Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1940: ?(*?)?Flame Daxian has boundless mana

Although, in the end, because of his serious underestimation and carelessness of his own strength, he was run away by the dog thief who is the enemy and the leader of the black evil spirit, but Mo Caihuan is actually not without any gains.

At least, she already knew that the disappearance of the loose cultivators near Xujing in recent years was because of the evil organization called 'Black Demon Sect'. Those missing loose cultivators, including her friend Miss Zhao, Inside, all of them were caught by that 'Black Demon Sect' person to practice that kind of evil art that could turn into a monster.

Also, from the head of the Heisha Sect, the original Lanzhou Five-color Sect Sect Master and the current manager of the Xin Wangfu Wang Yi, the route that he originally headed towards the palace, and the heir of Xin Wang, who was severely injured when the attack failed. It is not difficult for her to guess the connection between them: some high-level dignitaries in the Xinwangfu and even the entire Xu Kingdom may have been deeply involved with the Heisha Sect.

As for whether those people were coerced by the Heisha Sect or actively involved, Mo Caihuan is still unknown for the time being.

Anyway, she only knew that the Heisha sect was entrenched in the capital of Xu Kingdom, and based on the time period when the loose cultivators started disappearing that Sister Xiao Cui'er had told her before, it could be basically inferred that the Heisha sect was located in the capital of Xu Kingdom. She has been entrenched in Xujing and even in the country for many years, and it is very likely that she has a huge power, a large number of people, and is deeply rooted. It is very likely that there is a powerful existence behind her, not her Mo Caihuan, who has only been cultivating for a year. of.

So, after returning home in a dusty environment, she didn't care about cleaning up her appearance, and immediately ran to the study excitedly, and spent many days before and after her to finally investigate all the circumstances that were clear today. It was reported to her Master Annie and Junior Sister Xiaoli.


After a while, after listening to Senior Sister Mo Caihuan's explanation of the future, Jin Xiaoli couldn't help but exclaimed with round eyes.

"Black Demon Sect?"

"that is!"

"Everything is caused by those guys called Heisha Sect?"

Then, she looked at Mo Caihuan with the kind of admiration, sigh and a little bit of admiration.

Of course, she didn't exclaim or sigh because the 'Black Demon Sect' was doing a lot of evil, she just didn't think that the seemingly stupid Senior Sister Mo, who had never been so smart in normal times, was actually in front of her. It's a little unbelievable that he can actually investigate the truth of the matter in such a short period of time.


"That's it!"

"Although their disciples are not very strong, and it didn't take much time to clean up, it took a lot of time to follow that guy, so I came back so late today."

"But it's okay, now I finally figure out all the ins and outs."

Nodding, Mo Caihuan breathed a sigh of relief,

Well now, the suspicions about Fairy Mo Caihuanmo and her own master Huo Daxian, which were misunderstood by the nearby loose cultivators as the attackers, were finally cleared up because of her own efforts to investigate. Look at those loose cultivators, do they dare to doubt her?

She plans to send this news to Sister Xiao Cui'er early tomorrow morning to let the other party and the loose cultivators near Xujing know that she Mo Caihuan and her family's master Annie are disdainful of relying on capture like that Heisha Sect. Scattered cultivators to practice that evil power to enhance their cultivation.

Moreover, she also wants to tell those people that Fairy Mo just performed a little magic yesterday without much effort. Under the traps and encirclement of the enemy, she successfully killed dozens of black evil sect thieves, and successfully scared away. The dog thief of one of the leaders of the Black Demon Sect.

Furthermore, while Fairy Mo is proving her innocence, she will continue to take action next, in order to thoroughly find out and destroy the Hei Sha sect lurking in Xu country, and arresting countless loose cultivators before and after, returning Xu country and Xu country. The world of immortal cultivation in the country is a bright world, and let all immortal cultivators know her 'Fairy Mo' and the prestige of Master Huo Xian!


In view of the fact that the Heisha sect is likely to be deeply rooted and powerful, to be on the safe side, she must obtain more support, especially from her master Anni Huo Daxian.


"Master Anne!"

"Look at it!"

So, thinking of this, she hurriedly walked up to Master Annie and pulled out the long sword around her waist with a harsh rubbing sound.


The curious koi carp got together for the first time.

However, apart from seeing that the broken iron sword was full of gaps and even rolled up in some places, she didn't find anything.



"and then?"

(? ̄? ̄)

Looking at the broken iron sword, and then looking at the expectant Mo Caihuan, Annie also felt a little inexplicable.

Of course, she didn't know what the other party wanted to do when he handed such a broken piece of copper and iron to her. After all, she was not a blacksmith, nor was she some eccentric who liked to fly around with a hammer with lightning. , she has no interest in blacksmithing at all!

If it is to burn it directly, she must be good at that kind of thing, but if the other party wants to ask her to help repair the weapon, it must be the wrong person.



"This kind of ordinary weapon is broken as soon as it is used, so..."

"Do you have any magic weapon?"

After finishing speaking, Mo Caihuan directly imitated the usual appearance of Junior Sister Xiaoli, pleading with a shy face and acting like a spoiled child.

Although it always makes her feel a little weird and twisted to let her Fairy Mo act coquettishly against such a little girl, but who makes the other party her master? Therefore, for some things, especially things that are related to her own interests, she can't care too much.

"A magic weapon?"


"Yes, yes, but..."


But Annie didn't want to give it directly to the other party.

Otherwise, as far as she knows, after the other party gets it, he will definitely get stunned, and then he will run out all day long to do such boring things like being chivalrous and righteous, and then he will not remember to go home and cook on time every day. She finds unpleasant things for herself, and she, Annie Daxian, is disdainful to do it!



"The disciple begged the master to give me a self-defense weapon!"

Seeing that there seemed to be a door, without saying anything, Mo Caihuan immediately rushed to the side of the crescent crescent and continued to pray with a pitiful look.

Although Mo Caihuan has never heard the vulgar truth of 'a child who can cry gets milk', but she only knows that her master Annie has boundless mana and all kinds of strange things, and in some way Things that do not violate the principles are still very soft, as long as she is willing to beg hard, there will always be some unexpected gains.


!? (?\'\'??)?



Seeing the other party's appearance, Annie was of course a little embarrassed at first.

"All right!"

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But soon, she was afraid of trouble and didn't want to refuse, and she gave in, and was ready to really give the other party a little sweetness.

"Give it to you!"


Just as soon as she stretched out her hand, Annie tapped the fiery red jade bracelet on the opponent's wrist, instantly enabling some functions of the Lord God for her.

Of course, that is only a part of the function, and, ah, it is based on some functions of the original Cuiping Mountain Lord God, which can only be exchanged for items, and cannot be directly forcibly injected or practiced.

'Ding! ’

'The teacher's contribution exchange function is open! ’


Almost instantly, a clear prompt sounded beside Mo Caihuan's ear, which made her startled.


"Sister, what's wrong?"

Seeing that Senior Sister Mo actually got some kind of benefit, Jin Xiaoli, who was unwilling to be left behind, hurried over, grabbed the jade bracelet of the other party and looked at it vigorously.


Unfortunately, before Koi Xiaoli could see clearly, Mo Caihuan complained and pulled his hand back.

"Little carp, don't worry!"

"Wait for me to see first!"

Then, after pushing away Junior Sister Xiaoli, Mo Caihuan hurriedly excitedly immersed her consciousness on the jade bracelet that seemed to have changed a little and looked at it carefully.

Then, it doesn't matter if you look at it, it scared her a lot when she saw it!


Then, she naturally exclaimed involuntarily.

It turns out that although her master Annie didn't directly give her that kind of magic weapon, but the bracelet has an additional function for the exchange of contributions from teachers, and the things inside are dazzling, ranging from magic weapons, down to Everything you need for food and medicine?

For example, the swords she wanted most were the three types of ordinary one-handed long swords, two-handed short swords and giant swords, and there were sixteen types of each type, forty-eight in total. !

As for other weapons, such as spears, axes, streamers, thorns, orbs, lanterns, and other common or uncommon weapons, there are countless others, and she couldn't see them in a short time.

In addition to various types of weapons, there are also various helmet hair accessories, armor dresses, boots, belts and accessories.

Of course, at the same time, there must be all kinds of sundries, such as medicinal pills, cooking, runes, spiritual ornaments, etc. She was so shocked that Fairy Mo Caihuanmo's eyeballs almost didn't come out directly.

"Frost Cold Kyushu?"

"Ice crystals and snow are naturally formed; when they come out, the frost and flowers are all over the ground, and the wind is dancing? Its spirit is frigid, it is piercing, its meaning is depressed, and the mountains and rivers are lonely... This is the coldest and purest thing in the world, only a pure heart can be Control it?"

"Capturing the dragon?"

"The magic weapon made by the ancient demons can resist eight heavenly dragons! It is shaped like a fish bone, stretches as you want, sharpens thousands of sword threads, as soft as the silk of a spring silkworm, and as tough as the warp and weft of heaven and earth?"

"Really want!"

After seeing the two divine soldiers named 'Capturing Dragon' and 'Shuang Leng Jiuzhou' and reciting their origins and introductions, Mo Caihuan's heart started to jump wildly. .


"There is even a magic weapon!!"

Then, after seeing the magic weapon exchange option, she exclaimed again.

Because, she saw that she had always envied the kind of things that other immortal cultivators had. She even had an exchange in her bracelet, and it seemed to be even more powerful?

For example, the flying sword that can fly with the sword and assist in attacking, the jasper gourd that can heal wounds, the golden armor that can passively protect the body, and the demon-binding rope that is invincible for catching people and demons, and so on.


"Why do you need so many teachers to contribute points?"

"Really annoying!"

However, reality soon poured a large basin of cold water on Mo Caihuan, and it was still the kind with ice.

Because ah, while she was greedy, she also saw that those good things, all of them need something called sect contribution points!

As for the way to obtain the so-called sect contribution points, there are also instructions on it, and it seems that there are only the following types.

One is to cook dinner for Master Anne every day.

If Master Anne is satisfied, there will be a contribution ranging from one to ten points every day.

The other is: Find delicious specialties for Master Annie?

If Master Anne is satisfied, randomly give contribution points according to the satisfaction, the worst is one point, and the highest is unlimited?

Another is: self-cultivation.

Every time her character level of Mo Caihuan rises by one level, she can get 100 sect contribution points. For example, her current level is 8, so she has a full 800 contribution points.

However, I don't know why, in the past year, the points she made for Master's cooking every day didn't seem to be counted?

Of course, there is a last method, which is: random tasks.

Now her random quest has a reminder of 'Destroy the Heisha Sect', which states: For every Heisha Sect disciple who has done many evils, you will get a sect contribution point, and if you kill the leader or important person, you will get ten to one One hundred o'clock?

And if you completely 'destroy the Black Demon Sect', there will be a full 1,000 point reward for completing the task.

However, it is a pity that the dozens of Heisha disciples she killed in the dense forest north of Xujing were not counted by it.


"Master, these 800 contribution points are simply not enough to exchange..."

Soon, after reading the clear and concise exchange list and task list, and looking at his only 800 sect contribution points, Mo Caihuan was so excited that the pretty face that was talking on his cheeks cried directly. up.

Well now, a large number of magical weapons, magic weapons, fairy clothes and other excellent things have appeared in front of her eyes, but she can only see and can't take them. Perhaps, the most painful thing in this world is also Nothing more than that, right?


"Can you make a contribution in advance?"

Although Mo Caihuan's current 800 poor sect's contribution points are enough to exchange for a jasper sword 'made of ice jasper, the sword body is like a bamboo joint, extremely rigid, and it is a rare treasure', but, Where would she care about such 'ordinary' things?

Fairy Mo is now an immortal cultivator, so she must be looking at the good thing 'Capturing Dragon' that is 'casted by the ancient demon gods and can resist the eight heavenly dragons'!

But unfortunately, that thing actually required a full 100 million sect contribution points, which could almost be said to be a terrible number that made her feel desperate.

If she was asked to do a fixed master task every day, cook dinner for Master Annie every day and get the highest ten points, it would take a full 10 million days, that is, almost 27,000 years, that is almost never. Mission possible!

"not much!"

"Give one... 100 million! Just ask the disciple to exchange a divine sword!"


Therefore, she gradually blushed and had a thick neck, so she immediately approached her master Annie, wanting to make a shameless plea once again, asking the master to give the 100 million contribution, it was a big deal for her Mo Caihuan Use the rest of your life to go slowly and pay it back.

Of course, the premise is that Fairy Mo Caihuanmo can live for more than 27,000 years?


"Master! Master!"

At this moment, the koi carp who stayed on the side the whole time, completely unaware of Mo Caihuan's startled expression just now and the meaning of the various strange terms in his mouth, was so itchy that he finally couldn't bear it anymore. .

"Why does Senior Sister have that thing, but Xiao Li doesn't?"


"It's not fair!"

"Little carp wants one too!!"

Then, without waiting for her senior sister Mo to say anything, she just lay down on the ground and tumbled vigorously.

As the saying goes, do not suffer from widowhood, but suffer from unevenness, but now, her koi carp is both 'widow' and 'uneven', and the good things are left to the senior sister alone, and her koi carp is also a disciple of the disciple (actually Just a gatekeeper mascot) but nothing, so why?


"Little carp too!"

"I want it!"

The koi carp continued to splash and roll on the ground, and there was a tendency to never get up without giving it to her.





"never mind!"

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"Well, I'll give you one too!"


After being entangled, Annie was too lazy to say anything. She raised her hand and took out a small fiery red bracelet like jade and threw it to Jin Xiao who was rolling on the ground. carp.

"Go and study yourselves slowly!"




After that, without waiting for Mo Caihuan to make a non-refundable request for an advance of '100 million' contribution points, Annie jumped off the slump, then turned and walked quickly towards her room on the second floor. go.

Now, since dinner is not available, she naturally has to go back to eat her own meal.

As for whether to continue sleeping after eating or go out for a few laps overnight, that is her own business, Annie Huo Xian, she doesn't want to pay attention to their two troublesome guys!


(● ̄? ̄●)


“It was so much fun!!”

At this time, the little koi couldn't wait to put on the fiery red jade bracelet. Then, she didn't know if she saw the interesting character attributes or other things that could be exchanged about her. Mo Caihuan exclaimed with excitement.



"Xiao How many sect contribution points do you have?"

"a lot of!"


"Sister, what do you want?"

"I just wanted to ask, if there are too many, can I borrow a little from Senior Sister?"

"'A little'?"

"That's easy, now! I'll give you a little bit, and you don't have to pay it back!"



"Junior Sister Xiaoli, Senior Sister doesn't want to borrow 'one', but Senior Sister wants to borrow 'a little'!"


"Senior sister, how much is 'a little'?"


"About one hundred million?"


"Senior sister, you are playing a tribute! Xiao Li doesn't want to talk to you today!"

"I don't want to do it tomorrow!!!"

"Little carp..."

"You play a tribute! If you don't leave, I will bite!!"


Before Annie went upstairs and closed the door, she heard the angry scream of the koi carp and the bitter pleading of Mo Caihuan.

Bah! !

However, without listening to them any more, Annie slammed the door shut, ran to the table in her room and sat down, then brought out a whole bunch of goodies from the food world.

"King Kong Is Not Bad Dazhai Master"

"Mmmm tender..."

(??~??) Chew~!

The sky is huge, and she, Annie Daxian, has the biggest belly!

As for whether to go out and play after she's full, or use the bracelet's quest system to tease her stupid apprentice and play with the koi, that's what she needs to think about later.

Anyway, she is not in a hurry at all, and there will be time in the future.


ε=('?'●))) alas


(?▽?) It's the end of the month, do you still have a monthly pass...

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