Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 853: ?12-degree Celestial Sword VS Zhou Tianxing Star Array! …


The fireworks that exploded in the open air about a hundred meters above the summit of Izumo Peak of Cuiping Mountain, which looked extremely brilliant in daylight, were not only seen by the disciples of Izumo Peak of Cuiping Mountain. Even the villagers in Chentangguan City and nearby towns and villages have seen it from a distance...

Except for the disciples of Cuiping Mountain Izuun Peak and a very small number of related people, such as Li Jing, Mrs. Yin and other people who have certain intersections for various reasons who know what the signal is, other people, including some The party's Little Annie and the Kunlun Twelve Golden Immortals actually didn't know exactly what the exploded fireworks meant.

Although the Kunlun monks who came here to make trouble have noticed the squirrel spirit and the obese little squirrel spirit beside them, they obviously did not expect the other party to be bluffing. Before everyone was caught off guard, they launched the strange thing that didn't know what it was, but could still fly high in the sky and explode big movements?

"Wow, it's so beautiful..."


"But, that fat squirrel won't be a silly sleeper, right? Why do you set off fireworks in broad daylight?!"

(((o(*??▽??*)o)))? ?

Little Annie didn’t pay attention to the twelve Kunlun Golden Immortals who were surrounding her, even if the other party continued to improve their auras and pressed against her, even if the other party formed something strange The magic circle is preparing to trap himself in the middle too!

So, now she is still in the mood to look up and look at the beautiful and huge firework that blooms in the sky in the blue sky and white sun...

After sighing, she thought that the thing might be better at night, so she turned to look at the still silly one in the distance, with the huge squirrel eyes wide open and the ears with erect hairs upright. He made the fluffy hair on his tail swell even more, and I don't know why he suddenly squeezed out of the tree hole and put that kind of thing to startle the fat squirrel.

I haven’t seen each other for just a day, and Little Annie feels that the other party seems to be getting fatter, and may be more delicious...



It's really a pity... a fat, fat squirrel that is so fat, so cute, and so spicy that it looks so delicious, it turned out to be a monster with only wisdom? !


∑(??△`)? !



"Oh! I seem to know, it turns out that it's not just a firework, but a signal bomb?"


Because, at this time, Little Annie quickly discovered:

In the sky around the summit of Izumo Peak, more and more messy men and women, demons and ghosts, ghosts and ghosts, as well as some weird guys that I don’t know, began to fly up.

It may be because of the forbidden magic circle that I set up here before, so those who have martial arts bracelets in their hands dare not to approach the top of Izumo Peak, which is flat but relatively narrow. , But they still quickly surrounded the sky around and above them solidly!

Although Annie didn't need their own opinions to help, but seeing those people so positive, she suddenly felt a little bit rare?


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(For some horrible little master who no longer cares for her because of the excitement, Tibbers no longer wants to comment, because ah, it has long been accustomed and numb... its home The little master who knows all kinds of works all day, is this the original nature?

That guy, she wouldn't waste her own brain thinking about those ‘priority’ things! Even if it concerns her, she must be prepared to watch the excitement before talking! ! )

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Soon, and not long after, the disciples of the disciples of Cuiping Mountain Izuun Peak who came to the reinforcements in the sky began to gather more and more...

They stood in the air one by one, holding a variety of weapons, including long spears, short swords, magic wands, short hammers, flooded whips, fire axes and colorful rings, etc. Layers inside and outside gathered in the air, and stared at the twelve teachers who seemed to be surrounding them on the top of Izumo Peak. The origin of the newly-returned teacher Huo Daxian was unknown.


‘Don’t squeeze, why squeeze? ! ’

'Hey! Is it possible to make a concession? This ghost sister, I am too crowded here, can you make room for me? ’

After a swordsman with a fairy sword under his feet and a Qinglong Yanyue sword on his shoulders was crowded by the left, right, up and down and behind, and almost fell off the flying sword, he was really unable to move, so he had to take a favorable position towards the one in front. The ghost who was sitting cross-legged on a cloud of golden clouds had obviously cultivated to the level of Yang Shen's ghost and asked pleasingly.


‘I can’t let it go, or else, brother, come and squeeze with Xiaoxiao? ’

I looked around in embarrassment, and realized that my auspicious cloud was really a bit unable to move, the ghost Xiaoxiao had to sigh, moved aside on his own cloud, and signaled that the other party could come up and squeeze with her. That would be better than standing on the narrow flying sword together.

‘! ! ’

‘Junior Sister Gao Yi! Thank you, brother! ! ’

Unexpectedly, the other party would be such a generous human being, so he quickly put away his flying sword and jumped directly towards the position the other party had let out.


‘Ah ah! ! ! ’

An exclamation sounded, the swordsman carrying the Azure Dragon Yanyue Sword stepped on the air all at once, and then directly penetrated the beautiful golden cloud, directly screamed and fell to the bottom, smoothly smashing countless inner rings. Senior brothers and sisters from the same school or senior sisters and sisters caused chaos on the scene.


‘Sorry brother, sister seems to have forgotten to say, only the kind of pure heart can sit on the somersault cloud...’

Seeing that the brother of the human race below finally got caught in his arms by a female tiger spirit after finally jumping, he did not stumble and fell to the foot of the mountain and turned into a meatloaf. The name is Xiaoxiao 'S female ghost for a while, then added leisurely.

'okay! Stop crowding everyone, so be it! ’

‘There are so many of us, there are only twelve enemies, how can this be enough? ’

‘Hey! The old man thought it was the heavenly soldiers of the heavenly court who came to conquer our Cuiping Mountain again! It's a pity, it's a pity that the old man still has tens of thousands of sect contribution points. I don't know how long and how long I will save...’

'okay! Old thief, haven't you just changed the Universe Profound Fire Tower? What do you want to change now? Is it the Five Fire God Flame Seal or Fumo Tianshu? ! ’

'Humph! The secret is not to be revealed! ! ’

‘You old immortal...’


‘Okay, stop arguing, look at them, they seem to be changing? ’

How many sect bracelets have been sent out by a certain big ball of light named ‘Lord God’, and how many disciples of the human race, monster race, and even the fairy race have been recruited, so far there is still no accurate number...

Anyway, the disciples of the Cuiping Mountain Izuunfeng Sect only know that even every day and every moment, there will always be a large number of disciples receiving all kinds of weird collections, arrests, demonstrations, aids, and investigations from the Lord God. , Catching ghosts, sealing demons, and so on. Their figures cover almost all the territory of the Shangtang Dynasty and almost the entire Great Wilderness. But they only know that, no matter when, the development is halfway up the mountainside of Izuyun Peak. It's getting more and more magnificent, getting bigger and bigger, not even smaller than Chentangguan's Guancheng or Chaoge, in the sect residence, at least there are tens of thousands of sectarians and disciples permanent!

Moreover, that does not include those countless people who want to pass the examination of the Lord God in every possible way, in order to successfully become disciples of the disciples and obtain bracelets, obtain contribution points and redemption qualifications, people, demons, and even monks of the fairy clan People? !

Therefore, now that a cloud-piercing arrow, the majestic situation that thousands of troops have come to meet, is easily realized at the top of Cuiping Mountain Izumo Peak...

Now, in addition to the inner circle and the outer circle are gathering and surrounding the mountain top to the disciples who are able to fly, there are more people with insufficient strength, and they are also using various escape methods or directly The posture of climbing, wanting to get close to the top of Izumo Peak, want to see what happened?


"Bold! Where is the evildoer, with such a small amount of manpower, I dare to come to my Cuiping Mountain Izuyun Peak and make a mess, don't you want to catch it quickly?!"

Although, because the last time I did it was not very authentic, I wanted to eat alone but had not succeeded in eating, and then had to ask the same door for help. Afterwards, he was widely promoted by others, so that he was now pushed out by others and lost the chief of the school. The identity of the big disciple... However, holding a blazing flame protector and exterminating demons, the troll king, who has grown to a height of more than three feet, is still the first to squeeze out of the crowd with majesty and head towards Izumo. The twelve on the top of the peak are definitely not their same door, and the aura on the body is becoming more and more terrifying, the enemy roars.

If in normal times, his Troll King met those twelve powerful guys, even if it was just one of them, he would definitely run away without saying anything! Either use the guide flag or use the magic of returning to the school, absolutely will not fight or clamor against the opponent! !

However, things are different now...

Because behind him, in the surroundings and in the sky, there are countless Cuiping Mountain Izumo Peaks standing in the air by means of flying clouds, driving fog, riding a mount, or flying with a sword. Senior disciples of the school!

There are at least thousands of them, or tens of thousands?

And those middle and low-level disciples of the martial art who had no means of flying and had to try to climb up from the resident on the mountainside were countless! So, relying on the large number of people and the crowd, he can be fake, how can he be afraid of those courageous guys who dare to run out of Yunfeng to make trouble? !

Besides, their teacher, the Flame Immortal, who is said to be very powerful, was also on the spot, and there was still supporting them at the foot of the mountain. All you need to kill is a powerful master **** who wipes off the light pillar, not to mention that they are now bullying more So, no matter what, he won't show his timidity, because he knows that they will definitely not lose.


"I said the Troll King, you still have a snack... don't you see it? They are not ordinary evildoers, but real golden immortals, Taiyi golden immortals, there are still twelve! "

Shaking a mysterious iron fan with white radiance and a purple mysterious pendant hanging on the handle of the fan, Xiaoyaosheng emerged from the queue of many disciple disciples, and watched in embarrassment. Below are the twelve golden immortals who are besieging their teacher Huo Daxian.

You know, Taiyi Golden Immortal is not a normal young person. It can be said to be the highest-level immortal. It is the existence of the three-flower gathering and the five-qi dynasty. One step forward is the Da Luo realm, not at all. These unstable foundations are all maintained by the Lord God, and they all depended on the contribution of some piles of cultivation to exchange magic weapons. The disciples of the Izuyun Peak Clan dared to imagine in a short time.

Moreover, he can already guess the identity of those people...

After all, the faction that can bring out twelve immortals of the Taiyi Golden Immortal level in one breath, apart from Jiejiao, there is only explanation and teaching... However, Xiaoyao who is familiar with many Christians or immortals of Jiejiao Sheng, at first glance, I recognized those people who were obviously not the masters of the master of Biyou Palace Tongtian. Therefore, the true identity of the other party is already ready to be revealed, and there must be no mistake!

"Huh! Brother is right!"

"That troll king is not very reliable. Last time, I was almost beaten to death by that Yang Jian. Now I forgot the pain so quickly..."

The heroine Deng Chanyu, who was holding two golden daggers "Golden Dragon Double Scissors", also squeezed out of the crowd by using air dance. She first glanced at a certain troll king who was so ridiculous and ignorant of good and bad, and ridiculed the other party. Later, he turned his head and looked at that certain familiar figure on the ground of Izumo Peak, who was trembling and hiding behind the twelve enemies.

Obviously, she is now looking at that Nezha again!

However, what made her a little puzzled was, why the guy didn't learn the lesson after the last incident, and he dared to bring people to the Cuiping Mountain Chuyunfeng to make trouble. Was he mad? !


The Troll King just wanted to explain a few words, but looking at the number of people here, he was prepared to maintain his glorious image, and he was not prepared to publicize his own scandals. After thinking about it, he honestly closed his mouth.


"The enemy is really strong!"

At this time,

A blue-haired and blue-eyed monster warrior who is more suitable for long-range combat against the enemy, a blue-haired and blue-eyed monster warrior who is holding a Tai Chi streamer bow, wearing a golden silk cloak, no heavy armor, and only a wolf skin padded jacket that protects against the cold or the body fades. Lie, after looking at the powerful enemies below for a while, he muttered.

The strong bow in his hand is the way of gathering heaven and earth, using yin and yang to transform everything, absorbing the essence of the sun and moon, using the principle of meeting water and fire, and the principle of mutual generation and mutual restraint. It is a divine weapon exchanged by him from the main god. Supernatural power!

And behind him, there are a total of three hundred shooters who have killed the wolf clan!

They were all the blazing flames of the "Netherfire Thin Sky Bow", standing behind him neatly lined up, like a unified army.


"However, if there are senior brothers and sisters who can help, the three hundred warriors of my wolf department will be able to shoot them all on the spot!!"

The attack power of their three hundred warriors of the wolf department is extremely powerful, and the enemy they are looking at, even the Taiyi Golden Immortal who is alone can never please!

However, contrary to the strong offensive power, their defensive capabilities are slightly insufficient. If they fight later, they can only rely on their brothers and sisters in the same family to provide them with the necessary assistance and defense.

‘! ! ’

‘What about being strong, we are crowded! ! ’

‘Yes! ! ’

‘After a while, everyone will stand side by side and just go over them! ’

‘Yes! Yes! There are only twelve golden immortals on the left and right, and they dare to make trouble on Cuiping Mountain. Are we afraid that they will not succeed? ’

‘Smash down their magic weapons and weapons together, and Da Luo Jinxian must die here! ’


‘But, isn’t our teacher still down? ’

‘? ! ’

'what! So we still have a teacher...’

"What are you saying..."

‘But, how come they have only twelve, so they didn’t want to bring too many helpers? ! ’

‘They must be very powerful, otherwise, the fifth elder sister would not call us in a hurry...’

‘But, teacher, why didn’t she do it first? ’

'do not know……'

'okay! Don't talk about it, brothers, just quiet down and wait for the teacher or the chief disciple to give orders, otherwise no one wants to earn contribution points! ! ’


Before coming here, the disciples of Cuiping Mountain who thought they were coming to conquer again in the Heavenly Court, after seeing only twelve enemies, they began to talk about each other... and then for a long time, they couldn't discuss anything. So after I came, I slowly calmed down and watched patiently the reactions of the enemies below.

After all, the initiative is on their side now, and people have a great advantage on their side, so they are not in a hurry!


"No! She has too many helpers, come on, fellow apprentices, this is the end of the matter, let's first sacrifice the flag of the gods of the capital and change the formation of the gods of the twelve capitals!"

"Just take advantage of it now!!"

I discovered that there are unexpectedly many enemies here at Izuun Peak of Cuiping Mountain, and there are still quite a large number of those people who are still the kind of immortals, earth immortals, or equivalent levels, and many people still hold all kinds of things in their hands. The magical blade that emits various treasures of light, fearing that quantitative changes will cause qualitative changes, and there is an unidentified flame fairy in the middle, feeling that the twelve master brothers are afraid that they will not be defeated, Guang Chengzi can only shout. On the spot, his brothers were allowed to sacrifice a face of the twelve capital gods' evil spirits that they felt when watching the Lich War and accidentally refined them.

The Twelve Capitals of the Gods Formation, formerly known as the Capitals of the Gods, is the formation used by the Twelve Ancestor Witches to condense the Pangu real body to prove the way. It is one of the four ancient killing formations, powerful enough to destroy the earth, and it is said to be composed of ten If the second ancestor witch is launched, it can still condense Pangu's true body, and even reach the level of ruining the sky and destroying the earth, throwing the primordial world into chaos again?

Of course, the current ancient formation method is just an ordinary "Fighting God Sword Banner" refined by their feelings during the ancient lich wars at the Kunlun Twelve Golden Immortal Views. I haven't used it normally, and I don't dare. I used it indiscriminately, and I didn’t even think of a day when it’s really useful... So, even if they are all Taiyi Golden Immortals’ cultivation bases, they can successfully condense the ancestral witch’s true body against the massive Cuiping Mountain monsters after activation. It is already very good, and I dare not expect too much.



"Everyone, be careful, that seems to be my witch clan's Dutianshen, very powerful!!"

Wu Man'er, a very talented girl of the Wu clan, at this moment, after seeing the actions of the twelve Taoists, she suddenly exclaimed and quickly took out her own cracking cloud and howling daycare in her hand. Beware.

The whole body exudes a blazing flame. It is said that the scales of the candle dragon are used to gather the flowers of the Xuanji. After a thousand years, it will be bathed in the light of Xihe, and after another thousand years, after nine calcining and nine burnings, it will be melted into a red gold pearl and made Sweet baby! Its brilliance can shine for thousands of miles, the fire is raging, and the sun can shine through the rainbow.

That was what she had spent almost a dozen years of accumulating most of the martial arts contribution points. The power was very good, and it was not worse than the guys in the hands of other people!


"You dared to practice the flag of the gods of the heavens privately, and dare to deploy the big formation of the gods of the twelve degrees? Do you think you are the ancient powers of the twelve ancestor witches?!"

At this time, another guy who is holding a golden hammer of mixed yuan, wearing a gold silk fish scale armor, a purple gold crown with phoenix wings, shining gold all over his body, and also full of immortality, is even more embarrassed than a certain troll king. Finally squeezed everyone out and rushed out.

This guy who rushed out, he is now the new chief disciple of the Cuiping Mountain Izuunfeng School. He has just squeezed out the Troll King and selected it this month, and just in front of him, somehow, a group of Cuiping Mountain dare to use it. The powerful guy in the Wu Clan formation is just right for his gods and heavenly soldiers to become famous and establish prestige among the fellow brothers and sisters!

"Everyone, listen to me!"

"I have a big formation chart exchanged from the Lord God, named Zhou Tianxingdou big formation!"

"According to the rumor, it was discovered by the Great God Fuxi from the detailed laws of the Hongmeng stars in the Hetuluo book, combined with the power of the three hundred and sixty-five stars in the sky, plus the sun star and the lunar star as the main star array. Incomparably deep, with murderous aura, and at the same time, it is the protection of the ancient heavenly court!"


"Now someone needs three hundred and sixty-six fellows who have stepped into the transformation realm to form a big battle with me, and there are 14,800 high-level disciples to stand in the position of deputy star, and others stand in the position of billions of gods and demons. , Can you all wish me a helping hand to fight against my enemies of Cuiping Mountain?!"

After speaking, the **** of heavenly soldiers suddenly threw the formation in his hand into the sky, and after that one-time formation blossomed into an illusory and strong formation, he himself took the lead in flying up and directly occupied One of the eyes was taken and occupied the position of the lunar star.

The conditions for arranging this formation are very harsh, because it needs to refining the big Zhoutian star flags of three hundred and sixty-five strokes, so as to correspond to the three hundred and sixty-five main stars of the sky, and then it needs 14800 strokes. The small Zhoutian star banners correspond to 14,800 sub-stars... and then, with the power of hundreds of millions of gods and demons, a "God and Demons" representing a star can form a powerful Zhoutian Star. Great formation!

Of course, the formation of the God Heaven Soldier was exchanged from the Lord God. The disposable supplies are not too expensive, and only the formation and formation, and there are no large and small Zhoutian stars... But because The conditions required for this formation are extremely demanding, requiring tens of thousands or even 100,000 monks to reluctantly deploy the formation. Therefore, the God Heaven Soldier feels that he learned from the ancient books of the Heavenly Court and exchanged it from the Lord God. , The power would definitely not be worse than the formation of those guys who used the Dutian God Sha Qi to launch the Twelve Du Tian God Sha Great Array at the top of Yunfeng Peak.


"It's really Zhou Tian's star battle array?!"

"Exactly! Brother! The cracking cloud in Man'er's hand has the power of harmony, let me help you!!"

After Wu Man'er saw the stars that were sacrificed by the gods, the large array of Zhoutian stars in the sky above the Izuyun Peak of Cuiping Mountain and the vacant array eyes, she hurried to a spirit, hurriedly He sacrificed the Clouds and Howling Sun Orb in his hand, and let it ignite a raging flame, emitting a brilliant flame that can almost illuminate a thousand miles, and then flew up for the first time, occupying the main eye position of the sun star.

Just like the power of the Moon from the Golden Hammer held by the gods and heavenly soldiers, the orb in her hand also continuously emits the power of the sun, which is considered to complement each other, and is directly illuminated by the powerful fire like the scorching sun. The entire array, and sent some solar power to contact the entire array for each star position.



Seeing Wu Man'er's movements, the Troll King originally wanted to say that he could barely occupy the position of the sun with the help of the protector in his hand to exterminate the demons... But he thought for a while, and he was unwilling to fight against the one who had always been against him. The God Heaven Soldier stood too close to the position of his chief, and he did not want to cooperate with the other party, so he had to curl his lips, wave the huge axe that burned with enchanted flames in his hand, and stood on the star position of Kaiyang Star.

‘Haha! Chief brother, I am also here to help you! ! ’

The Xiaoyaosheng who was still swaying the fan named'Xiaoyao Jianghu' in his hand, after seeing that the gods and heavenly soldiers exchanged and sacrificed such a large formation that required a large number of people and extremely demanding conditions, he organized When the disciples who had passed Cuiping Mountain fought against the heavens, he laughed heartily and directly rose up into the sky, taking the position of the main star, the North Pivot.

‘I’m coming too! ’

‘And me! ’

‘! ! ’

'Hey! Don't grab it, I took this position first! ! ’


'damned! Your movements are too fast. Big Zhoutian's star positions are all occupied, and only Little Zhoutian is left? ’

‘Haha! Tiger head monster, don't hurry up, Xiao Zhoutian's position will be gone! ! ’

'what! ! ’

‘Vixen, you fly fast, take me first! ! ’

‘Vixie? You are the vixen! I have told you many times, I am a fox beauty, not a vixen, get out! ! ’


Before long, under the leadership of several'honored and respected' chiefs or former chief disciples of Cuiping Mountain, they were originally noisy and crowded in the sky above the peak of Cuiping Mountain Izumo Peak. They didn't know what to do. Those disciples of the enemy’s disciples quickly soared into the sky one by one, occupying the three hundred and sixty-five large Zhou Tianxing positions and fourteen thousand eight hundred small weeks of the Zhou Tianxing Array thrown by the gods and heaven soldiers. Star bit.

And the other tens of thousands of middle and high-level disciples occupy the position of billions of gods and demons who wave the flag and shout or provide mana. Together with the solidarity of those low-level disciples down the mountain, it is finally at a very fast speed. Before the enemy's formation attacked, it formed that powerful and mighty Zhou Tianxing star formation! !

Immediately afterwards,

What was originally a sunny day with white clouds and warm sunshine, the sky and the sky, the sky is clear, the sky is bright and heavenly, turned into a dark night in an instant, and the sky is densely covered with stars, just like galaxies or star clusters gathered in Cuiping Mountain. The sky above Izuun Peak directly isolates this piece of heaven and earth, and is still slowly oppressing it?

Unlike the sky like a dome, which covers the four fields, the dome is indeed directly covering the entire Cuiping Mountain range in a bizarre way, allowing outsiders to see the dark patches, just like a huge black ball covering the earth. Did you eat Cuiping Mountain? !



"The Zhoutian Star Fighting Array? It looks like a lot of fun... But, Tibbers, why can't they also leave me a place to play?!"


Although I still don’t understand why the twelve guys have to come to trouble themselves, and I don’t understand that the group of guys at the bottom of the mountain rushed to the top of the mountain, and they were even spread out into a huge, seemingly dotted. , What about the magical array like the starry sky at night?

However, Little Annie only knew that she was a little unhappy now!

Because, those guys, there is something fun to think of her, the omnipotent Queen Anne, or the flame fairy who is a teacher?

This is really unreasonable, they will not take her as a teacher in their eyes? !



(Because if you join in, you will definitely make trouble... Also, didn’t you just say that you don’t know the guys halfway up the mountain at all? How come you suddenly admit that you are someone else’s teacher? What do you want?


——Tibbers thinks it's pretty good now. Those guys who have been trained by the Lord God for more than 20 years don't seem to be too bad. Maybe they can really fight the twelve Kunlun Golden Immortals? Of course, if the horrible little master of his family also participates in that formation, then there is no need to play, because she will definitely be unhelpful at that time, that is 100% something that will happen! ! )



"Hey! Tibbers, what did you just say, I didn't hear clearly?!"

o(▼ dishes▼メ;)o

Originally, she wanted to fly to the sky and forcibly kick a certain guy, and then Little Annie, who was in charge of the formation herself, suddenly carried the bad bear Tibbers in her hand to her.

Now that I don’t know why, she suddenly didn’t want to play with those guys. She was going to teach someone who was getting bolder, more presumptuous, and more and more ill-informed! !




(Report to the little master, the little one just eh???

(● ̄(??) ̄●;)

——However, before Tibbers had time to quibble or explain, it was shocked to find that its neck was severely pinched by some awful little master, and then the other party slammed its head. Twisted clockwise several times? )


"I know there will be no good things coming here today, I don't care, Master, please take care of yourself, I will withdraw first!!"

Seeing that things are not good, seeing that one side is worse than the other, even more terrifying...

And the most important thing is: Seeing that the odds of winning the Kunlun Twelve Golden Immortals on the side of the real master Taiyi is too low, Nezha, who feels that there will be no good results if you continue to stay here, took advantage of that terrible week. The star battle array has not been completely covered, while whispering, turning quickly, stepping on the hot wheels, directly turned into a red light, flew directly against the ground in the direction of the east sea, and flew away without blinking an eye. He disappeared, obviously he didn't know where he sneaked out.


"It's really the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array, one of the four ancient killing arrays?!"

Guang Chengzi exclaimed, even he himself did not expect that they had just set up the Twelve Capitals of the Gods, and the disciples of the Cuiping Mountain Chuyunfeng also produced something that did not look like a fake. The simple version of Zhou Tian's star battle?

Moreover, what is even more shocking is: the other party, turned out to be a large formation composed of nearly 100,000 disciples, and it was successfully launched? !

This is just great……

Their ancient "Twelve Capitals of the Gods and Demons" of the Kunlun Twelve Golden Immortals played against the ancient "Zhou Tianxing", although neither of them was the two legendary powerful formations, nor did they have the ability to destroy the world. However, the lineup in front of me alone, with the huge magical power of their Kunlun Twelve Golden Immortals and the countless disciples of the Cuiping Shanmen...Perhaps, here today, it is really going to be staged in ancient times. The kind of Lich War of the period?


"Hey, come here soon..."

Seeing the reactions of the disciples of Cuiping Mountain Izumo Peak, and seeing those slowly shrouded in the sky that have entered the array star position, turned into a huge starry sky and oppressed, I think the two sides may talk about it first. Talking, not in a hurry to start the fight, and even if you don’t agree, you should be separated from the Qi, so he continued to use his mana to control the flag of the gods that floated above his head, and he turned his head quickly, ready to find himself The obedient boy, see if there is still room for conversion in this matter today?

Because he knew that Nezha was familiar with the disciple of Cuiping Mountain Chuyunfeng, and he was also a friend of the most important Flame Immortal, so now he can only count on each other.



My good apprentice, who was just behind him...

Just now, I was busy operating the 12-degree Celestial Sword Formation, one of the ancient four major killing formations, and at the same time, he was distracted to look at the enemy, who was also one of the ancient four major killing formations. , Where can I still see the little figure of Nezha, the precious disciple who is still standing behind the twelve of them?

Obviously, when their brothers were busy preparing to confront the enemy, his apprentice Nezha must have sneaked away again! !

"Brother Dao!"

"It's urgent! How about dealing with that Great Flame Immortal first, killing the opponent first, and then seeking other methods to highlight the Zhou Tianxing star formation?"

Now they have just changed from the "Twelve Earthly Branches Demon Array Formation" to the "Twelve Capital Sky Formation", and the little girl Flame Fairy is still "trapped" in the middle of the formation. Therefore, Dao Xing Tianzun felt that if they did not want to If you get enemies inside and outside, and then kill Cuiping Mountain, it's better to subdue or destroy the flame fairy who is trapped in the middle first, and then fight against the heavenly stars that are pressed down in the sky? !

Otherwise, the opponent is very likely to carry out a fatal attack on them inside the formation at a critical moment, so that they will be attacked back and abdomen when fighting against the external formation and slowly suppressing the Zhou Tianxingdou formation. Be careful, you lose here, and then you die and turn to ashes, adding twelve innocent souls to the Conferred God List and the Conferred God Stage.

"Junior Brother said so!"

"View treasure!!"

The decisive Chijingzi directly took out his Yin Yang mirror. Although he needs to form a formation and cannot move easily, he still distracted and manipulated his own magic weapon of the Taihua Mountain Yunxiao Cave, letting him fly out and Shining black light towards each other.

The yin and yang mirror is a cave-in-the-hole thing he used to explain and teach the immortal Chi sperm, and it is also one of the jade virtual spirit treasures.

This mirror has both yin and yang sides, the yin side is black, the yang side is white, black is death, and white is alive. It can kill or resurrect the person who is exposed to it. It was originally a treasure of Kunlun Mountain. Later, Yuanshi Tianzun gave it to Chi sperm and became His magic weapon for the town of Yunxiao Cave in Taihua Mountain is amazing!


"Don't! Don't throw the magic weapon!!"

Real Taiyi knows very well that the little girl has a weird body and can easily grab other people’s magic weapons. Even the Nine Dragon God Fire Guard, the magic weapon of the Jinguang Cave of Qianyuan Mountain, was robbed directly by the other party, no matter what he did. Summon, the kind that can't come back no matter how you cast it!


He seemed to speak a little slower, because, at this time, the black light of the yin-yang mirror had been shining firmly on the little girl.


∑(??△`)? !

"What is this black thing?!"

Something that surprised everyone happened. Little Annie, who was distractingly bullying her bear Tibbs, was irradiated by the black light, and soon stopped bullying a certain bear and started to lift her curiously. Zhang has some fat babies and curious little round faces.


After blinking her big blue eyes, looking at the side that flew in front of her, and after looking at the mirror that she was struggling with for a while, she stretched out her hand and turned the strange black and white side Just grab the mirror feed? !


"What, what?!"

Chi Sperm couldn't imagine that his magic weapon, his treasure, was taken away by the opponent with bare hands, and he was directly disconnected from himself. No matter how he casts the spell, he can't get it back?

Could it be... Is there any treasure or magical power that the opponent has in his hands?

However, he had been careful about the idea just after Junior Brother Taiyi’s voice reminded him, and he didn’t seem to see the strange place...Moreover, what made him even more strange was that he had just illuminated the opponent with black light. He also put the other person in, why there is no reaction at all, black is death, white is alive, he is not wrong!


Seeing that his brother Chijing Zi also caught the other's way, and saw that the yin-yang mirror was robbed by the little girl again, Tai Yi real person knew that the thing could not be brought back, just like his one so far. The Nine Dragons without a shadow like a sacred flame?


"Don't get out of the formation first, use the Twelve Capital Tianshensha Great Formation to strangle her first, and then go against the Zhoutian Star Fighting Great Formation that is suppressed from the sky!!"

"Just take advantage of it now!!"

Seeing that his junior brother Chijingzi was about to rush out to fight the enemy and take back the magic weapon, although he was puzzled, Guang Chengzi quickly stopped him.

Then, he decisively launched the twelve capitals of the gods that he presided over, so that a storm of smoke, fire and lightning began to appear on the summit of Izumo Peak of Cuiping Mountain! !

And then,

Of course, those fire, smoke, and lightning instantly turned into a huge ancient giant with the power of wind, fire and thunder, and he was just looking up at a mirror while he was looking up wonderingly. Before the little girl had time to react, a spear with fire, lightning and thick smoke pierced towards the opponent!



"Haha! You can't beat me like this!!!"

ε=ε=(σ`????)σ I flash!

She was grabbing a mirror and had not had time to figure out its purpose. Although she was not afraid of the opponent’s attack, she could easily destroy the giant who had attacked her, but she suddenly felt that both sides are now in position. If you don't give them a fight, let her have a good time, maybe it's a bit unpleasant to watch a lively?

and so,

She did not fight back, but directly teleported. In an instant, she easily escaped from the strange formation laid by the twelve weirdos, freed from the shackles of the power of wind, fire and thunder, and flew directly into the sky. .

boom! ! !

A loud bang sounded, and on the top of Cuiping Mountain, except for the drop-shaped spaceship Xiaobai of Xiao Annie and an old pine tree protected by her magic circle, other places and vegetation were instantly given by huge power. Shattered, the white drop-shaped spacecraft and the place where the twelve golden immortals of Kunlun stood were directly separated from the top of Izuyun Peak and turned into two floating islands suspended in the air...


"Don't worry about her, Junior Brothers, it's important to break their Zhoutian Star Dou formation first!!"

Seeing the other party running away, although I felt a little puzzled, some pity, and some regrets in my heart, Guang Chengzi still calmed down in an instant, and decided to break the big battle first, and I can talk about other things later!

"Moo!" ! ’

It was discovered that the attacking little girl had not done any meritorious work. Under the pressure of Zhou Tian's star fighting force, the wind, fire and thunder giant condensed by the twelve-degree celestial evil giant array just held flames and lightning in both hands, and roared head-on, huge. A large amount of flames and thunder were condensed in the palms of both hands, like Pangu propped up the world, after a roar, he pushed up against the oppressed Zhou Tianxing! !

Rumbling rumbling...

After a sound of shaking the mountain, enough to affect the entire Chentangguan area for hundreds of miles, and even the Chaoge in the southwest with a loud sound of movement, the 12th-degree Celestial Array finally battled Zhou Tianxing. Ran into each other hard!

In an instant,

The flames began to raging, and the power of Zhou Tian's stars was flying...

Lightning roared all around, and the starlight was also frantically spreading towards the giant ancestral witch clone formed by wind, fire and thunder...

As the two sides fought together, afterwards, countless fireballs, pillars of fire, lightning, hidden weapons, frost, arrow rain, flying sand and stone, samādhi real fire, five thunder curses, chirping noise attacks, five thunders, thunderbolt, and two dragons , Five Elements Spells, Nine Nether Spells, Sky and Earth Nets, Missiles, Landmines, RPGs, and many other skills, one after another moved towards the position of Kunlun Twelve Golden Immortals, which is the formation of the 12-degree Celestial Sword at the feet of the giant. Raid everywhere! !

Obviously, when the formations of the two sides began to confront each other, the disciples of the Cuiping Mountain Izuun Peak who had not yet grabbed the important position of the formation were unwilling to make a move...



"It's amazing..."


"Quick! Big giant, wear that big shady!!"

"Also, you useless guys, you hundreds of thousands of people, no matter how you hit 12 others, you can't kill them in seconds. It's useless!!"


Someone who just snatched someone else’s yin-yang mirror, is sitting under his ass, sitting on the top of the little white spacecraft, casting a spell so that his cave is firmly protected by a magical protective cover, just being This kind of attack, the chaotic place shrouded by Zhou Tian's star battle, was comfortably watched.

(Hey! Master, who are you helping?!)




"I want you to Kuo Ba...

Little Annie said that she is not helping anyone now, she will look at the excitement before talking! !

After all, they are playing very well now, or they are just starting to play, how could she easily do it before the outcome is decided? Besides, she is not very familiar with the guys on both sides, and who told the **** just now to not reserve a place for her? !

o(??^`)o hum...

She is so stingy, she is so pitiful...



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