Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1920: (*?︶?*). Ink Color Ring's Flatbread.:*


Mo Caihuan had a delicate rapier tied around his waist, and walked briskly down the country trail with a basket full of various ingredients in his hand.

At this time, the bamboo forests on both sides accompanied by the breeze in the countryside slowly stroked her full head of hair, and together with the bright morning light, she looked extra charming and moving in a strong suit. She has the temperament of a lady and the heroic spirit of a heroine, and at the same time, she has the agility and well-behaved of a small family jasper, and she no longer has the frowning and dejected look before.

As of today, she and the immortal master Annie who she met on the way with a plate of cakes, and the flame immortal who is said to be from Cuipingshan have been in the village a few miles away from Xujing, the capital of Xu country. Ye has lived here for over a month.

Because of the need to practice the exercises, she used some channels to sell the bottle of elixir that her eldest brother Han gave, and exchanged a lot of silver taels. I bought a set of private gardens that belonged to a wealthy businessman in the mountains and rivers. It was just in that elegant small yard with flowers, bamboo, water, and courtyards, nicknamed 'Quick Snow Shi Qing'. stayed.

However, because only she and her master lived, and her master often slept until the sun was up for three poles and refused to get up, he liked to wander around and never did housework on weekdays. Of course, she Mo Caihuan did it all by herself.

But she didn't want to complain about it.

After all, Mo Caihuan knows that teachers are like fathers and mothers, and her master Annie gave her a great opportunity and led her on the road of cultivating immortals. They are her reborn parents, which is a great favor. , and what she can repay now is just serving the other party's food, clothing, and daily life. She is too late to be willing, so what's there to complain about?



After taking a deep breath and taking a deep breath of the sweet fresh air in the bamboo forest, Mo Caihuan no longer walked like a lady like before, directly carrying a basket full of ingredients, Joyfully jumping on this path, and jumping several meters, like a little girl.

"almost home."

Now, this bamboo forest is also their home.

At that time, when he bought that other garden, the wealthy businessman waved his hand and gave away the less valuable bamboo forest with a 'free' price. Therefore, this large bamboo forest is her family's private property, while the surrounding The villagers didn't live very close, and there were no good things in the forest. Very few people would come here on weekdays, so she wasn't worried that her little girlish state would be seen by outsiders.

"Can be a little faster..."

Thinking about it, she moved forward faster, like a ghost.


To be honest, until now, Mo Caihuan is still like a dream...

She couldn't believe it. When she was sad in the carriage, she thought that she had no relationship with Xiuxian in this life, that she would never be able to look at the back of Big Brother Han again, and she would never stand with him again and was in extreme despair. When she was in the middle of the school, God actually heard her prayers and supplications, and he sent her an amazing immortal, and also made her a 'spiritless root' who had no spiritual roots and could not become an immortal cultivator. , directly embarked on the road of immortal cultivation, and directly became a Taoist fairy child?

That kind of thing, I'm afraid to tell it, for example, to that big brother Han, I'm afraid the other party won't believe it, right?


Thinking about it, Mo Caihuan couldn't help but chuckle.

She knows that her two cheap masters, whether it is the Zhenyuanzi Daxian who has never really seen a real person, or the 'Flaming Daxian' who is definitely still sleeping at home right now, they are all Such an amazing existence!

Although, she has never seen her master Annie make a move, and the other party has not even used the method of flying a thousand miles in a flash, but she knows that the other party must be very, very, very powerful!

Because, Big Brother Han told her that from ancient times to the present, people without spiritual roots cannot practice magic and become monks.

But now...

Her master Annie has changed everything, doesn't that just show that the other party's ability is strong?


Thinking of this, Mo Caihuan suddenly snorted.

Then, because of the fact that she had been practicing for more than a month and eating pan-peaches, she, who was light and fit, just lightly stepped on her feet, and like a weightless person, she quickly floated past the bamboo forest in front of her. Xiaoxi, jumping more than ten feet away and several feet high, 'flyed' directly and easily.


Turning his head and looking at the ravine behind him that was like a moat in the past, Mo Caihuan felt even more proud.

This kind of thing, in the past, was something she could never imagine.

And this is precisely the proof that she is becoming, or has been a cultivator!

She had no spiritual roots, not even pseudo-spiritual roots, but she still became a cultivator, a monk, and a Taoist fairy child. What kind of honor and opportunity was that?

And this kind of breaking common sense and breaking the truth that has been unchanged for hundreds of thousands of years in the world of immortality is enough to make Mo Caihuan firmly believe that her family's master Annie Huobi and Zhenyuanzi Daxian must be that kind of thing. An impossible existence, anyway, is definitely more powerful than those so-called 'immortal elders' who are out of reach in her daily life!



After thinking about it, suddenly, Mo Caihuan had to hurriedly stop when he had just entered the bamboo forest and was still one hill away from his house.

Because, she saw that in front of a person with disheveled hair, blood-red eyes, horns on his body, sharp claws on his hands and feet, and blood-red suffocation all over his body, he didn't look like a normal person. in front of her?



"Who is it?"

"What do you want?!"

So, Mo Caihuan, who was a little flustered, hurriedly dropped the vegetable basket in her hand, and then pulled out the Qingfeng rapier from her waist that she bought in a blacksmith shop in Xujing, and then tried her best to suppress her heart. Frightened, he asked in a trembling voice.


Unfortunately, the other party did not answer.

The man just tilted his head and looked at Mo Caihuan, and then, as if he had seen some wonderful food, he stuck out his scarlet tongue and licked his lips.


He suddenly jumped up, and without waiting for Mo Caihuan to ask again, he rushed up.


Seeing this, Mo Caihuan, who had never fought with anyone and didn't know how to fight, was of course terrified, and the rapier in his hand almost didn't let go.


Xiuxian has only been cultivating for a month, and she has only learned a few styles of martial arts swordsmanship. Maybe she only learned one style at most. I'm afraid that she, who is not even a flamboyant person, will make a decisive decision without thinking about it, before the other party rushes to meet her. , and directly used the only master spell that she knew a long time ago:

"Fighting to the stars!"

In the scream, under the operation of spiritual power, before the opponent's terrifying sharp claws touched his delicate neck, Mo Caihuan finally took a step ahead of the other party, and immediately launched the star change like 'Fighting Star Shift'. The mysterious and mighty power of his body made him disappear without a trace in an instant.

Swish! !


In the next instant, the eccentric's sharp claws of course fluttered in the air.

"What about people?!"

"come out!!"

Seeing that the person who was standing in front of him was full of spiritual energy and had a beautiful figure, whether it was a furnace cauldron as a practice object, or as a bed stunner to relieve anxiety, the prey that was the best choice was gone , and after looking around without finding anything, the weirdo couldn't help roaring into the sky.

'Roar! ! ! ’



"Okay, so scary!!"

At this time, after using the martial arts supernatural power of Douzhuanxingyi to return to his home in an instant, he looked at the roar like a wild beast coming from a distance, and at the flock of frightened birds that were startled above the bamboo forest. Mo Caihuan, who escaped, hurriedly threw away the useless rapier that was still in his hand, and ran straight into the direction of the master bedroom inside the mansion.


"Master! Master!"

"Something is bad!"


"Master Anne!!"

Soon, Mo Caihuan staggered into the bedroom of a certain little girl who was terrified, and pulled her master, the little girl who had not yet woken up, from the bed.


"Something happened!"

"There's a monster on the outside!!"

Then, ignoring the sleepy and terrifying little eyes of the other party, Mo Caihuan hurriedly told the monster she had just encountered and the fact that the other party wanted to attack her.



"That's it..."


In fact, just now, when she was just pulled up by the other party, Annie was already thinking:

This time, she must let Tibbers grab the other party, then take off the other party's skirt, press the other party directly by the bedside and give him a hard spanking. She must let the other party's **** bloom and let the other party know that disturbing her sleep What a heavy price to pay!


Hearing that it turned out that the other party was being followed and attacked by a strange mistress near the house, and now she has just used her supernatural powers to escape and came back and reported to herself for help. After knowing that the other party was excusable, she put down the ruthless revenge for the time being. The other party's thoughts, and then after rubbing his eyes, he fell back on the bed in frustration.



"Aren't you going to do something?"

"It's very close here, in case he chases after him..."

Saying that, Mo Caihuan, who was kneeling on the edge of the bed, looked back at the window with some fear.

Here, you can also see the bamboo forest outside the window, and she knows that the strange person is on the top of the mountain. If the other party has any means to catch up with his breath, then she really doesn't know where to run. Because her Dou Zhuan Xing Mo only set such a transfer point at home, and the success rate is not high, only three or five times out of ten can be used.

"Don't worry, without the consent of others, outsiders can't come in or see this house."

ε=('ο'*))) alas

Some sighed helplessly, and then Annie could only comfort him like this.


"Is there any formation protection here?"

"When did it happen?"

Mo Caihuan said she was a little surprised, because she didn't know anything about this matter.



"Don't worry about the formation for now."


"If you usually work a little bit harder, maybe, you don't have to run just now, you can kill that guy directly, and then subdue the demons for the heavens!"


After a while, she found that she couldn't fall back to sleep after being woken up, and then Annie turned to her side, looking at the still pale, frightened Mo Caihuan and complaining indifferently at all.

She has just woken up now, and she has no idea of ​​going out to find that kind of weirdness, so she decided to continue to use the topic well and reprimand someone who is daring and dares to come to sleep. Stupid apprentice.


"Master, I have obviously worked very hard. Twelve hours a day, apart from eating, drinking, and Lhasa, the rest of the time is either practicing or meditating."

"I'm not sleeping anymore, how can I work harder?"

Mo Caihuan couldn't help feeling a little aggrieved when he saw his master talking about cultivation at such a time.

You must know that after only a month of cultivation, she has learned the magical power of 'fighting the stars'. Although it may not be used occasionally, she just escaped from that terrifying monster with it. It's her job!

But if you want to change it to the past, I am afraid that she has been caught or eaten by the other party long ago, and how can she still have life to come back to report the news?


"Master Annie, how far should I practice?"

"You can't keep practicing like this all the time, can you?"

In fact, Mo Caihuan wanted to ask about this matter for a long time.

Although, she is very happy and grateful to be able to cultivate immortals now, but... Master does not teach herself on weekdays, and she only knows how to meditate and recite Huang Ting silently every day, and practice that school of swordsmanship according to the gourd painting, and then, This practice is more than a month.

Although she continued to practice like this every day, she could hold on even though she gritted her teeth, but in the absence of a goal and direction, she always felt that her heart was empty.

"This cultivator..."

"It's really torturous!"

"When will this practice be a head..."

Right now, after Mo Caihuan came into contact with her in person, she suddenly felt that cultivating immortals or something didn't seem like a big deal?

Her only impression of immortal cultivation now seems to be nothing but boredom and boredom.

For example, the flame master in front of her, she has never seen the other person cultivate, usually he is either eating, drinking or sleeping, or on the way to eat, drink and play, such as hanging around, jumping around, etc., where else? That kind of imaginary 'immortal' appearance?

"This is..."


Annie does not cultivate immortals herself, how does she know when the immortal immortals of the other party is a head?

Anyway, she eats, drinks and plays every day, sleeps late every day, and there is such a young lady who occasionally bullies her to play, let alone how moisturizing and comfortable she is in her childhood, cultivating immortals is all boring, boring, and it has nothing to do with her. ?

However, seeing the other party's appearance of retreating after only a month, she suddenly felt that as a 'Master', she must do something?

"You wait first..."


So Annie thought of certain things when she was in Cuipingshan.

She still remembered that at that time, those 'disciples' who she had never officially recognized were not very active in their cultivation, so she planned to refer to them a little, draw a big picture for them and provide them with an energy A great way to keep practicing tirelessly.

And her way is to provide the other party with motivation to cultivate, and the best way at the moment is to use numbers to quantify the progress of the other party's immortal cultivation!

And that kind of thing, a certain main **** is undoubtedly the best at it.

"Here to you!"


Soon, Annie took out a beautiful jade bracelet, grabbed the opponent's hand, and put it on him arrogantly.

"It's pretty!"


The other party's wrist is very white, and the bracelet is flaming red. This red and white match looks very good. Anyway, she has a good taste of Annie Daxian.






"What's this?"

Blinking her eyes, Mo Caihuan, who slowly calmed down from her previous state of tension and fear, felt a little strange. She didn't know why the master in front of her gave her things for nothing, so she couldn't help but start to study it.

"Good stuff!"


"In short, with it, you will know how to practice and where to practice in the future!"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

That is indeed a good thing. The disciples of Cuipingshan almost have one person. However, this thing is a castrated version. It does not have the function of contacting the main **** and exchanging it, nor can it take the initiative to receive tasks. It is just a simple storage now. A tool for the quantification of items and personal data only.



"This is……"

Soon, as she observed and devoted herself to her consciousness, Mo Caihuan quickly discovered the magical effect of the bracelet, and saw her own data and attributes from it. Those things and explanations were directly presented in her sea of ​​consciousness. Let her instantly understand its specific function.


Character: Mo Caihuan

Sect: Wuzhuangguan disciple

Title: Taoist Fairy Child (pseudo)

Level: 0

Constitution: 50

Mana: 50

Strength: 50

Stamina: 50

Agility: 50

Basic martial arts: Qixingdun (level 3), Zhou Yixue (level 2) Xiaoxiang Xianyu (level 1) Immortal Cultivation (level 4)

Comprehended the sect spell: Douzhuanxingxing (use condition: Qixingxun skill reaches level 1)



"Master Anne!"

"I've been practicing for more than a month, why is it still level 0?"


"I am clearly practicing every day, why is the highest level of the basic method of the sect only level 4?"

"There's still more!"

"Why do those two swordsmanships require such a high level to be understood?"

That kind of data-based quantification was something Mo Caihuan had never seen or heard of before, so she was very rare and at the same time very shocked, and hurriedly expressed all her doubts and dissatisfaction.


What she doesn't know at the moment is that if it weren't for the fact that she ate that peach before, her current attribute, that is, her personal attribute, is definitely not as high as 'fifty', and her sect's basic law is absolutely impossible to cultivate. to a level as high as 1, 2, 3, and 4.



"The lowest ethereal style can only be comprehended at level 20?"


"My current Xiaoxiang Xianyu is only first-level..."

Immediately afterwards, Mo Caihuan exclaimed and wailed again.

You must know that during this period of time, she was the most diligent in practicing swordsmanship. She even bought a Qingfeng rapier for this purpose, but the result... On the contrary, the cultivation of immortality, which is usually practiced in meditation, rose the fastest, and Xiaoxiang Xian Yucai is only at the first level? !



"It's like that anyway..."


Annie didn't want to explain.

Anyway, after the other party ate that peach, it can be said that the essence is washed away, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the innate Taoist body, and now, under such good conditions, if you can't become an immortal, Then you can't blame her.


"Cultivation is so difficult..."

"Master, I don't know what level of foundation building Brother Han and the others are talking about?"

"When will people catch up with them?"

Gradually, in addition to being shocked, Mo Caihuan began to become a little frustrated and worried after he figured out the use of the bracelet to him.

"Building a foundation..."


"It should be level ten, right?"

??(?? ̄? ̄)????

Annie felt that building a foundation or something should be like that.

However, since Mo Caihuan has eaten 3,000-year-old peaches, although the efficacy is wasted a lot, it is inevitable that her body's attributes exceed those of the so-called foundation-building cultivators. However, that kind of thing is definitely not for her. will tell each other.


"It turns out that you can become a Sanji Sanxian if you cultivate to level 50?"

"Is that a fairy?"


Immediately afterwards, I don't know what Mo Caihuan saw, but she cheered loudly from the side.



However, Annie didn't know what the other party was so happy about.

Because, the other party has been practicing for a month, and with the help of Pantao, but it is still level 0, God knows how many years it will take for the other party to cultivate to level 50!

Therefore, she felt that the expectations and cheers of the other party seemed a bit premature.



"Hmm, you'll be happy!"


However, seeing the other party's appearance, Annie didn't want to attack the other party's mind, because, as she knew, the other party might not easily bother her again in the future.




At the same time, Annie suddenly felt that it might not be enough to quantify the immortal cultivation data for the other party. She should give the other party a little more motivation.

For example, let the other party try to cultivate immortality step by step according to her idea, and then she slowly and secretly tease the other party to play, it is like teasing a bird, making the other party want to fly hard, but it will fly again. out of her palm?

That way, it seems to be a little more fun?


(● ̄? ̄●)


"not good!"

At this moment, Mo Caihuan exclaimed again.



"what happened again?"


After being irritated by the other party for a while, it was obvious that Annie could no longer sleep, so she sat directly on the edge of the bed and motioned for the other party to come over to put on shoes and clothes for "

"I was frightened by that weird person just now, and I accidentally threw away the vegetable basket..."

While stepping forward to serve his master, Mo Caihuan said aggrievedly and anxiously.

Right now, she doesn't know if the weird person is still there, and she definitely doesn't dare to find it alone, so she just looks at her master Annie with those pitiful eyes. Can you think of a way, like go with her and clean up that monster or something.

"Is that so?"


"Then go to the village next door and buy an old hen and bring it back to make soup!"


"Remember to put less scallions, and the pancakes should be softer and thinner!"




"Hurry up!"


Of course Annie knew what the other party wanted to do, but she didn't answer that and just gave another, more explicit order.


"Good, good..."

Mo Caihuan, who did not dare to be neglected, and even more did not dare to go back to the bamboo forest to look for a basket, thought about it and thought that going to the village on the other side to buy some food would also be a solution, so she nodded and prepared to do it immediately.

As for the monster that attacked her...

She decided to wait and see again. If the other party no longer entrenched in the bamboo forest on the other side of the mountain, then she would ignore the other party, and if they appeared again, then she could only come back to her master for help, otherwise She didn't dare to go out or pass through that area.


(σ???)σ..:*☆Remember the monthly pass 11972/10456996

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