Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1902: (??ω??) Little Anne Little? Ni, can't you tell the difference...

Rhea Lucaria, it didn't take long before Annie returned to this Magic Academy, which was covered with thick fog and shrouded by the water vapor evaporated from the lakeside area of ​​Lienia all the year round.



"Why are you back again?"

Seeing a certain bad little girl suddenly teleported back to the big library, seeing this, full moon queen Reinara, who was listening to her class with her daughters, couldn't help but feel a burst of surprise, and subconsciously asked road.


"Is the matter over, Rani?"


"Is everything all right?"

Then, when she saw Annie's face, Leinara's heart sank, and then she didn't care about attending the class anymore, she left her seat, got close to Annie for the first time, and asked cautiously and uneasily. up.

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"Finger fart!"


Annie said impatiently, and at the same time, she did not forget to take out the Darkmoon Greatsword she just got and throw it aside, even if it was returned to its original owner.

"This is……"


She was a little relieved to hear that Annie said that the 'finger' was destroyed by Leinara, but when she saw that Annie threw the Darkmoon Greatsword, her heart throbbed again, and the heart that she had just put down was again. hung up.

Because, that Dark Moon Great Sword is the 'Moon Great Sword' that the queens of Kalia gave to their mates!

It is one of the legendary weapons, which was taken over by Rani before the full moon queen Reinara herself fell into 'sleeping', after all Rani is not only a god, but also the legitimate queen of the next generation of the Kalia royal family. !

However, since Lani's moon is that icy full moon, the sword of the moon naturally shines with the icy dark moonlight, so Leinara will definitely not be mistaken. The 'Darkmoon Greatsword' must be Rani's handle!

However, now that the sword was brought back by Annie, and the owner of the great sword was nowhere to be seen, Reina couldn't help thinking about it.

"Did something happen to Rani?!"

So, after her face changed, she first looked back at the daughters who were still listening carefully to the class, and then asked in a low voice.

"Accident? That's not it yet!"




Anne deliberately lengthened her tone, making the expression on the full moon queen Reinara's relaxed once again tense again.


Holding her breath, Man Yue didn't rush to interrupt Annie's words, she just frowned her beautiful eyebrows slightly, with her delicate, beautiful and heroic look, she didn't look like a mother of hundreds of children with a tense look on Annie's face. Take a look and wait for Annie to make things clear to her.

"But she doesn't seem to be doing well..."

??(?? ̄? ̄)????

"She was beaten horribly by that 'finger'. Her body was covered in blood, her clothes were all torn, and the doll's arm was almost broken, not to mention how pitiful!"




"She also said that she might have to go to the night sky to accept the coldness and loneliness that belongs to her alone?"


Scratching her head, Annie spoke uncertainly, and used those very sad and desolate words to relay what the puppet Miss Rani said in that relaxed tone at the time.



"People don't know exactly what happened to her..."

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After speaking, Annie sighed heavily again.


"La, Rani..."


"Annie, what can we do to help her?"

As expected, the full moon queen Leinara, who was relieved to hear that the 'finger' was wiped out and that Rani was okay, changed her expression and the style of her face again.



Annie did not speak in a hurry, but glanced at the other side quietly.

Sure enough, just as she imagined, the other party seemed to be full of worries, guilt, self-blame and helplessness, and he almost didn't cry out directly, not to mention how pitiful.


(● ̄? ̄●)

"Do not……"


"I have to find her!"

As she said that, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that the situation was not right, and Leinara stretched out her hand, and her staff instantly appeared in her hand, and then she was ready to cast a spell and teleport away.

"and many more!"


Seeing that the other party was in a hurry, Annie hurriedly called to stop and rushed forward to hold the other party.


"I must go……"

"I must go, I won't allow Rani to have an accident!"


"She'll be fine!"

Leinara said with an ugly face and muttered to herself, intending to break free from Annie's pull.

Although she has a lot of daughters and her son is one of a kind, it breaks her heart, but in Man Yue's heart, she still prefers Rani more, and now she listens to Annie's tone. It is not difficult to guess that Rani's condition is not very good, and it is very likely that it is not good, and it is very likely that it will not last long, so she must go and see!

"Wait a minute!"


Annie grabbed the opponent's wand and forcibly interrupted a teleportation spell that the opponent had activated.



"Aunt Leinara, there is actually a way, but, would you like to hear it?"


Finally, seeing the other party taking the bait, Annie was ready to reveal her true purpose.

Anyway, since she came back to now, Annie has never lied. That little sister Rani was really miserable. What she saw at that time was the same as what she just said, and what she said was also the other party's original story. As for how others understand it, for example, how the Aunt Reinara in front of her understands and prepares to do it, that's none of her business.

In a word, I don't blame her for that kind of thing. It was that hateful puppet lady who played her with Her Lady Queen Anne, and if she didn't take revenge at the first time, how could she have a face in the future? Wandering around the world?


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"In what way?"

"Annie, tell me quickly, as long as it's a good idea, I'll listen to you!!"

The full moon queen Reinara, who was beaten in the head, is now completely out of proportion, so when she heard that Annie in front of her had a solution, she hurriedly asked.

You know, whether it was herself, her son Ratan, or Rani, she had been helped many times by Annie before and after, and she had already held unconditional trust in Annie.



Finally, seeing that the time was right, Annie took out the little doll.

It was a small doll exactly like the witch Rani's big doll, and the subtle parts were done very delicately, but now there is no response, and it can only feel a little cold to the touch.


"this is……"

Looking at the doll, Reinara was a little puzzled.

Because ah, since she woke up Man Yue, that daughter, that little... that eldest daughter, Rani, has been avoiding her on purpose, so Man Yue has never been able to see each other until now, and she doesn't recognize Rani at all. What would it be like to give up the flesh.


"Why, there seems to be the power of the cold dark moon like Rani's?"

So, subconsciously, Reina stretched her hand to touch it.

Then, in the next second, she exclaimed as a matter of course, and cast a suspicious look at Annie.

"of course!"


"It's Miss Rani's puppet! However, this is just a spare puppet. She used another big puppet before!"


Annie explained patiently, and gestured to pull the other's four arms.

"That's it..."


"Why does this puppet look like her teacher, like the Snow Witch Reina?"

The more she looked at Leinara, the more she felt that the idol was an old friend of hers. However, she was not 100% sure. After all, the doll was wearing a Little Red Riding Hood dress, the same as Annie's. The identity of the root 'Snow Witch' is indeed somewhat mismatched.


"Annie, then tell me, how does it help Rani?"

Soon, the Queen of the Full Moon abandoned those chaotic thoughts and directly asked what she was most concerned about and worried about.

"It's very simple!"


"Because it is a spare doll, it has Miss Rani's soul imprint on it. Although people don't know where her soul is now, people can cast a spell to forcefully pull her soul here. Dolls are here!"




"That may only last for a short while, she will definitely resist, maybe flee, or some other terrible situation?"




"Aunt Reinara, you should know what to do, right?"


Annie Barabara speaks a lot of truth and deliberately tries to entice her.

That's right, she can indeed force Rani's soul onto this little doll with the other party's mark, but if you think about it with Tibbers' ass, you can tell that Miss Rani will be furious. Resist, scold, and then try to leave again, or simply tell Aunt Reinara the truth?

However, Annie must try her best to avoid that kind of thing, and it is absolutely impossible for the other party to speak, so she must make it clear to Aunt Reinara in advance to ensure that such a thing will not happen.

"So that's how it is..."

Hearing that this doll bears the imprint of Rani's soul, and hearing that Annie said that she could pull Rani's soul back for a short period of time, as the most powerful mage in the borderland, Full Moon Queen Reinara, how could she not know about Annie's soul? intention?

"I understand."

"It is impossible to have a unique soul without a physical body. That state is very dangerous, and the doll's body is also not desirable. The restrictions are too great!"

"It seems that to save Rani, the top priority is to give her a new birth as soon as possible!"

Nodding, Leinara said that she had fully understood what Annie meant, and while nodding, she also cast a grateful expression towards Annie.

Although Annie could only pull Lani's soul back for a while, that was enough for her full moon!

"However, Rani is a god, and the requirements for the new body will be very strict. I have to prepare first."

"Annie, wait a minute..."

As she said that, without waiting for Annie's answer, Reinara hurriedly turned around and walked towards the door of the big library.




Annie heard that Aunt Reinara seemed to have said something to a certain big red dog that the other party loved and hated, and even dispatched a large group of kalia knights to guard, and then re-entered and sealed it with magic The door of the library.

"Come with me!"

"Annie, time is running out, I will follow your example and prepare an embryo for Rani with my flesh and blood, and then you will pull back her soul, and I will stuff her soul into my blank as soon as possible. In the womb!"

"I will conceive her again."

While walking to a certain room in the big library, Man Yue extended her hand to greet Annie and explained briefly.

As for her other daughters who were in class, she was not very worried at this time.

Because, after this period of teaching, their wisdom has begun to grow slowly, and now they are almost equivalent to the level of little girls around the age of six or seven. They will definitely not run around, and they have a certain ability to take care of themselves. She needs to be watched from time to time.


(? ̄? ̄?) Okay

Seeing that it was what she expected, Annie hurriedly followed.


No one knows what happened to the room inside the big library, anyway, Annie didn't come out until a few hours later, and stayed in the big library for several days, and occasionally helped to take care of Lena very patiently. Those big 'little sisters' in Aunt La's house.

As for the full moon queen Reinara in the room, she never came out again.

Until a month later...

Suddenly, one day, while Leinara's daughters were listening with gusto to the lessons from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry...



"Where are you?"

Very abruptly, a pink and tender girl rushed out of that room, looking only five or six years old, wearing a little red riding hood dress of the same style as Annie, with a face similar to Leinara, but dressed in The hairstyle made her look more like Annie's 'Little Annie'.

"I'm going to kill you!"

"come out!!!"

The other party rushed out, and while shouting and showing a small tiger tooth, he couldn't stop waving the magic wand that should belong to Reinara in his hand, and screamed in such annoyance.




Seeing the person coming, the daughters of Renara, who don't know if they were Rani's older sister or younger sister, who were wearing academy mage robes and academy apprentice caps, all cast doubtful and incomprehensible glances at her.


"Miss Annie has just teleported away..."

"Who are you and what's the matter?"

Finally, it took a long time for someone to stand up, and said timidly to that 'Little Annie' and asked curiously.

"All right."

"Rani, you are too old, don't be naughty anymore."

"Speaking of..."

"Annie has helped you a lot."

At this time, the Queen of the Full Moon finally walked out of the room with a tired face.

Obviously, in order to give Rani a new birth, her consumption is definitely not small!

However, fortunately, because she is already very experienced, plus Annie's previous assistance and guidance, even if Lani's new body is finally done, it is even better than the other's original body.

Moreover, what makes Man Yue even more satisfied is that the current Rani has only her bloodline of Lena, and now, the other party has nothing to do with that 'Supreme Will' or Radagang or anything. !

Of course, there are gains and losses...

Because I didn't dare to delay it for too long, the birth had to be completed in a short time, so this Rani in front of me was almost perfect, and of course there were just a few flaws.

Just like...

The other party will always look like this five or six-year-old, and will never grow up.

But that doesn't matter. Although the body is not big, it does not hinder the growth and strength of little Rani. After all, it is the masterpiece of her full moon queen Reinara and Annie, and the other party's future achievements will surpass this junction. All the existence of the earth, that is not something that Mikaela, a wild species who is also small, can compare.

In short, it's just a little flaw. It can even be said that it's not a flaw but a blessing. It's not a flaw anyway!



"The situation is completely different from what you thought, you were deceived by that hateful guy!!"

Hearing that Reinara was still speaking for some hateful little girl, little Rani turned her head angrily, waving her tender little arms to protest and refute loudly.

Immediately afterwards, without even bothering to explain, she planned to cast a spell to go to Stonewell City to find a certain guy in trouble.


"Mother, mother?!"

However, before Rani finished casting the spell, she found that the staff in her hand was taken away by Reina with a volley.

"Little Rani..."

"Don't make trouble, you have just finished being born, and you can't go anywhere for a while in the future!"

"You have to get used to your new body first, I'm doing this for your own good."

Although she didn't know what her daughter meant by 'being deceived', in the eyes of Full Moon Queen Reinara, even if she was really deceived, she recognized it.

Look, Rani has now obtained such a perfect divine body, which is countless times stronger than the previous puppet and the burnt body. Even if she is deceived, she will be happy.

Furthermore, compared with what Rani said, going to the night sky with a spirit body to endure the boundless loneliness and cold, she was more willing to have her daughter by her side in peace.

In her opinion, whether it is a queen, a goddess, or a god, no matter what identity it is, no matter what purpose it is for, family affection is a very beautiful thing, and it is not an existence that can be discarded at will.


In the past, those sad things that happened to her will never be allowed to repeat themselves on her relatives!



The white and tender little Rani dared to say something, but was interrupted again by Reinara's unquestioning gesture.

"Stop talking."

"What you have to do now is to rest and get used to your new body!"

"As for other things..."

"Can you think about it later?"

Saying that, Reina pulled forward and grabbed little Rani's hand.


"I'll introduce you to your sisters first..."

"or it could be……"


Saying Lei Nara winked a little playfully at the slightly startled little Rani, and then held the little Rani's tender hand, ignoring the opponent's resistance and the blushing red face. Face, he directly hugged it into his arms, and then walked to the front of the large group of girls.



Then, looking at the 16- or 17-year-old 'sisters and sisters' who were almost identical in appearance, little Rani was only shocked to hear that her mother, the Queen of the Full Moon, Reinara, had actually issued An annoyed exclamation?

"I haven't seen each other for a month, and I can't tell who they are now..."

"How can this be good?"

^-^)~\'\'☆Monthly PassミMonthly Pass☆ミ

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