Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1887: (-^O^-) Queen Anne is here for a tour!

The sky of the underground world is still full of glowing pyroxene or some other glowing minerals, making it look like a starry sky at this time, which is extraordinarily beautiful.

It's just that, under the same 'sky', it is different from the cheering of the night people in the eternal city of Nokronen on the other side, but here in the Mongwen Dynasty Spiritual Temple on the other side, it is a different scene. Terrible sight.

Because, Munger of the Blood Dynasty has fallen...

In layman's terms, that is - the 'Blood King' Munger farts!

He fell in his own shrine, in front of his beloved goddess Michaela 'Queen', blood all over the floor, one eye was dead, the other half of his brain Together, they disappeared without a trace.

Just now, after the blood king Munger was defeated by the angry little bear, after his head was blown away by the claws of the angry bear, naturally, Munger's big rune and memory fell directly into the hands of little Annie, and then, she just glanced hurriedly , then basically figured out the approximate origin of the blood king Munger and some evil things that the other party did.

It turns out that Munger, the other party is actually the 'Blessed King' (or can be said to be the 'Evil Omen King'?) in the royal city Rodell. Mungert is the brother, they are the goddess Malika and the warrior. The second and third sons of Holly Lou (Gerfrey), direct members of the Golden Family.

However, although Mungert and Munger were born in high positions, it is a pity that they were affected by the power of the 'forge of life' that gave birth to the initial golden tree, and turned into the kind of body-born sarcoma and A cursed monster with horns and a strange and ugly appearance - 'Son of Bad Omen'.

In that case, of course, this pair of brothers, although expensive as the second and third princes of the Golden Dynasty, were hurriedly thrown into the sewers after they were born, and were tragically and unknown in their dark captivity. grow up in secret.


It is just as tragic as childhood, but with a real king's state of mind, he does not pursue Rune, but selflessly guards the king's city and the people's 'Blessed King' Meng Gete. After Meng Ge escaped from the sewers, he went deep into the junction. , came to this place adjacent to the eternal city of Norronn.

Immediately afterwards, Munger, who was distorted in size and personality, resonated strongly with deformed beliefs. Then, with the shattering of Eldon's ring, the disappearance of Malika and the white hair of the Broken War, Munger's Ambition began to expand.

He vowed to replace the Golden Dynasty and become the king of the next generation.

To this end, Munger built his own palace underground and named it the "Blood Dynasty", which is the spiritual temple where Anne is now!

Afterwards, the other party began to secretly spread the belief of the True Mother to all the pagans who had the same smell up and down the borderland, and also began to spread on the borderland...

And that is the main task of the white mask Fan Lei who was burned to death by Annie before.

Because he was imprisoned in the sewers of the king city since he was a child, the distorted Munger naturally hated the golden tree and the golden law. He hated the guidance of the two fingers, and frantically hunted the witches with the fingers, and at the same time bewitched the faded ones. Remnant, and the purpose is to make him the king of the new blood dynasty.

However, if you want to become a king, in addition to needing big runes, palaces, subordinates, and corresponding forces and golden trees, you must also have your own god!

So, Munger took aim at Mikaela, who was located in the holy tree in the north and tried to integrate with the holy tree!

Because Mikaela is a god, and is qualified to be a god, Munger took advantage of the absence of Valkyrie Marenia in the Broken War, and secretly kidnapped Mikaela in the holy tree. In order to make Mikaela a **** and himself a god's companion, that is, a 'king', only then can he carry forward his blood dynasty and become an existence to replace the golden law.

It's a pity that the young **** Mikaela was unmoved, and the angry Munger simply used force and locked Mikaela in the blood boudoir, that is, the big cocoon, and he also Lived in, and lived in it with the other party day and night, and also tortured the other party into such a miserable appearance.


What Munger never imagined was that, with Anne's arrival and unintentional intervention, his deformed and **** beliefs and endless ambitions failed before they could be unfolded. Not only did this blood dynasty have no chance to appear, Even he, Mengge himself, died in humiliation in this underground spiritual temple.



"So it's like this, he's really a badass?"


After a cursory look at Munger's memory, Annie nodded and said that she probably knew a little of the reason, and felt that the other party deserved it. It was completely reasonable for her to kill the other party and destroy the other party's dynasty. Legal and appropriate, without the slightest regret.

After her Queen Anne's final judgment, the other party is indeed guilty, and **** it, it's so simple!


(● ̄? ̄●)



"Next, it's that boring **** Mikaela."


Then, I clapped my hands, put away the memory of the boring big Rune and Munger, and Annie, who was ready to give it to someone else, would no longer pay attention to the blood king Munger who fell on the floor and the other's big fork, and directly Head towards the innermost part of the spiritual temple, towards the giant cocoon on the steps.



"It looks pathetic..."


Leaning in front of her, staring at the big cocoon and the thin big hand sticking out from the cracked cocoon, Annie took a big step back in disgust. She even wanted to see more clearly, such as what was inside. The idea of ​​the situation was immediately extinguished.

There is no doubt that the guy who was locked in the cocoon in front of him must be the so-called **** Mikaela, who is one of the twins of the goddess Malika and the male Gladagon. The Valkyrie Malenia was mixed up.

It's just that when the other party merged in a holy tree in the north, he was kidnapped here alive by the bad guy Munger, and then he was naturally tortured into the miserable state in front of him, and his body didn't seem to be any longer. It's what it looked like when I was young, and I don't know if it was transformed by that Munger.



Of course, all of the above are what Annie saw from that Munger's memory, and now Annie suddenly felt that she didn't seem to need to take care of other people's business?



Although, Annie can indeed release the other party from this broken cocoon, but after thinking and thinking, and looking at the other party's skinny and ugly arm that has almost no blood, she quickly gave up.

Thinking about it too, Annie doesn't seem to be familiar with the guy named Mikaela in front of her. Furthermore, the other party doesn't seem to be dead now. After waking up again, she doesn't have to worry about her going about other people's business now.



"Forget it, ignore it!"

??(?? ̄? ̄)????

After making the decision, Anne easily lifted some of the restrictions set by the bad guy Munger, and left the magical writing of "Queen Anne came here" on the ground, and nodded with satisfaction.

"In this case, it won't be so troublesome!"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

If you let the other party out, you may have to treat the other party, accept the other party's thanks, and a series of messy things. It's really too much trouble, and Her Lady Queen Anne has always hated trouble.

So, now she just untangles the seal, and when the other party wakes up, recovers and leaves by herself, that is the most suitable choice.

"Next is..."


Then, instead of looking at the callus and the ugly arm, Annie turned around.

At this time, in front of Annie, on the floor of the spiritual temple under the steps, of course, was the corpse of the blood king Munger whose brain had been blown away in half, and not far from the corpse, was the quilt. The 'Bouquet of Roses' hammer she discarded earlier.

In this situation, presumably, when the guy in the big cocoon woke up and came out and saw it, he would have mistakenly thought that Annie used that 'rose bouquet' to give the blood king Munger a spoon, right?

But in fact, it was actually the masterpiece of her Tibbs, but she wouldn't explain those troublesome things to a stranger!



"Tibbers, it smells so bad here, let's go to the ground!"

?*. ?(ˊwˋ*)??*.

So far, the eternal city of Nokron and this subterranean world, including the smelly Mongwen dynasty temple here, have been visited by Annie, so it is time to leave and come back again. to the ground.

"Set off!"


Immediately afterwards, Annie stretched out her hand, and a blue portal appeared in front of them. Then, she jumped onto Tibbers' shoulders unceremoniously, and ordered Tibbers to carry her after she was done. Go to the blue light door.


(● ̄? ̄●)

As a result, as a certain bear took a wobbly pace and passed over the corpse of Munger, as it went straight to the portal, one person and one bear disappeared in an instant.

Of course, at the same time, there was the blue teleportation light gate.


So, with Annie's departure, the spiritual temple of the Blood Dynasty fell into dead silence once again, and the previous hustle and bustle disappeared completely, only the 'stars' in the sky above the roofless spiritual temple were still flashing. flashing.

No one knows what happened here, and in light of the situation where a bad little girl was killed all the way up, presumably, for a long time in the future, the survivors of the blood donation dynasty will not find out. , their king has already been opened and died in the spiritual temple, and their blood dynasty has quietly collapsed before it could be announced to the world.

I don't know how long it took after a certain bad little girl left...

Maybe an hour or two, maybe just a few minutes, when that skinny, ugly arm with a ring sticking out of the cocoon suddenly moved its index finger, and then, that withered muscle It also began to shrink and stretch stubbornly and slowly, as if trying to regain vitality.

And almost at the same time, far away in the golden tree passage above the stairs behind the Eldun throne in the royal city Rodel, he was still rejected by the golden tree and had no way to enter, so he could only sit cross-legged in front of the thorns and think hard King Blessed' Menggot suddenly opened his eyes.


"Another demigod has fallen..."

"who is it……"

Mongot slowly stood up, turned around, and looked out of the passage.

However, he had no intention of going out, because he knew that outside, around the royal court on the throne of Eldon, there was a large group of Rodel knights standing guard on duty. If he went out, there would definitely be trouble. Big mess.


"A mortal fooled by the fire of ambition..."

In the end, after thinking about it again and again, Menggot still didn't know which demigod fell, but, what he knew, it must have something to do with the big rune!

But it is useless to know!

Now, the entire border is full of those careerists, and there are faded people who have returned to the border with the blessing of the golden tree and the guidance of their fingers, plus the changes in the continents south of the royal city of Rodel. , he is now trapped in the royal city, and even if he wants to do something, he can't do anything.

"Kalia Royal Family..."

"Red Lion City..."

"And Stonewell..."

"The gears of fate have begun to turn, and there is not much time left..."

After muttering to himself, Menggot, who had no clue and didn't know how to break the game, could only turn around slowly again and sat down again in frustration.

"Golden tree, why are you still rejecting me?"


Then, in frustration, Menggot stretched out his hand and slowly stroked the barbed thorns woven out of the golden tree in the passage.

They can't be broken or opened, because the Golden Tree rejected him, Mongot, so that even if he stood in front of the Golden Tree, he couldn't get in.

"Could it be that it's because of the 'melting furnace' on me?"


"The furnace gave birth to the golden tree, but the golden tree refused the furnace..."


"Maybe it's fate..."

After saying this with a wry smile, Menggot sighed, then closed his eyes, and continued to sit in the passage of the golden tree without saying a word, sitting in front of the gate of thorns, not intending to respond to some of the feelings he had just felt. The fall of the demigod makes any statement or reaction.


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