Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 461: Mutual advantage

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After the great success of yesterday’s magic item sales meeting, Annie just had a good rest for one night. In the morning of the next day, she went to this blacksmith’s shop in Chaxi again, and started talking to that The industrious barbarian blacksmith began to fiddle together.

As I said before, in this world, the outside is really a little too dangerous, and the little wizard like Annie’s current projection who basically doesn’t have much magic power and spells, once he ran out to play, maybe Will be caught by those nasty sinkers and thrown into a cauldron to stew, right?

After all, her current fireball technique is too far from the power of her own previous Fragmentation Fire, and the flashing is too blue and the distance is short. In case of accidentally encountering a large-scale enemy, such a critical time, Maybe you can't even run! Therefore, besides studying these strange enchantments that she is interested in, she really has no other better pastime in this pigpen-like camp.

Cang Dang! !


Chaxi, who was adjusting the furnace and adding coke to adjust the temperature and flame of the furnace, saw that the little guy suddenly threw an iron rod toward the big basket on his side, and then moved to the distant one with some confusion and picked up the other. Little girl tossing with an iron stick.

Okay, now it's actually Little Annie who is fooling around with the two thick iron rods by herself, and Chaxi is planning to put a fine high-quality steel weapon one by one according to the tasks that Annie arranged for her before. Return to the furnace, then draw various lines on it while it is hot, and then cool down and quench it again after the outline is completed, so as to make a little guy's later enchantment production.

Broken iron rod

Hand injury: 17

Durability: 11 of 24

Staff level: general attack speed

Then... then it's gone!

The attribute of this broken iron rod is like this. It is obviously something that failed to enchant. Not only does it have no magic attributes, but at the same time it is broken, and it seems that there is no need to repair it! Anyway, Chaxi felt that this was just an iron rod. Instead of repairing it, it was better to melt and recast it? Therefore, she didn't say much. After taking a look, she liked it and threw it back into the big blue one that was recycled.


Although she didn't interfere much with Xiao Annie's behavior, Chaxi still felt a little strange and confused, because she didn't understand what the other party was trying to toss an iron rod for, if it was an enchanted weapon, Whether it's an axe or a long sword, I'm afraid it will be okay with an iron rod?

Of course, Chaxi is good at ironing, but she is inferior to the other party when it comes to enchanting! Besides, she didn't say much about the small thing of re-smelting an iron rod, anyway, it was just a convenient thing, and there was no need to take it to heart.

So, when she turned her head and saw that the other party again picked up another identical iron rod and started tossing again, she smiled and shook her head, then turned back to watch her fire intently.

As the only surviving Roger blacksmith, everyone in Chasibi understands the importance of the fire in iron and steel making! Once something goes wrong, the whole pot of molten steel will be gone, and rework will be considered good, maybe it will make the quality of steel plummet, and the weapon armor created will be defective. Therefore, I am optimistic about Huohou's things, and she can't tolerate any sloppyness!

Speaking of it, Chaxi also feels a little funny. She has been ironing for more than 20 years and thinks she is good at it, but in the end, she even asked a little girl to teach herself how to make a good steel...

Because, this little girl once told her: whether it is steel or iron, they are actually the same thing, a simple substance of metal elements! The higher the carbon content of the molten iron, the greater the hardness of the hardened steel, but the lower the plasticity, and the more difficult it is to deform; conversely, the purer the molten iron, the less carbon content, the lower the hardness, and the toughness and toughness. The greater the plasticity! Then, if you add different metals to the molten iron, you will get alloys for different purposes!

Of course, there are other impurities in the molten iron, such as sulfur, which must be sintered at a high temperature and agitated to make them slowly expelled.

For this reason, after getting to know each other for the first two days, Chaxi tried a few times and found that it was not bad at all as the other party had said. Good furnace steel? !

Therefore, since that day, Chaxi’s knowledge of steelmaking has been like a sudden start and an initiation, and he has directly caught a glimpse of the supreme mystery that he has always known but does not know why! And from then on, she began to obey the little girl, even if it was a partnership to swindle people's money, she always bite the bullet and followed it with conscience...

哐! Jingle bells! ! !

While Chaxi was seriously watching the fire in the stove and thinking about certain things, it didn’t take long for another iron rod to hit the edge of the basket, then it bounced off and fell to her feet. She was shocked. She jumped!

"Ahhhhh! Damn it, I failed again!"

When Chiasi looked at the fire, there was no problem for the time being, and then picked up the second iron rod and planned to throw it into the big basket, but a little girl smashed things on that side and grabbed frantically. Tugging at her beautiful blonde and complaining loudly.

That's right, today there are only two experiment materials, all of which were used up by Annie, and of course, she all failed!

In the next experiment, it is estimated that she will have to wait until she makes another batch of goods to get more gold coins. This is why she is a little crazy, and she has worked so hard to get the money. , It was not enough for her to spend half an hour.

Sure enough, it's no wonder that so many adults like money. It turns out that it's because of making money. It's really too difficult and too difficult...

"Annie...what are you studying?"

In fact, Chaxi wanted to ask a long time ago, even if an iron rod weapon is really enchanted, who would buy it? Whether it is a striking scepter, a mace, or a tomahawk, epee, etc., which are both striking and slashing, they are much better than such a light and thin iron rod, right?

Anyway, Chasi can't imagine, which warrior would buy an iron rod to fight those vicious evils and demons from hell, that is simply irresponsible for life!

"Of course it is to study the staff!"

Annie replied a little bit irritably, and all the obvious things have to be asked. If they didn't have the money to buy the outrageously expensive wand wood, where would she find another way and want to go directly to Chaxi The smithy here uses iron rods for almost no money?

But anyway, failure means failure. Annie can only sigh. After venting her dissatisfaction, she begins to pack her things and prepare to work! Recently Annie discovered that besides the most annoying meeting, she had another annoying thing, that is-work at work!

"Steel wand... Annie, you were planning to make an iron core wand just now?!"

Seriously, Chasi was frightened by this little girl's bold thoughts. You know, she has never seen a wand made of iron. They are all expensive and rare with excellent magical properties. It is made of wood, and this is why the magic wand has always been so expensive, with thousands of gold coins at every turn!

"Although I'm sorry... But, Annie, there are some things I have to tell you clearly: Steel has a very poor orientation to magic, very poor! As far as I know, they are almost incompatible with magic, no matter how hard you work, they are It's definitely not a magic wand..."

Seeing this very ordinary solid iron rod in his hand, Chaxi suddenly felt a little dumbfounded.

Counting the one that was just lost, these two iron rods were actually prepared by her in advance according to the instructions of the other party last night, but she did not even expect that this little girl who knows a lot of things would actually be involved in such things. After delving into it, she felt that this would definitely not be successful!

"You're talking nonsense, I've seen many staffs made of metal!"

Anyway, in Annie's opinion, it is not that steel cannot be made into a magic wand, but that she has too tight hands and lacks sufficient materials!

Besides, there are countless examples! When in the world of Azeroth, she had seen many staffs made of metal by various wizards. When those guys shook them up, they could directly smash the skulls of the Burning Legion demons!


"If there is, it must be some rare metals... But unfortunately, there is really nothing other than ordinary steel at Camp Rouge..."

When at the monastery, Chasi remembered that their nuns had a lot of exotic metals in stock, but now, there is really nothing else except steel...Even ordinary steel, they can’t open the supply. Because there is no way to continue mining in the outside mine, they can only find a way to transport it from farther away, just like the caravan of Kidd and Varif not long ago, they can only rely on the outside world for their Rouge camp. There is no way to support themselves.

"Don't worry, Sister Chaxi, I'm not afraid of failure once or twice! I'm a genius, I can definitely find some good solutions!"

"and many more!"

"Annie...what the **** is this, this iron rod?!"

Before preparing to throw the iron rod into the large wooden frame waiting to be recovered and recast, Chaxi subconsciously glanced at the iron rod in his hand, and then exclaimed in surprise.


Archangel's Iron Wand

Short iron bar

Hand injury: 312

Durability: 40 of 40

Staff level: fast attack speed

+2 to all skills of the wizard


This thing called the iron wand has such attributes. Except for a letter of +2 wizard skills, there is nothing superfluous! Chaxi is really fortunate now. Fortunately, she subconsciously checked the attributes before categorizing the recycled items according to her habit. Otherwise, this rare thing might really be thrown into the steel furnace to melt. Recast!

In that case, Chaxi felt that she herself must regret that she couldn't eat for a few days!

"Nothing, it's just an iron wand that failed the experiment!"

"Anyway, it's just a thing that failed to enchant, basically useless."

Cursing her lips, Annie continued to pack her things.

Now she, whose heart is taller than the sky, would not be attracted to such inconspicuous things! Anyway, she would definitely not use this kind of thing, she would either not use it, or use the best one!

"Lost, failed product? But, I think it seems to be very good, it surpasses most wands I have ever seen... No, it is even the best one I have ever seen!"

After seriously thinking about the attributes of this wand, and then thinking about the outrageous enchantment of the opponent's +2 all mage skills, Chaxi felt that this iron wand was already a success with this attribute! However, this thing may indeed be a test product, otherwise, it would not have such a solitary attribute of +2 skill, and the remaining auxiliary enchantments would not even have any...

"No way!"

"Sister Chaxi, let me tell you: This enchantment is still a bit too bad. What use can the +2 spell skill do? If you accidentally run into the existence of the three demon kings of the hell, Don’t you want to be slapped to death like an ant is pinched or stinky?”

"So, this thing, it doesn't work, it's far from enough!"

Anyway, this broken thing, it is a thousand miles away from the finished product that Annie's own expectation, it is only +2 mage skills, what use is it?


" you still want to confront the existence of the three demon gods of hell?"

Chaxi felt that the game was incredible. She could never imagine how someone would want to confront those terrifying existences, but thinking about it could make her feel that there were two battles, and her heart trembled! And now this little guy, the opponent may not even be able to fight the worst kind of Logge archer in the camp, right? How can he dare to think so much?

"That's for sure!"

"Otherwise, why do you think I am working so hard in this world and studying this weird enchantment so hard now?!"

Seeing the savage eldest sister who had an honest duty and didn't have the slightest pursuit in front of her, Annie gave the other party a cold eye and despised her.

"I'm telling you, after I have studied all the enchantments, I want you to see how I went out with the artifact and beat the Three Demon Gods with a punch! Humph..."

What are the three devil gods of hell, if her Queen Anne's body can enter this shelter world casually, she can catch them in minutes and beat them like puppies!

If you let them go east, they dare not go west, and if you ask them to eat, they will never drink water!

However, even if her own body can't get in right now, Annie herself has the confidence to use her clone to kill those three demon gods who are said to be so powerful! Of course, that is certainly not the present, but it is definitely not the unattainable future! She is now moving towards her goal step by step, studying these enchantments step by step, until she can find the way to achieve her goals!

Annie believes that it won't be too long at that time!

Because she is a genius herself, even if she studies these strange enchanting knowledge, she can't waste too much time! The only thing that restricts her now is money and more and more comprehensive unknown knowledge! After all, the most important thing is: bad money!

"It's impossible to kill the Three Devil Gods..."

"Annie, maybe you don't know how terrible they are... hundreds of years ago, even the Horadim mages could only defeat and temporarily seal them..."

The Dark Walker, one of the three demon gods, dare not even mention the name. It is said that Diablo, the King of Fear, possessed the existence. The other party just passed by here near the monastery, exuding and attracting evil. It directly destroyed this land, causing their originally powerful'blind eye' nuns to fall apart in an instant, and now they are shrouded in a **** wasteland with less than three thousand personnel...

With such an extremely evil existence, such a terrifying monster, how can she dare to kill the other party?

"Cut! You haven't done it, how do you know it's impossible?"

At the end, when she was talking, Annie, who had finished packing her things, breathed a sigh of relief and patted the white pocket skirt on her skirt, ready to seriously enchant the tattered things that Chaxi had just finished. .

After all, these are the most important sources of income for the two of them now. If you don’t want your research funds to be broken, you have to go to the Lumo ⒖ɡ? to grab Qiu Renzhong? The pastoral system? ⑶ It is bad and perverse? About the crane???

Anyway, Xiao Anni will never go and listen to that after menopause. She always likes to drink the sticky titanium and toss the uranium until it is too good to be able to live with it. Miscellaneous mulberry drags do not squat about Han Tuo and Xian Nan "Mei Zheng? Chu Por is not a quail dying? How can I apologize? Zhang Ye 杪枰垰偍校


"Annie, what are you going to do with this iron wand now?"

Chaxi didn't want to talk to a little girl who seemed a little naive about how to beat the three demon gods to death with one punch, because it was a little weird just to hear it, even wishful thinking?

So, she turned to talk about how to deal with this magic wand right now.

"This is a tattered iron rod... Hey, you'd better take it back to the furnace, anyway, it's a failed thing!"

After blinking and taking a look at the fire stick that Chasi was holding in her hand, Annie sighed a little bit depressed, because this thing was too far away from her previous expectations.

" the furnace?!"

When the little girl said that she was going back to the stove, Chaxi became anxious on the spot and almost didn't jump up.

"The angel is on! Annie, do you know how much this iron rod can sell for?!"

Afterwards, she hurriedly asked in a bluffing tone, as if she wanted to confirm the other party's true thoughts. You know, although she is honest in her duty and fair in business, she has one advantage, that is: she can accurately estimate the approximate value of a piece of equipment and sell it according to the value!

For example: a piece of super equipment that can see attributes and is worth one hundred gold, she will definitely not sell 99 gold, nor will she sell two hundred gold, but will sell one hundred and one to one. Around one hundred and five?

"I don't know... is it valuable?"

Annie didn't quite understand what was good about this broken iron rod, so she asked subconsciously.

Just now, she originally wanted to try to see if she could directly enchant a +99 mage skill level iron rod, because Annie thinks that at least this amount must be added to compete with those **** demons. !

But how can I think that after she finished her enchantment, when she was identified, she only had a +2 skill? In extreme disappointment, while thinking about what went wrong, she immediately planned to throw it into the large wooden frame for recycling.

"It seems you really don't know..."

"Annie, let me tell you this. Although I have seen this steel wand for the first time and don’t know much about magic, I’m sure that this thing is worth at least ten thousand gold coins, even More!"

"As for its value, I don't know now... but I think Akara will definitely know it!"

Although this iron wand has only one magic attribute of +2 mage skill in addition to the basic slap damage, after careful consideration for a while, Chaxi still feels that it is really valuable, even far away. On top of the value I just said!

Especially this magic wand, it is made of metal. This kind of metal magic wand that breaks the norm will definitely impact the current system of expensive wooden wands. The significance of this matter is very important. She must make it as soon as possible. Akara knew that because the other party was the priestess and prophet of their "blind eye" nuns, he must know what this meant.

"Jianzi... Then whatever you want..."

Now that she knew that this iron rod was so valuable, then Annie would definitely not insist on returning it to the stove.

However, when I remembered that today’s two iron stick enchantment experiments had failed, Annie lay down on the table with a little aura, and began to think hard with half-squinted eyes... She needs to think about it, today What's wrong with the enchantment?

Only by discovering the problem, finding the problem and then solving the problem, and then trying to make some breakthroughs and experiments, and only in this way, can her own skills continuously improve and slowly reach a certain level that she wants to achieve.


"This thing, it is really amazing! You may not understand, you just completed an epoch-making major innovation! I think, I should, and must immediately take it to Akara to take a good look?! "

The more he thought about it, the more excited Chaxi hesitated to take a look at the pot of molten steel he was about to release, and still felt that it was more important to go to Akara now! So, while holding the iron rod tightly, she asked the little girl Annie a little cheerfully.


Waved to the opponent impatiently, Annie motioned to let him deal with it.

For her, an iron rod that failed to enchant, she wouldn't care about it! In any case, her goal is to punch the devil, kick the angel, and this kind of little thing is of no use to her at all!


(Master, with that burning stick, you can summon the little ones...

——After the big savage woman named Chaxi ran out hurriedly holding the iron rod, Tibbers suddenly said to his own bad boy. It felt that the fire stick with all skills +2 should be very useful to its little master! )

"I know!"

"But the broken one is just +2 skills, what's the use? Don't worry, Tibbers, when we are rich, we will first make an ordinary magic wand with skills, mana, and many attributes to defend ourselves! The root just now, what is the use of skills, you don't know, people's current projection, a total of only 35 mana, after letting you out, even the escape flash technique can't be used! "

Having said that, Annie sighed again.

Sure enough, there is still a long way to go if you want to make a set of artifacts that add skills, add attributes, add attacks, add defenses, add energy, and add all useful enchantments! That's right, that's probably what it means!



Today, Akara deliberately ended her alchemy and pharmacy schedule, which had been busy for a long time in the past. Instead, she burned a pot of hot milk tea in her big tent, preparing to receive a certain traveler who was about to visit her.

Sure enough, it didn’t take long before she saw Kasha walking in with a heroic female warrior, and the outfits on the other side seemed to be very similar to what she saw from their “blind eye” documents and statues. Those pioneers.

"I guess you are the Centurion Wilche from the Skovos Islands overseas?"

"Please sit down, don't be too restrictive... Knowing that you are coming this morning, I even burned some drinks specially, it is almost just right now..."

After sitting around the small stove and the carpet floor, Akara signaled to the two who came in and asked them to sit directly in the positions they left, and then poured a cup of steaming on Kasha and the new Amazon. The finest milk tea.

Fortunately, a certain little guy is not here today. Otherwise, these few good things left may be drunk by the other party just like drinking water!

"You are the Akara, the current supreme leader of the'Blind Eye' Order?!"

After looking up and down curiously for a while at this woman who didn't seem to be very capable, the Amazon Centurion Vercher asked straightforwardly.

Her tone was like chatting with an unfamiliar and equal person, neither appearing humble, nor respecting the other party, she just asked in that cold tone.


"For now, I think it should be..."

If you count it seriously, now the head of their "Blind Eye" monastery is dead, and the guardian of the monastery may also be dead, and the countess depraved and rebelled and took refuge in the demon who occupies the monastery. ——After Andariel, Queen of Pain, Akara is now indeed the highest surviving leader of the monastery, because among all the high priests, she seems to be the only seedling left.

It's just that Akara was a little bit confused, because she felt that the other party seemed to have a faint hostility towards their'blind eyes'? Whether it was from the other person's expression or tone, she could see it.

"It is the first time I have seen pure Amazon warriors like you set foot on the northern lands in so many years. I think you must be very brave and elite, and only then can you come here..."

"By the way, I haven't had time to ask, is it important that you Amazon came here and called to visit my old lady?"

After drinking a cup of hot milk tea with the other party to dispel the evil and terrifying chill in some cold weather, Akara slowly put down the cup and asked the other party with a smile.

"It's actually nothing, I just want to come and get something back!"

After drinking the milk tea in the cup in one gulp, the Amazon warrior Verche sat upright and stared at the Rouge camp and the principal of the monastery opposite.

She knew that she and her one hundred elite Amazon warriors, if they want to successfully get back the things belonging to their Amazon clan, they must first pass this old guy in front of them!

Otherwise, even if the Loggers are not too strong now, but the opponent still has thousands of people, plus the home court advantage, it is by no means that they can easily fight! Therefore, at this moment, Verche's heart was more or less worried, not as confident as she showed.

"Get something back... Then, can you tell me what it is?"

Nodded, although there was a faint feeling in my heart, Akara still smiled confusedly and asked the other party.

A group of well-established elite Amazonian women warriors traveled thousands of miles across the ocean and crossed half of the Western Continent to the blood wasteland. They asked to see themselves, the supreme leader of the Sisters of the Blind Eye. To get something back, the other party's purpose is actually already obvious.

"of course!"

"What we want to get back is the artifact that we lost a long time ago-the'Blind Eye'!"

After looking at the other's expression in silence for a while, the Amazon Centurion suddenly laughed, and then heartily stated the ultimate goal of their trip!

She believes that the two people here, whether it is the old and cunning Akara, or the gloomy expression next to Kasha, who never seems to hide their emotions, the two leaders of the "blind eye" nuns must guess. When it came to her intentions, she didn't intend to cover up, and she said directly and generously.


Akara nodded inwardly, she had guessed it before, and it would be so right, so she was not surprised.

"'Blind Eye'! That is the artifact of our monastery, you want to take it away?!"

Before Akara could speak, the grumpy Kaxia took the lead and stood up angrily!

No wonder, she felt that the other party led so many subordinates and came here in an organized way, and that all of the 100 people are the most elite Amazon fighters, and that it must be a bad one! And now when I heard it, it really was troublesome to come to find their nuns!

These hateful female Amazon warriors actually want to take advantage of the fire, so why? Could it be based on the talent of a hundred people in the camp outside the corner? Although their "blind eyes" nuns will suffer heavy losses now, Kasha doesn't feel afraid of these outsiders!

"Heh! Ridiculous! Return your artifact?"

"If I remember correctly, the'Blind Eye' originally belonged to our Amazons, and is the artifact of our Skovos Islands! It was your traitorous ancestors who stole it from our country!"

Seeing the other party's reaction, Wilcher didn't stand up, but still sat so well and leisurely and stared at the opponent's almost fire-breathing eyes with mocking eyes.

"And now, as far as I know, you have lost it again... Then why can't we come here to reclaim it?"

Even the fortress of the monastery has fallen into the hands of the devil in the'blind eye' nun society, and the other party has many sisters who have taken refuge in the devil. Therefore, Wilcher firmly believes that the other party is entrenched in the blood wasteland The remnants of the grid and the nuns must have lost control of the artifact.

And this is their perfect opportunity for Amazon!


Seeing that the other party was so arrogant, Kaxia just wanted to say something, and was pulled by Aka's stretched hand on the side, so she had to hold back her own abuse and the decision to expel the other party.

Kaxia suddenly felt that yesterday, she shouldn't let the other person in! Look now, while the other party is enjoying their Roger's protection, he still wants to attack their church's divine weapon. This is really unreasonable!


After Aka stretched his hand and stopped Kasha, he first shook his head gently at the other party before looking at the Amazon Centurion who was still sitting steadily.

"Your name is Verche, right?"

The other party's name had already been reported to Kaxia yesterday, so Kaxia asked again.

"Yes, any advice, priest Akara?"

Although he didn't know what the other party was thinking, Wilcher nodded.

"Can I tell you a story first?"

As far as Akara was concerned, he was average, but suddenly changed the subject and talked about other things.

When people are old, it’s just to be together Lv Fangchang holds the loyalty to the man's bankⅲ "The cabin of the Qin 饬 teaches the simmering" material and plaque ?Tong Di Shu┟ Wii Mei tomb fits snugly

Little Annie no longer likes to listen to stories many years ago. She prefers to experience stories herself, such as Dragon Quest or World Adventure.

"If it's a related matter, then I will listen to it with all ears!"

The body, which was somewhat relaxed, sat up straight again, and Vircher planned to use his energy to listen carefully, wondering what the other party wanted to make. In any case, this time, they are going to take back the artifact, otherwise, they will have no face to go back!


"This matter, I have to talk about it a long time ago..."

"Our ancestors... They were the first to see the crisis in this world from the magical "Blind Eye"... The ancient prophecies and the current facts have confirmed the occurrence of the'Dark Exile'... and also heralded what is happening here now. everything of……"

"The three demon kings of **** are about to start doing harm to the world..."

Having said this, Akara paused and pondered. All the prophetic records of their "Blind Eye" nuns accurately predicted what was happening now. In the past, she thought it might not be so serious. of.

"Of course, these things are not important now..."

"At that time, our ancestors believed that if we participate in this matter and destroy the conspiracy of the three demons, we will definitely usher in a new era. The whole world of shelters will eventually face and admit: Women can also participate in important things in the world, and at the same time they will give us the equal status and respect that women deserve..."

Akara just said slowly the main purpose of the monastic society when it came here.

In the documentary records she still remembers, their ancestors seemed to think so, and did so! And this is the fundamental reason why the monastery is all women, and even the army is all women! Because they have to use their own hands to give them grace to gain their due status on this continent!

They are indeed like the kind of ‘feminists’ that a little girl whispered nonsense when she heard her Akara preaching!

Although, the current situation doesn't look so wonderful anymore...

Their entire monastery, the countless elite troops and sisters of their'blind eyes', under the terrible evil power of that dark walker, let alone resist, they will turn their backs and surrender to the enemy and fall instantly to the present. This bad degree.

At this moment, I'm afraid everyone knows that their ‘blind eye’ nuns may only have the last bit of strength in the Rouge camp. Just these people, let alone get rid of the three demon gods of hell, even if it becomes impossible to even take back the monastery?

"Hmm! Stupid!"

"The status of respect and equality is won by one's own strength and the spear in hand, not for others to see! In the Skovos Islands, we women are the dominant state, and those Men can only serve as ordinary clergy, merchants and farmers!"

"The status of our Amazon warriors is above all else. We never need the recognition of others, and this is the fact!"

After a cold snort, Vircher said her own point of view aloud! Obviously, she didn't care much about some of Akara's remarks, and even dismissed it a little.

"It may be the case on your Amazon land, but..."

"The people on our east and west continents are not what you think...I think you should have a deep understanding when you go northward, when you pass through those human forces?"

Regarding the opponent's rebuttal, Akara actually didn't mind, she was just a little emotional about the foresight and preparations of her ancestors, but she felt sad that they were all ruined by their younger generations.


"So, priest Akara, are you not going to give us that ‘blind eye’?!"

Looking directly at the opponent's eyes, after looking at each other in silence for a while, Wilcher suddenly asked again in that cold tone.

If the other party insists on rejecting their reasonable request, she will lead her subordinates to leave the other party’s camp in the afternoon or tomorrow morning, and then use her own way to get what she wants. For this matter, everyone Can't stop!

"No... on the contrary, I agree in principle to you to take it back..."

Seeing the other's ugly face, Akara suddenly changed his tone, and what he said made the Amazon female warrior who was ready to turn his face at any time astonished.


At this moment, Kasha exclaimed again, looked at Akara in a puzzled and shocked manner, and planned to interrupt, however, she was interrupted again.

"Don't worry, Kasha, I haven't finished my words..."

After Akara comforted Kasha for a while, he looked at Verche who was sitting in front of her again, and then continued slowly:

"It's just that, as far as we know, now that'blind eye', it is very likely that it has fallen into the hands of Andariel, Queen of Pain... Even I don't know whether that thing was given by her. Bring it back to hell... So, if you really want it, at least, you have to find a way to defeat her first?"

"And if you can defeat Andariel, why don't I give it to you at the discretion of that artifact?"

The fact is indeed the case. At the beginning, their monastery fell too suddenly, and it almost disappeared! Therefore, they didn't have time to bring out a lot of things after they panic. Of course, they also included the most important artifact, the "Blind Eye"!

And now, the guardians of the nuns of the two of them are dead, so where is there to think about the artifact?

"Humph! Are you trying to use me to help you recover that monastery?!"

Squinting and pondering for a while, Vircher quickly saw through the opponent's conspiracy.

However, she also feels a few, because if what the other party said is true, I am afraid that they have no other better way than to bite the bullet and prepare to fight with Andariel, Queen of Pain from Hell. ? Unless, they don't plan to get that kind of thing, but in that case, what's the point of them coming here not far away? !

"No... I didn't think that way..."

"Because you actually don't have the ability to defeat Andariel... Even if you and your 100 people are all the most elite Amazon fighters... Andariel, Queen of Pain, is not something we can easily deal with."

Now the strength of the Rouge camp, let alone dealing with Andariel, Queen of Pain, even if it is dealing with the sources of evil entrenched in the blood wasteland, he is very anxious and unable to handle it! As a result, they now have to fight the idea of ​​those adventurers, wanting adventurers from all over the world to use them as gunmen at Camp Rouge.

"Humph! It's our business whether we can defeat the enemy!"

"I just want to make sure that if one day, we really defeat the female demon and find the artifact-the'blind eye', you are sure, you will not stop us from taking it and bringing it back to our islands Go up?"

After pondering for a while, the Amazon Centurion Verce looked directly at Akara's eyes again, staring at the other person and asking. She wants to see the other person's real thoughts in the other person's eyes, not the platitudes that evasive like a politician!

"Of course, I promise!"

Nodding, Akala reconfirmed the other party's question with clear eyes.

"That's good, then I will leave first!"

If the other party dared to accept this matter, Navelche was relieved!

It’s just like what she just said, it’s her business to be able to beat Andariel, Queen of Pain, but some necessary pre-arrangements still need to be made to save time for both sides to wrestle and make them less powerful. One party has suffered!


Seeing that the other party was about to leave, Akara suddenly shouted at the other party.

"Why, do you want to go back?"

"of course not……"

"The thing is like this: in a month, we will start cleaning up a certain source of evil in the blood wasteland and work hard to recover this land... And since you are going to deal with Andariel, I think, clean it up first The demon around is always correct, so will you come to participate?"

There was a group of powerful thugs, and Akara certainly had no reason to refuse, so when she saw that the other party wanted to leave, she quickly brought up the matter. After all, these are a hundred powerful and elite Amazon warriors, and the fact that the opponent can reach the Rouge camp safely, fully demonstrates the strength of the opponent!

"Oh! I see, you want to use us?"

"Huh! It's not impossible to participate! But, I have to ask first, what benefits can you give us?"

The Amazon Centurion glanced through the conspiracy of the other party and glanced at the cunning old guy in front of him. The other party wanted to take advantage of their Amazonian ideas. Of course she saw it at a glance!

"It can't be said to use...this is actually just mutual benefit..."


"In fact, it's like this...At that time, after successfully taking back this **** wasteland, I will allow you to come here and read the book of wisdom handed down by the ancient Horadim mages! In fact, your one hundred Amazon girls Warrior, everyone can cross once!"

"What do you think of this suggestion?"

Looking at each other with a smile, Akara once again threw out the ancient book that he hadn't lost in any way. Sure enough, a certain little girl said it was right, knowledge or something is the most precious wealth!

"Book of Wisdom? What's the use then?"

Wilche, who came here from the overseas archipelago, obviously didn’t quite understand what the book meant. After all, this was the first time in her 18-year-old life that she set foot on this land on the northern mainland. For many things, She doesn't know much, what she is better at is just fighting enemies or monsters in the dense forest, that's all!


"The Book of Wisdom, it is a magical book. It allows the professional who reads it for the first time to obtain at least one valuable skill point..."

Hearing that the other party didn't understand the meaning of the Book of Wisdom, Akara was not anxious, just smiled and said slowly.

"Very good! We will definitely participate at that time! It's just that we have to get acquainted with this land during this time!"

"of course!"

"Then, goodbye!!"

Seeing that things have been settled, Wilche will not agree to it. Benzene is like a green onion. The atmosphere is like a scorpion. The ellipse is a young girl. The oxime is a heartbreaker. It’s just like this. The suffocation of the suffocation in the courtyard, the squat, the scorpion, the fascination, the smashing, the zinc, the dip, the hump, the glaze, the 锬ミ Chuntu Shuoyan

She felt a little faintly, as if she was unconsciously used by the other party? !


"Akara, how did you promise to give her that artifact..."

Seeing the outsider finally left, Kaxia remembered, stood up again and asked Akara, who was still sitting peacefully drinking milk tea. She didn't understand, if the ‘blind eye’ nuns didn’t have that artifact, what would they be? !

"Kasha, isn't the purpose of our'Blind Eye' created to defeat the Three Demon Gods and gain recognition from the world? In this case, if their Amazons are able to help and participate in it, why not let them participate? "

Akara was really not in a hurry, still blowing the cup so slowly, and then taking a sip carefully.

"But, that is our divine weapon after all..."

In Kasa’s mind, even if you don’t need even if you hide it in a warehouse, you will never let the enemy take it away easily, even if those Amazons are not their enemies. !

"But it's theirs at the same time!"

Akara refuted Kasha's words for the first time, and then looked at each other with unquestionable eyes.

"That Verche was right. Originally, the'blind eye' belonged to their Amazons. No one can deny this. Our documents are also clearly recorded! And now, we even belong to the Amazons. The inheritance is almost lost...Even if it is you Kasha, how many layers of skills do you retain the Amazon warrior?"

"So... Since we don't have the ability to keep it, why not let the Amazons reclaim it if there is a chance?"

In Akala's view, the "blind eye" nun society is just a title, and it will not disappear as a divine weapon. As long as the three demon gods of **** can be defeated, their church will continue to exist. !

And if it fails, what's the point of struggling with these?


"Anyway, I can't tell you! I hope you are right!"

After speaking, Kasha turned and left with a little annoyance, and then just hit the barbarian Chaxi who was about to enter, staggering her, almost not falling on her back.

"Chaxi? Are you here, what's the matter?"

Looking at the blacksmith Chasi who rushed in with an iron rod, Akara was a little puzzled, because she knew that the other party should be mixing with a little girl at this time!

"Akara, good news! It's like this..."


o(???)o59 points update 03 points can not be brushed out! !

?Codewords are so hard, so just a few cents a day should support more genuine ones, right?

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