Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 778: ?The powerful method of the man in black?


The fire is burning...

The "Xie Lai Long" alien spacecraft that was blown up with a small side missing, at this time, was billowing thick smoke and burning soaring fire, so it fell diagonally to the softness of the sea. On the beach!

The left half of it has been incompletely blown up by several opposing ship'Lanzel' flying thunders, and the other half is already under the raging fire, burning only a skeleton and those that cannot be burned. Metal, plus a little heat-resistant skin...


Judging from the fact that none of the big bugs can successfully escape, the ‘Evil Lailong’ aliens in the spacecraft who were previously incredible are definitely not alive right now!

And the shock waves and strong light from the explosion just now have caused a huge chaos in this troubled city! Countless news media, police vehicles, or fire departments are constantly rushing towards the bay where they perceive explosions and thick smoke...

But it is a pity that, without exception, they were all promptly blocked by a group of black-clothed agents with relevant documents and high-level authorization.

This time, the incident is obviously bigger and more serious than the incident in Naxicheng district yesterday, and it has a wider scope. It is even more difficult to completely cover up and eliminate the impact!

However, that is obviously not something that the instigator should be concerned about. It is the people in black who specialize in ‘foreign-related’ events that should have a headache...

"Meow~! ’


At this time, a shorthair cat finally extended its horrified head from the crooked and crooked window of the originally beautiful wooden house that was also affected by shock waves, strong winds, and the embers of the explosion, and screamed. Scream.

When it saw that there were no threats from alien monsters outside, it finally mustered up its courage, jumped out from the wooden house that was still on fire, and went straight to the distance, where it thought it was safer. The coastal windbreaks flew away at high speed, and disappeared in the blink of an eye, and did not know where they were hiding again.


After a burst of light was distorted again, the little figure that had just disappeared, dressed in a beautiful red and white ghost agent's adaptive tight-fitting combat suit for the hostile environment, reappeared in another place, far away from the fire. The house and the alien spacecraft are burning blazingly, constantly releasing dense smoke, bursting sparks and pungent gas of unknown smell.

"Oh oh!"



As the little girl stretched out her hand and didn't know what button she had operated, soon, the fully enclosed armor and eyepieces on her head quickly deformed and contracted like flowing water, and directly retracted a certain module group on her shoulder near her neck. Here, the beautiful little face with golden hair and bi-colored pupils reappeared in the dirty air around him.

"This is really bad!"

"A big incident happened without being careful, and even the original good new house was blown up..."

(ノへ ̄,) Oh...

Little Annie said that she really didn't mean it just now! !

Originally, she just wanted to knock down the alien spaceship warship that was going to bombard this place with ship artillery, which would likely cause the city to be affected and destroyed, and possibly cause huge casualties...

But what do you think,

That mere six'Lanzel' flying thunders would be so powerful, and only one salvo, they exploded the opponent's spaceship with a shield, and while knocking down the spaceship, The aftermath of the explosion actually caused such a big movement in this city?


If the movement is bigger, she should be bigger. Anyway, her starting point is also good, right?

Just now, she was really just doing good deeds, so she would not be responsible for the series of problems caused! Because it has nothing to do with her, she is also a victim herself, she is innocent... After all, no matter how you count it, she just saved the city once!

So, it's probably like this!

Anyway, she accidentally did a great deed that deserves to be celebrated. She successfully smashed another shameful conspiracy of aliens to destroy the earth. She became an unknown hero again. Her Lady Anne never did good deeds. Leave your name, this is a thing worthy of joy and singing, that's it! !



(● ̄ ̄●)

She has been waiting on the spot for almost a minute, and since no one has ran out to protest or express gratitude to her, then this matter has been turned over. She has a large number of villains, so she doesn't care.



"Who is it? That **** is stepping on my tail, hurry up and move away!!"


Suddenly, when a little girl who feels good about herself sees that everything is over, and feels that she has accidentally done a great thing, and is about to leave the scene of the crime...Suddenly, she backs away a little , Just'accidentally' stepped on a soft round stick with a little bit of bone, and successfully heard a stern dog barking and a somewhat frustrated rage?


Is that the tail of a bad alien dog, accidentally stepped on by her Queen Anne?


(⊙w⊙`)! !

"It turns out it's your bad dog Frank? This is really strange, it turns haven't been bombed to death by those terrible aliens?!"


Little Annie pretended to be surprised. She looked down at a certain alien dog Frank who was climbing up from the ground full of floating soil and vegetation, and exclaimed.

She said that she really didn't mean it just now. She stepped on the other side's little tail that was a little bit outside. It was really not deliberate...


Okay, although she is indeed deliberate, but the other party will definitely not know whether she was deliberate or not deliberate.



(Tibbers said that it seemed to be a little stunned by the messy and inconsistent tongue twisters of a nasty little master in his family...)


"Horrible aliens? You mean those...the evil Lailong aliens that just came?!"

 ̄ ̄;

Frank, whose head was still buzzing from the explosion just now, crawled out from the mud pile full of floating soil and dust, and he couldn’t shake off the mud and dust on his body and the black ash all over his face. I subconsciously looked at the beach in the distance, and soon, I found the "Evil Lailong" alien soldier lying down on the ground and wearing the exoskeleton armor of elite creatures and the ship in another place. The troop carrier battleship that is still burning up till now.


It was so frightened that the dog hair on its body exploded, and it kept moving back, not wanting to get close to some alien little girl who came over on its own initiative?


"Wang! You, hurry up and stay away from me!!"


Frank was indeed a little frightened...

Now it suddenly felt that compared to those terrifying and troublesome ‘Eile Dragon’ aliens, the little girl in front of him might be even more terrifying, right?

Of course, none of these things matter now!

Because the more terrifying thing is:

After the evil Lailong and their spaceships from this small team were easily wiped out by the little girl in front of them, the next time, when they come again, they will definitely not be such a small mess!

Maybe next time it will be a whole racial fleet?

Although it is impossible that all the four billion "Evil Lai Dragon" aliens will come out, but it can be done easily to encircle this small earth and destroy the planet. of! After all, those troublesome universe monsters don't do that kind of thing once or twice. Otherwise, their reputation will not be so bad, and it will not make so many universe races feel jealous and afraid!

‘You, you, don’t come over...’

In short,

That kind of troublesome and terrible thing, this alien dog Frank didn't want to participate, nor did he want to be affected, let alone be misunderstood by those **** bugs that he was with this little girl! Therefore, it retreated at this moment while yelling loudly, striving to maintain a relatively safe distance from the little girl. Although, that might not be of any use?


What happened just now is so fast that it is still a little dazzling now... It still remembers that the 100 elite'Xie Lailong' alien soldiers have just put it this innocent alien Frank, the good dog, was so dizzy from the explosion that he was so embarrassed. Before he recovered from that terrible dog-killing intensive shooting, he only heard bursts of more violent explosions and those'evil Lai'. Dragon's soldiers exclaimed and tragic screams?

Then, after it turned its head, it was stunned to discover... that whole group of elite Xielailong soldiers had all been blown up? Frank has never understood, that little girl, where did she come from so many bombs and still plant them under the beach?

And then,

It didn’t wait until Frank himself wanted to understand it. It only saw a little girl bring out something similar to a missile launcher. Soon afterwards, in a large group of blazing white light, it was affected by the strong air current. The shock wave flew up in an instant, the dog's eyes blacked out, and nothing was known...


o(* ̄ ̄*)

"Haha! Frank doggie~! Let me tell you, those aliens were all killed by me. Now you are safe. No one else would dare to bully you again!"


Little Annie, who felt that the other party was most likely frightened by the explosion, took two steps forward gently, bent down, and rubbed the other party's head vigorously, making a comforting look.

I don't know why, she always feels that she has changed her way to bully this bad dog who talks about people, it seems very funny? She likes the look of sadness and indignation when looking at each other, but the look on the dog's face when she is helpless...

Anyway, she thought it was fun!

But it’s a pity that the vitality of this bad alien dog doesn’t seem to be very tenacious. It’s certainly not stronger than an ordinary dog. It’s not as durable as her bear Tibbers, no matter she How to burn, beat, hammer, pinch, or soak in water for a long time will not die?


(● ̄ ̄;●)

(Tibbers said that if it can, it feels that... it really doesn’t want to compare with anyone or anything about this kind of life is worse than death or dying! Because, that’s not a good feeling. Thing, it hates that!!)



Frank, the alien dog who was just about to wag his tail and enjoy touching his head, suddenly recovered and barked, and then a jealous, short body got rid of the opponent's devil's claws, turned his head, and ran a few steps behind before he had a lingering fear. To stop.

"Stop touching my head!"

"Also, the fellows of Xie Lailong can never be killed, they will always haunt you! Just take a look, you will feel better in the future!!"


Frank really wanted to say: I am not afraid of their big bugs at all, but I am afraid of you? !

That's right, Frank is indeed a little scared of this little girl... Not only is he afraid of the opponent's terrifying weapons and skillful fighting skills, but he is also afraid that if he is not careful, he will be implicated by the other party?

Therefore, it has now decided that if it does not want to leave the earth now, it must quickly prepare a spacecraft, and it is a spacecraft that can leave without passing through those air stations organized by the men in black! So that when the next round of large-scale retaliation of the ‘Evil Lai Dragon’ arrives, it can leave this dangerous planet as soon as possible?

Relying on Frank's hands and eyes to reach the sky, is it not a simple matter to get a suitable spaceship from the earth's black market? And when the earth becomes more and more dangerous, it is absolutely not wrong to prepare early and leave a way out.

"People are not afraid of them!"


"You just saw it. They are actually very useless. They can't help but fight. A total of a broken ship and more than a hundred large bugs came, and I killed them all in a few clicks!!"


Little Annie said that she didn't use all her strength at all, and she didn't even warm up!

This is the same as the Jno.3 planet that was originally evacuated in the Kepulu region and the colonial spacecraft Hope last evacuated from the 1.5 times the standard Earth gravity environment, 80% strong acid ocean, and corrosive atmospheric vapor. Compared with the huge worm sea that covers the sky, the ground and the ocean of the planet, the big worms, the evil dragons, are too far apart!

At that time, after fighting the fighter plane without ammunition, under the siege of the overwhelming flying dragon, she was chased into the universe in embarrassment and ran away, and finally ran until her fighter plane ran out of energy, and then ran down. Nest, and let it float in the universe to finish...

Of course, now the Kepulu zone belongs to her head Anne! And that planet jno.3, which contains rich minerals and those high-energy crystals, has also been counterattacked back by Kerrigan’s insect swarm led by Galen, completely occupying the resource star and liquidating the planet. The alien worms who are not controlled by the worms!

"They are not as strong as you think!"


"Look, there are so many bugs in all of them. What about the 400 million bugs you said?"



The words of those adults just can't be trusted, because most of the nonsense that they say is deceived by children! !

"Wang Wu!"


"Not 400 million, but 4 billion!!"

"Little girl, I really hope you will continue to think like this in the future, don't cry, I will definitely not help you..."


When the next round of revenge action by the "Evil Lai Dragon" will come, Flake himself is not sure, but he only knows that those madman-like bugs will definitely make a big scene. of! And before that, there will be no shortage of all kinds of big and small sneak attacks and assassinations. This is why the group of guys feel disgusted!

drop! drop!

Two rapid horns sounded, interrupting the conversation between one person and one dog.


She was planning to ignore the little girl who was a little bit cheap and didn't know the heights of the sky. She planned to go to Frank, the alien dog who loved her cat first, and then suddenly turned her head and looked to the other side.

Because there, an old black car had already turned off the highway and rushed directly towards the place where they are now at high speed.

Chichi~! !

After leaving two long wheel tracks on the muddy ground, the black car finally stopped firmly in front of a person and a dog.

Then, the solemn Agent K and another black-skinned Agent J with a shocked face opened the door of the car and walked out quickly.


"Frank, what is going on, who did it?!"

Look at the mess around, look at the dilapidated house on fire, the corpses of alien soldiers lying all over the place in the distance, the pitted beach that has been blown up, and the ship leaning on the beach. The board was burning, and the alien spacecraft with black smoke that they could see clearly from far away...

After seeing this terrible situation, Agent K first sighed inwardly, and then had to look at Frank, the only alien dog present here who might be more reliable and knew the truth.

Although he has not received any reports so far, and the agents in black who are monitoring the scene are not directly responsible for him, and no one has sent him the latest report... However, it has been vaguely. After guessing something, he still looked at the head standing in front of him on the messy ground with a fluke gaze, his body was also dirty, and he seemed to be uttered by the tossing dog friend by the explosion here. Asked.

"Ha! What do you think this is going on?!"


Frank shook his head and the hair on his back on the spot, and slammed the stones, sand and ashes at the two agents in black who were only late before he looked at them with his natural dog eyes. There was a little girl who was wearing a cool armor, but still dared to pretend to be innocent.

Now there are only three people and one dog. If Frank did not do it, it is too clear who will do it.

"so cool!!"

"Little Annie, your armor is really beautiful. You must have killed the aliens and their spaceships, right?"

"God testify!"

"You really did a great job this time, I swear! I actually wanted to teach those nasty aliens a deep lesson, and see which ones of them dare not come to us again in the future. Trouble on the earth?!"

"Next time if they dare to come, you continue to beat them like this, my uncle J will definitely support you!!"

Yes, when he was dreaming in the morning, he had already beaten these aliens called "Xie Lailong" with ten thousand enemies and bravely!

Therefore, Agent J first looked around at the broken or intact corpses of the alien soldiers lying on the ground. Then, he looked at the ship that was burning in the original place, and if there was no one If you go to extinguish the fire, it will probably continue to burn, and only after a metal skeleton alien spacecraft is left, he nodded in satisfaction.


In his heart, he complained that the little guy was too amazing, so that he didn't have the opportunity to show his bravery by his agent J who might be a little more powerful than the little girl... But now I see this discussion. The happy little girl was fine, but the aliens were wiped out by the attacking aliens. After regretting, he finally let go of his heart completely and waved his fist to cheer the opponent loudly.

You know, when on the road, he and K are really worried about breaking down, and they have been hurriedly hurriedly, ran through numerous red lights, scratched the cars of many unlucky ones, and were A group of New York police cars with sirens and a police helicopter chased after him. In the end, I didn’t know who called him. When they were about to get here, they finally made it likely to be him. The former colleagues of the detective police station gave up on the hunt and turned around and left... Otherwise, if the man was stopped by them, he would have to be embarrassed to death himself!

Although, those guys, due to the "amnestic device", may not recognize him as Agent J... However, he, a former police officer Edward, still remembers the faces of his colleagues who have worked with him for many years. , Especially those **** who have eaten so much?



Seeing that the other party was okay, Annie stepped back a little bit later, slightly distanced herself from the other party, and was wary of some excessive demands that the other party might make at any time...because she could see it, this black-skinned sichuan must What is the plot! !



"Wang! K, is this the new stupid assistant you found?!"


Seeing the black-faced guy in front of him, the performance of this new agent seemed to be different from what he had expected, and the alien dog Frank looked at his old friend K with some curiosity.

It has no idea which brain nerve of the other party has the problem. It will find such a weird weird guy after Agent D retires. If I knew that such a guy could be selected, then Frank should have taken the initiative to apply!

Anyway, Frank the alien dog felt that if there was no K to help, the guy with the black face and big lips in front of him, if he could survive the third mission alone, he would dare to twist his own dog's head. Come down and play for the opponent! !


"Stupid dog! Are you really going to stay in the stray pet rescue center for a while?!"

Agent J, who didn’t hire anyone and didn’t provoke anyone, was ridiculed by a stupid dog and felt that his personality was insulted, so he had to abandon and continue to be close to a little girl, and turned to stare at the success Acquired a certain alien dog that he hated all.

To be honest, if the other party could not talk, it was a bit shocking and easy to scare others, he had really thought about unplugging all the things that shouldn't be on the other party, and then throwing it as an ordinary dog ​​for help In the cage in the center, let it eat the cheapest dog food every day, and where can it stay in the narrowest iron cage for ten and a half months?

Presumably by that time, the other party will definitely become honest, right?

Agent J is different from Boss K. He now advocates taking mandatory measures against all disobedient and trouble-making aliens, such as... this alien who runs around and talks about humans. dog? !


K sighed with a wry smile, ignored Frank's ridicule, and didn't care about his assistant. He didn't intend to waste time on this kind of problem, but frowned and looked directly at the pretty standing beside him, dressed in a suit. He didn't recognize the exquisite red and white armor, and just gave the weapon to the little guy who was'changed'.


"Now things are getting more and more serious. Next time they come, they will definitely not be like they are now. Do you really plan to go back to your home now?"

K, of course, knows why Frank had that expression and attitude just now, and why the other party ridiculed his new assistant. Therefore, after looking at the situation clearly, he found that the'evil Lailong' aliens here were completely wiped out. After nothing survived, he could only once again give a gentle exhortation to the stubborn little guy in front of him.

The opponent’s weapons and equipment seemed so advanced, and they easily packed the entire team of alien soldiers and space battleships before they rushed to the scene. Then, surely the opponent’s country must be very powerful, right?

Therefore, he still insisted on the method he said last time and asked the other party to go home quickly before the enemy arrived, and rely on their country’s powerful armed forces to deal with those large-scale attacks that will surely be aggressive next time. Alien?

And this time the opponent's fiasco would definitely be able to win a lot of precious time. Anyway, time must be enough for this little guy to go to her own planet, so there shouldn't be any major problems.

This can be said to be the best way at present, if you miss this time, then there is really no chance...

"I don't want it!!"


She just came out of the world of Runeterra, and just played in this world for a few days. There are so many interesting things and aliens here, how could she go back so quickly? !

Besides, it doesn't matter who she is here on earth, why not let her stay here? Let's just talk about what happened just now, she also saved this city once by the way, otherwise the whole city might be gone! !


(● ̄ ̄●)

"excuse me?"

Some dark-skinned guy came out again and interrupted the two who were talking.


"I'm telling the truth, don't you be angry? I still think you and that stupid dog are really disappointing! Didn't you see? Now Annie has defeated the **** aliens and beat them alone. If they were wiped out and crushed their conspiracy, shouldn’t this be something we all celebrate?!"

Unlike the heavy or unclear mood of the alien dog Frank and Agent K, j is very excited now!

Because, he took aim at some novel things again...

"Hey! Little Annie, tell me, how did you hide such a cool armor? Also, can you show me the kind of gun you used to kill the Ten Thousand Star?"

"If you can……"

Now J hasn’t seen the report, and I don’t know how the opponent defeated the "Evil Lailong" aliens who invaded the earth. Anyway, he only knows the armor and weapons of the opponent. He also wanted to make one or two for himself, just like the nuclear grenade before?

Although their headquarters in Men in Black also has a lot of advanced weapons, they also have everything they need from all kinds of powerful weapons from all over the universe! But, that's not his after all, and a certain z boss is a bit too stingy. When he wants to choose one, he is told, ‘it depends on the situation of the task and report it to take it away’?

That kind of procedure is a bit too cumbersome, and he knows that boss z will definitely not approve him as a newcomer. Instead of that, it might as well be the idea of ​​the little guy in front of him!



"Why should I tell you?!"


Annie has so many things hidden by herself, even so much that sometimes she can't remember exactly what they are hiding? Anyway, it must be right that these weird folks cannot know!


"Hey! You kid, I warn you, there are good things to share! Also, hiding weapons and this kind of armor in private is against the smuggling laws of our planet!!!"

"So, I order you to hand over the extra weapons. Can Agent J keep them for you for free?"

In fact, protective armors are definitely not against the laws of the earth, as long as the holder guarantees that they will not be abandoned on the earth at will! However, j is pretty sure that, like the previous large-caliber weapon of the other party, a weapon that can explode an'Evil Lailong' alien wearing a biological exoskeleton equipment is definitely a serious illegal !

And for items that are seriously illegal, it is necessary for Agent J to take care of them?



"But... I've hidden it, I've hidden it well, you definitely can't find it now! And if you can't find it, you can't say that I hid something, can you?"

Annie doesn't believe that the adults like the other party will not understand the truth that people get stolen goods. When they can't find anything, can they still say that she has hidden weapons?

Her Majesty Queen Anne is just standing here, and she can absolutely guarantee that no matter what equipment they use, they will never find those hidden in her pockets that are connected to the other half plane space. Kind of messy items and leftover munitions!


When j still wanted to say something, suddenly, k on the side took a look at his communicator, his eyes changed, and he quickly grabbed him.

"what happened?"

J, who was about to continue to interrogate or seduce the little girl into submission, didn’t know what his partner, boss, wanted to do, so he couldn’t help but ask out curiously.

He didn't understand. Now that the aliens are all taken care of by the little girl, what else can be worthy of the enemy?

"Put on your glasses! Immediately!!"

Agent K, who didn't explain much, took out his own pair of sunglasses that could resist the light of the'amnesiar' directly from the inner pocket of his jacket, and then put it on the bridge of his nose for the first time.

As for the alien dog Frank and the little girl Annie in front of him, he didn’t remind him. After all, the little girl and the short-legged pug-like alien dogs in front of him are not terrestrial people, and they must not be developed against terrestrial DNA. That kind of "amnesiar" light affects.


"What is this going to do?!"

j After subconsciously putting on his sunglasses, he turned his head around and searched...

Then he was very surprised to find that there did not seem to be any nearby unknown persons or ordinary people who strayed into them. So what are they going to do with this special sunglasses now? !

The next moment,

A strong light swept across the entire city from the top of the idol holding a torch on a Liberty Island in the harbour of this international metropolis frequently visited and destroyed by aliens...


‘Dear viewers in front of the TV, welcome to watch the noon news...’

‘Our reporter filmed the explosion site, have you seen it? That warehouse is still on fire...’

'The police and fire department have blocked the area and refused to let ordinary people approach... because they said that a big explosion occurred in the dangerous goods warehouse of a company operating in violation of regulations, and the hazardous materials inside have leaked out, and the citizens are advised Don't come close, it is definitely not an alien incident? ’

‘After close-up shooting by our, it proved that the situation is indeed like that. It is really a warehouse...’

‘There are no aliens here, no spaceships to land, no missiles that explode...’

The "Foreign-related" organization, the men in black with all the means, this time it was easy to use a high-powered "amnestic device" enough to cover the entire city this time to smooth out the countless witnesses and the aliens that have almost affected the entire city. People event!

All the people are once again living in the "peace" compiled for them by the superiors, without aliens and without any mysterious events, just like in the past...

As for the occasional incidents of ufo and aliens that appear in the newspapers, it is just a talk and joke for the public to provide after dinner, no one will believe that kind of deceptive nonsense!


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