Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 822: what? My freedom was stolen? ! Σ(?д??)

The new Nazca-class "Red Devil" high-speed battleship of the Zaft Army’s super ace Anne’s is now advancing rapidly in the universe according to a predetermined orbit. Although its speed is very fast, it is relatively For the desperate distance between Earth and Mars, and between Mars and Jupiter, it is really too slow and too slow.

Anyway, they have been away from the earth for a while, and now they have only walked about half of the distance...

In this'high-speed' battleship, little Annie and her team of Raconi, as well as the body and pilots including a beautiful poem and Miss Hanifs and the team of Sara in Aslan, Flying back. On the way back to Zaft Army headquarters to report on duty.

Because their combat missions are basically completed successfully now!

About half a month ago, in the Earth’s atmosphere, in the territorial waters of the United Arab Emirates, under the attack of Sara’s team and Annie’s "Red Devil" team, the ship was given to the Zaft Army and the Earth United The army brought the battleship Archangel and a certain assault Gundam with huge troubles and losses, and was finally sunk successfully in Orb’s territorial waters, sunk under the noses of the Orb people with a sound The blasting sound turned into a pile of scrap iron weighing hundreds of thousands of tons!

So far,

The Archangel has finally completely become a thing of the past, and some of the plots of the Earth United Army can basically be said to be completely shattered...

However, although the Earth Alliance or the Atlantic Federation finally failed to obtain the Archangel and Assault Gundam, and did not obtain the most important combat and actual combat data of the ship and the aircraft, but, in such a long period of time, There are already enough reasons to believe that they have at least obtained all the drawings and data of the ship and the fuselage!

And the attack of Annie and Sara team destroyed the Archangel, especially the thing that destroyed the assault Gundam, at most it just made them lose two important actual combat data as a reference, and possibly those extremely important body improvements. Data only?

In fact, it is now the Zaft Army and the United Earth Army that both sides feel jealous and hatred. Instead, it is the name of the United Arab Emirates that is known as "permanent neutral" and the other party secretly developed it, and took the lead in installing and putting into actual combat. A new body for the m1 heresy!

Facts have proved that, under the control of some qualified pilots, the combat capabilities of their new airframes have been able to surpass the Zaft army red-shirted elite team and the four test aircraft of the Sara team. Powerful combat power! !

Although in the end, their heretical squad, including the Archangel, all the fuselages, warships, and fighters, were eventually destroyed by the old Zaft fuselage and the fiery red Gene... However, no one can deny that the obscure Obu Defense Force now possesses an armed force that no one, especially the two warring parties, dare to underestimate!

Regardless of whether it is the United Earth Army, no one will sit back and watch a force that is not on their side continue to develop and grow in a relatively ‘peaceful’ environment, especially when Orb may join the enemy’s side.

Especially the battle on April 15th. At that time, until the end, the Orb Army did not continue to launch follow-up attacks or launch missiles to disperse the Zaft's airframe stranded in their territorial waters, but just let it go. The other side humiliated the Earth Alliance and completely destroyed the blasting of the Archangel. The ambiguous attitude made the Earth Alliance, especially the Atlantic Federation, become more and more dissatisfied with Orb!

As a result, Ob's ‘neutral country’ began to become extremely passive and isolated when dealing with related international affairs.

Everyone knows that Orb’s neutral status will soon be lost...

However, in the end, whether they will fall to the Earth Alliance side, or fall to..., or continue to go hand-in-hand between the two sides, is currently unknown.

Of course, this kind of thing has nothing to do with Anne and the others, and it has nothing to do with the Sara team members who are returning, because this is not something they pilots should think about and worry about! !


∑(△`)? !

He was lying resting on the head of his body, and while eating delicious and delicious snacks, while studying a certain little Annie named'Feng Shen Bang' obtained from the hands of those bad people, she suddenly discovered In this huge hangar, someone floated in, who made her want to play tricks.



Little Annie, who did what she thought of, put her things away, and then gently stood up from her head, then made no sound, and quietly moved towards the one below. The'floating' young lady'dooped' down!

"Ha! How are you?!"


An ‘inverted’ grimace appeared vertically in front of the heroine poem and Hanifs with beautiful bangs cut!

"Ah ah!!"

An exclamation sounded!

Obviously, a mischievous little girl's prank succeeded. She succeeded in making a certain young lady who was floating forward and thinking about things shocked! And it made the opponent's face instantly flushed, and his hands just grabbed the bulging skirt of the opponent's chest...

"Eh heh heh... I was taken aback, right? How about it, isn't it super fun?!"


Seeing that the other party was so frightened that her eyes were round and at a loss what to do at that moment, Little Annie smiled carelessly.


(● ̄ ̄●)

"Hey! Shi and Miss Sister, don't you need to continue playing the kind of simulated combat training game with Aslan and their useless guys?"


Seeing that my subordinate and lieutenant’s poem and Miss Hanifs did not wear training uniforms or red military uniforms, instead they wore casual pants and **** shirts. They were already'diving' just now. After rushing down to the deck of the warship's hangar, Xiao Annie put her hands on the floor, and she couldn't help but ask with some curiosity.

Now in the hangar of her warship, in addition to the six fuselages of their own team, there are also the Aegis Gundam, Duel Gundam of Aslan’s Sala team, and two others with broken arms and legs. It looks pitiful, and it is likely to be transported back. The wreckage of Thunder Gundam and Duel Gundam for research or complete destruction!

Anyway, Xiao Anni felt that the two fuselages were basically worthless for repairs, and if the other party had not been shot down and dropped into the sea, they would have burned only the skeleton together with the pilot inside. , Where is the value of being shipped back?



Shihe, who was hurrying with her head down and thinking about her own affairs, settled for a while, calmed down for a while, and reached out and grabbed each other, so that the two would not be able to roll in this gravity-free environment. Together... This time, she was really mad at the little officer who suddenly stopped her way and bluffed her when she suddenly floated down in front of her eyes! !

"Sir Anne..."

"Didn't you say you want to rest today, why are you still here in the hangar?!"

After hurriedly reaching out and grabbing the other's arm, both of them were carefully standing on the deck with their feet firmly on the ground in this gravity-free environment, Shi and Hanifs asked strangely.

Today it is Sara Squad and Captain Raconi who are on duty in rotation. Therefore, it is possible for her and the little girl officer in front of her to meet here and chat easily.

In fact, the two of them are resting almost every day these days...

Anyway, since entering the universe, entering the territory controlled by their Zaft army and not seeing any enemies for several days, they are in this state, and, before returning to the military port of. During the many days of rushing, it was all their rest days!


A little girl leader who abused her power had already ‘outsourced’ all the tasks that required the two of them to fight on duty to the Sara team of Captain Aslan! Although Shihe felt that it seemed a bit bad to do that, but since the little guy in front of her was the highest officer on the battleship, and since Captain Aslan did not raise any objections, she was happy. Freed from the boring military positions, I was able to spend more time on things that I cared more about.

"What you said is really strange!!"


"This boat is my boat, why can't I be here? Also, you didn't say it just now, why didn't you run to train with Aslan and their idiots, instead wearing this kind of clothes? Come here, even walking without seeing people?"


Although she deliberately rushed down to scare the opponent, for the sake of her majesty as an officer, Xiao Annie still exerted a little force under her feet to make herself float slowly, and waited until she floated to a higher position than the opponent. Then he stuck his waist and stared at each other pretending to be bulging.

However, her kind of tricks soon couldn't be put on...

Because, the poem and the young lady in front of them directly extended their hands with concern, pressed her shoulders, and pushed her back onto the deck.

"Report to Little Chief Annie..."

"The training is scheduled at night...I wear casual clothes now because I was still in my laboratory researching and improving my directional high-energy emission system. I think it would be more comfortable to wear this way? However, it may be because there has been no actual progress in my research..."


Shihe calmed down. After teasing the other party for a while, she sighed in her own heart. Regardless of whether the little officer in front of her could understand or not, she explained all her worries. In fact, this is indeed the case. For herself, she ran away from the earth to the earth, but from the beginning to the end, she failed to participate in any battle, and finally returned without success and ran so far in vain. She was very dissatisfied with the journey! !

It is not just the mobile battle that chased the Archangel with less, but they even failed to participate in the large-scale battle launched by the Zaft army in Alaska not long ago. This has always made her very It's brooding...

And she also heard, ""The plan seems to have been leaked? So that the combat operations against the United Earth Army headquarters in Alaska were not smooth?

However, she doesn’t know what the specific situation is, because their Nazca-class "Red Devil" high-speed battleship did not receive more and more specific information from the Zaft Army headquarters. In the battle report, anyway, she analyzed from the intelligence currently known and judged that the situation of their Zaft army was not too good, and this is precisely why she wants to work **** her own subject and work hard to give .The reason for contributing more.



It turned out to be like this...

"But, Shi and Miss Sister, people still think you are a little unsuitable for fighting. You should continue to do your promising research work. Let me leave the battle to me!!"


Obviously, Little Annie is secretly making some ghost ideas again...


"Why do you say that?!"

It was for ., Shihe volunteered to join the army unconditionally and joined the Zaft army to fight for. Therefore, she now wonders what the little officer in front of her is trying to'persuade' herself. meaning.

"That one……"


"Think about it, you can't even fight Aslan and the others. If you really go to the battlefield, you will probably be dead..."


That's right, in Xiao Anni's opinion, the poem and the young lady in front of her are very appetizing, but the technique of manipulating the body is just that, so careless, maybe the kind that will belch if you are not careful?

Therefore, she really doesn't want the other party to die casually, so if she can, she should transfer the dumb guy in front of her to a logistics post for research! Of course, if it doesn’t work, it seems okay to get the local area to take care of the warehouse or stand guard?


"Am I really that bad? But recently I have been training hard with Captain Aslan and the others..."

Seeing this serious young officer in front of him, Shihe suddenly felt a little wronged...

Although, her skills are not as strong as the monster-like little guy in front of her, and she is also a little worse than the other members of Captain Aslan and their Sara team...After all, she does not have those of them. Rich combat experience, it can even be said that she hasn't really fought before... But, anyway, she is also an elite red-clothed elite of the Zaft army. Is it possible that she really has what their little officer Anne said. Unbearable?

You know, Captain Raconi and the people in their squad, the pilots in green, are even worse than her poetry! During training, under the fair conditions of using the same type of machine to fight, she was confident that she could solve any of their four-man team in ten rounds in a one-to-one situation, even if it was a pull The same is true for the green captain of Kony! !

"Of course!"


"Training is of no use. If you can always get stronger by training hard, what do you have to be talented for? Anyway, what you are good at is to wear a white coat and do the messy research in the laboratory. fight!!"


Little Annie said confidently, and once again severely hit the self-confidence of her adjutant young lady, so that the other party's original plan to continue to work hard and continue to participate in the training enthusiasm suddenly fell to a freezing point.


(● ̄ ̄●)

(I don’t know why. Tibbers, who also heard his little master’s words, suddenly had a bad feeling...)

"But, I'm also doing research now..."

Although Shihe did think about it this way, and missed the relaxed and happy life when he was in. However, before the war is over, the tragedy in Junius 7 is vivid and vivid in the blue cosmos. The terrorist group that created the war has not been wiped out, and the Earth Alliance is still aggressive. Before it is absolutely safe, how can she return to her institute to continue her work in peace?


"Now the Earth Alliance and Blue Cosmos guys are thinking about destroying us every day. What else can I do besides participating in the battle?"

Thinking of the cruelty of the war, of the tragedy of Junius 7, thinking of the threats facing and the decline of the Zaft Army and the Earth Alliance in recent years, Shihe sighed secretly, not taking the little girl's words too seriously. , Even the title of chief is automatically filtered out.

"Of course there is a way!"

"Sister Shi and Miss...Why don't you give me your machine? When that happens, I will help you fight your battle together! It is guaranteed that you will be able to fight the United Earth Army. The bad guys cried and gave up, and never dared to fly into the universe anymore!!!"

"What do you think of this approach?!"


Got it!

Without saying a few words, the conspiracy of a certain wretched little guy was revealed naked...

Undoubtedly, Queen Anne didn’t know which string in her mind was missing. No, she overturned her previous decision again when she was idle and bored, and once again hit the other party’s nuclear machine Xigu. Idea.



(Er, it’s a bear... Sure enough, it didn’t make a mistake when Uncle Tibbers Bear guessed it just now, it knew it would develop into this way in the end...)


The beautiful and heroic poem and Hanifs were stunned... and then, after a long while, she finally recovered.

"Sir Anne!"

"If our Zaft Army headquarters has an order to change the body, I promise that I will hand over my Xigu to you as soon as possible!"


"If you don't want your new good machine anymore... Now I can send a report to the headquarters and convey your opinion upwards, what do you think?!"

Shaking his head, Shihe Cai reminded him kindly, looking at the little officer Anne in front of him.

Because, she has heard the other party say many times, it seems...their chairperson Patrick Sarah has decided to hand over the top-secret "freedom" freedom Gundam to this amazing little girl machine. division? So, after looking at the side, it seemed that no one was paying attention to eavesdropping on their conversation, she leaned to the other party's ear with a smile, and reminded the other party in a low voice.



"Ah! That's right! Going back this time, it seems very good that there will be a better new machine soon..."


"Well, Shi and Miss Sister, seeing you are so pitiful, so generous, I won't go to beat your tattered Xigu idea for the time being!!"


Under the other person’s reminder, I remembered that there was indeed such a thing. I remembered that when I went back this time, I could almost receive the seemingly incredible'freedom' Freedom Gundam, before Xiao Annie finally had to cancel it again. Some kind of unkind thoughts.

What restricts her ability to play now is the ineffective Genn body, especially the energy. She has long been fed up with the tattered stuff that almost runs out of power without firing a few shots or flying a few times! You know, Queen Anne used to fly Banshee fighters and Viking fighters in the Kepru region, all those fighters that use small fusion batteries as energy sources, where can there be that kind of fighters that only fly a few times. Without energy?

And if she had been given her a nuclear power machine that could withstand her exaggerated maneuvering method earlier, she would have been unparalleled in the Earth United Army, and why would she need to send so many ugly and useless ones? Green Jean? !


"Captain Anne, and poetry and sister, how are you! What are you talking about, why do you look so happy?!"

At this time, a certain dark-faced Diaka and Aslan, who were lucky enough not to be killed by the m1 heretics of the Orb Army, floated towards Annie and Shihe, and stopped curiously. Xia said hello.



"Our girls are whispering, what are your dumb guys coming to join in the fun?!"


Now, the little Annie, who is in a bad mood and not bad, has no interest in talking to these two idiots in front of her, so she directly glared at each other with her arms akimbo.


Okay, Diaka suddenly felt that the two of them were really a little dizzy just after stopping to say hello... Why did he forget that the temper of this little guy in front of him has always been very grumpy and difficult to serve! Otherwise, when the opponent was transferred away from Officer Cruze's spacecraft, the opponent would not be secretly hated by most of the people on the ship.


Aslan didn't have time to control Diaka's reaction, nor did he say hello to a certain little girl and another red-robed pilotess, he was just thinking about his own thoughts.

Because, he had heard about it. Now, in China, his father Patrick Sala’s main battle hardliner has had several violent conflicts with Higelklein’s main peace faction. Now the relationship between the two factions It's very violent, and I don't know what's going on now.


What made him even more anxious was that his sweetheart was Lax Klein, the daughter of Uncle Sigelklein, which made him very uncomfortable when he was caught between the two sides, but there was no good way.


"Hey! Aslan, something is bad!!"

Just as the embarrassed Diaka was about to take his friend and captain Aslan away, and no longer provoke a certain little girl who had confirmed his eyes, and was definitely not something he could afford, suddenly, Nigor A Maffei yelled and screamed, rushing out of the passage behind the two quickly, and successfully attracted most of the people in the hangar, including Xiao Anni and Shihe. force.


"Is such that……"

"I just heard about it. It was the latest news from my father that the Kleinists were suspected of leaking information about the Battle of Alaska, and our Zaft army suffered heavy losses! Moreover, they stole it. The top-secret body'freedom' was removed, and now Mr. Klein was killed on the spot by the gendarmerie due to treason and resisting arrest in the cleanup operation. Laksiklein and Malchio's mentor were also issued by the Zaft army headquarters. National Wanted Order , Was included in the list of chasing and fugitives!!"

Without breathing for a moment, Nigor directly told everything he knew!

He just learned of this news. After all, his father, Yuria Amalfi, absolutely supports Patrick Sara. The Zaft military attache, the chairman of the Supreme Council and the chairman of the National Defense Committee, belongs to the Sara faction. People here, so he was immediately informed and asked not to get too close to anyone from the Klein faction.

After all, the domestic political storm is going on to clean up the Kleinists, and even Higelklein, who has a good relationship with Chairman Sarah, was killed on the spot. Therefore, this kind of thing cannot be taken casually. Kidding! !


I was thinking about my fiancée Laks, but now I heard that the other party’s father was shot and the other party was also wanted by the Zaft army, and he committed the terrible crime of collaborating with the enemy and treason, which made Aslan on the spot. Just opened his eyes and froze in place, and for a while, he didn't know what to say.



Obviously, the eyes widened at this time are not only a guy named Aslansala who thinks about women, but also the shortest and smallest red pilot in the crowd and the highest command in this warship. Officer Queen Anne! !

"Hey! Nigor, what were you talking about, tell me again?!"


When everyone hadn't fully digested the breaking news, it seemed that little Annie had been provoked by something, so she rushed up, grabbed a certain green-haired Nigor, and stared at him in anger. The other's cowardly eyes questioned.


"The Klein faction is wanted, and Senator Shigel was shot to death in collaboration with the enemy and treason..."

Although I don’t know why the Austrian opponent was so nervous and excited, Nigor still timidly repeated the important thing with the name and powerful strength of the opponent’s commander and the aggressive appearance. Again.

"It's not this! I don't care about the life and death of a guy! It's another sentence you just said!!"


Now Little Annie is like a kitten stepped on its tail, showing her minions viciously, ready to look for an attacker.

"Miss Lax Klein is also wanted for treason..."

Thinking that the other party was concerned about the Miss Klein who had stayed with them for a while and was rescued by them, Nigor quickly told the matter.

"It's not this paragraph, I don't care about the life and death of that troublesome big **** woman!!"



Whether it's Higelklein or Laxklein, those two guys, Annie, she doesn't care! And ah, if it weren't for this Nigor fool to mention it, she might not have thought of the names of those two inexplicable guys at all! !


"What you want to ask is... the secret body'freedom' Freedom Gundam was stolen by the Klein faction?!"

Now what the Zaft army claims is that the Klein faction assisted the enemy in robbing the Zaft army’s top-secret body, but Nigor’s father told him that, in fact, it was those people who stole the body when it was completed and ready to be delivered. It's gone, and that teacher Malchio and Lax Klein seem to be the masterminds, and are also involved in assisting the traitor adjuster named Kira Yamato to steal the body? !

"Wow! That's right, this is what I want to ask! This is it!"


After hearing the other party repeat and confirming that something terrible and disturbing had happened, Xiao Anni jumped suddenly...

"Those bad guys..."


"They... dare to steal my body... I want to... I must kill them, kill them, burn them all..."

o(`⌒メ)o←Super fierce! !

Those bad guys...

Someone’s body was not good enough for them to steal, so they stole it to Queen Anne's head, her very small heart...

So, now Annie has made up her mind now, this time it must be useless to persuade anyone! Those bad guys who stole her internal body... they are dead, all dead! She must want those people to look good, and it's the kind that can't be persuaded by anyone and can't be saved! !

She must let those people know what it would be like to provoke her Queen Anne! !

(Oh oh...)

(Tibbers knows that some people accidentally committed big cases and provokes the bad, vengeful little masters of his family. This time it must be bad luck for eight lifetimes...)

"Your Mightiness!"

"Excuse me, what do you want me to come here this time?!"

In the garden of a logistics base of the Orb Army, unexpectedly, Marula Mias, the captain of the Archangel of the coalition army, hurried to this wooden bench for a military salute. He looked strangely at the representative of the United Arab Emirates wearing a dark red suit.

This old man with a thick big beard is now the leader of the neutral country Orb, an excellent leader who insists on implementing Orb's philosophy, and is also Uzmi Ura Asha, known as the lion of Orb! !

However, what makes Maliu, the captain without a warship, feel strange that the other party suddenly summoned him, and it was still such a place, what did he want to do?

"Sit down, Maru, please don't be too restrictive, this is not a formal meeting..."

Looking at the outstanding Earth Joint Army officer standing upright in front of him, Uzmi Ula Askha nodded approvingly, and then lightly patted the empty seat on the bench next to him, beckoning him to sit down Talk, don't be so nervous.

"Thank you!!"

Although I don’t know why, but after hesitating for a while, Mario cautiously sat down a short distance beside the opponent, and put her hands in front of her knees, maintaining a standard sitting posture, as if she was herself. Respect for each other.

", I won't be bothered..."

"That’s how it is, Captain Maru, we Orb just got an accurate piece of information: The high-levels of the Earth Alliance, especially some generals of the Atlantic Federation... They are ineffective against the officers and soldiers of the Archangel. The sinking of the battleship and the destruction of the aircraft expressed great anger...because you let the coalition lose some important data for them?"

"If you choose to fly back tomorrow, I am afraid that the best outcome is to be thrown into prison by the military police of the Earth Alliance?"

"In this regard, Captain Maru, do you have any other plans?"

Looking at the outstanding officer of the Earth Alliance next to him, and seeing that the other party was still very restrained even if he sat down, Uzmi Ula Askha thought for a while, not willing to waste too much time with the other party. He simply told what he knew.

That piece of information has been determined by their Orb agents. Therefore, some of them could not bear such a good officer being treated so cruelly by the Earth United Army. This is the result of cherishing the other's talents. Not a formal meeting.


" could they do that?!"

"Your Excellency Ashar, you know that we tried our best, but the enemy..."

Maru Ramias stood up from the wooden bench on the spot with shock, staring wide-eyed, looking at the elder in front of him who secretly sent her a message with an incredible gaze, and not for a while. I know what to say.

Because they had planned it before, they will take the transport plane of the coalition army that came to pick them up tomorrow, but how can they think that what is waiting for them is such a result? !


"Captain Maru, you know that now the United Army headquarters in Alaska has just disappeared... Not long ago, the Eighth Fleet was destroyed to protect you, Admiral Halbaton was killed, and the Altamis Fortress of the Eurasian Federation You were breached by the enemy... Now, even the Archangel and Assault Gundam that are about to be acquired are gone..."

"and also……"

Uzmi Ula Ashar began to speak slowly...

"Your incompetence and the framing of the friendly forces are something they can be sure of. Therefore, some people have to be arrested as scapegoats to calm the military..."

"So, alas..."

After speaking, Uzmi Ula Askha also shook his head helplessly.

There is really no reason for this matter to be theorized. If he were replaced by a high-ranking member of the Earth Alliance, I am afraid that he might agree to the officers of the Archangel. Therefore, there are not many options in front of Marula Mias and the others, and this is why he came to meet the female captain today.


"Your Excellency Askha! Excuse me, you want us to join the Observatory. Am I right?"

"But, you Orb are not afraid that we, the'sinners' of the Earth Alliance will cause trouble to you Orb?!"

After the horror, Mariu had a strong psychological quality, and soon calmed down. With a change of heart, she knew the real purpose of the old man in front of him in inviting him to come here.


"Without you, trouble will always come... In that case, why don't we accept you brave soldiers?"

"I have seen your efforts, and I believe you are innocent... So, if you want, we will help you deal with those things, and if you don’t want it, Orb can also let you retire here directly. Aub led the life of an ordinary person..."

"I will not force you to make a choice now, just a reminder... In short, the choice is in your hands, and Aub will always welcome you! If you think about it well, you can ask my secretary to inform me, to I will make arrangements for you at time."

To put it bluntly, the lion of Uzmi Ula Ashar, who is obsessed with the abilities of Maru and others, wants to dig the corner of the Earth Alliance when Orb is in danger and needs talents. The ground is simple, there is no other more thoughts.

It's just that he doesn't care whether the other party agrees or not. Anyway, Orb has nothing to lose, and he is not afraid of being criticized by the Earth Alliance for sheltering these people.


"and many more!"

Seeing the other party standing up and intending to leave, Maru bit her head and shouted at the other party.

"Your Excellency! I want to ask one thing, our pilot, that Kira Yamato, he... how is his situation now?"

Whether or not to join Orb is definitely not something that can be decided right now. However, Maru suddenly remembered Kira, who had been salvaged before and was rushed away by Orb, thinking that the other party had no news until now. Somehow she asked suddenly.


"I heard that his injury seems to be a bit serious? So, our doctor commissioned a friend who had a good relationship with us, Orb, to send him urgently to the most advanced genetic medical technology. Go, as for now to recover. What's going on, then I don’t know for now."

"If I have time, I will ask for you..."

Actually, the old fox-like Uzmi Ula Askha knows it, and now that powerful pilot Kira Yamato who has recovered his wounds, seems to have been successfully instigated and taken away by the master and teacher Malkio. With a high-tech nuclear energy machine of the Zaft Army, he is now trying to find a way to get Orb to the opponent and Mentor Malchio, so he is not prepared to talk to the female captain in front of him for the time being.

In fact, he has now reached some intentions with Malchio, who was under attack. As for what to do in the future, he hasn’t figured it out yet...Anyway, in his opinion, he should not be affected by the Zaft army and the Earth. Those who are tolerated by the coalition army, apart from Orb, definitely have no other choice!

Therefore, he is not in a hurry...

After all, at this time, whether it is the Zaft Army or the Earth Alliance Army, it is logically impossible to make up their minds to embarrass them with Orb. He should still have a lot of time to make his own arrangements.

"Ah! It turns out that this is the case. Kira's matter really caused your Excellency..."

"Your Excellency Ashar! We will carefully consider your suggestion just now! But, please give us some time, I must first discuss it with my crew."

Hearing that there was nothing wrong with Kira, Maru finally let go of her heart.

In this way, the crew of their Archangel seems to have come to a good ending after the previous wars? Of course, the premise is that they must not take the military plane sent by the Earth Alliance to pick them up tomorrow!

"Well, okay, I'm waiting for your news, Captain Maru..."

As the representative of Orb, Uzmi Ula Ashar could not have met the female captain of the Earth Alliance for too long, so he saw that he had conveyed the information and his intentions, and saw that the other party did not With an obvious rejection, he nodded and slowly walked towards the black convoy where he was with his hands.


The Zaft army just finished chasing them down, and now the United Earth Army is going to be ruthless against them. This makes the female captain Maru's heart completely confused, and she can only stand in place and watch it. An elderly person who came to her to inform her got in the car and left.


"Hi! Maru, why are you here?"

Suddenly, a pair of heavy hands hit Maru's shoulder heavily.

"Huh? Strange, my good captain, why is your face so ugly today? Is something serious?!"

Mu, the pilot who was promoted to major by the commander of the Eighth Fleet by Halbaton, suddenly approached with some curiosity and looked at the face of his lover and captain that seemed to be scared pale...

Although their warships have been turned into a pile of broken copper and iron sinking on the seabed in the territorial waters north of Orb, and have become nests for marine creatures, in their hearts, Maru has always been them. The captain of, and they also called each other during this period of Orb repairing!

If it were not for the excellent command of the other party, these people would not be able to return to Earth alive and return to Orb! Even if the Archangel was still gone in the end, it was not the other party's responsibility. The blame can only be blamed on the little girl from the Zaft Army for being so cunning that she accidentally let the other party succeed in a sneak attack?

Of course, what he doesn't deny is that the little girl is really amazing...


"I think we may not be able to go back, we are in big trouble now..."

After pondering for a while, Maru, who couldn't think of any way, could only mournfully relay the words that the representative of Orb just said to him by the Uzmi Ura Askha. The lover in front of him, Major Mu.


"The United Earth Army is going to be very good at dealing with people like us? This... isn't it?!"

Mu suddenly turned his head and looked at the black convoy of the head of Orb who had just left recently... But unfortunately, the opponent has already gone a long way...

"Those bastards! How dare they?!"

After fighting hard, I finally returned to Earth. Although I still failed in the end, there are hard work without credit, right? The people in their coalition headquarters, how dare they cross the river and tear down the bridge, and plan to punish the people of their Archangel to death, and push them out as scapegoats. Are these people crazy?

"They have already planned to do that..."

"Furthermore, Representative Orb also told me just now that those people weaves for us are: the warships and aircraft escorting the coalition army are ineffective, and the unauthorized use of genetic modifiers has caused the coalition army's top-secret aircraft data to leak, and the coalition forces are included in the battle. Civilians from other countries framed the Altai Mies Fortress and the Eighth Fleet, etc..."

Speaking of this, Maru suddenly couldn't continue, and began to tremble...

Because she knows that for those crimes, once the people of their Archangel really return to the United Earth Army, I am afraid that their high-level people, especially her Captain Maru Ramias, must really only be courted. The conviction and execution on the spot ended!

She obviously worked so hard to do it, but she never expected that the headquarters of the Earth Alliance, or the high-level military of the Atlantic Federation, planned to use such a cruel method to treat her captain? !


"This is a big trouble..."

Nodded murmuringly, he knew why his captain's lover had just been so helpless.


"Let's run! Take off the military uniforms and find a place where no one knows us to live in seclusion, or simply here in Orb. They have related refugee protection policies, and they will definitely not embarrass us!!"

Mu thought for a while, then suddenly suggested.

"Thank you, Mu..."

"But the representative of Orb just said that he wants us to choose to serve Orb..."

Regarding that matter, Maru is still a bit hesitant, not knowing what to do, after all, that kind of thing is not a trivial matter.


"God! Maru, if we really do that, we will never look back, are you sure?"

Mu knows the nature of doing that, defecting to the United Earth Army and joining the other team, even if it is a neutral Congress, what will happen! But they really don’t seem to have much choice... Once they do that, it means that from now on, they will never want to set foot on anything under the control of the Earth Alliance. The land of a country!

"Do we have another choice?"

In addition to choosing to join Orb, then accepting the other side’s asylum and being able to continue to use his abilities to serve for the Orb Defence Forces, Maru couldn’t think of anything else that would allow Orb, the United Emirates, to face the Atlantic Ocean. The pressure of the Federation and the Earth Alliance continues to protect them.

Therefore, although she said just now that she wants to consider it, it is basically a certainty for her and for Representative Obb.

Others may still have the opportunity to continue living in Orb after retiring, but these former high-level officers of the Archangel definitely have no chance! !


"It's really a bad day..."

Mu covered his forehead with a headache...

Fortunately, he just thought about asking his officer and lover Ms. Maru to a quiet place to have a good "chat" or something, but now, after hearing the bad news, he suddenly has no mood. Up.


"Mu! Go, let's talk about Natal Bajrul and all the officers summoning to my room. We will have a meeting immediately to discuss our way!!"

Obviously, Maru herself was unwilling to wait for death, so she gritted her teeth quickly and made up her mind! These people have done so much for the Earth Alliance, but some people want their lives. How can they do what the other party wants?


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