Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 2013: ?(???)??? Wherever you go, no fruit is left!

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Because Ying accidentally obtained the power of the wind element from the seven-day idol in the middle of Xingluo Lake, and a little girl accidentally broke the idol, so, whether it is for Ying's ultimate purpose, or for Escape from being arrested by the Zephyr Knights who were frantically looking for blasphemous suspects, Paimon and Ying had to hurriedly embark on a journey to Mond City the next day.

In Paimon's view, it is very, very difficult for ordinary people to obtain the power of elements. It requires a magical external organ called the 'eye of God'. Only by possessing that kind of thing can they gain the favor of the elements and use them Elemental power?

However, Ying broke that common sense!

Ying is not from this world, and does not have the kind of 'eye of God' that corresponds to the power of the corresponding element, but she has acquired the ability to use the element of wind, so she went to Mond City, the place protected by the wind god, to investigate and find relevant clues , is their only option.


Before Ying and Paimon arrived at the Fruit Wine Lake Bridge where Mond City was located, when they first entered the depths of the Whispering Forest, they encountered two troubles, one big and one small!

The big trouble is: just now in the depths of the whispering forest, they met a mysterious guy in green clothes, and then they saw that the other party was talking to a dragon?

That kind of thing is obviously a bit shocking to them!

But fortunately, because they discovered their arrival, the disturbed one and one dragon left quickly. The other party did not attack them or come to make things difficult for them. Otherwise, Paimon might be lost on the spot. Xiaying escaped alone.

And another little trouble is: Annie's nasty little guy disappeared shortly after entering the forest, and he didn't know where the other party went to play crazy, so after discussion, Paimon and Ying decided to also Stop running around, just wait for each other's return at the place where they found the giant dragon and the weirdo, and take a rest by the way.

And this wait is more than an hour...



"Sister Ying!"


"And stupid Paimon!"

?*. ?(ˊωˋ*)??*.

"So you were hiding here?"


Just when the two of them were a little impatient and were thinking about whether to move on, a bad little girl finally appeared.




"You're finally back, and we were just saying whether we should wait for you again!"

Seeing that little figure of Annie appeared, Ying breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, she hurriedly stood up from the stone she was sitting on, and planned to continue heading southwest in order to leave this dangerous forest quickly and arrive at the Mond City earlier.



"What idiot Paimon?"

"Paimon is not an idiot!"

"and also!"

"We're not hiding, we're waiting for you!"

However, Paimon seemed to be very concerned about some of Anne's claims, so he directly and loudly refuted the protest.

"in spite of!"


"Anyway, you guy who doesn't even know arithmetic is an idiot!"




"This fluctuation is..."


Then, just as Annie was about to say something, she was taken aback, and then she subconsciously frowned and looked around suspiciously.

Because she found that there seemed to be some strange aura here, which obviously did not come from Miss Ying or Paimon.


"You feel it too, Anne, don't you?"

"I was thinking just now, should I tell you!"

"Looks like you are really strong!"

Seeing Annie's reaction, Ying first nodded her head suddenly, and then she continued to explain in the confusion of Annie who turned her head to look at her:

"Just now, we met a dragon here, and a weirdo who seems to be talking to the dragon?"


"I don't know why the wind element imprint on my body suddenly resonated, and I was accidentally discovered by the other party."

"And then, the weird person teleported and disappeared, and the dragon also flew away."

Speaking of this, Ying looked at the wind element rune on his chest and abdomen with some dissatisfaction.

Just now, it resonated and lit up for no reason, and it also radiated power and alerted the dragon. Therefore, for this kind of power that was obtained for no reason, but was not under her control, she also felt in her heart. There is some fear and caution.

"Oh! So it's a dragon?"


Hearing this, Annie responded and blinked.

"The words of the dragon..."


"Is it delicious?!"


Then, of course, Annie hurriedly asked.

She didn't expect that she only left for a short time (about an hour or two?), and they encountered such a fun thing. If she had known it was like that, she probably wouldn't have run so far.



"That's a dragon! It's a dragon!"

"That's not food!"

Hearing Anne's questioning, Paimon hurriedly flew over and protested and refuted with some resentment.



"So what?"

(? ̄? ̄)

Annie was a little baffled and didn't know why Paimon was so excited.

You know, what she just asked was whether the dragon was delicious, not whether Paimon was delicious. What did the other party's attitude mean? They came to find fault with her?

"Ha ha……"

"Annie, you seem to have missed the point at all!"

She shook her head with a wry smile, and Ying just wanted to add something, but after thinking about it carefully, she dismissed her thoughts and sighed faintly.

Anyway, things like dragons, although they have different shapes, are amazing existences no matter what world they are in, and this little guy in front of him is quite good. After hearing it, he immediately asked if he could eat it?

Although it is true that there is a situation of childishness, but after thinking about it carefully, she feels that the strength of this little guy Annie should not be worse than before she was sealed, otherwise, she would not give the dragon directly. Put it in the recipe, and it seems that there is no surprise and fear at all?

"The point?"


"What's the point?"


Annie was even more puzzled, and she didn't realize what the two of them were trying to express.

"never mind!"

"Stop talking about that."


"Annie, you came back late, that dragon has long flown away, let's continue on our way now!"

As he said that, he felt that he had rested, so he stood up and patted his buttocks, and then led the way in front, and motioned to the flying Paimon He who never knew what tiredness was, and was extremely energetic all day long. Little Annie quickly followed.



"OK then!"

ε=('ο'*))) alas

Looking around, I found that there were no traces of dragons, and then I looked at the young lady Ying who was already walking towards the front and Paimon who was flying behind Ying making a face at herself. The idea of ​​running to catch the dragon, followed with some unhappy.


(● ̄? ̄●)


"You still want to eat dragons?"

"Do you know how big that dragon is?"

"Just now!"

"The wind that it spreads its wings almost blows Paimon away!"

"If it wasn't for catching Ying's hair, Paimon might have been blown into the fruit wine lake by now!"

"If you see it, you will be scared to cry!"

When Annie followed in a flash and started to follow behind, and kicked the stones on the road boredly, Paimon hurriedly leaned over to show off and brag about what she had just seen, and tried her best to use her. That expensive adjective to describe how terrifying that dragon was.

"Why are you crying, don't talk nonsense!"


"People won't be afraid of that big reptile called a dragon!"

ε=(?ˇεˇ??))) Bah!

Seeing that the other party dares to underestimate yourself, the omnipotent queen, underestimate yourself, the most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most The most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most The most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most The most powerful super arcane archmage, Annie hurriedly glared at the other party and refuted angrily:

"Tell you!"


"People caught the bear alive when they were two years old, and burned a domineering old dragon to death when they were three years old. Until now, there have been no ten thousand or eight thousand dragons killed and injured. How could people be afraid?"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

After speaking, Annie turned her head arrogantly and disdainfully.

Although, it seems that there are not many dragons in the magical world that she personally burned to death, but, if you count the Zerg Allosaurus that she fought in the Kepru Sector at the beginning, the ones who were killed by her Queen Anne before and after were counted. There are indeed 10,000 or 8,000 dragons that have been killed and injured, and there may even be more?

Moreover, the number of dragons slaughtered by Her Lady Queen Anne is not because of how powerful the reptiles are, but because the groups of those lizards are relatively small and small in number. It's really difficult.


"You burned an overbearing old dragon to death at the age of three?"

However, the little guy Paimon didn't seem to believe it.


"Just keep writing!"

"Paimon won't believe your nonsense!"

"You're a little girl who likes to talk big!"

"Shy face!"

So, she first stared at Annie with round eyes for a while, then quickly sneered and retorted, and finally, she followed suit and made a big grimace at Annie.



Annie's little face straightened up.

Unfortunately, she didn't seem to be very good at presenting evidence directly, so in the end, she just glared at the other party, and didn't try to explain more.

However, she made up her mind.

When she encounters the dragon mentioned by the other party next time, she will directly catch it and beat it up, and come to kill the dragon as an example, let this little thing know how powerful her Queen Anne is!


(● ̄? ̄●)

In this way, little Annie, who hated this in her heart, Ying, who was on her way without distractions, and Paimon, who was flying around, arguing with Annie from time to time, or saying a few sarcastic words to make Annie angry, continued in this dark but cool place. Hurrying in the woods.


All of a sudden, Paimon, who was just about to turn around and continue to mock Annie, was stunned.

"That is……"



"You bastard, what are you secretly eating by yourself?"

Seeing that Annie took out what seemed to be some small golden fruits and ate them on her own, without saying hello to him at all, Paimon first swallowed, and then he gritted his teeth and moved towards him. Annie leaned in.




"It turned out to be those delicious raspberries!



"Paimon wants to eat too!"

Then, I didn't know what a courtesy was, and I didn't care that the two of them had just had a fight last night, and then Paimon, who had quarreled just now, approached so shamelessly, and he justly reached out and wanted to take from Annie's. Ask for a few to try.

She obviously recognized the golden gadgets, they were called 'raspberries', and they were brightly colored fruits, golden yellow when ripe, found all over the land of Tivat, almost everywhere in the wild of beautiful things!

It is said that when you are tired from the journey, eating a few can sweep away all the tiredness. Is it a very magical and very delicious fruit?



"Do you want to eat too?"


"It's okay to want to eat, but they won't give it!"



(??~??) Chew!

As she said that, Annie not only refused to give it, she also deliberately threw all the raspberries and the handful of small golden-yellow fruits of at least a dozen or twenty into her own mouth under the gaze of the other party. He chewed it hard, and even though his cheeks were rounded, he still didn't forget to greet him with those smug eyes.




(╯▽╰) So fragrant~~



After forcibly swallowing it, Annie licked her lips and looked at Paimon with those satisfied eyes.





Paimon was dumbfounded.

After all, with such a large amount of raspberries just now, the other party gave her and Ying a few each, and the other party estimated that there were still many more, but the result...


"Later Paimon will go to Luoluoberry!"

"That little pink fruit is much more delicious than raspberries!"

Seeing that the other party was empty-handed, and that there was not a single raspberry left in the other party's mouth, Paimon, who was a little annoyed, had no choice but to say so stubbornly and annoyed.

"You wait!"

"Later Paimon won't give you a single one!"

"I swear!"

At the same time as he was talking, Paimon also began to look left and right on the road, rushing over as soon as he was ready to find it, and then picked up everything, and determined not to leave it to the hateful little girl behind him!





"Pink, is that what it looks like?"


With that said, under Paimon's astonished and surprised eyes, Annie took out another handful of pink fruits and handed them to Paimon proudly.



"This is……"

"Luo, Luoluoberry?!"


"When did you pick it up?"

Seeing that it was indeed the kind of pink and familiar Luoluoberry, it was the kind of plump and translucent, with a sweet floral fragrance in the mouth, and a wonderful fruit that could bring sweetness and tranquility to people, Paimon subconsciously reached out. Hand, want to take it.



"Have they told you about it?"


Unfortunately, before the silly Paimon could react, Annie threw the handful of raspberries into her own mouth and started chewing again.


( ̄~ ̄) Chew!




Paimon was dumbfounded, and of course his outstretched hand froze in mid-air.



"It's really delicious!"




"Paimon won't eat you!"

"Later Paimon will pick it up himself!"


After returning to his senses, Paimon, who was already trembling with anger, had to scream hysterically, and then turned around and flew towards Yingfei in front of him.

"Then take it off!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~



"It seems that the fruits in this forest have almost been picked by others!"




"There are apples, pine cones, sweet flowers, sunset fruits here..."




"People have picked up everything they saw, edible or delicious!"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

Annie took out the spoils she picked up one by one and showed off proudly.

That's right, she really did that just now, and it wasn't like she didn't do anything in the hour or two that she just separated from the two of them.

Anyway, wherever Queen Anne went, not to mention the kind of barren grass or three feet in the sky, but it was still easy to pick all the fruits she saw.

As for whether other people or other small animals have to eat after she picks it up, what does that kind of thing have to do with her?






"You bad guy..."


This time, Paimon is completely helpless.

Because, she knows, this hateful little girl in front of her is definitely not just talking about it.

For example, yesterday, when the other party was at the Seven-Day God Statue of Xingluo Lake, she picked all the sweet flowers around her. She flew around the lake at that time, but she couldn't find any of them.

So, now that the other party said that they have picked all the fruits in the entire Whispering Forest, it is really possible that that kind of thing will happen.


"Paimon won't talk to you anymore!"

"You're a bad guy!"

However, it is useless to know, because Paimon has no way to counteract.

Therefore, some of her angered and despondent, the tears in the corners of her eyes couldn't help but burst out. Of course, she was angry, and at the same time, she almost rushed over and took a bite on the other's arm.

"I say!"

At this time, Ying couldn't help it.

"You two, can you hurry up?"

"We're going out of the woods soon."

"Speed ​​up!"

She had to stop and turned her head helplessly, akimbo, and asked the two little Annie and Paimon, who were not far behind, who were still making troubles about some trivial matters.

"Let's hurry!"

"I heard someone talking in the wind. After walking for half a day, I should reach those places where there are people."





At this time, without waiting for Ying to continue speaking, she suddenly stopped talking, and looked up at the sky suspiciously.

"That is……"

Paimon saw Ying's expression and turned his head suspiciously.

"Where is where?"


Of course, Annie was not far behind, and she looked up in a certain direction for the first time.


"The three people below!"

"That's right!"

"It's you!"

"Hurry up!


As the three of them looked towards the sky one after another, they all saw: one with long chestnut hair and a red rabbit ear knot tied on top of his head, a petite and slender figure, wearing a red coat with a A young lady in goggles was flying towards them from the high sky with a pair of wings, and shouted loudly from afar.


"No! It's from the Knights!"


"Let's talk about it first, the **** is broken by you, and it has nothing to do with Paimon!"

Seeing this, Paimon was terrified at first, and then hurriedly said such a sentence to Annie, who was curious, and she flew behind Ying's head for the first time.



"The knights?"


"So what?"


Annie was a little puzzled.

Let's not talk about who broke the statue, anyway, Annie only knows that even if she broke it, it's hard to believe that the young lady who is gliding over in the wind with a pair of wings behind her can still Can't you catch her?

"and also!"


"The statue was obviously broken by you!"


Then, Annie refuted the other party again.


It's a pity that Paimon was hiding behind Ying's head at this time and stopped talking.



Seeing this, Annie snorted coldly and didn't bother to say more.

However, she has made up her mind that no matter who asks in the future, she will directly blame Paimon.

Anyway, that thing, the broken idol, it was the little one who bumped into it. Her Lady Queen Anne said it was, and it was not!


(● ̄? ̄●)


"You give in!"

"Get out of the way!


"Don't get in the way!



However, not long after, the young lady who flew down from the sky suddenly shouted and shouted in a hurry while diving towards the three of them.






Seeing this, Annie, of course, avoided it in a flash.

Immediately after...



"don't want!"




! "

With three screams and a, Annie who appeared in the distance could only see Miss Ying, idiot Paimon, and the lady in red who fell from the sky. They were so vicious. They collided and rolled into the grass on the side of the road, and then there was a pair of long legs who didn't know whose **** was sticking out and twitching stiffly. Know how people are.


|?˙?˙) Hello?

"That... are you all right?"


With that said, Annie walked over and asked kindly, patted the big butt.

She doesn't know if the other party has anything to do with it, but anyway, Her Lady Queen Anne just hid in time, so she must be fine now.


(?ω?) Where is the monthly pass?

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