Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1893: ?(??')? The little girl who scares the dragon

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When Annie kindly sent the witch with the finger to forcibly teleported Miss Heda back to Stonewell Castle and let them take care of her, she did not wander around on the road any more, but directly teleported to Kalia Fortress nearby.

Of course, Annie didn't know the exact coordinates of the Kalia royal family's fortress. Even though she heard that Aunt Reinara said it a few times, she still found the correct position after teleporting and trying several times.

But that doesn't matter. Anyway, she has now been led by the ghost of the guard knight Loretta, who is guarding the moon-viewing place of the royal family of Kalia, to the vicinity of Lanita in the Three Sisters Tower, and has seen The tower of the puppet sister Lani, that's enough.

'Roar~! ’

At this moment, very suddenly, a pyroxene dragon roared loudly, flapped its wings and flew high, and then hurriedly flew towards the south sky after rolling up a stream of air currents.



"What is it for?"


Annie expressed that she was a little baffled, and she didn't know why the pyroxene dragon was so frightened that it flew away after seeing her.

She obviously never thought to provoke it, let alone eat it or bully it. She is busy with business now and has no time to do anything else. The other party must see her like seeing her Run away like a nemesis?


(● ̄ ̄●)

"Queen Anne, don't you know?"

Looking at the pyroxene dragon that was flying away, and then at the surprised little girl in front of him, Loretta, the knight of the royal guard of the Kalia family, did not answer directly, but said in a rhetorical way.



"what do you know?"


Annie said that she really didn't know anything. It was the first time she came to the royal family's territory of Kalia, and it was the first time she came to the Three Sisters Tower, and she didn't even know the pyroxene dragon!

"Actually, it's not a big deal."


"Didn't you catch a pyroxene dragon outside the Magic Academy before you rescued my king?"

"The pyroxene dragon Adura that just escaped seems to know the pyroxene dragon Smarag you caught. After that, Smalrag disappeared. We all thought that Smalla Grid was wiped out by you, so..."

"Perhaps, that's why Adura is afraid of you?"

The ghost knight Loretta who was walking in front of her with sagging shoulders said so.

Thinking about it, she was the pyroxene dragon Adura herself, and when she met such a demigod 'Limb' Greck, she captured the pyroxene dragon Smarag alive, forced her way into the Magic Academy, and then defeated it with her own hands. The little girl of the strongest demigod 'Broken Star' Ratan, I'm afraid she didn't have the courage to face it, so she must have fled from afar, right?

After all, the little girl in front of me is not a good person, and Loretta has also heard that the lake of Nayakir, south of Nimgford, has been entrenched for countless years, and even the lake has to be named after a dragon. The head flying dragon 'Yakir' was cleaned up by the other party!

All these things added up, it is really too frightening to the dragon, so how can Adura, who knows the advance and retreat and understands the truth, dare to take the risk of staying here longer?



"That stupid guy didn't destroy it, just cured its pyroxene infection, don't talk nonsense if you don't know!"


Annie protested loudly with some dissatisfaction.

Anyway, the pyroxene dragon Smarag was also the first mount that Annie caught in this world. Although she got bored within a few days, in the end she managed to arrange the other party properly and sent the guy directly to him. Go to Stonewell City and let those guys help take care of it.

Now, let's not mention how moisturizing that guy is. He doesn't have to hunt for food by himself. He is served with delicious food and drink every day. The nest is taken care of, and the scales and armor are washed. The work is just a daily routine. Ning Mugfu flew two laps, and when he returned, there was still a female flying dragon waiting at home, not to mention how many other dragons were envious.

"So that's how it is..."

"But we don't know, neither does the pyroxene dragon Adura, we only know that after you caught the pyroxene dragon Smalrag, he will never be seen again."

"Perhaps, that's the reason for the misunderstanding?"

Shaking her head, the guard knight Loretta couldn't help crying and laughing after knowing the truth of the matter.


"Queen Anne, there is Princess Lani's mage tower in front of you. If you have anything to do, you can go up and find her by yourself. It is your duty to go back and be on duty."

"Queen Reinara once told me that you are the most honorable guest of my Kalia royal family. If you have anything, come to the royal family to look for me at the moon-viewing place!"

After finishing speaking, when the distance from the Lani Magician's Tower was only over a hundred meters away, the guard knight Loretta did not continue to lead the way, but after explaining something and bowing respectfully to Annie, Even the people and horses dissipated in an instant, apparently returning to the royal moon-viewing place in the Kalia royal fortress in a way unique to ghosts.




ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)~

Annie didn't mean to hold back, she just waved politely towards the place where the other party disappeared.

"Are you sleeping up there?"




First, she looked at the top of the tower, and after confirming that a certain puppet sister was indeed on top, Annie did not hesitate, directly carrying her little bear Tibbers, and strode towards the gate of the mage tower. trot over.

At this time, what Annie didn't know was that when she was talking with the guard knight Loretta, their every move had been watched by a strange guy wearing a mage hat and mage robe. eyes.

Moreover, until Loretta left, the other party's eyes did not leave her.


"that is……"


"It's a perfect and high-quality puppet material..."

"Tsk tsk!"

"It's perfect..."

After staring at Annie for a while, the eccentric exclaimed in a low voice in a yin and yang tone, and at the same time, his mouth was still amazed, as if he had seen his prey as a hunter.

"That's right!"


"Excellent puppet..."

"If you can personally taste the beauty of that kind of puppet, then you will have no regrets..."

When I saw the Kalia Guard Knight Loretta leaving, I saw Annie jumping step by step towards Lani's magician's tower, the big hat wearing that kind of magic professor, wearing the same style The long-distance runner, the sneaky mage continued to mutter those small and obscene words in his mouth.

At the same time, his wretched eyes have been turning with Annie's movement, a very rude look.

"It seems……"

"I have to find the amber-colored shard with special starlight sooner..."


"I need two full of that kind of magic potion that exudes a soft luster, and even demigods are enchanted by it, yes..."

"Yes, it's two!"

As Annie got closer, the sneaky mage continued to whisper something in a voice that only he could hear, until he saw that the little girl had run in, and was about to walk away from him. Entering the mage tower, his self-talk stopped.

"Cough cough!"

Finally, seeing that the little girl had run up to him and looked at him strangely, Silvez hurriedly straightened his body in a serious manner, and then, pretending to be sane, he directly blocked In front of the door of the Lani Mage Tower and greeted it.

"have a look!"

"This is really a distinguished guest!"

"This one..."

"I saw that you have an unusually large amount of magic power on you. It must be... it must be the new king of Stonewell City that Blazer's wolf said, right?"

"I'm Sylvez, the attendant of Lord Lani, I'm very happy to see you here, Your Majesty!"

After speaking, while the other party looked up and down at him in surprise, Sylvez leaned forward with a smile, and after performing a formal etiquette comically, he wanted to step forward and take Annie's hand and kiss him. gift.


!? (\'\')

However, how could Annie let such a weirdo who doesn't look like a good person touch her body easily?

"What are you doing?"


"Go away!"


So, seeing the other person's gesture of reaching out, she didn't even think about it, she took two steps back smartly, and then stared at him coldly, and gave him a dissatisfied look.



"Your Majesty, is there anything wrong with this?"

Seeing Annie's reaction, Sylvez couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed for a while, but he quickly adjusted his mind, and then smiled charmingly, trying to explain.



"People are in a bad mood now, they have something to do, and they don't like you, so get out of the way!"


Annie didn't have time to talk nonsense with the other party, so she urged with some dissatisfaction.

You know, because of the matter of that **** witch, Miss Heida, she is still stunned, and she is naturally in a very unhappy mood!

Moreover, she could faintly feel that the strange **** in front of her seemed to have bad intentions and had some kind of intention towards her, and a guy like this, in the past, she might still tease each other, but now, she Without that mood, she just wanted to hurry up to the tower.



However, Silves hesitated for a while, and finally did not let go.

"Oh well!"

"Since there is something to do, then the etiquette can naturally be saved."


"My dear King Anne, could you please tell me your purpose?"

Sylvez, who continued to stand in the door of Lani's Magician's Tower, deliberately said that, and also took the initiative to ask carefully with a kind of intimacy that was close to the relationship with a smile.

Reinara, the full moon queen of the royal family of Kalia, is familiar with this little girl and has a good relationship with this little girl, so he naturally knows it, but the other party also has friendship with Lani, and even took the initiative to visit, which really made him support It was unexpected, so he wanted to know more, especially at this critical time when Lani was still sleeping and couldn't perceive what was happening outside.

"Who is dear to you?"


"Step aside!"


Annie didn't want to say why she came here, and didn't want to continue talking nonsense with the other party, she just frowned slightly and warned again.

She is very busy now and is in a bad mood, so, now is the last warning. If the other party doesn't get out of here quickly, then she will be welcome.


(● ̄ ̄●)


"Is such that."

"I am the attendant of Lord Lanni, and now Lord Lanni is sleeping, and Blazer just happened to have some problems, so now I am in charge of the security of this area, if you want to go up, you must first... …”

Obviously, Silvez didn't want to get out of the way easily, and even pretended to say something as if he was deliberately making things difficult, wanting to continue to talk a few more words with this amazing little girl puppet 'material' in front of him.



"Don't let me?"


The next second, without waiting for that Silvis to say anything else, Annie didn't raise her hand at all, she just gave her a look, and then, an arcane blast slammed towards the opponent.


boom! !

"Uh wow~!!"

With a shudder in his heart, that Sylvez just dared to have time to subconsciously apply a protection to himself, but as a result, he still screamed and flew backwards with a small roar, and immediately flew out. Planted in a thorn bush in the distance.



"It's annoying again, be careful to burn you!"


After threatening the grass where the other party disappeared, Annie ignored the other party, turned around and walked in the door of the mage tower of the puppet sister Lani.

With the disappearance of Annie's figure, it took a while before that Silvis crawled out of the thorn bush in a very embarrassed manner.

"Cough cough..."

Just standing up, Silves covered his chest and coughed twice, and it was a real cough, because he only felt that his chest was very uncomfortable.


Then, looking at the tattered robe delineated by thorns, he looked up at the entrance of the mage tower where Annie had just disappeared.

However, in the end, he did not dare to catch up to the trouble of finding Annie. He just stood there and looked at the door where the little figure had disappeared with his sinister eyes, and then turned around slowly, feeling a little embarrassed. He staggered and walked slowly towards his own mage tower.


"A cold, sin-ridden puppet princess with a calm demeanor, but a weak and cute girl in essence..."

"The other one is powerful enough to rival the strongest demigod, occupying half of the border, but in essence is just a young and arrogant little girl..."

"Both of them are the best puppets, I can definitely savor their beauty..."

"How pleasant that situation must be..."

Silves staggered towards the direction of his mage tower, and whispered something viciously.


"Cough cough!"

"Most definitely……"

'Ow~! ’

When Selvis turned to, there was a burst of wolf howling near the Lani Mage Tower, and then, there seemed to be a faint sound of weapons colliding, but soon, that The voice fell silent again.


"That stupid, loyal dog isn't dead yet?"


"A bunch of idiots..."

Of course, Silvis heard the wolf howl and some movement, but he didn't move, he just whispered a curse in a certain direction, and finally he didn't say anything more, just humiliated. Leave on your own.


(σ)σ..:*☆Remember the monthly pass


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