Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 404: Arcane VS Conjuration

A strong green light from Lana’s rod accurately hit the chest of Matthias Shore, the leader of MI7 in Stormwind, and then, in the other's astonished expression, a strong green light Knocked it into the air and threw it out!

Still backward, Matthias Shaw, who was doing parabolic free movement in the air, was full of incredible face. At this time, the daggers in his hands had fallen from the palms of both hands that he no longer had the strength to hold. He arched his body backwards, no screams, no bleeding, and was so quietly thrown into the night behind him like a rag bag being dropped by the enemy...

puff! !

The muffled sound of the body landing, although there is not much noise, the effect is indeed immediate!

Those MI7 killer agents who are still fighting, originally on the left side of the wall of fire, besieged the mobs of Defias Brotherhood members and the high-ranking fighters Pete have a partial advantage!

Although they are a little restrained in this kind of face-to-face battle, their skills are obviously much better than their opponents, and they are determined to faintly crush the enemy in the life and death fight!

But now, when they saw the leader of their Stormwind Kingdom MI7, the Lord Matthias was actually knocked into the air by the female mage with a spell and fell far away and never moved. They were frightened. They sprinted one after another when they got rid of the battle, and quickly retreated away from the battle and quickly disappeared into the darkening night...

"Are we winning?"

Discovering those enemies who ran away in an instant made Pete feel a little unbelievable.

"This is really terrible... These guys are really too difficult to deal with. I would rather fight with double enemy troops than against these cunning thieves! Sister, if it wasn't for your spells to keep them out of If the Fa is close to sneaking, I'm afraid I can't stand it long ago!"

With the blood stains on his broad sword, he looked sadly at the messy battlefields on the surrounding ground where his corpses were obviously more than his enemies, and it was with the wasteland fires that gradually started to start a prairie fire, Pete finally let go. With a breath, slowly walked to his sister Lana's side.

"No... we haven't won yet, there are more powerful guys coming! You must be careful!"

Compared to her younger brother Pete's optimism, Lana was much more cautious, so she immediately discovered the powerful enemy coming.

"No... come back?!"

Sure enough, following Lana's words and solemn gaze, Pete also saw the two strong griffin flying mounts that swooped down in the distant sky. They seemed to stop at the one that was just caught by his sister Lana. Hit the body of the unlucky guy flying out with a green light.

There were two people at the other party. One of the dwarves screamed and threw on the corpse, while the man next to him was holding a long, almost one-person high staff, so the head of the staff was lit blue. The dark arcane light slowly approached and stared at the corpse of a big figure on the ground.

"McReilly, let me go first..."

After arbitrarily using the staff to push away the obstructing dwarf, the human mage with the wizard's peaked hat just squatted down beside the corpse and began to look closely.

He was obviously a little unbelievable. He didn't expect that the leader of their Stormwind Kingdom's MI7 would actually die here? Just before he was about to arrive, he was beaten to death by a mage of unknown origin under his nose?

"I saw your spell just now when I was in the sky... However, there were no wounds on his body... and no traces of magic immersion or burning... But people just died..."

After observing for a while, the mage nodded and stood up.

He stopped paying attention to the howling dwarf, and took a few steps forward, and walked to stand still about fifty meters away from the witch standing by the wall of fire. He doesn’t care about the spreading fire. He can see from the clouds in the sky when it comes. There will be a heavy rain here tonight. The fire will definitely be controlled by that time. It will not burn the surrounding farms. of.

"You should be the mysterious witch who participated in the assassination of Lord Duke? Sure enough, it looks amazing..."

"It's just... I don't understand. How did Matthias Shaw die? The magic items on his body should be able to resist a certain amount of damage! But now... although It's a bit rude, but can I take the liberty to ask: What kind of spell did you use to kill him? Just now, we only saw a bright green light in the sky. Could it be a fel spell? But I see you It does not seem to be a warlock..."

This is where this middle-aged human mage is a little puzzled. The leader of the MI7 assassin died after death. It has nothing to do with him, not his responsibility! However, the opponent clearly had two good magic passive protective equipment, but they did not have the slightest trace of activation, so they were directly killed by the enemy?

He was really curious about this! You know, wizards are a group of curious guys, especially when they see novel spells.


"I just used black magic...a life-killing spell!"

After feeling a bit solemnly the fluctuations in the magic power on the opponent, Lana tightened the wand in her hand again, stared at the opponent for a while, thought about it, and honestly said what she had just used. Vadaso life spell. The left and right are just the name of a spell, can the other party learn it secretly?

Actually, even though the spells written in that magic book are unforgivable spells, Lana prefers to call them black magic! At the same time, there is an Imperius Curse for controlling people and a Heart Drilling Curse for torture, both of which belong to the category of Unforgivable Curses.

As for why it says unforgivable, Lana is not quite clear.

"Death curse..."

"It is killed directly after being hit by a spell, or is it a spell that judges death like a death finger? Ha! This is really rare..."

Compared to Lana, this mage is a bit noncommittal about black magic.

In his opinion, as long as it is not for the necromancy spells of Kel'Thuzad's cursed sect, which play with the soul and be beaten by everyone, where else is there any black magic or white magic? Even now, even the profession of warlocks that uses demon energy and enslaves demons has established a foothold in the world of Azeroth!

"Forget it, let's leave these things alone, before we start the fight, let's introduce ourselves first..."

"I am Archmage Kom. I studied arcane specialization in Dalaran before. Although I have studied other spells, I am not proficient! I am now a court mage in the Kingdom of Stormwind, serving in Stormwind City. Or Stormwind Kingdom’s second-ranking wizard advisor and wizard tower researcher! May I ask this sorceress... which period of Dalaran, and which faction does it practice?"

Not only did the other party and Vanessa VanCleef assassinate Duke Gregg Leskova, but they also killed Matthias Shore of MI7. This matter... if he doesn’t kill or capture with all his strength If you download the other party, you won’t be able to go back and explain!

However, what makes Arcane Archmage Kom a little strange is that in his perception, the opponent's magic power fluctuations do not seem to be strong, let alone high-level, as far as the opponent's current mana level is, it is at most mid-level. Up the level, right? So, how did she kill Matthias? Shaw, the master assassin?

Kom felt that when the opponent was singing or guiding spells, Matthias should have a chance to preemptively. How could he be beaten to death by spells? !

Anyway, this thing is weird!

It’s a pity that he just came a little late...Of course, don’t get me wrong, it’s not Matthias’s death that Archmage Kom, anyway, he doesn’t like these killers in the shadows, and he won’t even die. Have a look! It is a pity for him: in order not to come earlier, and then observe the opponent's spellcasting and fighting methods!

"Sister, ignore him! You will cover me later, and I will charge up and kill him?"

Hearing the other party's self-reported name and foundation, Pete, standing next to Lana, clasped the weapon and suggested.

Since my sister said that the other party is very powerful, she must not be allowed to face the enemy alone. Maybe, later, he can direct everyone to rush up to kill each other with swords?

"No... you go away and just watch it from the side. Pay attention to help me guard the thieves and assassins. They must have not gone far!"

"Also... If I am not in a good situation later, I will Apparate to your side, and then you remember to hold on to me, we will run if we can't fight!"

Lana doesn't have the heart to fight to death at all. She fights if she can, and runs away if she can't. Find a chance to get back again! You know, this is the only way that Her Majesty Queen Anne gave her back, but she has always regarded it as the truth.

Therefore, Lana rejected her brother's proposal, but leaned to his ear and gently confessed.


The arcane archmage Kom in the distance is a bit impatient. If he didn't want to respect some etiquette and wait for the other party to declare his name, and then fight according to the rules of the wizards, I am afraid he would have started the fight long ago. Would you let the other party whisper over there?

"My name is Lana. I used to be the maidservant of Her Majesty Queen Anne in the Flame Kingdom, and I still still do it! Unlike the spells you learned in Dalaran, my spells are self-taught! I am a spell mage, not you Any one you know!"

In a similar way, Lana squeezed the staff and secretly warned the other party, while speaking out her name and identity.

"I think your Excellency is joking..."

"How can spells be taught by themselves? Those who don't understand magic know that they admire the scenery of spellcasters, but how do they know that spellcasters are a very dangerous profession... If you are not careful, it is possible to guide spells to fail or cast spells indiscriminately Backlash! Therefore, there can be no self-taught mage, no matter how talented it is!"

For this, Archmage Kom is very sure!

You know, when Dalaran was not destroyed, it is said that some of the most talented mage, Jaina Proudmoore, did not still approach Antonidas as an apprentice and slowly learn spells? Without a certain foundation, before fully understanding the principles of the magical world, self-learning spells is just a joke!


"But my magic is self-taught! Our Queen Anne hates my poor qualifications and is too stupid, so just throw a magic book to me and just ignore it..."

Speaking of this, Lana is a bit wronged now! Except for correcting a few mistakes and warnings not to learn certain dangerous spells casually at the beginning, the Queen will no longer care about her!

Lana still remembers the original words of Her Majesty the Queen: Here! Sister Lana, did you see it? Here is a book of "Hogwarts Spells", it is a quick fix, you just need to practice it! You take it to play slowly, watch slowly, you can understand the best, don’t ask me if you don’t understand...

"Besides, I don't think there is any danger in self-learning magic, anyway, just practice a few more times!"

This is true, because if Lana's own spell fails to cast, at best, she will not be able to release the spell, just like the dumb gun in the book? Or maybe, some strange sparks and smoke appeared on the head of the staff, nothing dangerous would happen.

Of course, some spells are still very dangerous, and you can't easily practice them before reaching a certain level! Just like those apparitions and the Animagus transformation techniques performed on her body, these are very dangerous. Until now, Lana has not dared to try those transformation techniques for fear that she will not return.


After staring at the opponent silently, thinking that the opponent shouldn't be lying, Arch Mage Kemu really wanted to hit the wall!

You know, he started studying everywhere, starting as an apprentice, and accumulating a little bit. It took him half a lifetime to reach the point he is now... But the other party, self-study can still learn like this, and he was even taught that he was stupid and poorly qualified. , How high are the qualifications of the flame queen for apprentices?

"I've heard of your Majesty Queen, that is really a legendary character! I once wanted to go to Flame Kingdom to study, but unfortunately, the other party has been missing for many years..."

There is a saying that is good, only the caster can really understand the caster!

Archmage Kom saw the power of Archimonde the Defiler from the destroyed Dalaran, and guessed the horror of the opponent from the fact that Queen Anne was able to defeat Archimonde... so Compared with the various slanders and slanders made by others in the Kingdom of Stormwind, Kom himself had always been cautious and did not dare to comment.

He felt that even if the other party was not as good as Archimonde, it should not be too far behind. Otherwise, Archimonde could directly destroy Stratholme in the first place, where would there be a city of fire later?

"Well, it's useless to say more!"

"Although it's a bit of suspicion of bullying you, but if you don't want to honestly return to Stormwind City to lead the crime with me, then we should almost do it now!"

"Now, let the other unrelated personnel retreat. I can assure you: I will only fight with you today. After catching you, as long as they don't make trouble, I will never embarrass them!"

Archmage Kom has his own principles and dignity, and now he is dealing with this young mage whose mana fluctuations are obviously weaker than his own, which has violated his bottom line a bit, so today he will only catch this genius mage named Lana. Then capture back to Stormwind City alive!

Although the opponent killed Matthias Shore, Kemu still wanted to fight for the opponent. If he could persuade him to surrender, maybe he would let this young mage be his apprentice and inherit his inheritance?

You know, he now has a family, and he has a lot of wealth and land, but he lacks talents who can inherit his spells and bless the family in the future... But now, he found one that seems very good. The seedlings, he moved the thought of accepting apprentices.

Of course, this is just an immature idea!

After all, the old madman in Stormwind, the legendary assassin Pasonia Shaw, is not dead yet. If the other party knows that her grandson is dead in the hands of the young female mage, then it won’t be a riot. ? At that time, can I serve the other side and say something!

Compared to him, the archmage, I am afraid that the other party values ​​MI7 more, right? Think about it, too, in Stormwind City, there are many archmages, and MI7 was created by Pasonia Shaw. The attitude of the opponent and the importance of the assassins to the kingdom are naturally self-evident. Up...

"Huh! Want to catch me back to Stormwind City? Then try your skills!"


With Lana's stern scream, a red light instantly bombarded the enemy from the tip of her stick!

"Huh? Instant spell..."

I was shocked, seeing that the opponent didn't need to guide and immediately cast a strange spell. Archmage Kom didn't dare to neglect, he directly cast a prismatic barrier in front of him to protect himself strictly stand up!

Because he discovered that the opponent's spell is similar to the interaction of light and energy, using an aura barrier should be effective.

Sure enough, the next instant, the strange red magic hit his barrier, and was instantly reflected and exploded a small hole in the wilderness grass, causing mud and grass clippings to splash everywhere.


Seeing that the spell was fired, Kom was not surprised, but frowned. Because he found that the opponent's magic power does not seem to be great, so how did she kill Matthias?

This thing seems to be something weird...

"Arcane Barrage!"

In doubt, Archmage Kom's staff pointed at the enemy, and several bright blue arcane missiles bombarded the enemy! The power of this spell is not great, but he wants to try to see the strength and details of the opponent while solving the doubts in his heart.

"Armor body protection!!!"

Seeing so many arcane missiles coming towards her from several directions, Lana did not dare to neglect, she screamed, and swept the staff, a large golden just like a big mouth. The clock usually covers her directly!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A series of dull bombardments sounded, and then, with the explosion of the last arcane missile, the golden armor finally shattered, dissipating into pieces of magic power in the air...

"Ha! Interesting and interesting!"

Seeing that his attack had no effect, Archmage Kom not only was not worried, but laughed happily. Because he discovered that the spells used by that young witch really seemed to be different from those of their wizards?


Lana didn't care about the weird archmage opposite, instead, with a wave of her hand, a disarming spell shot at the opponent again.



"Tibbers... why do I seem to feel that someone nearby is fighting with magic items I made? Who the **** is it?"

At this time, in Moonbrook Town not far from the Dimont Wilderness, Annie could easily feel a faint fluctuation of mana conveyed to her. It seemed that the magic items she made were being overused?

However, she couldn't remember what she had lost in this world.

(My master, you once made an Ollivander magic wand for your maid in this world...

——Tibbs, who has the use of bio-computer memos, is still very reliable. No, soon, it remembered some things that his little master had done in this world. )

"Yeah... I also remembered it, it was the wooden stick!!!"

She was bored in the inn in Yuexi Town, but Annie, who was worrying about nothing to do, jumped up from that uncomfortable big bed. Now, she seems to have finally found something fun for herself again, that is: run to peek and see who is going to be fighting?

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