Dragonbone Wilderness can be said to be one of the coldest and harshest places in Northrend.

It and the Solacha Basin in the west have a tropical jungle climate due to the action of Titan’s various laboratory devices, or the ash on the east has become much warmer due to the cold wind blocked by the towering mountains of the storm cliffs. The difference between Bear Hills is: in Dragonbone Wilderness, due to the flat terrain, there are basically no obstacles to the north, so that the cold wind from the north can directly whizz down south all year round, taking away any excess heat on this land, and Let this land be covered by ice and snow all year round.

Except for the Red Jade Dragon Holy Land, which is supported by abundant life energy, and the Emerald Dragon Holy Land further south, the rest of the Dragonbone Wilderness is full of grass without growth...The thick snow covers the hard ice and cold. Frozen ground on paper! The theme colors here are the vast snow, the gray-brown boulders and the blue sky that is rarely seen when it is clear...Besides, people can't see any extra colors.

I'm here today, under the thick dark clouds, even the blue sky that makes people feel comfortable is no longer visible...

In the gray sky, endless white flowers and fluffy snow are slowly falling one by one, and the cavalry of the Knights of the Silver Hand, the most elite of the New Lordaeron Kingdom, and the intrepid heavy armor legion The infantrymen of, are carrying thick shields, holding steel spears or epees, wearing icy steel plate armor, wearing fiery red flame alliance badge shirts, and wearing them so cold that they almost stick to the scalp His fully enclosed helmet, silently moving his clanging greaves under the shouts of the officers, nervously lined up with his comrades side by side.

The red tassels on their helmets that originally fluttered with the wind have already begun to condense and freeze together under the action of snowflakes and water vapor in the air, following the shadows of the soldiers. Action, they just stood silently in rows and rows in the snow... so that countless red dots were gathered together, and soon they gathered into a vast and neat army formation in this vast snowfield. And under the misty snowy weather, it was unusually conspicuous.


It was not until the array was lined up that the soldiers finally had time to stare at the snowflakes slowly covering their shoulders and the top of their helmets. Every breath of heat that they exhaled was quickly condensed into frosty white air from the cold, until the helmet eyes Transparent ice beads began to condense in the cracks, but they still stood motionless on the cold Northrend snowfield of Dragonblight Wilderness, standing next to the flame-lit magic bear head flag on the side of the Flame Alliance. Just stand neatly at the forefront of the entire army of the army!

Because these troops are the most elite heavy-armored regiments in the Flame Alliance. They must wear heavy and cold plate armor to stand at the forefront of the huge army formation to defend the comrades behind them from the impact of the enemy, various arrows, Magic, falling rocks and even shells... They represent the strongest shield and the thickest wall in the alliance army!

Therefore, at this moment, they must now stand at the forefront, standing at the frontmost place nearest to the enemy!

Behind them, there are a large number of light armor soldiers, human crossbowmen, dwarf musketeers, artillery troops, high elf rangers, mages, and siege weapon troops from various countries in the Flame Alliance!

Now, in this large army formation of the Flame Alliance, the number of troops is about 100,000 people, except for the 30,000 to 20,000 combat power that guards the large camp a few miles behind, so to speak, Almost all the remaining elites in the Flame Alliance are here.

Perhaps this is also one of the reasons why Sylvanas, who was the commander before, is reluctant to go with the Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza, and is not willing to come here for a decisive battle at this time?

At this time, about a mile to the left of the Flame Alliance's army formation, there was a sparsely large tribal army wearing tawny shirts.

Except for a small number of Legion Orcs who pay more attention to formation and discipline, the other trolls, tauren and wild boar, etc., all carry heavy and vicious weapons and stand freely into a group of thousands of people. It's just a big square.

Obviously, the tribal warriors who value personal courage did not completely copy the phalanx tactics of human beings. Although they also obey orders and follow the command, they prefer the battle mode of swarming side by side when fighting. The formation is not too important to them.

Compared to the red head and the red battle flag of the Flame Alliance, on the right side, on the hillside heights that are also about one mile away from the central legion of the Flame Alliance, it is the blue flag that carries the blue flag, Wearing a blue battle robe, and a huge army with blue helmets on top!

They seem to be another replica of the Flame Alliance Army!

However, their number seems to be tens of thousands more than that of the Flame Alliance, and there are also a large number of night elves with violet skin, green hair, and armor, and draenei with blue skin. soldier.

Of course, there must be several Naaru batteries shining with golden light!

Finally, flying in the sky with snowflakes are the red dragon queen Alexstrasza and the blue dragon king Malygos who have changed back to the form of the dragon, as well as their dragon sleeping army, their big and small Great dragons and young dragons, red, blue, green, and shit-yellow, so they fly all over the sky!

Of course, on the land, on the two wings of the Flame Alliance army, there are still a lot of dragon people! Some of them are almost the same size as the abyssal demon of that kind of demon. When the battle begins, I believe they will be the heaviest and powerful cavalry unit! In the battle, their physique and powerful strength far surpassing human beings can definitely cause terrible blows to the enemies.

This time, the entire Air Force of the Azeroth Alliance, whether it is Fire Eagle, Griffon, Dragon Eagle, Helicopter, Double-headed Flying Dragon, Hippogryph, or Chimera, they will all be led by the dragons and combined to strike. Those air forces are not too many enemies!

Maybe the Azeroth Alliance has a huge air force advantage. This may be one of the few good news among a lot of bad things, right?

At this time, in the distance, about three thousand yards in front of the Azeroth coalition army formation, on the snowy field over there, a large area of ​​the city was overwhelmed by darkness. It was the Burning Legion Demon and the Scourge from the axis of evil. The undead army!

Compared to the Azeroth coalition forces that are still in formation, their demons and undead have no formation like that, and they are divided into two distinct sides! On the left, there are various and clamoring demon army; and on the right, there are Northrend undead elites commanded by the new Lich King, thanks to the Helm of Domination and the Liches below They didn't need the commanding of the officers at all. They lined up in silence and stood there silently, even the ice and snow began to cover their bodies without moving!

Looking at it from a distance, except for the conspicuous red skin and green fel armor of the Burning Legion Great Demon Deceiver Kil'jaeden and the terrifying number of the enemy, those flying over the enemy’s army are covering the sky. The frost dragon of the sun can also shock the hearts of the coalition forces in Azeroth...

Had they not been told by their respective officers, the Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza had a magic weapon to defeat the enemy and defeat the enemy, I am afraid that now, most coalition forces will only see the enemy’s situation, and their morale will be greatly reduced. Right?


"Old Fording, maybe we should get the Holy Light Titan too...Look! The draenei of the Stormwind Alliance, they all got several naru, they can really afford the capital !"

In the cavalry array of the Knights of the Silver Hand of the Flame Alliance, the ash messenger-Alexandros Mograine, with long golden hair and beard all over his head, turned his head and looked for a while. After the large golden batteries in the draenei formations in the Stormwind City Alliance on the right, they joked with some envy at the old Fording who was also the frontline commander beside him.

At this moment, they did not wear the uncomfortably freezing metal helmet, but let the snow fall on their hair, so they rode horses side by side, exhaled the heat, and checked their side. On the other hand, he did not forget to check the situation of the orcs and the two sides of the Stormwind Alliance.

"Come on, Mograine...you don't know, we can't open such a big portal!"

The Stormwind Alliance suddenly produced several Naaru Holy Light creatures, and their Flame Alliance now doesn’t seem to have much demonstrable and conspicuous ultra-high-end combat power, so Old Fording said that it’s impossible not to envy it. !

And the only holy light Titan who is still swaying in Hillsbrad Hills, because of the size problem, they are a little helpless...If you join that big guy to come here, as long as you learn to shine with the holy As long as it is light, it may not be compared to those naaru.

"Maybe, we should try to ship it?"

After smacking his lips, Mograine finally took his gaze back from the holy light creatures of the Stormwind Alliance on the right, and seemed to look at the demons and undead far ahead again.

Since they are in the south and the demons of the Burning Legion and the undead of the Scourge are in the north, under the harsh north wind, almost all of them can clearly smell the pungent smell of fel sulfur and Disgusting strong smell of death!

"Transported by ship? Huh! With her size and weight, the ship sank as soon as she stepped on it. Which ship can transport her?"

A little bit dumbfounded and shook his head, Old Fording put on his helmet after smearing the snow scum on his face and patted the snowflakes off his head, and retorted his old friend's words in an angry manner.

"Tsk...it seems to be too?"

Think of the white, unknown metal of the holy girl Titan, Mograine also felt that with the huge body and weight of the other party, I believe that there is absolutely no ship in the world of Azeroth that can carry that. A Titan Guardian, right?

"Okay, Mograine, hurry up and put on your helmet and get ready! If the snow on your head turns into ice, I will definitely help you chop it with my hammer!"

"Also, actually you don't need to envy the Naaru of those draenei!"

"You with the Ashbringer, as long as you bring up your endless courage, it will make your soul and body emit a brighter light than those large batteries!"

After looking a little enviously at the ash messenger of the holy light artifact on his back, Old Fording urged the lucky old friend very dissatisfied.

Originally, he himself also had a one-handed sword with a holy light artifact, which was built from the half of the Naaru fragment that he had snatched from General Alfred Abidis when he was on the front of Tyren Mill. ! Disliked that it was not easy to use, and after seeing that the old guy Alfred also handed the other one-handed sword that he had built to that Bridget Abidis, he took advantage of his own hand in hand. Gave it to his son Taelan Fording, and implicitly hinted something.

But it's a pity...His old Fording's son, Taelan, is a fool. He doesn't understand the true purpose of the one-handed sword he handed over to him. He knows all day to show it off to the other little boys. To seduce the mistress of another sword?

You know, those two swords are from the same thigh of the same Naru, they are a natural pair...

After thinking about it, Old Buddha Ding still thinks that the tutor of this old guy named Mograine might be better! Look at the Renault Mograine and Sally Whitemane, who eloped without saying a word, they couldn't stop them! How could his stupid son not learn from other couples? Is it possible that you are silly to learn the holy optics?

"makes sense……"

After gently touching the handle of the Ashbringer behind him, Alexandros Mograine grinned and wiped off his beard and head casually, following the look of Old Fording, and quickly put on his one. Golden helmet.

"But Old Fording... When did that red dragon queen's killer start? Now I can't help it a bit, you can feel it, this helmet is so cold that my head is uncomfortable, and it doesn't keep warm at all! I think the soldiers would definitely not want to stand motionless in the snow like this...If they don’t fight quickly, I think the warming potions they drank before won’t last long! , Maybe it all freezes before the fight..."

In the Northrend Arctic, and one of the coldest areas in the Dragonbone Wilderness, the low temperature here is no joke! It is still spring, and the temperature is not the coldest time of the year. It may not be enough to pee into a stick, but if you stand still for a long time, you may actually be able to freeze to death!

Therefore, as one of the commanders, Mograine is still very concerned about the feelings of the soldiers.

"Stop talking nonsense and wait patiently!"

Old Fording didn't care about the old guy next to him anymore. He just kept gasping for breath, letting a trace of cold and condensed white mist emerge from the crevices of the closed helmet, and then quietly. Sitting on the saddle, trying to maintain physical strength, ready for the upcoming battle.

"How about our cute lord, why didn't you see her? If there is a fight later, she will rely on her to contain Kil'jaeden. Shouldn't she go missing again?"


"What am I asking you... Old Fording?"

Mograine was still unrelenting, and obviously he used talking as a way to relieve the cold.

"That's not the case. She should be in the tent behind, being watched by Queen Sylvanas!"

Silently looking at the enemy in the distance, Old Fording was thinking, what kind of thing it is that can make the Red Dragon Queen so confident that their Azeroth coalition forces can defeat the dense crowds in front of them. The enemy?

To be honest, if he can, Old Fording himself does not want to do this kind of decisive battle with the enemy. This is obviously very unfavorable for them. No qualified commander can do this kind of thing. . It's no wonder that Garithos will specifically urge them to make them, frontline commanders, be more vigilant. Once they see something is wrong, they can lead the team to evacuate south by themselves!

"Holy Light... there are still tents at this time? This is really a group of corrupt elements, a scum in the alliance, who don't know how to share the joys and sorrows with the soldiers..."

Hearing that the queens behind had tents, and they had to stand in this harsh icy and snowy ground, Mograine was a little bit very angry and whispered. Of course, he suppressed his voice so small that only his old friend, Old Fording, could hear him.

"Mograine...you better keep your words, our queen is also inside!"

"Aha... Um, I'm just talking about things! Anyway, you won't spread it casually, right?"



At this time, in the middle and rear area of ​​the Burning Legion army, the deceiver Kil'jaeden, the commander-in-chief, is working with his subordinates Brutalus, the Eredar twins Queen Salolas, and the high warlock Ao. Together with the new Lich King Kael'thas Sunstrider, Lacey quietly looked at the enemy in the distance and waited for her army to arrive.

Kil'jaeden does not intend to participate in the next battle, and there is no need to participate! Because he believes that with the millions of armies of the Burning Legion and the Scourge, the native army of Azeroth and the pesky flying lizards can be defeated at will! And all he needs to do is to deter the enemy here and wait for the battle to end.

"Hmph! Almost...it seems that those stupid natives are ready to die."

"Listen to my order: Kael'thas, right now, go and lead the group of bones, scum and rotten meat under yours, and press on my army, to disrupt their formation and kill those idiots! Then, my Burning Legion again Wait for the opportunity to get out and defeat them in one fell swoop!

Staring coldly at the Lich King with the helmet of dominance at his feet, Kil'jaeden forced his orders in a tone that would never allow bargaining.

Obviously, Kil'jaeden the deceiver did not intend to let the demons of the Burning Legion under him be dispatched first, but to let the newly acquired undead and natural disasters go up to death and consume the enemy's forces, until the two sides are almost consumed. , He sent the elite of the Legion to clean up the mess!

Anyway, it doesn’t matter how much these bones and scums consume. After the battle is over, Kael’thas, the new Lich King, can naturally resurrect those idiots again, and then can add countless troops for the next to clean up Northrend. Get ready to go south to the other two continents.

That's right, he thought so, and Kil'jaeden believed that this Kael'thas would definitely not dare to violate his intentions!

"Yes! My master!"

"I am going to coordinate and command now, we will definitely perform well..."

After seeing the other party waving a little impatiently to signal that he should get out early, Kael'thas saluted again respectfully, and then directly teleported, instantly disappeared in place, and directly teleported to the boundless army of undead natural disasters on the other side. Among.

"My new master, are you back?"

When Kael'thas appeared again, he was already in the army of undead natural disasters, at least a few miles away from Kil'jaeden, basically leaving the opponent's control.

Of course, this is not enough!

The newly promoted Lich King Kael'thas felt that this distance did not give him enough sense of security. Now he is still under Kil'jaeden’s nose, even these endless army of undead. Ensure his absolute safety! Since coming into contact with Kil'jaeden these days, he has long known the horror of that great devil, no matter how he overestimates him, he cannot be overestimated!

Therefore, he ignored the great lich Kel'Thuzad who saluted him, but turned to look at another woman with pale hair and skin, the mother of the frost dragon-Sindragosa!

"Sindragosa, how did I explain to you?!"

Kael'thas's soul flame hidden behind the helmet of dominance began to burn violently. Obviously, he was now in agitated mood, so that his power began to be a little out of control.

"Of course, my master, I am ready!"

Sindragosa smiled evilly, reached out his hand and took out a blue gem from his bag, then spread out the palm of his hand and showed it to the cautious new Lich King.


Seeing the new Lich King didn't seem to wait to see him, Kel'Thuzad didn't mind either.

After all, once an emperor and a courtier, now the newly appointed Lich King Kael'thas reuses Sindragosa to alienate himself, an old man of Alsace, which is reasonable, and it is very good if the other party does not know himself clearly. Erzugarde can't demand too much. Otherwise, he might have to escape far away when the opponent's control is not strong now, where will he continue to stay in the Scourge?

However, what Kel'Thuzad didn't understand was what did the blue gem that Sindragosa took out with the obvious spatial fluctuations mean? !


"You did a good job, very good!"

"Sindragosa...I can promise you now: After all this is done, you are free to choose to stay in the Legion or leave?"

After taking the gem from the opponent's hand, Kael'thas understood what the stone was, and he was slightly focused. Therefore, he nodded to the mother of the frost dragon with satisfaction, directly indicating that he would practice it. I promised the other party's reward before the trip.

"Kel'Thuzad, now go and prepare my legion, we are about to attack!"

After clenching the jewel in his palm, the third generation Lich King Kael'thas turned his head and coldly shouted at Kel'Thuzad. Now, although Kael'thas has used the power of the Helm of Dominance to link the grassroots officers and the lich of natural disasters, some things still need the cooperation of this legendary lich.

The opponent's control over the undead is not weak, and with this guy's assistance, he may be a lot easier later.

"Yes, my master!"

After feeling the coercion and control from the Helm of Dominance, although Kel'Thuzad had some doubts in his heart, he didn't know what the new Lich King was doing, but he still acted respectfully. After a salute, it was directly transmitted to the front of the Scourge Legion, allowing the undead to act, preparing to control the undead Scourge to launch an offensive against the coalition forces in Azeroth.


After snorting coldly at the place where the big lich had left, Kael'thas, the Lich King, turned around and walked into a dilapidated tent with Sindragosa and raised his hand to activate the blue gem in it. .

Soon, a small portal with almost no magic fluctuations was opened secretly, and then a little girl appeared on the opposite side of the portal.

"Huh? Are you the new Lich King Kael'thas?"

After seeing the situation here and the female dragon who had been released by Malygos who had contacted her before, Annie took the vigilant and suspicious Sylvanas across the portal and arrived. In the camp of undead natural disasters.

"Yes... Your Majesty Queen Anne, are you sure you can ensure Kil'jaeden will not affect me?"

The eyes glowing with pale blue soul light, Kael'thas lowered again after staying on the Sylvanas Windrunner who is now said to be the queen of the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas. Looked at the little girl who was standing in front of her with a look of disgust, clutching her nose and asked.

Without the guarantee of this little girl, then he would not have the courage to resist Kil'jaeden the fraudster.

"Of course! Why else do you think I am here for you?!"

When she wrinkled her little nose, Annie glared at him.

She might not like it too much to fight the big demon Kil'jaeden to death, because it was really exhausting! However, if it only affects the other party, scares the other party, and prevents that bad guy from running here to cause damage, then she is still comfortable.

"Very good! Since you are here, then I can rest assured..."

Nodded, after receiving the guarantee and protection of the other party, the new Lich King Kael'thas was not verbose, and directly activated the greatest power of the Helm of Domination, and then raised a high for his use. Come as a mind booster and magic-saving staff, and call out his final command!

"So, now... undead, execute my will: target-the Burning Legion... the whole army assaults and crushes them!!!"

He has been waiting for the day of revenge for Kael'thas for a long time!

I think that those who destroyed Quel'Thalas and the Royal Court of the Sunstrider in those days, apart from the already dead Arthas Menethil, of course, there was also the Burning Legion as the instigator behind it! Although the polluter Archimonde is dead, but now Kil'jaeden in the distance is also a member of the Burning Legion, that is also the target that will be avenged by Kael'thas!

Therefore, when the little girl came here to promise her safety, Kael'thas finally changed the cautiousness of the days before, and directly and vigorously shouted out the plan he had been brewing for a long time, and at this time, A fatal blow to the Burning Legion was launched!

He wanted to know how long the deceiver Kil'jaeden and his 400,000 Burning Legion demons, under his Scourge, surrounded and attacked by the Azeroth coalition forces, how long could the opponent support?

As long as Kil'jaeden is defeated, no one will be able to threaten his status as Kael'thas ruling the kingdom of death!

By then, he will be the eternal king in this eternal kingdom of the far north-the Lich King, Kael'thas!

"What? We are going to attack the Burning Legion?!"

The legendary Lich Kel'Thuzad, who was controlling the undead ahead and steadily pressing down in the direction of the Azeroth coalition forces, was shocked to discover that the new Lich King, the other party actually conveyed a shock to him. command? Not only are they not going to attack the Azeroth coalition forces ahead, but instead turning their heads to anger the Burning Legion?

Hearing this outrageous command, Kel'Thuzad's first reaction was: Could it be that the new Lich King was not familiar with the Helm of Dominance, so he got the wrong goal?

"This...is that Kael'thas crazy?!"

Seeing the army of undead marching in silence suddenly turned collectively, and then became crazy and howled and pounced towards the nearby and somewhat unprepared demon array of the Burning Legion, Kel'Thuzad could only be stunned. Floating in place, looking around in a daze at a loss.

He had a more sense of autonomy, he didn't understand. Obviously, the lesson learned from the last Lich King Arthas was something that happened not long ago. Why did Kael'thas dare to lose heart and do such crazy things?

However, Kel'Thuzad now has no more time to be suspicious...because countless Scourge undead have swooped into the demon camp, and began to fight frantically with those demons in close proximity... Coupled with the fact that the Helm of Dominance is constantly beginning to suppress him, he can only sigh, turning around and chanting at the densest place in the formation of the Burning Legion, preparing to guide the release of his most powerful group of evil spells. -Death and Withering! !

However, the plan of the Lich King Kael'thas, who was preparing to kill the Burning Legion, was obviously not just what it was on the surface!

As the undead turned and pounced on the Burning Legion, countless traps and thorns also began to protrude suddenly in the formation of the demon army! Afterwards, countless large pits began to fall. When the demons of the Burning Legion were being collectively trapped by the Scourge that suddenly countered them, countless crypt demons and crypt lords also began to be in the enemy’s The formation emerged and frantically attacked the enemy’s key occupations, especially focusing on those fel weapons, the Eredar mages and Sylvara!

Before the countless Burning Legion’s spell-casting professions and the fragile engineering troops had time to react, they were almost killed by the crypt demons who suddenly appeared... After all, no one, including Kil'jaeden, would have expected that. The crypt demons who have been underground following the army's actions to reach here, and have begun to dig pits under the ground of both enemy and our forces, will jump out at this time to attack their own people!


At this time, when the undead of the Scourge began to fight against the demons, the red dragon queen Alexstrasza, who had been hovering and flying in the sky, roared a loud dragon roar, and slammed into the fire. A large group of exploded fiery red flames of life spewed out from above the huge army formation of the legion, sending out the general attack signal agreed with the alliance before!

After that, she took the lead in the air force of the Wyrmrest Alliance and the air forces of various countries, and flew to the rear of the Burning Legion! Their task is to cut off the way behind the Burning Legion or hinder the speed of the opponent's escape!

"So this is ah……"

Seeing the sudden change and the signal from the Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza, the tribal warchief Thrall, who had been stunned for a long time, nodded in general. This is no wonder, is it that the Red Dragon Queen is so sure that she can defeat the Burning Legion and strongly demanded a decisive battle with the enemy at this time. It turns out that the undead natural disasters are the internal factors?

After understanding the cause of the matter, War Chief Thrall decisively raised his Doomhammer and pointed towards the left wing of the Burning Legion:

"Blow the horn!"

Woo~oooo~! !

"Warriors of the Horde, for the Horde, for Azeroth, attack!!"

After the horn of the general attack was sounded by the messengers, Thrall, along with the other generals of the tribe, began to spur the black wolf under his crotch, holding the Doomhammer shining with thunder and lightning, constantly While guiding the elemental power, he led the troops to assault the entire left wing of the Burning Legion!

"Blood and glory!"


"Mother Earth is protecting us..."

"For the glory of Agamagan!!"


All kinds of slogans began to scream in a bustling force in the army of the tribe, and then, countless orcs, tauren, trolls and boars, etc., began to madly messy but fierce and terrifying. The formation, without hesitation, charged towards the left wing of the demon army a mile away!

"Huh! The failure of the Burning Legion is just today! Send my order: beat the drum, march!!!"

Almost when the tribe’s army sounded the horn of the general offensive, under the banner of the Central Army Marshal of the Flame Alliance, of course General Marshal Garithos also saw the movements of the Undead Scourge and the chance to win, so Sylvanas was not there. Under the circumstances, he acted decisively and waved his hand to make the soldiers who sent the order sound the drum of the general attack.

Boom! Boom!咚咚咚! ! !

"For Lordaeron!"

"For Quel'Thalas!"

"For the victory of the Flame Alliance!!"

With the intensive sound of magical drums spreading throughout the entire army formation of the Flame Alliance, except for the group of thousands of people where the Garithus Central Army Command is located, other soldiers, under the coordination of officers at all levels, In the way of dividing the army into the army, the middle army and the rear army, they started shouting slogans one by one, trotting neatly on the snow.

The heavy armor of their striker is not like the orcs that can walk on the snow as fast as they can. It is already very good to be able to trot forward! Furthermore, humans’ method of combat is coordinated combat. There are still so many demons. Once it gets messy, it won’t be certain who will fight and who will fight at that time!

"For the Holy Light!"

"For the Stormwind Alliance!!"

After the army of the Horde and the Fire Alliance began to act, the Stormwind Alliance on the right wing also started to attack the right wing of the Burning Legion from that small high ground!

At the same time, behind the various races and alliances, a round of cannonballs, huge stones thrown, burning clay pots of fuel, and various large-scale legion-level spells: those huge fireballs, large areas The cones of ice, falling meteorites, lightning, etc., also began to bombard Li against the huge demons of the Burning Legion!

On February 5th, 27th year of the Dark Portal, the Allied forces of Azeroth coordinated with the change of command and the Scourge before the uprising began to launch a super large-scale epic battle against the demon army of the Burning Legion! The two parties have participated in more than 1.6 million human settlements. The parties are here, in the vast snowfields of this endless dragonbone wilderness, in this large area north of the Temple of Dragon Sleep and south of the Tomb of Galakrond. The crazy fight of death and death began!

This battle is called the Battle of the Six Armies in the official history of Azeroth! !

The Azeroth united forces headed by the Flame Alliance, the Horde, the Stormwind Alliance, the Scourge, and the Wyrmrest Alliance, are on such a flat ground, surrounded by the Burning Legion demons who are almost surrounded by groups, begin An epic battle of annihilation that lasted for several days and played a decisive role!


"Traitors...all are traitors...all are shameful traitors!!!"

When the situation turned so sharp and straight, and when he saw that his Burning Legion changed from the one that held the winning side to the tragic situation of being surrounded by several big Azeroth gangs, Kil'jaeden the fraudster Angrily and desperately screamed hysterically!

Then, with a fel sky curtain spell, he directly shot down a large group of frost dragons that were flying towards him and madly spitting frost breath towards the ground. They let them scream and land at the same time. The demons who were standing by cheering from below severely tore to pieces of bone.

"Traitors, I can't spare you!!!"

After roaring again, Kil'jaeden began to search and perceive in the direction of the undead natural disasters with a hideous and distorted face. He will definitely find the little bug named Kael'thas, and then... the opponent will definitely be caught by him. Pull out the soul and endure the endless torture until the day when the endless universe is destroyed!

He swears by Kil'jaeden that he will!

Moreover, he absolutely does not accept such humiliation as a naked face!

Think back then, the shaman Ner'zhul of the orc was the same. The opponent first pretended to join the legion, and after gaining power and knowledge, he wanted to rebel. Therefore, the opponent was caught by Kil'jaeden and stuffed a huge In the ice...At that time, he originally wanted the other party to serve himself, serve the Burning Legion, and lose his merits!

But the result... that Ner'zhul, that **** bastard, turned it around! ?

Then, Kil'jaeden found another guy named Illidan, and wanted the opponent to deal with the Lich King Ner'zhul. As a reward, he also specially provided the opponent with the Skull of Gul'dan and the Eye of Sargeras. The specific position as a reward, but the result?

That **** demon hunter, that shameful and cunning Illidan, that guy is also the opposite!

What’s more exaggerated is that the other party repeated it several times...In the end, he even more violently pitted him on one of Kil’jaeden’s own important planet Nazreza and killed countless legion demons, causing the original The Dreadlord, who served as the backbone of the legion, suddenly became rare and almost disappeared...

And now, when he was accidentally summoned into the world of Azeroth by a little bug named Kael'thas, he thought he finally had the luck to encounter a capable general who was loyal to the Burning Legion and was loyal to him, and returned When you hand over the Helm of Domination that you personally grabbed to the opponent, and plan to let him command the Undead Scourge to serve the Legion instead...

That **** Kael'thas bug, did he turn it around again?

Well, although Kil'jaeden didn't want to, he still felt that the word'again' was used very accurately... When the Burning Legion was preparing to fight the allied forces of Azeroth, he was confidently preparing At this critical time when the battle was set, the humble little bug, the existence that could be pinched to death with one hand, the other party really played him hard, and at this moment of remote control, the other party did 'Again' the reverse! He also stabbed him severely behind his back, making Kil'jaeden feel unusually uncomfortable!

"I can never forgive you, absolutely can't forgive you! Those traitors, you wait for me...you all have to die, all of you have to die!!!"

Kil'jaeden began to mobilize his power frantically. He was about to force open a large short-distance portal, and walked directly to the little Kael'thas who thought he was hiding well, letting him know that he was rebelling against him. The price!

Moreover, Kil'jaeden the fraudster knew that he had to do that! He must take the helmet of dominance from the opponent's head in time, and then manipulate it himself, and this is their only option for the Burning Legion to get out of the predicament.

Otherwise, what is waiting for Kil'jaeden is a sad end that is far more miserable than his brother Archimonde, the polluter!


Kil'jaeden just didn’t understand. That Kael'thas, the other party summoned himself out, and he trusted him a lot, and gave the other party unparalleled power under one person and over tens of thousands. Those powerful forces and endless lives have also unconditionally handed over the Scourge to the other side...what kind of grace does the other side have for rebellion?

Could it be...

Kil'jaeden is really an Eredar with no eyes, and he can rebel with one person? The guys he likes are actually all anti-bones? For example, that Ner'zhul who has died by himself... that Illidan who is still living in the Outland and has always despised himself... Of course, Kael'thas who is now in the rebel army must be indispensable?

Or is it... the charisma of Kil'jaeden, his fraudster, is really so low? Even the lowest negative value? That's why everyone has to rebel against Kil'jaeden. If they don't, they can't live? !

"Hum hum……"

"I found you, Kael'thas bug... your doomsday is here!"

The other party didn't run far, but just hid behind the undead army, seeming to be trying to avoid his own search by trying to get rid of them? However, Kil'jaeden must let the other party know in the future, as long as he still wears the helmet of dominance, as long as it is a person who rebels against him, no matter where he hides, no matter who he is, he will always pull out one by one. , And then endure his endless anger!

"Hahaha! Kael'thas... are you going to die if you think about it?"

After locking the opponent's position and suddenly opening a temporary large legion portal, Kil'jaeden did not even notify his own subordinates who were fighting each other, so he strode in, and the moment the portal dissipated , Arrogantly smiled at the new Lich King who was holding up his staff and commanding the undead army.

He believed that the other party would soon follow the lead of the two Lich Kings! If he died again and his soul was picked up by Kil'jaeden, it would be his only destination!

However... before that Kael'thas didn't move or said anything, Kil'jaeden was greeted by a fireball half the size of his head! That thing just slammed into his face so straightforwardly, causing him to squat back two steps while wailing, squashing countless souls.

"It's you?!"

Feeling the familiar wave of magical power, and seeing the little girl standing pretty and holding a plush teddy bear on top of a large flagpole, Kil'jaeden took a step back. .

"Aha! Great Devil, you are about to die, so you dare to come to my site alone?!"

Annie felt that this big devil must be stupid! Quietly to the other party, one person just ran to this place besieged by the undead army, and without any subordinates, he is simply bolder than himself!

Maybe, this guy shouldn't be called Kil'jaeden the fraudster, because Little Annie felt that the other party was not smart at all, let alone cunning! In that case, should the opponent be called Kil'jaeden the bold, or Kil'jaeden the sincere?

"Humph! You can't stop me alone!"

After taking a look at the little girl, Kil'jaeden, who was shocked in his heart, couldn't think of anything else, and once again fiercely locked his eyes on the Lich King who was standing in place and casting spells and was controlling the undead army! He believed that as long as he stared at the little girl's attack and forcibly snatched the helmet of dominance, then victory would belong to their Burning Legion!

After thinking about it, Kil'jaeden began to move forward, intending to fight the injury but also to withstand the attack of the little girl to grab the helmet of dominance!

"Ha! Who told you that I am alone? We are already ready, come out everyone!"

When Kil'jaeden just took a step forward, Little Annie hurriedly held a blue space gem in her hand, and cast a spell to activate it! Yesterday, the Queen of the Red Dragon had specially asked her to bind teleportation runes to the heroes of the Azeroth coalition forces, for this moment!

In the next instant, Annie's small hands began to reflect strong spatial fluctuations and blue arcane light, and then...

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

After the abnormal sound of the transmitted space, each figure began to be directly transmitted here!

They have come from the Flame League: Fustard Wildhammer, Sylvanas Windrunner, Saidan Dathrohan, Tirion Fording, Alexandros Mograine, More than twenty people including the master of Austrian law Duan, the priest of the Holy Light Ethanlien; as well as the tribal warchief Thrall, King Varok Saurfang, Garrosh Hellscream, Brox Sigar Saurfang, Tauren Chief Kane Bloodhoof, Troll leader Vol'jin, and more than 30 people; of course, King Varian Wrynn of the Stormwind Alliance and Grand Duke Berval Ftagan are also indispensable. , Prophet Velen and his men, Malfurion? Stormrage and Tyrande? Whisperwind and other thirty or forty powerhouses!

At the same time, the red dragon queen Alexstrasza and the blue dragon king Malygos Zheng Shuai led a group of powerful dragons and fire eagle lord Celia rushed over here! Even the mother of the frost dragon who had been staying behind Kael'thas turned into the form of the frost dragon and started flying high...

In this way, before Kil'jaeden, the big devil fraudster, had time to take the second step, he was shocked to find that the smiling little girl had summoned such a powerful person in an instant? And, those **** big lizards?

"Kil'jaeden, my brother...your end is finally here!"

Just after being teleported out, the prophet Velen standing in front of the Naaru blatantly let his Exodar life staff shine with the holy light, and awe-inspiringly faced the deceiver who fell into their encirclement. Eljadan shouted.

"No... this must be a conspiracy!!!"

Seeing this scenario, Kil'jaeden, who was trembling, didn’t know where~www.readwn.com~ These enemies obviously came prepared, and the other party is likely to have prepared one by one, just waiting. He fell into a trap!

Therefore, his insight was not good, so he turned his head and ran to the east without daring to break through the barriers of the enemy and head towards the demon army to the west.

Now he feels that the most important thing is to escape first!

"Quick! Let's go together and kill him. Don't let him run away!"

After greeting her home fire eagle Celia flying down, Annie jumped onto the opponent's back, and then said viciously with her fist at the back of the big demon who had escaped.


At this time Outland...

"Ahahaha... Brothers, the time we have been waiting for has finally arrived!"

"Now, give my order, open the door to the world of Argus, and the whole army will attack!"

"Long live!!"

"The Flame Alliance will win!"

"Now, the devil's hometown will be over!"

"Vengeance! We also went to blow up their demon planet!"

"Argus... we are coming back again..."


Huge portals began to appear at the predetermined locations of the Dark Temple. In this shattered world, in this Draenor that was arbitrarily invaded and destroyed by the legion, it is not too easy to open the portal to Argus!

So soon, the Argus Expeditionary Army, who had been waiting for a long time, resolutely stepped into the portal in front of them.


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