Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 813: Just don't open the forest! (,,???,,)




The automatic door of the cabin opened and closed, and a little girl with unhappy expression on her face and unwillingness in her heart at this moment aggressively grasped a short, golden and steaming object, directly He rushed in from the door and rushed to a sofa where no one was sitting.



The expression on the face of a little girl who rushed in was shown clearly to Diaka and Yitzhak. The two of them knew each other and turned their faces for the first time, as if the other party was in transparent air. When the other party is non-existent, keep busy with your own affairs.


From the expression on the face of a little girl, you can know that the Zaft army’s two-ship formation, the two battleships Vesalis and Gamow led and commanded by the white captain Cruz The encirclement and annihilation operations carried out by the advance team of the Eight Fleet and the long-legged "Archangel" that ran thiefly, certainly did not achieve all the expected results...


Although at that time their ZMF, commanded by the two green elite captains MiGru and Olu, successfully annihilated the entire Earth Alliance advance team including the Montgomery flagship... But in the end, they still Had to "take the initiative" to release the flaming-red Jean "captured alive" Archangel that had been driven by a little girl in front of them, and watched the other side leave the gravel belt and head towards the earth orbit Going in the direction of, and soon disappeared into the dark universe.

Both Diaka and Yitzhak knew that they had to do that...



Even at the beginning, Little Annie was determined to capture the Archangel, even if she did not hesitate to point her muzzle at one of the unfortunate and innocent female prisoners in the Archangel... But in the end, Under the'pleading' of the badass mask male Cruze, under the'threat' of the second and fifth son Aslan, under a certain Aegis Gundam pilot who took the initiative to initiate infighting, she still had to be very Reluctantly, I barely let go of the Archangel, which was about to be successfully captured, and exchanged it for a certain sing and talk thief, but there is no other use at all.. The first singer!

And this is one of the reasons why Little Annie is angry...

With a big spaceship as big as she was about to get, she finally got such a useless stupid guy. Of course, she would talk about things like that for several days.

And this was to annihilate all the advance team of the Earth United Army's Eighth Fleet, captured at least a thousand people, captured four wounded warships, and at the same time defeated the spirit of the Archangel, and hit the opponent severely. Arrogant, it can be said that the trio of Nigor, Yitzhak and Diaka, who have won a big victory and are celebrating, will be in this red pilot’s lounge and see her gritted her teeth and began to chew. The reason for a freshly steamed corn cob.

"what happened?"

"Sir Anne, you seem to be a little unhappy. Is it possible that you are still angry about that thing?!"

Nigol was bored, after thinking about it, he got to the point and almost made a big contribution to capture the high-tech battleship of the Earth United Army, but in the end the little girl who fell short for some reason, smiled and comforted the captain. .




"Do you see the expression on their faces now? They are very unhappy, very angry now, and they have always had the urge to punch someone. Do you want to try my little fist?!"


That's right, little Annie is indeed still angry now!

Although, the badass mask male Cruze said, they let go of the Archangel only temporarily, and the condition of the useless singer Lacus in the exchange was only to allow the other party to run for half a day... ...Then, they will definitely speed up to catch up next, and promise to have a chance to catch the long-legged Archangel!

But, she is still a little bit brooding about the innocent results of her labor being ruined by others!

Because of that kind of thing, it's really annoying...

With great difficulty, she caught the Archangel and prepared to make a big contribution, but in the end, she was actually let go so easily by those guys, and then she only got that one. Useless Miss Pink Hair? !

The more Annie thought about it, the more she felt that such a deal was really a big loss!

If she had known it a long time ago, she really shouldn't have been screaming at the time... She should not say a word at the time, and directly destroyed all the opponent's engines with a few shots. Then, the Archangel must be If you can't run away, even if the other party uses that kind of hostage threat in the end, it will definitely be useless! !

"But, Chief Anne..."

"We all know that Miss Lacus Klein, she was commissioned by the Supreme Council of ..T and dispatched to the wreckage of Junius-7 to carry out the preliminary investigation work of the memorial service group. She will be attacked and captured by the Earth Alliance... Therefore, we have no choice. In that case, her safety must be the first priority."

"I just discussed with Diaka and Yitzhak..."

"In that case, if we really do that kind of extreme behavior and accidentally harm her life, we will definitely be condemned by the whole...T, so we also think that Captain Cruze is like that. There is nothing wrong with doing it..."

Seeing that the little girl in front of her was still struggling with that kind of thing, Nigor could only quietly justify such a few words.

In his opinion, there is nothing wrong with the white-clothed commander Captain Cruzer agreeing to the Archangel to exchange hostages for a safe departure. Even if the news is sent back to China, no one can fault the order! This can be guessed from the fact that the headquarters of the Zaft army has not conveyed any denial or reprimand.

"Sir Anne, don't worry, when our investigation and rescue at Junius-7 is completed, Captain Cruzer will definitely order the warship to catch up again!!"

From here to the earth, there are only a few safe and detected orbits that come and go. Therefore, Nigor felt that as long as the other party does not find a place to hide and does not appear, it should not be difficult for them to catch up with the other party! As long as their warships are fast enough, and regardless of energy consumption, go to the most likely place where the opponent must pass early and wait patiently, they will definitely be able to intercept the opponent again!

Of course, it may not be intercepted, it is just that there is a chance. After all, the universe is really too big, even if it is just the solar system, looking for a battleship in flight is no better than finding a specific piece of sand in a large lake. Easier!

It’s just a pity that the other staff of the memorial service group on the Silverwind...

So far, the Genes sent out by their two-ship formation to search and investigate did indeed find the beautiful silver-white civilian spaceship "Silver Wind", but the other party has been beaten to pieces and turned into a special one. One of the ruins of Nius-7, no longer has much to do with'beauty'.

And the more terrifying and cruel fact is: Until now, except for Miss Lacus Klein, their two-ship formation Junius-7 has kept their promise here and waited for half a day, and they have not been able to find more. Of survivors, not even one!

and so,

Undoubtedly, the villains of the United Earth Army made the whole ..T mourn here, and in this place where a whole 243,721 innocent souls died tragically, they made another A tragedy that everyone feels extremely angry! !



"Do you still catch up? Those guys are not as stupid as you guys. Maybe they ran away long ago, and now I'm talking about what's the point of catching up. Your broken spaceship flies faster than others!!"


Anyway, Little Annie is not happy now! She is just angry, and no one can persuade her! !

It is precisely because of this that she now intends to turn her grief and anger into appetite, and treat this kind of fresh buns that just came up from ...T yesterday, and treat this kind of corn on the cob as some bad guy who annoys her. Like, gnaw down and eat it! !

Just wait and see...

Today, the villain named Aslan who insists on making trouble for her, she will definitely wear shoes for her in the future! For example... During the battle, if the opponent is surrounded by the enemy, letting the opponent be beaten by the assault Gundam, she just can't save her, or is she stubborn to make a small trip to the opponent?

??(ψ??????ˇ????)?? Hum...

That's right!

Her Queen Anne is so careful, so stingy, so fond of holding grudges! Moreover, it is not too late for others to take revenge, but her Queen Anne revenge is from morning till night!

Therefore, she also decided:

Waiting for a while to feed herself, when there are not many people in the aisle, she quietly and unknowingly took the non-poisonous grass snake that she caught yesterday in the local park of T.. Throw it in the other side's bed!


Originally, that cute little thing, Little Annie was planning to use it to scare those crew members who have been talking badly about her behind her back! But now, she has changed her mind, and temporarily decided to go to a bad guy called Aslan first? !



(Except for a sigh, Tibbers really has nothing to do with the nasty little lord of his house... Yesterday, at the time of ..T, he wondered why the other party had just caught the grass snake. Well, it turned out to be such a crooked idea?)

"You still want to lie to me, do you know where they are now?!"


Little Annie now doesn’t want to listen to anyone’s comforting words, and she doesn’t need a idiot to comfort her, she just wants to find someone to vent her anger, and vent the negative emotions in her heart to the person who makes her angry. Naturally, she was in a good mood, so she didn't need to talk about the Nigor in front of her!

"Ah, that..."

"Please, please rest assured, little sir Anne...As long as the Archangel is still a battleship of the Earth Alliance, we will always meet it sooner or later! Besides, it is useless to be angry anymore. So... please watch the open point and forget about the unpleasant things sooner?"

This is indeed the case. In Nigor’s mind, they really don’t have to worry about whether they can get on the Archangel again. After all, now the Earth Alliance and...T have a new one. Round of violent conflict, the war will certainly not end too soon.

Moreover, on the morning when he returned home, he also heard what his father, the military attache of the National Defense Committee to the Supreme Council of T had said...

It is said that the speaker of the Supreme Council of T., and the chairman of the National Defense Committee of the Zaft Army, Patrick Sarah, the reason why the other party single-handedly contributed to Yunius-7’s memorial and consolation movement, In fact, it is to build momentum, to stir up...T's hatred of the Earth Alliance, so as to prepare for the next round of large-scale conquest war?

By now, the ambitions of the Earth Alliance have been revealed!

Think about it, during the peace talks, the other party has been secretly cooperating with Orb to develop and research a new type of battleship "Archangel" and the five powerful Gundam units aimed at Genn. This is enough to explain what the other party is on. That kind of thought! In the current sensitive situation, the outbreak of a large-scale war is only a matter of time. Sooner or later, the Archangel will take the initiative to reappear in front of them.


"Little Chief Anne, why don't you talk about your new body, how did you get the'Forced Reconnaissance Gene'? It's like that kind of powerful special equipment, I seem to remember that they have always been only equipped with reconnaissance troops. That's it, how did you get that big guy?!"

Feeling that it is necessary to direct the little girl’s attention to other places as soon as possible, so as not to let the other party have been entangled with Aslan and Lacus and the Archangel, Nigor quickly mentioned this Anne in front of him. The newly acquired station by the little commissioner forcibly reconnaissance Jean.

As for their self-assertion (infighting), Captain Aslan, who pointed his gun at the friendly army on the battlefield without authorization, was ordered to be punished by the white captain Kruze when the opponent returned to the ship. He was also sent to the confinement room by the gendarmerie for the first time for a thirty-hour punishment...Think of it like this, the little guy in front of him can at least put out the fire first, there is no need to continue holding on.


Body code: red painted flame Jean (forced reconnaissance type Jean)

Manufacturer: ZAFT

Affiliation: ZAFT (Zaft)

First equipped: .70

Internal environment: standard cockpit (seat console has been adjusted and reduced)

Size: 22.43 meters above the top of the head from the ground

Weight: 80.50 tons at no load, 92.05 tons at full combat load

Fixed weapons: MA-M92 type chopper knife

Optional weapons: Legs M68 3-mounted missile launcher×2, special sniper beam rifle X1, reinforced cowling fairing (shoulder and head)

Power supply: Enhanced Gene Universal Battery Energy Pack

Selection of hand weapons: M66 missile launcher × 2; small special live ammunition reactive armor shield for hand X1




"I didn't find it myself, it was given to me by the uncle named Patrick?? Sarah...Hey! Brother Nigor, since you asked so sincerely, since you like my new machine so much. , Or... what do you think of playing with me with your Thunder Gundam?"


Seeing that the other party is so interested in her new body, she has always been very generous, especially likes to exchange toys with people, so she took the snake and sticks for granted, ready to meet the reasonable requirements of the little brother Nigor in front of her. , Exchange your own new "powerful" machine with the opponent's "backward" old Thunder Gundam!

Her Queen Anne has a large number of villains, and she definitely wouldn't mind such things.


"Um...Little Chief Annie, thank you for your kindness. I think it's better not to do that. After all, it's a new machine. How can you change it with the Chief?"

Seeing that the other party turned out to be such a tricky trick, Nigor hurriedly flinched back and sat next to his own two companions Diaka who were reading and Yitzhak who was listening to music. Constantly waving his hands, beckoning the other party not to be so polite with him, he doesn't want to change the other party's'high-tech' Genn body!

"Come on! Change it!"


"Brother Nigor, you don't need to be polite to me at all. Really, I'm telling the truth!!"


If the other party is willing to change the body with herself, Xiao Anni will say that all her previous unhappiness can be forgotten, and even the idea that she originally intended to retaliate against Aslan can be temporarily pressed. Not to mention?


Nigor, who was a little overwhelmed by the opponent's overly enthusiastic gaze, had no choice but to turn his attention for help to the two companions around him.


It's a pity that Yitzhak didn't know if he was really listening to the song or pretending. The other party just glanced at Nigor, and didn't even want to pay attention to him.


"you deserve it!"

And a certain Diyaka simply turned his head, and seemed to be also not planning to pay attention to a stupid teammate who asked for trouble to provoke the little girl!

"Hey! How are you..."


"Ah! Lacus?? Miss Klein, great! Why are you free to come here?!"

at last,

I was feeling extremely embarrassed and didn't know how to refuse the other party Nigor. When I saw that the door of the lounge was opened again from the outside, I saw the beautiful waist dress with long pink hair and big The long-legged girl wearing grey-black stockings and holding the Harrow robot in her hand... After the first singer floated in, she quickly abandoned her unscrupulous teammate and a little girl like an amnesty, and went straight to it. People cheered and greeted them.


At that moment, Nigor couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief...Because the opponent really came in time, if the opponent didn't arrive at exactly this time, he might really be overwhelmed.


(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

Finding that the culprit who let her prey ran away came here, Xiao Anni collapsed on the spot, curled her lips, and withdrawn to her position in annoyance, and took a copy of her who had just been put. Open, the corn cob that was floating in the air of the gravity-free environment continued to gnaw.

"Ah! Everyone is here..."

"Annie, and everyone, thank you for saving me from the Earth Alliance today. Thank you very, very much!"

It turned out that this...the number one singer of T, this Lacus? Klein seemed to thank you specifically for today's Archangel incident? Of course, she knows if she has any other thoughts or thoughts.

"Ah! You are polite, this is what we soldiers as the Zaft army should do!"

"Yes, you are too polite..."

"Miss Lux, can you please sign me?"

Seeing that the person here is that extraordinary public figure, and that it is the beautiful female singer, besides Nigor, Diaka and Itzhak who just ignored their teammates just now, Almost immediately stood up and greeted him...

Even the Yitzhak, who is a fan, took out an album box from his pocket on the spot. He had been prepared for a long time, and seemed to want the other party to help him sign it?

To be honest, even if you put aside other things, it’s just one of the other’s identities, just because the other is their'sister-in-law' and the fiancée of their captain Aslan, this is enough to keep them basic Polite and respectful too.

"of course can……"

Seeing that the three of them were so enthusiastic, and always felt that it was Lacus Klein who had dragged her feet, she felt relieved and let go of her original anxiety and started to laugh more brilliantly.


Not only did she sign the pilot named Yitzhak, she also took a photo with the three of them. Finally, she had the time to look at someone who had been sitting on the sofa and nibbling corn, and ignored her arrival. Even a little girl who looked at her with half-squinted eyes.

"Hello there……"

"Anne, I know. Today, in that situation, you must have said that on purpose. Then, everyone in the Earth Alliance had to be forced to let me go. Am I right?"

"Really! Thank you for everything you did for me then!!"

After dealing with the three teammates of his fiancé Aslan, Laks?? Klein slowly floated to a little girl who was also wearing the red elite military uniform of the Zaft Army, and thanked each other in a sincere tone. Tao.

Although the appearance of the other party at that time scared her a bit, but now that she thinks about it, she absolutely feels that the other party probably did it on purpose, so she can stand here safe and sound?



"Huh! Don't think about it, I didn't think about saving you. I just wanted to catch the Archangel!!"


Little Annie proudly tilted her head to one side, saying that she would not be confused by the bad woman with **** and big **** in front of her.

Moreover, she did not lie!

At that time, she really wanted to catch the Archangel, and it was useless to persuade her!

Even if the guys from the United Earth Army really hit the young lady in front of them with a single shot, or tied the other party up and lashed their butts to demonstrate like they did on TV, she would definitely not The Archangel spacecraft that easily released the opponent left! !


Zaft's army is not in charge here?

Although, she is still not under anyone's control, but after the badass mask male Kruze forcibly ordered peace talks, everyone, Nigor, Diaka and Yitzhak over there are three fools. With the Gundam also retreating at the same time, it didn’t seem like a thing for her to stay there alone by herself, so she had to compromise with the enemy griefly, and bitterly let go of that ship. The Archangel was sunk or captured! !

"Is it that way?"

"But... anyway, you all saved me together, I still have to thank you!"

Lacus Klein tilted her head and stared at the little girl in front of her with strange eyes for a long time, and then after thinking about it, she finally thanked her with a brilliant smile.



Isn't this person sick in his brain? Little Annie said that she really didn't think about saving her at the time. What does it mean for her to thank her like this? Is it possible that it is a deliberate irony, obviously thanks, and really cursing abuse in my heart? !

"Forget it, whatever you think it is..."


Little Annie simply stopped talking to each other and continued to lower her head to eat her own corn...

She is going to eliminate the agricultural satellite produced by T. It has no pesticides, no heavy metal pollution, no chemical fertilizers, and it is not the terrible genetic modification, and it does not use those preservatives during transportation. Brightening and preservative soaking, and without adding any swelling agent, there is no time to pay attention to each other for the time being!

If there is anything, let's fill up her belly first! Therefore, she seemed to be a little reluctant to answer, and she didn't put the kind of messy words the other party just said to her heart.


"By the way, guys, has any of you seen Aslan?"

"I have been looking for him for a long time, but I have not been able to find him. I went to his room just now, but I have never been able to see anyone..."

There is no doubt that the reason why I was able to be successfully rescued, and the reason why I was released by the Earth United Army, the great hero of it must be her fiancé Aslan of Lacus! Therefore, after being rescued, after she was slightly trimmed and washed, and put on a casual dress provided by a kind female soldier, she floated out, ready to thank her savior and future lover. Aslan.


What makes her a little strange is that she has searched many places on the battleship. Except for some important military zones where she is not allowed to enter, in other places, including the hangar, she even has no shadow of the opponent. see? Therefore, she finally found this red-clothed pilots' lounge, but how could she have thought that the other party was not here? !

"You ask Aslan?!"

"Ha! I know about this..."

Before anyone else could answer, Nigor offered a treasure, and he approached the other party and explained:

"Ms. Lux, you must also know that at that time, because of the need to save you, I had to confront our little officer Anne... That kind of thing must be a serious violation of the battlefield discipline of our Zaft army, so , As soon as he came back, he was ordered to be locked up by Captain Cruze..."

"But you can rest assured that although Captain Cruzer said that it will be closed for a full 30 hours, but because it is now in a wartime state, according to practice, generally only half the time, that is, at night, the military police He will definitely be released!"

Everyone knows that punishment is impossible, and confinement is actually just a meaning.

After all, their captain Aslan’s identity is extraordinary, but he is the biological son of Chairman Sarah, how could he be punished in strict accordance with the battlefield discipline?

The law or something, no matter how good it is, it needs people to enforce it. Therefore, it is natural for officials to protect themselves or to pervert the law... But if it is replaced by someone else, ordinary Zaft soldiers dare to do so. If you dare to point your gun at the friendly forces and threaten them, you might have been taken to a military court for trial and thrown in prison. What kind of confinement is needed there? !

Of course, Nigor wouldn't say such words randomly...

"Ah! Confinement?!"

"How could that be, poor Aslan..."

"Okay, okay, anyway, thank you, Nigor... Then I'll be late, and wait for him to be released, and then go find him in his room..."

Hearing that this is the case, it turns out that the other party was punished for saving his own affairs and was also locked in that terrible dark room. This made Lacus worry and could only stammer. The ground thanked Nigor, and planned to wait until Aslan was released later, before going to the other party and thanking him in person.

Of course, how exactly should she express her gratitude at that time, she must not be able to say here.


"You're welcome, haha..."

Nigor directly touched the back of his head and laughed heartily, happy that he was able to help the other party... After all, the other party was the famous Lacus?? Miss Klein, bowed to himself at this close range. He was still full of strange satisfaction.




What Laks? Klein didn’t know was that her words with a special kind of "spoken language" caused both Diaka and Yitzhak to stare at the scene, and began to look at their captain. Aslan floated to all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred...

They wouldn't be as naive as Nigor, thinking that the other party was really just going to thank their captain Aslan!


∑(??△`)? !

"At night? Maybe..."

(????ω????) Hehehe...

Little Annie suddenly felt that she probably really should have secretly thrown that lovely long worm into the bed of the bad guy named Aslan earlier, and matter if it was from the confinement that came back The bad guy, or the bad elder sister who has rectified his good deeds and let go of the enemy, seems to be pretty good?

Yes, Queen Anne made up her mind in an instant:

Later, after she had eaten and drank enough, when she was idle and had nothing to do, she would secretly catch the "cute" worm animal from the local area of ​​T. God does not know. The ghost was unknowingly placed in the blanket of a bad guy named Aslan Sara.

At that time, hehehe...


It must be interesting and interesting, right?

It's a pity that there seems to be no mice on this battleship. Otherwise, she will definitely get one or two and throw it in the other's shoe cabinet!



(Tibbers said that it is silently mourning two human dog men and women for two minutes, and hopes that when those stupid human creatures fight and do boring things like breeding individuals, they will find that they have an extra cold anomaly. Are you too surprised when you are living?)


Suddenly, the door of this lounge was opened again from the outside, and then a Zaft soldier floated in.


"Captain Cruzer ordered that all the pilots in red clothes go to the hangar for a meeting immediately, without error! And Miss Lux, please be there too!!"

After speaking, after confirming that all the people present had heard clearly, the Zaft soldier saluted everyone before hurried out again.



"It's another meeting, I won't go..."

o(`^??)o Humph!

I know meetings all day long, can the Archangel be driven back from the meeting? Therefore, Xiao Anni said that since she is not in the control of the masked guy, she just won't go to whoever loves to go! !

After complaining, she directly took the gnawed corn cob in her hand, aimed at a distance and threw it into the negative pressure trash storage box, and then floated out angrily towards the door.


"Let's go! Nigor, Yitzhak, and Miss Lux, I guess Captain Cruze almost wants to send someone to **** you back...T matter, I hope it won't be too troublesome... ..."

Diaka breathed a sigh of relief, and he could probably guess what would happen when Captain Cruze asked them, the red pilots, and the Miss Lacus Klein beside him to go to a meeting.


"Um... everybody, Annie, is she really okay if she doesn't go to the meeting?"

Lacus Klein heard the words of the little girl who ran out just now, so she was a little strange.

"It doesn't matter, she never listens to Captain Cruze's orders anyway..."

After looking at each other with his teammates, Diaka shrugged his shoulders dumbfoundingly, because they were used to it.


(*????╰╯`??)?? Month-end ticket?? (????╰╯`??*)

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