Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 849: You forced me, my troll king is going to make a trick! !

When a tragic little girl hurriedly bid farewell to her short-legged students from the Kingdom of the Holy Griffon Camelot, the one who hurriedly ran back to her has been more than twenty years (?) None The master’s cave house on the top of Izumo Peak of Cuiping Mountain once again appeared under the surprised eyes of a pine tree spirit who seemed to be getting older and a little squirrel spirit who was eating more and more fat, near Xiqi City. In the rugged mountain to the east, in the Huanghua Mountain gorge near the plain, the scene of the front-line combatant is still being staged vigorously.

It’s just that, now playing and fighting, it seems that the situation will change when I don’t know...

The two sides engaged in the war were not the kind of defensive and breakthrough battles carried out by the small Xiqi army and Chaoge’s 300,000 army, nor the fighting between the two parties that ended before they started. , But suddenly did not know what was going on, it became a fight between the Xiqi Army and the disciples of Cuiping Mountain Chuyunfeng?

As the parties involved and currently most want to engage in a **** battle with Xiqi’s army in order to get through the mountain passage as soon as possible, Taishi Wen Zhongwen and the soldiers under his command are now a group of worthy soldiers. Are there any spectators and people eating melon? !


After stepping on the hot wheels with flames burning under your feet, let it spin and rise quickly and raise yourself to a certain height in the sky, looking at the green mountains below and those on the only way. Waiting for it, the magnificent Xiqi Army's five-square formation, Nezha who stopped to watch the battle, curled his lips in disdain.

Because Nezha knew that if the Xiqi army was fighting with the Chaoge army, it would be fine... But now, after the guys from the Xiqi army and Cuipingshan were fighting, he started to fight against which criminals. Stubbornly, Jiang Ziya, who did not listen to his advice, faintly sympathized and gloated.

Wait and see!

Now the times have changed. After the enemy is replaced by the disciples of the Cuiping Mountain Izuunfeng who have various magic weapons exchanged from the Lord God, various skill spells, and a variety of'technological' weapons, the Xiqi Army’s Failure is already a doomed fact!


It’s okay if the guys who came here for thousands of miles are playing smoothly, in case the opponent can't beat Yang Jian or the generals and monks on the side of Xiqi Army, then nothing said, God knows those guys will be angry and angry. , What will be thrown out?

Among other things, Nezha alone has been in the Xiqi Army for several years, and has never had the opportunity to go to Cuiping Mountain to find the Lord God to brush the daily tasks of the division. The contribution points of the martial arts have already been almost zero. His'Outer Sect' disciple, his wristband is also stuffed with a lot of good things, such as a few of the kind that has blown Jiang Ziya before, so that his master, Nezha, Taiyi, has a deep memory.' Lanzel's flying mines, spider mines and other fun little firecrackers?

So, God knows what kind of good treasures those Cuiping Mountain guys will have hidden in them?


Look at the'good brother' Yang Jian who was almost shot by himself, and saw that the other party didn't retreat. It seems that he really intends to grab the mission with those who just came here from Cuiping Mountain. The guys who are not big enough to put it right, Nezha could only sneered in disdain again.

Although there are no years for cultivation, many cultivators have closed their eyes and opened their eyes, and decades have passed, and some even closed their eyes and never opened them at all. They were directly stuck in the cave and transformed into Huihui... So it seems that these immortal cultivators are indeed a little slow in obtaining external information?

However, what Nezha didn’t understand was: those generals in Xiqi, especially Jiang Ziya, who had been demonstrative many times, why did they stay in the process for such a long period of time, over a period of more than 20 years? Didn't you want to go to Chentangguan to investigate and take a closer look at the details of Chuyun Peak of Cuiping Mountain? !

I don’t know, who gave them so much confidence, and made them feel inexplicably superior. They always thought that they would definitely be able to'help the Zhou to do business', and that they were compliant with God’s will. Can you do whatever you want without putting the world’s heroes in the eyes?

"Fight! Fight!"

"My little master, I can just care about myself and be happy, no matter how many of you..."

Seeing that the bottom is preparing to fight again, and seeing that little Chanyu girl seems to be fine, and she shouldn’t bother herself again in a short time, Nezha gave it a'huh' and gave his fire-tip spear After receiving the martial arts bracelet on his wrist, he held the back of his head with both hands and made one of the Hot Wheels slowly grow larger. After the size was right, he simply lay on his upper body. , Ready to start watching the battle above the sky.

‘I’m a little monster, happy and at ease...’

The sofa is ready and the audience is in place!

So now, Nezha, lying comfortably on his own magic weapon, Hot Wheels, is waiting for the brother Yang and the guys at Cuiping Mountain Chuyunfeng to fight against him... He really wants to see it too. Look, in a moment, the two sides below, which side will be beaten out of the brain first? !


How come so many disciples of Cuiping Mountain Izuunfeng again? !

Hearing the other party calling himself a thief, Yang Jian, who was suspended in the low altitude, was not in a hurry, but hurriedly used eighty-nine profound arts to treat his chaotic mana and physical injuries.

At the same time, he started to look sideways, using his third eye on the court, with the divine light emitted by the magical eye, he began to scan the bull-headed man below and the surrounding newcomers, listening The tone of speech seemed to be those monks from the Cuiping Mountain Izuun Peak.


With just a few scans, he quickly discovered that the guy who had just photographed himself was actually a big buffalo spirit, and the surrounding guys who heard that they had just appeared, must also be disciples of Cuiping Mountain Izuun Peak, even have them. There are so many demons and ghosts mingling among them? !


"What a Cuiping Mountain Chuyunfeng! All the disciples under the clergy are people who are not distinguished by hair and horns, and the generation of wet eggs? It seems that Yang Jian will not forgive you today, and will definitely act for the sky, Jiang Er wait All evil repairs are cut under the sword!!"

After seeing it clearly, Yang Jian yelled and yelled at the disciples of Cuiping Mountain Chuyunfeng who suddenly ran out to make trouble with no idea what escape method.

Just now, he first had a fight with the demon girl who used the demon technique, and gained the upper hand. However, he did not notice for a while and was embarrassed by the opponent's backlash demon technique. He was slightly injured and sprayed. It's just a little bit of blood, not as serious as he looks now... But just in vain, the infinitely powerful bullhead monster slapped the face with that heavy axe, which made Yang Jian. Feeling that he has suffered a great humiliation, even if he has practiced the Nine Rank Profound Art and his body is stronger than the Jinshi, he has not received much harm in fact?

Therefore, in this place, what he said will be retrieved from the opponent today!

Therefore, after he recovered a little bit, and felt that it would not affect the next battle, he began to invite the enemy to fight, and prepared to cut all the monsters and monsters of Cuiping Mountain by the sword and cut off their heads. Level to vent his hatred? !


Starting today, there will be a few more ghosts on the still empty Conferred God stage on Qishang who will wait for the future to be consecrated to the gods? !

"Outside the evil spirit? Still killing us?"

The troll king pointed at the opponent bitterly and grinned, because Jiang Ziya, the last person who insulted their school and mentor, Huo Daxian, had just been demonstrated not long ago! It is said that the opponent almost got his leg broken?

But for now, that living example of Jiang Ziya in the distance is there, and now there is another demonstrator who can receive the task in the future, and it must be the kind that will definitely be rewarded with sect contribution points?

"Haha! Good! You can do it! You are amazing, you wait first! You speak wild words and insult our teacher, boy, I will tell you that you will feel better in the future!!"

Think about these years...

The disciples under the Flame Great Immortal Gate of Izuun Peak of Cuiping Mountain, guided by the task of the Lord God, basically do good things on weekdays, such as catching ghosts, beating robbers, helping deliver letters, patrolling the mountains or coasts, and holding darts. Delivering goods, sealing monsters, and even secretly assisting the Dashang army against the rebels or the demon king and ghost king, etc., whether it is the troll king himself or his brothers and sisters, they actually feel that the division is very rooted. Miao Hong is definitely a moral school, but the other party is good, saying that they are evil ways?

They have neither murdered or set fire, nor blocked roads, nor did they commit adultery or looting, or occupying mountains and forests and reclaiming land as kings. Just ask, in this wild world, that evil spirit is like their Cuiping Mountain Izuyun Peak disciples who do good things every day and are special. Honestly? !

"Junior Sister!"

"You should take a good rest here, work hard, take some medicine and heal your wounds first, but don't die. Now let the senior brother, the chief, go and teach you that you dare to bully and insult me. Disciples under the sect, come to talk to you later?"

After he took up the mighty and huge guardian of the magic weapon in his hand to exterminate the devil, and let the flames of demon on it burn like his own anger, the troll king turned around and used his That huge bull face said to the little sister Chan Yu who was sitting on the ground in a flattering manner, and handed over a box of good gold sore medicine produced by the Lord God, for fear that the other party would accidentally be injured and die.

"All right!"

"Who didn't know that you came here so fast just to grab people and earn sect contribution points? Let's stop talking nonsense, and don't hurry up and beat him? Or, if he runs later, you will get a point. Don't even want to earn it!!!"

Deng Chanyu impatiently waved his somewhat weak hand after he unceremoniously grabbed the box of golden sore medicine that the other party had handed over, and signaled the other party to get away quickly and stop coming in front of her as an eye-catcher.


After speaking, she raised her eyes towards the sky, and snorted coldly at the little guy who was lying on the Hot Wheels in a comfortable position at this time.

If she hadn’t seen the other party’s anxious look before, saw the other’s actions, and saw the attitude of trying to save herself by shooting a black gun behind that Yang Jian, now, she would have long been a five-colored flying stone towards the sky. Hit it up and blow up the opponent directly!


"Although it is true to contribute points for the martial art, sister Chanyu, brother, I have always admired you. Didn't you find out? Otherwise, how could I give you that expensive box of gold sore medicine? ?"

He looked at the box of gold sore medicine in the opponent's hand a little bit hesitantly, and saw that the opponent didn't use it directly, but received it and hid it in the martial bracelet, the Troll King couldn't help grinning distressedly, and muttering indiscriminately Speciously protesting the other side's attitude.


"Don't think I don't know. You gave me the medicine not out of good intentions, but because I was afraid that I would accidentally die and make your mission fail to earn no sect contribution points. Am I right?!"


"Troll King, you Minotaur, last time, when you came to help me catch that Demon King, you saw that I was just skin traumatized, and you were not willing to give me a bear bile or **** camellia. , Do you think I will forget that soon?"

After slapped the opponent and stretched it out, it seemed that he was trying to get back the big hand of the box of golden sore medicine, Deng Chanyu continued to say with disdain:

"You can rest assured!"

"My injury is not as severe as you thought. I can't die for the time being, and I don't want to die. You should go to fight your fight as soon as possible. Others can't wait!!"

Today, I have completed my mission. I don’t want to stay here to get in the way, and I don’t want to be affected by the opponent’s fight later. Deng Chanyu, who has affected Chi Yu, thinks about it, and then uses the air dance technique to slowly move towards the position of his fellow brothers Floated past.

She feels that it is safer to hide behind the crowd, because even if there is any accident later, if some large-scale spells of both parties are involved, at least one or two of the same door can protect herself as a flesh shield?


"Okay! So be it!"

I looked at the one in the sky in the distance, although it looked embarrassed, but it seemed to have recovered. It was obviously an enemy with excellent physical fitness. Then I turned to look at the one behind me who was sitting cross-legged on the ground and hiding in the same school. Behind them, they meditated and healed their injuries. After seeing that the other party’s white silk shirt outside the colorful phoenix wings was covered with scarlet blood, the chief disciple of Cuiping Mountain Izuun Peak finally gave a cold snort and waved. With the huge weapon in his hand, he flew high, and then slammed it down on the top of a hill not far in front of Chaoge formation!


A rumbling roar sounded, and after the chaos of sand and stone splashing, smoke and dust, trees and grass flying, and fire overflowing, the troll king actually relied on his body and the power of the gods to force the seat The not-so-small hills were directly flattened, and there was a place that, although it looked a little messy, was full of gravel, soil and a little bit of flame embers, but it was still relatively flat and huge, like a duel. Platform?

"it is good!"

"A good man!!"

Looking at the flying sand and rocks, Master Wen couldn't help but exclaimed sincerely.

Even if the opponent's true strength has not been fully demonstrated, but now, just looking at the strength of the opponent who suddenly appeared before and patted Yang Jian, and the ability that is now displayed that can be overwhelming with one axe, Taishi Wen Zhongwen dare Assertion: That bull head cultivator is definitely a rare titan and a true moral practitioner!

If he can recruit the opponent to serve in his Chaoge army, with the opponent's size and strength, as well as that terrifyingly huge weapon, he will definitely be invincible when charging and engulfing, making the enemy fearful! !


"What a Cuiping Mountain! The poor road is not over with you!!"

And unlike Taishi Wen’s attitude of appreciation and gratification, after seeing the other's ability, the face of a certain Xiqi Prime Minister Jiang Ziya couldn’t help but darken again... He seemed to become even more afraid of those Cuiping Mountains. The disciples of Izumo Peak, especially the bull-headed monster?

He couldn't figure it out a little bit, and it was easy, why those Cuiping Mountain monks who didn't know where they came from, always had to make trouble with him Jiang Shang? Why do they have to act against the sky when they don't know the sky, and help the Shangtang that is destined to be destroyed by the sky?

However, unlike the other party who only retaliated against himself before, he has secretly written down the fact that the other party helped Shang Tang and went against the sky. When he next time, when he goes to Kunlun, he will definitely take this It is clear that his master must give those demons and crooks of Cuiping Mountain Chuyunfeng a good look! !

"Wu that thief!"

"The enemy with three eyes in the sky, what do you look at, you are talking about!!"

"Cuiping Mountain Izumo Peak's chief disciple Troll King is here! Now the venue for the competition is ready, you still have the courage to come down and fight me fairly?!"

Slightly satisfied, he looked at the fairly flat site he had created, and directly inserted the protector in his hand into the ground, and deeply inserted the end of the axe into the moist yellow ground, letting it stand upright. The troll king, who allowed the flames above to sizzle the surrounding soil and ignored him, held his arms arrogantly, raised his head with a pair of giant horns, and pointed it towards the sky. The task of his own assistance clearly requires that the object to be defeated invites the war.

He is warlike by nature, and he has taken a fancy to the opponent who seems to be very good in both physique and ability, so now he is a little itchy, planning to fight the opponent once, not just for the simple task! !


"If you want to fight, you will fight, Yang Jian will still be afraid that you will fail?!"

Seeing the arrogant attitude of the other party, and seeing that the helpers behind the enemy who were also coming to help were very honest, they did not seem to have the intention of rushing to beat him, Yang Jian, who was just shot flying by the other party, eager to find his place. Seeing the same place as the ring, I couldn’t help but feel happy, and then swiped a three-pointed two-edged knife, directly lowered the cloud head, and flew to the alternative fighting general' ring that was blown alive by the opponent's brute force and magical soldiers. 'Above.

"and many more!"

"Before we fight, set the rules first, do you dare?!"

He didn't know what he was fighting, the Troll King saw the opponent flying down. After grabbing his magical guardian to exterminate the devil, he suddenly grinned and provocatively said to the opponent.



This is the battlefield, but life and death duel based on their own ability. Although Yang Jian doesn't know what the other party wants to do, he is so strong that he doesn't care about the rules of the other party at all, and he will not be shy before fighting. I plan to listen to what the other party wants to say first, so that outsiders say that Yang Jian is afraid of the other party.

"The rules are quite simple!"

"That is: none of us are allowed to use the boring trick of flying away from the sky, just take this edge of the mountain that I just flattened as the boundary, here we will fight by our ability, no matter which side is defeated or the person who is out of the boundary runs away , All counted as losing, do you dare or dare?!"

The troll king saw the ugly expression on the opponent's face for a long time. After shaking the dirt on his weapon, he grinned suddenly and said his simple and brutal fighting rules.

To put it bluntly, he is going to fight hand-to-hand with the opponent in this arena, because what he is best at is close-range fighting, and this ‘challenge’ is just suitable for him to display his skills.


"It depends on you!!"

Don't think that Yang Jian will be afraid of the opponent's huge body. The most feared thing about his Eight-Nine Profound Art is to compete with the power of the body, and the most feared is melee! Otherwise, the demon girl named Deng Chanyu just now wouldn't be unable to chop his body, and then use the demon method to trick him.

So, after looking at the size of the venue, I felt that this place is also very suitable for me to display my skills, and I guess it’s a bit easy to do. I really can’t think of anything wrong. If he thinks it’s fair, he doesn’t have to think about it, so he nodded and promised. , Be regarded as accepting the kind of interesting proposal from the other party.

In Yang Jian's view, as long as the enemy's helpers don't help out, he has brute force to defeat the space in front of him in a one-on-one situation, but the speed must not be too fast, it will definitely not be too difficult! Then, if those people come up to challenge him one by one, even if the opponent is a chariot, he has eight or nine profound arts in his body, he will definitely not be afraid!

"Good! Dare enough!!"


Seeing that the rules of the two parties are basically negotiated, and the other party has no objections, the troll king who is not going to give the other party more time to adjust the breath, in the mind of being cheap and not taking the bastard, he immediately waved the burning red in his hand. The orange-red flame of the magic weapon, used the **** [transformation] exchanged from the main god, temporarily improving its strength, speed, size and reaction ability.


Humph! Is it the kind of demon method that is inconsistent? !

After seeing that the opponent's body became even bigger under the influence of a certain demon method, even taller than both of my own, and the muscles on his body became more knotted, and the aura exuding was even more terrifying, Yang Jian frowned, and silently grasped the three-pointed two-edged sword in his hand, preparing to go all out later, as soon as possible to get rid of the minotaur monster that seems to have gained a huge boost in strength, and send it to the other party. Fengshen Bang!


【Lion Fight】

Seeing that the opponent hadn’t attacked himself first, the Troll King grinned and unceremoniously struck first. With a sudden force under his feet, he raised his hand high as the yellow mud splashed behind him. The protector inside, who became even more terrifying, extinguished the devil, and rushed towards the three-eyed general Xiqi in front of him!

【Lion Fight】: The lion fights the rabbit, also with all its strength! After transforming, launch a fatal blow at the enemy with two to three times higher strength and speed than usual! !

"Go to death for me!!"

In an instant, he was about to rush to kill the troll king in front of the opponent. Without even thinking about it, he directly raised the terrifying huge weapon in his hand to the apex, slammed it down at the opponent, and killed him with a big blow. Or defeat the opponent's posture! !


So fast...

"Huh! Good job!!"

However, although my heart was shocked that the opponent's apparently too large size could have such exaggerated and fast speed, but Yang Jian, who has a lot of experience in combat and confrontation, did not waste time thinking about it. In this case, he did not. He retreated, snorted directly, and started to exert force at his feet. After leaving a small mud splashing pit under his feet, he bullied himself and slammed into the opponent.

Dang~! !

The collision of weapons sounded, and the blade head of the axe, which was burning with the blazing flames of the protector and exterminator, slammed into the three-pointed two-edged knife's three-pointed knife-shaped small blade, and made a terrifying sound, which burst when the impact The shock wave and flames swept across the entire platform, blowing away countless floating soil and sand in an instant, with a terrifying aura...


The troll clasped his hands tightly, and swung down with several times the power of the protector, exterminator, after a violent attack with the opponent’s weapon, he was instantly bounced back, causing him to snorted at the same time. Cengceng's ground quickly retreated a few steps, the weapon in his hand was raised high by him, and after a stagger almost fell back, he barely used the long-handled axe in his hand to protect the magic. The other end of Exterminating Demon firmly supported his body.



Such a strong and weird power! !

Compared with the huge troll king, Yang Jian, who is only one-third of the opponent, is currently reminded to suffer more! In the previous blow, like the opponent, he was bounced away by the same force, but he used his feet and the other end of the three-pointed two-edged knife to plow three deep gullies on the yellow ground. , Caiken stopped at the edge of the arena.

Just a little bit, he was knocked down by the opponent and lost the match!


so close! !

With a fluke, Yang Jian gritted his teeth secretly after seeing that he was almost beaten out of the field by the opponent, and instead of adjusting his slightly turbulent mana and blood, he supported a long three-pointed two-edged blade. The handle of the knife turned into an afterimage directly from the edge of the transmission, and rushed towards the troll king bullhead monster who was still posing in a staggered posture and had not adjusted its posture.

"Go to hell!!"

Huh! !

A golden light flashed across the top of the longest tip of the three-pointed two-edged sword. Before the Troll King had time to recover and set up a defensive posture, under Yang Jian’s rapid dashing attack, it was like a lightning bolt. Resolutely handed it toward the center of the forehead between the two huge curved horns of the Troll King, and it was about to pass through!



That guy... is so cruel? !

The troll king who found that he still underestimated the opponent's resistance, reaction ability, and counterattack speed, saw that the tip of the opponent's three-pointed two-edged sword was about to stab his head, seeing that he was too late. Defending him, he could only grit his teeth and secretly activate a certain magic weapon with his mind.

【Golden Armor and Fairy Clothes】

The protective low-level one-time magic weapon can activate the magic weapon actively or passively when it is physically attacked by the enemy in battle, and burn all the aura of the magic weapon itself, allowing the magic weapon to appear to protect itself from the enemy's partial physical damage.

puff! !

The extremely powerful three-pointed two-edged sword tip was treated as a golden translucent fairy garment for a while, but soon, under Yang Jian’s force, it instantly broke through the translucent fairy. The protective clothing still stubbornly hit the Troll King’s forehead.

However, with the time gained by the blocking effect of the golden armour fairy clothing, it was enough for the troll king to react...


So, after an angry roar, the guardian exterminator burned the raging flames with a terrifying aura. While the enemy handed out a spear to stab him, he also patted the enemy's head indefinitely. There is the kind of posture of death?


If the opponent’s weapon is the sharp sword-shaped magic weapon of the Deng Chanyu just now, that’s nothing to say. With the eight-nine profound arts and his invulnerability to the golden body, Yang Jian will definitely fight to be beaten by the opponent. Stabbed to death first!

but! !

Now his enemy of Yang Jian is the troll king with terrifying size and power, and the opponent’s weapon is still that kind of super-large magic weapon. If the opponent is hitting his own head, even if it is not bad. With the golden body, you can't easily die, but if the opponent's huge force and large weapons are directed at the head, I am afraid that it will be a serious injury, right?

Therefore, there is no way. Yang Jian, who seems a bit uneconomical to fight the monster in front of him, and this kind of evil devil, can only sigh in his heart, as his weapon is about to pierce the opponent's head, When the opponent sent the Conferred God Platform at the critical moment, he had to change the direction, and changed it to hit the opponent's axe's long handle that was unable to forcefully...

Cang~! !

A sound of metal and metal collision and friction sounded, and among the bursts of sparks and flames, the two people who had once again had to bounce back again.


"What a great guy, underestimate him..."

After stepping back for several steps, he firmly held the Guardian Exterminator who was trembling slightly by the impact with both hands. After the tremor was eliminated, the Troll King became even a little bit excited while still breathing.

You came and I attacked twice, he had already seen that the opponent's power speed was not inferior to him, especially when he was still in a state of transformation! Therefore, if he doesn’t want the mission to fail, he doesn’t want to lose ugly, and he doesn’t want to lose face in front of the many fellow students and the little Chanyu junior, it’s best to check his own strength, agility, and strength before the end of the transformation period. Before the reaction ability and body shape return to normal, quickly kill or defeat the opponent?

Otherwise, after a while, if he really can't beat the opponent, then he can really only run away or use his own secret trick that he really doesn't want to use! !


Humph! !

After sliding for a certain distance, Yang Jian could stop, and after ploughing a not very deep track on the ground again, he stood up straight with a cold hum.

With a flick of his hand, after smashing out the mighty righteous flames on the opponent’s weird weapon, Yang Jian also stared at the huge minotaur in the distance with a little bit of horror and fear. , And did not rush to continue rushing up.

The bullhead monster used a wicked spell, and its moves were also the kind of tricks that weren’t the three-clear righteous demon’s crooked way, but it was a dignified and upright weapon in his hand... In Yang Jian’s eyes, things were really true. It's very ironic.

But now he can figure it out. The opponent’s strength is a bit stronger than him, but the speed and physical response are a little bit weaker, and a little bit weaker than him, but the gap is not too obvious. He must go all out to ensure that he does not. Falling down the wind... and once the enemy is underestimated, it is likely to be forever! !


"Master, do you think, which of them will win?"

After watching for a while, Deng Zhong and Xin Huan and other Huanghuashan four generals were overwhelmed by the ability of the fighting parties underneath. They consciously felt that the fighting ability was not as good as the two underneath, so they sighed with emotion and doubted. Looked at their grandmaster Wen Zhong.


"The general of Xiqi, he must have been practicing the eight or nine profound arts of my Dao Sect, and it is also known as my Dao Sect's first-class magical protection magic! That kind of exercise is the most proficient in fighting for a long time, so , If any Troll King Dao Fellow can't make a quick battle, I am afraid that he will not be able to catch it later?"

Once apprentice at the gate of the Golden Spirit Madonna of Jiejiao Biyou Palace, he has studied for fifty years, and is now Taishi Wen Zhongwen at the level of the immortal. Therefore, he knew some of the techniques in the Dao Sect very well, and he almost broke through the cultivation techniques of that enemy general Yang Jian in one go.

He could see that although the opponent's level had not yet reached the level of the Earth Immortal, but in close combat, I am afraid that he could not help the opponent after hearing about it! Moreover, the eighty-nine profound arts have always been difficult first and then easy, and that Yang Jian can practice the eighty-nine exercises to the extent that the body is not bad, and the future is bound to be limitless! !

Of course, the premise is that the other party did not fall prematurely before that, or was he not killed on the list in this catastrophe involving humans, demons, and gods, and destroyed the Taoist body?

"Eight-nine exercises?"

"It looks amazing..."

In this big mountain of Huanghua Mountain, the mountain is the king, and the four generals of Huanghua Mountain, including Deng Zhong, have heard of that kind of exercise that is very extraordinary just by the name? Therefore, he just sighed with emotion and didn't have too many thoughts.


"Look! They are fighting again!!"

At this time, Xin Huan, who was also watching the battle with Taishi Wen on the middle of the mountain, suddenly exclaimed, and unconsciously stretched out his hand to the flattened hilltop platform.


At this time, Yang Jian, who didn’t know what method was used, turned around and was divided into nine, each of which was nearly two feet high, and also became three-headed and six-armed, clinging to three-pointed two-edged swords, long swords, and irons. Weapons such as whip, demon-binding cord, mountain axe, golden bow and silver bullets trapped the Troll King, who had already taken advantage of his size, in the middle.


"Seventy-two changes and the world of law?"

Taishi Wen Zhongwen saw it too, and he couldn't help exclaiming.


"The Troll King is in danger..."

Seeing this, Wen Zhong knew that if there were no accidents, the troll king would definitely lose quickly, and there would be no other possibility.

And when Taishi Wen Zhongwen threatened that the chief disciple of Cuiping Mountain Chuyunfeng would be defeated, the bull-headed man surrounded by the nine incarnations of the enemy did not retreat but moved forward and took the lead! !


so much? !

"Huh! There must be only one true!!"

【Eagle Strike】

I feel that among the several clones that the other party has separated, there must be only one that is true, and there must be only one troll king who has the power to compete with him, so he outrageously launched his own eagle attack skills, the whole person is like a hunting The food is like a big eagle or a giant eagle, turning into a black wind with flames, and the speed has increased by several layers in vain, and then it swept toward those enemies!


First hit!

The troll king cut one of the opponent’s clones in half... Obviously, it was fake. It only possessed less than a layer of strength of the opponent’s body, allowing him to easily break through the opponent’s block and hit it directly. Smash the opponent's avatar.


Second hit! !

Still fake...

Tweet~! !

In the third blow, he rushed up with the long arrow shot by the opponent, letting the bow and arrow hit the purple-golden dragon armor to break apart.

Tweet~! !

Fourth hit! Where there was no armor protection in his left hand, a **** wound was cut by the opponent's long sword, almost to be seen!

Tweet~! !

In the fifth blow, the enemy's iron whip hit his chest, causing him to almost spray out a mouthful of old blood...

Tweet~! !

On the sixth blow, after he split the enemy in half, he was also trapped by the opponent’s demon...but fortunately, with the help of the magic protector’s fire and the black wind formed by the eagle strike, he easily The land fled.

Tweet~! !

On the seventh blow, the enemy took the initiative to revoke the transformation, he rushed into the air, and almost did not rush down the mountain...

Tweet~! !

On the eighth blow, when his protector of Demon Slayer stabbed into the opponent's body, the opponent actually clung to his weapon?

Therefore, the last ninth blow of the Troll King could not be hit, and the last three-headed six-armed enemy from the side greeted him vigorously with iron whips, long swords, three-pointed two-edged knives and other weapons. He shot him and flew to the other side at once, and directly caused him to roll out a swarm of yellow mud and smoke on the ground.

"You are strong..."

"But you still failed after all!"

To be honest, the speed of the opponent's move just now, Yang Jian was really a bit frightened. If the opponent can keep that speed forever, then it can't be said. In the end, it will be him who is defeated here or ran away!

However, it is a pity that the opponent's speed is not lasting. It seems that it has overdrawn the body's ability to obtain a great speed bonus. After all, it is not the right way. He should be defeated here! Therefore, taking advantage of the fact that the opponent is now hit hard by himself, and when the opponent’s mana is chaotic and difficult to move, Yang Jian, who is consciously holding the winning ticket, recovered his true body, eliminated the seventy-two changes and the method of the world, and slipped away. Own three-pointed two-edged sword, step by step toward the opponent, ready to capture the opponent, or simply end up with the opponent once and for all?


As Yang Jian, who also had a bloodshot wound on his face, walked over step by step, the Troll King finally coughed, struggling to support the Law Protector in his hands to exterminate the demons, and got up from the ground.

At this moment, he was not only bloody, but a horn on his head was chopped off by the enemy, and he was still bubbling out of blood, which looked really miserable...


‘Nutou actually lost...’

'Humph! Who made him brave? How many years did they practice, and how many years did they practice? He dare not use the technique, he can't figure it out! ! ’

‘Good, good...’

‘Don’t worry, he has learned martial arts, he must be ready to escape! ’

‘The chief brother is really true. If you just agreed with your younger sister’s team, you might win now...’


Seeing the tragic condition of a certain bull head, the surrounding disciples who were also the Cuiping Mountain Izuun Peak, not only did not come forward to rescue or worry, but also you whispered to each other, and there was no intention to do anything.


"Hit it!"

"Killing one to death counts one. The Conferred God Platform is still vacant. Master, I will take a nap first, and I don't care about you!!"

Seeing that the victory had been divided, it was indeed the more powerful Nezha Yang Jian, so he curled his lips with regret, and turned his head to the other side in annoyance.


However, what surprised all the disciples of Cuiping Mountain Izuun Peak was that the Minotaur, the Troll King, did not escape, but still stood still?


"Don't be smug, I really lost this game, I admit... But now I am going to make a trick, you forced me!!"

Seeing the enemies approaching step by step, the Troll King was not only not worried, but also cracked the big mouth that was blood foam and even had a few broken teeth, and smiled savagely at the opponent.



Yang Jian didn't say anything, because his forehead and heavenly eyes could see that the opponent's mana and body were in a bad state, and even if there were some powerful magic weapons, they could not be used. He didn't think the opponent had any chance of comeback.


The ultimate meaning...

"Everyone, come and form a team to help! Defeat this guy, there are two thousand reward points, and defeat the Xiqi army, there are five thousand reward points!"

"All split equally!!!"

Suddenly, everyone, not only Yang Jian at the scene, including Wen Zhong, the four generals of Huanghua Mountain, the Chaoge Army on the top of the mountain, Jiang Ziya, and the Xiqi general next to him, and even the matter in the sky is not about yourself. The hanging little Nezha couldn't help being taken aback by a heart-piercing roar.

That's right...

The ultimate secret skill of the Troll King is-calling for help! !

‘! ! ’

‘Seven, seven thousand points? ! ’

‘Everyone, stand side by side, do them! ! ’

‘What a troll king, you wanted to swallow it by yourself just now, can you swallow it? ! ’

'on! Don't let the captain die! ! ’

‘It’s raining all over the sky! ! ’

‘Empty hands! ! ’

‘Flying sand and stone! Samadhi is really hot! ! ’

"Tornado rain strike..."

The disciples of Cuiping Mountain Izuun Peak, who originally planned to continue watching the show, exclaimed, they teleported or fled around Yang Jian one after another, and then, a series of spells, weapons, magic items, etc., don’t need money. Going to greet the other party, there is a big meaning of killing the other party on the spot.

"You dare?!"

Unexpectedly, these guys did not follow the rules, and after they failed to concede defeat, they shouted people to beat themselves, so Yang Jian had to rush back while roaring, in order to avoid the deadly spells and strangeness. Magic weapon attack.



I don't know which one of the lackeyed people was, but he suddenly threw a small cylindrical object with a tail flame behind it towards the place where Jiang Ziya and the others were.


"Retreat quickly! Make no mistakes!!"

Seeing the little things flying over, Jiang Ziya remembered something 20 years ago, and then he didn’t think much about it. While evacuating directly, he also turned towards the unknown generals around him. Yelled.

As for the three thousand elite soldiers who set up the formation, he can no longer take care of...


"Ouch, I'll go!!"

Nezha who also saw that little hurriedly flew to his sister Deng Chanyu’s side, and then ignoring the opponent’s resistance, he hugged the opponent’s waist with his small body , A fixed-point guide flag disappeared in place, I don’t know where it was transmitted...

A disciple of Izuun Peak of Cuiping Mountain, without informing the friendly army and the martial brothers, brothers, sisters, and sisters, brazenly threw a'Lanzel' type anti-ship missile into the valley, and then a group of them shot into the sky. The big fireball that set up burned for three full days and three nights, and it also caused strong winds and small shock waves to sweep across the mountain top and the other side of the mountain.


In this battle, Chaoge’s 300,000 troops were slightly damaged, while Xiqi’s 3,000 elite soldiers, the soldiers in the five major formations, were wiped out...



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