

Misaka Mikoto shook his head, and turned his head to look at the direction where the water tower had just flown in. There was pitch black, and the lights on the building were dotted with lights. They couldn't see where the water tower came from.

At this moment, in the distance, a...

???? The rest of the content depends on the author ↓↓???


(??⊙ω⊙)???? tickets???? (⊙ω⊙??)

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