Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 73: High energy ahead! Slow down!

   burn! burn! burn! The flames are burning...

   In this world, wherever I look, there are blazing flames everywhere...

   "Wow! Tibbers! Look! We seem to have come to another amazing place again!"

   The corners of Annie's mouth twitched slightly, and reluctantly put the gem that exhausted energy again into her pocket! Annie thinks, is this gem deliberately at odds with herself? How to pick out some messy world! Look here, is this a place where ordinary people can stay?

   The environment here shocked Annie who just walked out of the space gem portal! Although she had imagined countless possibilities on the opposite side of the portal, she had never imagined that it would turn out to be a situation like this here, and she almost thought she had hit a star! That's not fun!

   Annie is now standing on a huge, scorching black rock in a daze. Wherever she enters, there are fires everywhere! Lava! Flames and smoke! The temperature of the whole world is extremely high! The air is full of disgusting sulfur! That is the poisonous gas emitted from the flowing magma! The air was also distorted by the flames and high temperature, boiling! Shooting stars fall from time to time in the sky! It is also a lava meteorite dragging the flames!

   The sky is full of flames! The dark clouds seem to be burning! There is endless lava on the ground, and the lava is constantly boiling! high temperature! Flames! violent! Smoke and magma! These are the themes of this world!

   Annie felt that this place should be a field of flames! Or is it the field of lava? Or, a half plane of the fire element? If you were replaced by an ordinary person and came here, I am afraid that he would be cooked by the high temperature in less than half an hour, right? Annie seemed to feel the maliciousness in that space gem!

   But that's okay. If the broken stone thinks that this can make Annie surrender, then it is wrong! Annie said that she is not afraid of the environment here! After all, the name of her Lady of Flame was not given by others! That's because Little Annie has never feared any flames from the day she was born! Will not be afraid of any high temperature!

  In the terms of the game, it is completely immune to fire damage! No matter what kind of flame or high temperature, it can't cause any harm to Annie! Even if you throw her into the fire, into the lava! She can even show it to you for nothing! Although this sounds very unscientific! But this is magic!

   Besides, after Annie broke through the demigod, one of the realms she has achieved is the realm of flames! In such a field, Annie will not only not be hurt by fire, but will have a great bonus to cast fire spells!

  For example, the casting speed of flame magic increased by 100%! Spell power increased by 100%! Mana recovery speed increased by 100% or something! If an enemy is stupid enough to enter Annie's flame field to fight her! The enemy's all attributes will be reduced by 50% accordingly! The power of the domain is such a fraud! Not accept it!

   is equivalent to kicking a ball! You ran to someone's home court and wanted to smash it, and their own referee blows you a black whistle, but you have no reason to go! People will call you offside, you will be fouled in the penalty area, and you will be invalidated. What can you do? what? Dare to be a referee? A direct red card is considered light! It is not surprising that you have been suspended for three or two years! Still want to advance? Ha ha... So what, does it matter if you dredge?

   Well, under normal circumstances, this kind of flame field is more difficult to form! For example, in the original battle of New York, if Annie was cruel and set fire to the entire New York city into a purgatory, under the interference of her own domain power, it was very likely that a fire would be set in the area around her The extremely concentrated flame field comes out! Of course, Little Annie definitely can't do such a frantic thing!

   In addition, there are some natural areas! For example: the water element plane, there is a pure natural water element domain! It is said to have a rich water element inside, and there are water elemental creatures running around everywhere! Any drop of water is almost perfect! Also, such as the Elemental Plane of Earth and so on! Another example is this place where Annie is now! It is very likely to be a natural plane of fire!

   This seems to be a natural flame field? Or to be more accurate: the plane of the fire element? Because Annie looked around, the flame-filled earth was full of fire elemental creatures!

   For example, those lava giants moving up and down high mountains, lava beetles crawling on the ground and building nests, giant flame turtles surfing in magma pools, hellfire eagles flying in the sky, and flame poisonous scorpions all over the ground? Swarms of lava diggers? Their strength is not low, the larger individuals generally have the strength above the elite! Some are even close to the rank of heroes! A few of them are almost reaching the point of little lord!

   Annie even saw a strange fire creature, which looked like a race of intelligence? They have a human head and a snake body, a human form above the waist, with fiery red skin, and a snake body below the waist! This looks like a fire demon?

  They are gathering in groups by the large magma pools, not knowing what they are absorbing! Seeing how they work together and division of labor, those with armor and weapons on their bodies should be considered wise, right?

Huh? Is that fire demon patrolling? After Anne observed on the high ground for a while, she suddenly found a strange fire demon. Seeing it was leading two big dogs and lining up with good friends, it must be on patrol purposefully? Is this still a private domain of some powerful existence?

what! It must be! Because Annie also saw that where the fire demon walked past, those monsters, whether it was a lava dog or other fire demon, would respectfully give way to it! This shows that they have a hierarchy!

   is actually a flame territory that already has a master? If this is really the case, it would be a bit interesting! Little Annie's eyes turned sharply, and she immediately thought of a great idea!

   But before that, she decided to go down and catch the patrolling Fire Demon and ask something! So she hurriedly spread her calves and jumped off the lava boulder. With a flash, she strode a long distance and went straight to the fire demon who was still patrolling leisurely with her head down! Little Annie was ready to wait for it to bypass the remote area with small hills blocking its vision, and stop it!


   Shanknox is not only a fire demon in the land of flames, but also a very powerful fire demon hunter! At the same time, he is the guardian of the elements in the land of flames! Vicious Dog Patrolman and Sheriff of the Firelands!

   Anyway, in this plain area outside the Land of Fire, its position is the highest! In this area, everything is up to it! It is responsible for everything that happens! Looking around, this large plain of flame is its jurisdiction!

  As a native fire demon, Shanknox has served its current owner, the Lord of the Balrog, the Lord of the Firelands, and King Ragnaros from the moment it was born!

   They have been trapped in this place since they were imprisoned by those **** Titans thousands of years ago! It has been countless thousands of years! After countless thousands of years, the king is still the king! Never changed! The younger brothers below are dead and up!

   Even the two lava dogs following Shanknox can't remember how many times they have changed! After all, the lifespan of these flame creatures is not like their high-level existence, can live long!

   These low-level lava dogs are pretty good if they can live for hundreds of years! If you die, you will die. Anyway, it has become accustomed to it. It will always change into two dogs every few hundred years!

   On this plain of flames, there are many four-legged lava dogs! Grab if you die! As a qualified hunter, the most feared thing is that the baby is dead! Throw it when you die! Change if it doesn't look pleasing to the eye! Change it if you see it pleasing to the eye! A hunter who doesn't change babies often is not a qualified hunter!

   For countless years, the Land of Flames has basically not been invaded by foreign enemies, because this Land of Flames is a molten area specially created by Titan! The entire land of huge flames is like a huge floating island! It is actually a huge prison! All fire elementary creatures, except for staying here to fend for themselves, they can't go anywhere! Let alone go to the main material world!

   No one would come and invade here stupidly! After all, it’s easier to come in here, but it’s harder to get out! However, sometimes, there are always some unlucky strong people or some void creatures will bump into it!

   Therefore, routine patrols are still necessary! Because those intruders can always add a little bit of fun to Shanknox, so that it will not be too lonely in this huge cage life for thousands of years! Let it also have a little hope for one day to break free of this cage!

   Recently, this hope seems to be no longer a luxury! Because Shanknox knew that it seemed that two or three hundred years ago, there was a fool in the main material world. He actually summoned the owner here: the King of the Balrog! This allowed the great Ragnaros to return to the world of Azeroth after countless thousands of years of imprisonment! The main material world that was once protected by the Titans!

However, it is a pity that after its owner descended into the main material world, it didn’t take long before he fell into a deep sleep of restoring his strength. The big boss Ragnaros at the time only had time to summon a few fire monsters. Go and help with some other fire elemental creatures! And Shanknox is obviously not on the list of being summoned...!

   If Shanknox has no complaints in his heart, it is absolutely impossible! Think about it, it worked hard for the big boss Ragnaros, diligently patrolling the land of flames for tens of thousands of years, and tried its best to maintain order here! Never say bitter, never cry tired! The purpose is to hope that one day the boss, the big boss can think of his dedicated little brother! When there are any benefits or benefits, you can make a little profit!

   And now, the big boss has opened a branch in the main world of Azeroth with a better environment and better treatment! It's the place called Molten Heart! And Shan Knox is not on the list of being transferred? This is simply unreasonable!

  Think of it as one of the veterans of the Headquarters of the Land of Fire. If you don’t get a promotion or raise your salary, you will recognize it! Isn't it too much to mobilize a job with a better environment? But the result? Take a look! Personnel transfer has no place! No increase in wages and benefits! Hey! If it hadn't really had a choice, Shanknox would have wanted to quit! The evil monopoly in the land of flames! He didn't even give it an option to quit!

   So, now it has to continue to patrol the land of flames honestly! Longing for a certain day, after the big boss Ragnaros wakes up, he can discover with his conscience that if it still has something like a conscience, it should be based on the fact that Shanknox has been diligent in patrolling the territory for many years. Also summoned the colorful world of Azeroth, so that it can also go out for a good wave! Instead of staying here like now, leading two stupid dogs on patrol for thousands of years!

   But, it’s useless to think about it now! Others may be able to sleep and sleep forever, to pass the long years! But it won't work for Shanknox! Who made it the chief hunter and Molten Dog trainer under the command of the Balrog King? Who let himself take two dogs? Since he is carrying a dog, he deserves to be patrolled! Forget it! Forget it! At the moment, we still have to finish today's routine work.

   Shanknox sighed and continued as usual, bowed his head, bent over, picked up the guy and greeted the two evil dogs, and started walking slowly along a path in the land of flames! As usual, it also needs to walk a full circle along this road today! Originally, there was no road here in the Land of Flames, but after tens of thousands of years, the hard rocky ground has been dragged into a road!

   This is really a response, there is no road in the world, but after a long time, it becomes a road! Shanknox felt that it was very artistic at this moment! It can even come up with such a philosophical sentence! Perhaps, it is really not suitable for hunters to train dogs? Did you choose the wrong career in the first place?

   I don’t know if it’s too late to apply for a job change and become a clerk? Big boss Ragnaros will agree? In that case, I don't need to patrol here with two stupid dogs every day, right? How comfortable is it to stay in a lava cave drinking lava tea and holding a beautiful female fire demon?

  啧! This is such a great idea! Shanknox decided that after the big boss wakes up, he must find a chance to try it! Since you can't transfer a post in a different place, then apply to change a department in the same place. This should always be possible, right? The boss can't even give up this little face, right?

   I don’t know how long the big boss will sleep? It's almost 300 years, right? This time I can really sleep! Does Azeroth have a handy idea? Did the big boss consume too much power when pinching and grabbing territory?

  Think about it, it's really possible! It is said that there are still many guardians arranged by the Titans! After all, after the big boss leaves the land of flames, his strength is at the level of a demigod at most! Topping the sky means bigger body and bigger weapons!

   In the final analysis, it's the fault of those **** Titans! The Fire Elementals played well in the world of Azeroth back then. Why do they have to be nosy, have to create this molten field and lock them all here? Let them guard this tedious land of flames for countless years! There is not even a chance to appeal!

   The most important thing is that the quality of this cage is surprisingly good! After so many tens of thousands of years, there is no slightest error! Why are they so dedicated? Who will show this kind of ten thousand years project? If there is no problem in the project, how can it consume the fire and repair money? What a brainy thing!

   From Shanknox's point of view, they eat jujube pills in the pantheon of Titan! Don't understand economics at all! The project should be demolished and built! Built and demolished! Only in this way can the economy be mobilized and the market active! Only then can employees have something to do! If you have something to do, you won’t have to panic all day long and think about it!

   If it remembers correctly, it seems that their Pantheon has a Titan named Sargeras. It must be because they are too idle to think too much, that they will reverse the Pantheon! You see, everyone has now built up a hill and established a burning legion, which in turn has attacked the Pantheon! That's what they deserve! ask for it!

Ugh! No matter how much you sigh now, this day is still going to pass! Shanknox felt that for the time being, don't think about the mess of other Titans, anyway, thinking about it is useless! Right now, this little person, let's continue patrolling! Be a fire demon one day, patrol one day! Just do it!

   Shanknox feels that if you have time, you might as well think of a way to see if there is a chance to change your job and become a clerk! This is more reliable! Anyway, it has been working for tens of thousands of years with two local dogs on patrol, and he never wants to do it anymore! Who makes big bosses not understanding employees? Can you blame yourself for running a business?


"Hey! That fire demon! Stop! Hold your head up! That's you! What do you say? By the way! I drive this mountain! I'll come first this way! You want to pass this time and stay to buy money Hurry up and beg for mercy, or else! Kill or bury it!"

After finally waiting for the fire demon to turn into the remote part of the hill, Annie suddenly flashed and flashed not far in front of Shanknox's patrol path, with both hands on Xiaoman's waist, just so carelessly stopping it. The way to go.

   This line was found by Annie accidentally on the Internet when she was messing around with SHIELD! At that time, she felt very energetic, so she kept taking it down carefully! Today, she finally took the opportunity to use it. At this moment, she felt that she was full of compulsion! Make the robbery reasonable all at once! Become a lot taller!


   Looking at the little thing that suddenly appeared to block his way, Shanknox was really taken aback! You know, it was just thinking about how to find an excuse to talk to the boss about being a clerk, Fire Demon! But now, a creature suddenly appeared? This? It's really a creature! Little human beings?

   Then Shanknox turned his head and looked at a big rock next to the little human being. On it, she wrote in magic words a paragraph of three characters that can be understood at a glance regardless of race, illiterate or not: toll station!

   Shanknox's head was stunned! It couldn't even turn the corner in time! When did the Flame Land actually mix into flesh and blood humans? She hasn't been cooked yet? This is really rare! Also, what is she...what is she going to do?

   It seems that such a strange flesh and blood creature has never entered the land of flames, right? Those that were usually mixed in, when it was discovered, had already turned into a corpse! So, what should I do now? Did you catch him and eat it secretly? Or raise it up and reproduce slowly?

and many more! its not right! What did this human say just now? Did she drive this mountain? Did she come first this way? It's nonsense! Shanknox patrolled here tens of thousands of years ago! Obviously this mountain and this road were driven first! By the She also said she wants to stay and buy money? Buy road money! Still charge tolls?

  This...she meant to robbery... robbery? I'm going! Shan Knox, the first dog-legged man under the Lord of Fire, is actually on his patrol route in this land of flames! Was robbed by a tiny human being in your own area?

   Shanknox was so angry that he picked up his Firethorn Heart Slashing Rune Sword, and looked at the little flesh and blood that stood in front of him fiercely! It has always thought that being blind in one eye has already affected its eyesight, but it did not expect that someone would be blinder than itself! This little thing in front of you must be crazy, right? With her small arms and legs, dare to rob herself? Can you crush her with one foot? Oh! Really confused! As a fire demon race, I don’t seem to have legs...!

"Hey! I said, did you hear that? Hurry up and ask for mercy! Otherwise, it looks good with you!" Annie stretched out her finger and pointed at Shanknox. She didn't understand, this fire demon was stunned. What does it mean to keep changing expressions over there? Playing face change? Decide if you want to fight or run! What are they thinking in their heads?


   ask for recommendation


   Originally the third volume was not from the Land of Fire, this volume was temporarily added! Then came the problem: no manuscripts were saved! There are 50 chapters in the original third volume! Now if there is no manuscript saved, let's update 6,000 words a day! This chapter is six thousand words, so don’t cut it into two chapters.

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