Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1967: Old Demon Yunlu: This thing has a destiny with me

"There is a situation!"

In the distance, a large group of patrols from the Six Sects of the Devil's Way flew by in the sky. They could see from a distance that they were swaying grandly on the road, and they did not pay any attention to the dangerous Jinguyuan battlefield and their disciples from the six sects. The two little girls in different styles of red festive clothes.


"Who is that?"


"Isn't it just two mortal little girls, what a fuss..."


"How did the two little girls come here?"


"Something's wrong!"


Then, they stopped subconsciously, and started to discuss while pointing at a distance in the sky.

After all, they have already known about the war in Jinguyuan in the past few years. The hundreds of miles around here are all that kind of desolate jungle and wilderness. In addition to the battle between the six sects and the seven sects, there is absolutely no place here. There may be those mortals who are not afraid of death again.

"Little girl?"


"not good!"

"It's the two Yuan Ying old monsters from Wuzhuangguan!

But soon, before they could decide what to do with it, suddenly, I don't know who thought of something first, and suddenly shouted out.


"Really, is it really them?"

"you sure?"

"not good!"

"Looks like it really is!"


"Run ah ah ah!!"

Then, the group of disciples of the Six Sects of Demon Dao, who were originally neatly formed and mighty and domineering, screamed miserably, directly scattered as birds and beasts, exhausted their milk-feeding strength in different directions in the sky, and desperately squeezed the spiritual energy in their bodies, with their best efforts. Possibly fast Yu Jian flew away and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"No way?"



"You're scaring them away again, that's disgusting!"

Seeing that the points that were about to be obtained flew by herself, Jin Xiaoli was annoyed, she turned her head and complained bitterly to the Master Annie behind her.



"You talk nonsense, you are obviously scared away by you!"


Unexpectedly, the other party was so daring and dared to blame himself. Of course, Daxian Annie, who never thought she was wrong, of course scolded her back rudely.

"Didn't you hear what they just said?"


"They ran away because they were afraid of the Yuan Ying old monster, but here, you are the Yuan Ying old monster!"

☆? (o`ー')?

Annie was not polite at all to argue and scold.

Her immortal flame has boundless mana, so she is definitely not something that a mere 'Yuan Ying old monster' can describe, and the koi carp that claims to have more than 2,000 years of Taoism, but in fact it is only a big monster of more than 1,000 years old. However, it was only because he ate two peach cores that he could barely strengthen his shape.

Therefore, Annie felt that what those people said just now was definitely not her, anyway, she would definitely not admit that she was some kind of Yuan Ying old monster!

Besides, 'Old Nascent Soul' or something, that kind of nickname is terrible, don't let her meet them next time, otherwise, they will be good-looking.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


"However, they said they were two old Nascent Soul monsters!"

"Besides, Master, you are so powerful, they must be afraid of you a little more, so they were scared away!"

The koi carp held her tender fingers in a serious manner and did not give in an inch.

"Anyway, it's not the Yuan Ying old monster!"


Annie didn't want to pay attention to the other party, and continued to walk aimlessly.



"Little carp, it doesn't seem to be fun here, or..."


"Shall we change places?"

? ˙? ˙)

After walking forward for a while, Annie suddenly turned around and asked carefully.

Originally, she thought that this Jinguyuan must be fighting a war here, and it was the kind that broke her head, but in the end... After she came here, she found that others seemed to have finished fighting, except for the corpses all over the ground and Apart from the broken eaves and broken walls after various wars, it seems that there is really nothing to see.

So, since there is no fun to watch, of course she wants to leave.


"No no no!"

Xiao Li was shocked, and then hurriedly chased after Annie's arm and begged.


"Shall we stay a few more days?"

Now that the task has not been completed, if she just leaves, she will not be reconciled no matter what.

After all, they came here for three purposes. The first one was to promote the reputation of Master Anni as the Great Flame Immortal. Anything is very simple, as long as you keep fighting monsters. Now both her Li Daxian and Mo Senior Sister have been beaten. Quite a few, the progress bar has been slowly rising almost all the time, and it should not be far from the completion time.

And the second purpose is to pacify the war in the Xu country's immortal world.

Although it might be faster to eliminate the seven major sects directly, since Senior Sister Mo decided to fight the Six Demonic Sects, she had no choice but to follow.

But now, instead of retreating, the army of the Six Sects of the Devil's Way is still chasing the defeated factions, and they have plans to continue to march into the Xu Kingdom, so their mission must not be completed yet. At this time, how could she just leave casually?

As for the last hidden mission, that's not to say.

In this regard, she and Senior Sister Mo still have no clues, so they can only plan to complete the two tasks in front of them, and then make full use of the massive sect's contribution points.

"How many days?"


"But it's no fun here!"


Annie was a little unhappy.

It's really not fun here, especially in the past two days, those people from the Six Sects of the Devil's Path saw them from a distance and ran away. Since there is no fun to watch, and no bad guys to fight, then she really didn't continue to stay. reason.


"Or Master!"

"At night, Xiaoli, I'll go catch the Meng Dao elephant and bake it for you?"

As a last resort, Xiao Li quickly came up with a way that was not a solution, and then said seductively.

"That's not delicious..."


"The meat is too woody, let's forget it."

e=('o`))) alas

Yes, the demonic beasts controlled by the Yuling Sect of the Six Sects of the Devil's Way are like Mengxiang Elephants. They are indeed not tasty. The flesh of monsters really can't get into her eyes.


"Going to eat the rhinos of the Seven Schools?"

Koi Koi suggested again.

In fact, it was originally the rhinoceros of the Spirit Beast Mountain among the seven sects, but now the Spirit Beast Mountain has taken refuge in the Six Sects of the Magic Way, so the koi carp will definitely not be soft when it is caught.

Of course, even if the other party was from the Seven Great Sects, she would not be soft-hearted when she caught Li Daxian.

"That's not delicious either!"


Annie Daxian, who also ate rhinos, said that rhinos also failed to attract her. That kind of thing was eaten the first day she came here.

"Don't eat this, don't eat..."


"Picky eaters don't grow tall!"

No choice but to sigh and grumble angrily.



"People want to eat fish head with chopped peppers now!

? (ψ`╭╮′)o

Annie was decisively angry when the other party refused to open the pot and lift it.

You must know that she is indeed not tall, Annie Daxian. There are indeed many people who know about this matter, but those guys are very winking and never make jokes about that kind of thing, but this guy in front of him is so good, he still Dare to talk about it, I am afraid that I am tired of living and want to reincarnate and rebuild?

If that's the case, Daxian Annie wouldn't mind helping the other party, guaranteeing to eat the other party's body cleanly, leaving no meat behind, even for intelligent creatures!


"Master, Master..."

Koi Koi was startled.

Obviously, she seemed to know that she accidentally said the wrong thing just now, but the words she said were more difficult to take back than the water that was poured out, so she couldn't help being a little panicked.


"The fish head is gone, do you want the human head?"

"If you don't mind, chop off this little carp's head!"

"Remember to ask senior sister to put less chili, others can't eat too spicy!"

However, after turning her eyes around, she was so cruel, taking advance as retreat, she closed her eyes and stretched her slender neck, looking like she was willing to sacrifice herself, indicating that some bad master wanted to. If you want to eat it, just take the head of her Li Daxian directly.



"All right!"




It's a pity that the other party's little tricks will definitely not work if they want to play in front of her. No, in the next second, Annie threw her little bear directly and let it zoom in instantly.





Seeing this, of course, the koi carp was instantly frightened and turned pale, and opened his throat and howled.


"Little carp knew it was wrong!

It's a pity that a certain bear didn't give her a chance. He stretched out his claws and grabbed her. Then he opened his huge mouth and shoved her whole in at once.

However, it did not chew it with its ferocious teeth, nor did it burn it with shadow flames, it just swallowed it whole into its huge belly.



‘Xiao Li, Xiao Li knew something was wrong…’



The next second, a small human-shaped object began to struggle in Tibbers' huge belly, and he could faintly see the contours of his arms and feet as he struggled, but the opponent broke free no matter how hard he struggled. Can't get out.



"Come on, bear, let's go find those three idiots!"


Annie ignored the other party, jumped directly on Tibbers' shoulders, and signaled that the other party could move on.

In the morning, Mo Caihuan and Xiao Cui'er, and Chen Qiaoqian from Huangfenggu ran out again, so Annie is going to meet them now, and then think about what to do next.

But anyway, she didn't want to stay here in Jin Guyuan. After she found the three guys who were running around, she would go somewhere else.


In Tibbers' belly, the Li Daxian who just said that he could donate his head at any time was struggling desperately, and he seemed to be shouting something, but due to the barrier of his belly, he was completely Can't get it out.


What the two miserable masters and apprentices who are frolicing around do not know is that their apprentices (apprentices and grandchildren) are facing a huge threat at this time.

In the direction of Jinguyuan near the camp of the Six Sects of the Devil's Way, Mo Caihuan, Xiao Cui'er and Chen Qiaoqian took a risk and came a little closer to a certain direction in order to save several disciples of the Five Sects who were captured by the Devil's Way.

Then, after killing and injuring dozens of the disciples of the Six Sects of the Devil's Way and successfully rescuing the captives, they were shocked to discover that, before they knew it, they were surrounded by a large number of cultivators of the Devil's Way?

And what's even worse, besides the hundreds of disciples of the Six Sects of Demon Dao, there seems to be a terrifying guy in the Nascent Soul period who surrounds them?

"That's right!"


"It's those two guys!"

Above the sky, in the camp of the Six Demonic Sects, as the disciples of the Demonic Way took the initiative to move aside, the former Ghost Spirit Sect and the middle stage cultivator of the Hehuan Sect were the 'Red Pink' among the two 'Red Pink Skulls'. , surrounded by a man who looked only about twenty years old, dressed in brocade, white and tender skin, and unusually handsome, with his gestures and gestures, a man who showed a suave and suave gesture from his bones flew forward and pointed at the first time. Mo Caihuan and Xiao Cui'er, who rescued the five disciples, said.

And the person who was surrounded by her and some high-level monks of the devil's way was the ancestor of Yunlu, the Yuanying old monster of the Hehuan Sect who was supervising the battle in the six major camps of the devil's way!

Originally, an old Nascent Soul monster like the other party would not easily take action, even if someone already knew that someone was making trouble on the battlefield of Jinguyuan.

However, Mo Caihuan and the others were really too arrogant, they actually hit the main camp of the Six Sects of the Demon Dao, and they recklessly killed the disciples of the Dao Dao under the eyes of the opponent. In this case, if the opponent does not come out, In the future, I am afraid that I will be looked down upon by others.


"That little one, she has a lot of spells on her body, and she seems to have a lot of restraint on the Ghost Spirit Sect. It was her who hurt my Langjun as soon as she made a move, and it was the two of them who gave Elder Han's Jin Dan alive. Broken!"

Seeing the enemy in front of him, the 'red pink' of the Hehuan Sect couldn't help but itch with hatred!

Because, it was the little fish in the foundation-building period who secretly plotted against her husband with a spell, so that she is still seriously injured and has to continue to retreat and recuperate.

Fortunately, she made a decisive decision at that time, and immediately protected Lang Jun and escaped when she saw that the opportunity was not good.


"That's them?"

Hearing this, the "old ancestor" who looked feminine and weird sneered noncommittally, and began to swipe Mo Caihuan, Xiao Cui'er and that Chen Qiaoqian with his terrifying eyes.

"whispering sound!"

"Just these crooked melons and jujubes, you rubbish, can't even deal with them?"

After taking a look, Ancestor Yunlu shook his head in disappointment.

He could see that, not to mention the captives, just the three women, only the 'Fairy Mo' who was wearing a white gauze skirt and a white hat was interesting.

However, what made him strange was that the other party did not seem to have formed an elixir, but the fluctuation of mana or spiritual power did indeed have the strength of the middle and late stages of elixir formation, which really made him a little strange.


"The little girl's cultivation is not high, but the treasure in her hand is not bad!"

Then, after Ancestor Yunlu locked an object, he suddenly laughed lightly.

Because, he could see that Fairy Mo, the plain skirt that looked like a flowing cloud on the other party's body was nothing more than that. Although it was a bit extraordinary, it didn't make him, an old monster in the middle of the Nascent Soul, treat him differently. On the contrary, it was the two blue and red double daggers in the opponent's hand that surprised him.

It seems to be some kind of great treasure, and something like that, when it falls into the opponent's hands, is indeed some bright pearl.


Seeing those massive enemies of the Six Sects of the Devil's Way, and seeing not only a dozen masters at the Core Formation Stage, but also an old Nascent Soul Monster, Mo Caihuan's face turned white instantly.

But fortunately, she was wearing a veil at this time, and she was not too worried that her companions would see her frightened expression.

"Nuan Ying old monster..."

She knew that this time, they were indeed a little too careless, and they really shouldn't have come here, and they shouldn't be too far away from Master and Junior Sister Xiaoli.

However, it's too late to regret it now.


"The old monster Yuan Ying has come out, get ready, let's fight with them!"

Therefore, she made a decisive decision. While holding Yin and Yang on full alert, Mo Caihuan immediately took out a rune. After holding it between her two fingers, she turned her head towards the one behind her. Sister Cui Er gestured frequently with her eyes.




At this time, Xiao Cui'er was also terrified. However, she, who was originally Bingxue smart, saw the look from her Shibomo's sister, she instantly understood and took out several spells. , and quickly distributed them to the hands of the five cultivators who were rescued by them, as well as Chen Qiaoqian and Sister Chen.


"This is……"

Seeing that she was also posted, Chen Qiaoqian was a little surprised at first, but soon became surprised.

Because she had used the same spell before, and she knew the effect and function of this spell better than anyone else, so she, who thought she was going to die and had an ugly face, quickly turned rosy again.



Unfortunately, what made Mo Caihuan, Xiao Cui'er, and Chen Qiaoqian somewhat unexpected was that among the people from the Six Sects of the Devil's Way, there were people who seemed to recognize the flying charm in their hands?


"They're going to run!

"That's some kind of teleporter!!"

Is this not?

He was once played by two little monks from Huangfeng Valley (Song Meng and Zhong Weiniang), and then the Acacia Sect 'Red Fan', who had a deep memory, exclaimed when he saw Xiao Cui'er taking out the exact same spell again. With a bang, he raised his voice and shouted loudly at the Nascent Soul ancestor of their Hehuan Sect.


When he found out that his middle-stage disciples had reacted so strongly, Ancestor Yunlu couldn't help but be startled.


"Everyone, cast the spell!

It's too late to say it, and after finding out that his plan was seen through by the enemy, Mo Caiwan couldn't think about it, and hurriedly shouted to everyone who got the spell, and at the same time, he was the first to use spiritual power to activate the flying charm in her hand.


Unfortunately, they are still a little slow.

At this moment, although the ancestor Yunlu still didn't quite understand the specific function of the teleportation talisman, after being reminded by his subordinates, he cautiously took a step ahead of Mo Caihuan and others, waved his hand, and used it. A huge Qimen magic circle imprisoned and disturbed the space within a radius of several hundred meters.


"Sister Mo?!"

Seeing that the flying talismans in everyone's hands were successfully activated and burned, but they did not teleport everyone away, Xiao Cui'er was shocked and had to shout to her sister Mo immediately.

However, what shocked her even more was that she saw at this time:

The Nascent Soul old monster suddenly launched an attack without saying anything about martial arts. The other party rushed forward before she could finish her words, and then blocked Sister Mo's urgent double-sword attack, and another imprisoned The spell hit her sister Mo's stomach.


First a cry of pain.

Then, Mo Caihuan, who was seriously inexperienced in fighting the enemy, spit out a mouthful of blood. Then, while flying upside down, the yin and yang daggers in his hand also went straight out of his hand, and was directly slapped by the ancestor Yunlu. Taken away instantly.


In this way, while Xiao Cui'er was stunned, she was invincible in the Sister Mo Caihuanmo, who had reached the late stage of forming a pill after just over a year of training, was beaten by the devil with one palm. Had to vomit blood, and then the veil flew upside down dozens of meters with a touch of scarlet, and then fell into a coma without moving?

"What a sweet baby!"

"This thing..."

"I should have a relationship with my ancestor!"

Then, without minding at all, he accepted the pair of two daggers that made iron from red sun into yang and jade from mysterious ice into yin. The disciples ordered with satisfaction:

"Take them down!"

Now, the strongest 'Fairy Mo', who is said to have the strength in the late stage of the formation of the core, has been taken down by him in an instant. .


"The ancestor has an order: catch them!

"Catch them!"


Not long after, although Xiao Cui'er, Chen Qiaoqian and others still wanted to resist, but in the face of many disciples of the Six Sects of the Demon Dao, they were easily suppressed after a few times, and then they were used spells and chains one by one. tied up.

"and many more!"

"Xuan'er, take her back, I have something to ask her."

At this time, when some demon disciples were about to arrest the unconscious 'Fairy Mo', the ancestor Yunlu suddenly opened his mouth and ordered Dong Xuan'er to the side.


Dong Xuan'er didn't dare to be disobedient, and nodded in response. Under the shocked and angry eyes of Chen Qiaoqian, who had been tied up, she flew towards the 'Fairy Mo', then quickly helped her up and followed that one first. The old demon Yunlu flew towards a large tent in the innermost camp of the Six Sects of the Demonic Way.

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