Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1900: ?(?)? Battle Ji and Esther

Obviously, the great Queen Anne was ruthlessly abandoned after being used up by that odious Lenny doll!

That hateful, heartless puppet, the other party seems to want to **** the monsters alone, and it seems that they don't plan to give Annie the opportunity to paddle and watch and kill the OSS?

And that kind of thing, of course, it is impossible for Annie to let it go!

Is this not?

It didn't take long for them to come to the corrupt lakeside area of ​​Nok Stella Pool after a certain bear hit a wall, dig a hole in a mountain, and jumped off a cliff.

Then, after continuing to burn a lot of messy monsters, such as the white king, the dragon soldier and the big tree root that were seriously polluted by scarlet corruption, plus some scorpion people and corrupt ants, one person and one bear is finally enough. After passing through the large corridor, I came to the edge of this underground cliff and stopped.



"No way?"


After Tibbs the bear stopped, Annie looked left and right, and then looked at the dead end road in front of her. Then, she was naturally a little dumbfounded.


(● ̄?? ̄●)



"It should be right, that bad guy, her soul fluctuation should be below!"


Then, Annie motioned for Tibbers to take two steps forward and looked at the bottom of the cliff.

good guy!

It was dark below, and the cave in front of the cliff in front of me didn't know how deep it was. Then, Annie also discovered that after the scarlet and corrupt lake was rushing down like a waterfall, she couldn't see the bottom at all. Anything, and also can't hear the sound of running water hitting the bottom?

And from this point, it's not hard for her to guess that it must be deep and deep, and she still doesn't know where it will lead.

"How did she get down?"


First frowning her lovely brows, she looked around, and then Annie found that there was nothing here except for the two street lamp-like stone tablets.

Of course, it's not that there is nothing at all. There seem to be two empty sarcophagi on the edge of the cliff of the corrupt lake?

"I always feel a little suspicious..."




After looking at the sarcophagus, and then at the endless abyss below, after thinking about it, Annie waved her hand and released a simple time-travel trick.

Then soon, she saw that at the end of the cliff of this corrupt lake, she saw a familiar figure drill into one of the sarcophagi, and then closed the lid and let the corrupt lake wash it down.



"Is she crazy?"


"If it goes on like this, she is not afraid that the lake below is not deep enough, and then the sarcophagus hits the bottom of the lake directly, and then gets smashed into pieces?"


Annie couldn't help being a little dumbfounded after knowing the 'correct' way to move forward with that puppet sister Lani.

Although, she also knows that hiding in the sarcophagus and rushing down can indeed offset the strong tension when it touches the water surface, but, as she said just now, the premise is that the lake below is deep enough, otherwise, then you don't need to Climb out again.

Also, if the lake is too deep, there is no need to climb out of it!

Anyway, she didn't think that the pressure of the lake water enough to offset the terrifying impact of falling down would not crush a normal person.

However, that puppet sister, Rani, was indeed an exception.

After all, in addition to the identities of the other goddess (demi-gods) and snow witches, the other colleague is a puppet who is not afraid of drowning or crushing, and even less afraid of concussions.

(Report! Dear little master, shall we climb in?)


(Seeing his poor little master thinking wildly, and then looking at the bottomless abyss in front of him, Tibbers hurriedly asked.)

"don't want!"


"It's dirty, disgusting and unlucky, so don't climb into that disgusting place!"


Without thinking about it, Annie directly rejected her little bear's proposal, firmly stating that she did not intend or would use the 'correct' method.

( you need a small jump right away?) ^??^)

(It doesn't matter to Tibbers anyway, it's a shadow bear, it can't be killed or drowned anyway, as long as it is given an order, it won't be afraid even if it is a sea of ​​swords and flames!)

"Why are you dancing?"


"People don't want you to be so heartless!"


After seeing that it didn't seem to be very good to use teleportation, Annie stretched out her hand and opened a teleportation door from the void.

‘Beep! beep! ’

Immediately afterwards, a golden and round thing with a huge 'eye' like an electronic searchlight on top, inlaid with high-energy crystals, and some kind of anti-gravity device on both sides flew out instantly.


(● ̄?? ̄●)

(And seeing that this nasty little master of his own used this method, Tibbers was also slightly relieved. After all, it really didn't want to jump directly, even if it was not afraid of falling or flooding.)

"All right!"


"Tanji, get ready to go on an adventure!"


Then, Annie jumped directly towards the saddle-like place on the other's head, and after sitting down, she signaled the other to get ready.

And of course, her little bear Tibbers also continued to be instantly shrunk by her and caught in her hand.

That's right!

The one who was forcibly summoned by Annie at the moment was the most powerful unit of the Protoss family in the Kepruu Sector - Probe!

The Probe was originally designed by the Protoss of the Kalai class. As the basic unit of the Protoss colony, it is an automated Protoss robot serving the Protoss hub. It is mainly responsible for collecting resources and exploring in various complex interstellar environments.

They have hard shells, warp beacons and anti-gravity devices, and the basic particle beam weapons can also be used as basic counter weapons for harvesting resources or causing kinetic damage to threatened targets.

The reason why the Prototype is the most powerful unit of the Protoss is because Probes can generate and place miniature beacons to support the transmission matrix between buildings, and through these beacons, Protoss can get from their Homes instantly hop towards the destination with those pre-built various buildings.

Whether it was during the war between the three clans in the Kepulu star area or the current era of interplanetary colonization, Probes have always been the best front-line unit used by the Protoss to establish colonies and deploy military power.

After locking the dimensional coordinates, these small machines will start to manufacture and set up miniature beacons, locate and transmit all the required construction matrices, this process allows the Protoss to quickly settle down in a new world of people and people, and it is precisely because of this Characteristic, often only one or a few probes are needed to give the enemy a fatal blow or quickly occupy a certain planet or even the entire universe.

Of course, those are not important!

Because, Annie summoned it now, just because it has the ability of anti-gravity levitation, all-terrain exploration and high-speed flight, she only needs the other party to send her to a destination she does not know below, As for anything else, she won't care!

"Set off!"


"Go down in the end and find that Miss Lani!"


When she sat firmly, when the 'Tunji' was ready, Annie excitedly gave the order to act.

‘Beep! beep! ’

After receiving the order from the head of the Federation, although he did not understand why he was teleported to such an unfamiliar place, and at the same time there was no way to contact any Protoss hub, in the end, the probe did not dare to. Too careless, he directly and dutifully acted as a transport plane and a mount, the great Head of State Anne who carried them without complying with safety regulations at all, while quickly scanning the terrain below with high-frequency light waves, he moved towards the plane at a high speed. It flew down the bottomless abyss under the Falls of Corruption Lake.

Exploring and finding the way in such a complex environment of an underground cave is not too easy for an interstellar-level exploration tool like a probe!

After all, that's why they were designed and made, and caves on this planet are relatively safe and easy to explore compared to the more complex and dangerous environments in the universe.


(● ̄?? ̄●)

(Tibbers did not express an opinion, but in its view, there is no need to be so troublesome at all, just jump down and put a feather fall technique when it is about to land to solve the problem? Of course, it said no Well, it doesn't do magic either.)

‘Beep! beep! ’

Yes, the opinion of a certain bear is not important, and similarly, the doubts and slightly confused logic in Probe's mind at this time are not important.

It just dutifully recorded and saved the coordinates of the planet it was on, and was ready to find a suitable place after completing the task of loading Head of State Anne, and then generate and place a micro beacon, and at the same time Build a teleportation matrix and see if you can reach the Protoss hub it belongs to.



"Look! Tibbers, it's more comfortable than sleeping in that disgusting coffin!"

??*. ??????(??)??????????*.

Sitting on the back of the probe, using it as a means of transport, and enjoying the comfort of the fast but stable descent, Annie danced and cheered loudly on the back of the 'Tangji'.

In this way, after only ten minutes, with the help of the 'Tangji' with powerful exploration and flight functions, Annie was carried to a huge lake and saw the center of the lake at a glance. A huge dragonfly-shaped monster lying on its back.





"That's the sealed 'Dark Abandoned Son' Estee, right?"


"It seems that Leinara's memory said that it was the dark stars that invaded, and it also has the strange ability to give life to inorganic stones?"


As the 'Tourney' stopped, Annie recognized the big guy at a glance. At the same time, she also knew that the eternal city of Nok Stella, which she passed by before, existed to monitor and seal the other party.

However, that was before the appearance of the goddess of corruption. After the war between the night people and the goddess of corruption, this seal is said to be no one to control, and the eternal city Nok Stella also became the night people and the corrupt party members fought each other front line.


!? (??\'\'????)??

"Hey! What are you doing?"


‘Beep! beep! ’

'Discover high-energy cosmic creatures, and immediately conduct genetic information and energy collection! ’

At this time, just as Annie was staring at the huge dragonfly in the distance, thinking about the other party's origin, suddenly, the spy under her seat moved.


boom! !

Then, like a 'Battle Girl', it flew forward at a high speed with her on it, and a particle beam was in front of it, and the 'Aisti who had just woken up and hadn't had time to get up was blown away. ' One of the wings was beaten down.



Seeing that the 'Tang Ji' under her seat instantly turned into a fierce 'Battle Ji', of course, Annie was also taken aback.

‘Beep! beep! ’

Then, under the shouts of a nasty little girl head of a nasty girl who was not even familiar with the units in her own federation, the probe who was incarnated as a 'Battle Girl' began to use her levitation ability to surround it. Only low-level cosmic creatures flew around the 'dark abandoned child' Estee at high speed, and did not mind the interference of the opponent's gravity at all.

At the same time, it is still quickly avoiding the opponent's angry pounces and energy bursts, successfully avoiding almost all the opponent's attacks, and then using the particle beam it carries to accurately cut and decompose the opponent's body one by one of the joints.

After just a few minutes...

After 'Dark Abandoned Son' Estee threw herself onto the lake with a final whimper, she was successfully collected by this probe of the Protoss family.

Just like that, it crumbled into pieces of scattered 'genetic information' and energy lumps.



"But, you are not a collection and exploration unit, how can you be so powerful?!"


In addition to being surprised, Annie seemed to have forgotten that at the beginning, a famous fear king, the **** demon named Diablo, was also captured by the Protoss and locked in a static cell. At that time, if it wasn't for Annie's encounter and release, I'm afraid it would have been researched by the Protoss slice and rushed into the sewer by now, right?

Therefore, this clumsy and 'low-level' cosmic creature in front of me, this 'dark abandoned child' Estee was tortured by a particle beam cannon and successfully dismembered into a standard one by the Protoss collection unit 'Tunji'. Genetic information' specimens and energy lumps, doesn't seem too strange?

‘Beep! beep? ’

The 'Tunji' didn't understand why their Head Anne was so surprised, after all, it just carried out a standard capture and collection procedure.

In any case, in the eyes of 'Tanji', the primitive cosmic creatures in front of them are really compared to the human race that piles up armor and barriers and the insect swarm that constantly evolves its outer shell according to the changes of the enemy. The difference is too far, too far.

To deal with such low-level cosmic creatures, they can deal with it by themselves, and there is absolutely no need to use professional armed combat troops.


ε=(??ο`*))) alas

"Forget it, you'd better go and play by yourself!"


Sighing and waving her hand, Annie jumped down on the opponent's back.

"People went to the front to find that puppet lady!"


After finishing speaking, seeing Tan Ji just scanning the body tissues of those 'dark abandoned children' Estee, Annie, who felt a little disgusting, stopped paying attention to the other party, waved her hand directly, and then no longer gave the other party to her. Send it away, and walk away directly and irresponsibly.

‘Beep! beep! ’

At this time, watching the great head of Annie leave, and then looking at a lot of valuable energy and genetic information in front of him, in the end, because he did not receive any specific new orders, and its simple logical thinking Thinking that these collected items should not be easily discarded here, the celestial spirit 'Tanji' turned around and flew quickly towards a spacious place.

Soon, it generated and placed a micro beacon, and at the same time tried to contact a certain Protoss hub, intending to build a teleportation matrix, and summon some kind of teleportation device of the Protoss family into this underground abyss in order to collect and Recycle those precious resources it just acquired.

‘Beep! beep! ’

'The same plane beacon could not get in touch...'

‘Beep! ’

'Execute backup procedure. ’

'Generate an interplanetary super beacon...'

‘Beep! beep! ’

'The super-signature of the interplanetary letter has been generated! ’

'Start placing...'


‘Beep! beep! ’

'Successfully established connection, transmission of key information...'

'The key information is tentatively scheduled as: genetic material, bio-energy, high-energy crystals (pyrite crystals), and Head of State Anne...'

‘Beep! ’

'Received the latest order from the hub, ready to summon the Protoss portal...'

Soon, as the self-running 'Tang Ji' suddenly burst out from its huge electronic eyes, a huge lightning-like high-energy particle beam containing powerful energy and precisely hit the transdimensional beacon. Go, and when it successfully activated the teleportation matrix, a huge and flashing blue light group lit up in this underground world.

However, although the summoning has already begun, it is not too easy for the big blue light group to summon the protoss portal because it is an interplanetary and there is no assistance from the head of a bad little girl. .

‘Beep! beep? ’


Then, the probe looked at the Protoss Portal, which would take a long time, and then looked at the direction in which the head of Annie had disappeared in the distance. No more specific instructions were received, and no more valuable items were found. 'Exploring Ji', so he had to start the standby program, and he just levitated in place and waited and guarded.

At the same time it is also on standby to see if their great Anne of the Führer will come back and give it new orders.

For example, let it violate the safety rules again, act as a delivery device, and carry the other party back to the previous cliff again?

Under normal circumstances, their probes will not execute instructions that violate security regulations. However, since the other party is the head of the federation and has the highest and most priority authority, if it is the other party's will, it will still be will be executed unconditionally.



In this way, the 'Tang Ji' was suspended alone beside the corpse fragments of the 'Dark Abandoned Son' Estee who had been cut by it and the blue light group that was still summoning, in a state of low power. Floating there at every turn, only the big blue eyes like a searchlight turned from time to time.


|????ω??`) It's the end of the month, and the monthly pass is going to get moldy.

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