Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1865: ???(?)???? Destroy the Fader Teleportation Point


In the wilderness to the south of Nimgford, a lost knight was riding a silver-armored warhorse, swayingly leading the dozen or so ex-Grek soldiers on a routine patrol.

Originally, this should be the area where the big tree guard was responsible for patrolling, and the other party has been in charge of this place for many years, and he is more familiar with the situation here than they are.


That lucky guy was sent to the Weeping Peninsula to suppress the rebellion not long ago.

So, as a last resort, they were sent here, mainly responsible for patrolling, sniping and intercepting those faders who would only do sabotage and also delusionally visit the ring of Eldon and become the king of Eldon.

And today, their patrol team, which had just come out of the camp, really encountered a stargazing fader!

The other party didn't know what was going on, but they used magic to attack and provoke them from a distance. Moreover, when they actively launched the pyroxene demon gravel, they were still standing on the high platform of the ruins. There is no intention of concealment or ambush, just showing off towards them like that?



"You say, that guy, what's the matter with him?"

First, after easily dodging the pyroxenic magic that came from afar, the homeless knight on the silver-armored warhorse looked at the soldiers beside him and asked, dumbfounded.


"Just one person, why do you want to challenge our entire patrol?"

In this regard, he said that he really didn't understand what the fader who was standing on the high platform was shooting magic at them from a distance, what the other party was thinking.

"do not know……"

"Maybe he thinks, we can't climb up?"

"Sir, you also know that those who have faded are originally expelled guys, and they are all guys with abnormal brains!"

At this time, a soldier first looked at the big hole on the ground next to him that was punched by the pyroxene demon gravel, and then he used a shield to protect his body while guessing.

In fact, what he said was not wrong. Those who faded, before they regained their blessings, were indeed freaks!

As far as he knew, the faders were all heretics, temptresses who took the life of others and slept with the dead, dung-eating freaks, prisoners, thieves, barbarians, and so on.

And like that kind of guy, before the golden tree hadn't changed, before the ring of Eldon was broken, they were all a group of outcasts who were deprived of their blessings and expelled from the borderlands, and now, they don't know why they got the blessings Fu Bing intends to come back and become king. How could they easily agree to something that sounds outrageous?

"Don't say it!"

"That place is quite high, plus he used pyroxene magic to attack it, it's really not easy for us to climb up!"

Another soldier also joked, and then the shield in his hand couldn't help lowering a little.

This place is quite far from the high platform. Although the magician and the 'Fader' has powerful pyroxene magic, it takes time for the magic to fly from there. As long as he is not blind, he can definitely escape easily. You don't need to look like an enemy.

"All right!"

"Since he came out automatically, there is no need to be polite to him!"


"Who went up and chopped him off?"

He was just a fader, the lost knight in silver armor didn't take it seriously, so he looked around and suddenly asked the soldiers.

"no no!"

"forget it."

"Sir, let's not go there, just shoot him to death!"

"Yeah, I don't want to climb up!"

"I don't want to either!"

"Everyone, please don't go there, that kind of pyroxene magic, if you get close, you can't easily escape, and I don't know if the shield can prevent it?"


"Stop defending, shoot him to death!!"

The soldiers refused the order of the lost knight, and said that they would not run over against the enemy's magic and try to climb the high platform to find death.

Although, if they spread out and rushed together, they would definitely be able to climb up, but that was totally unnecessary.


"Then shoot him!"

Saying that, the homeless knight on his horse waved his hand and gave the order.



"Give me some arrows!"

"hurry up!"

Immediately afterwards, except for the lost homeless knight riding on the saddle, the surrounding soldiers took out a crossbow from behind each other.

Then, while the discolored man on the opposite high platform was stunned, they all pulled their arrows and aimed their cold crossbow arrows at the high platform.

next second...



Whoosh~! Whoosh~! Whoosh~!


After a dozen people shot with arrows, soon, on the high ruins platform, there was only one corpse of the fader mage with crossbow bolts and round eyes, lying there and dying.

"Shot to death?"

"Close the team!"

"Come on, let's go on patrol!"

There is no doubt that if you are hit by so many crossbow bolts, you must be dead!

So, after seeing that the fader enemy has been eliminated by his own soldiers, and then looking at the silence around this area, there seems to be nothing more than the chirping of insects, fish and birds, the homeless knight headed even Not too lazy to confirm, just waved his hand, turned the horse's head, and prepared to lead the team away.

"and many more!"

"Sir, sir!"

"There are faders here, don't we need to search inside again?"

"The fader just now is a stargazer. Although his ability is average, his brain is not very good, but if we can find their teleportation point, then we can make a great contribution!"

Seeing that the lost knight was leaving, one of the soldiers hurried forward and suggested excitedly.


"Last night, there was a message from Stonewell City. From now on, we will just patrol the checkpoints and roads in this wilderness. As for the rest, we will leave it to the man named Smarag."

The homeless knight, who was slowly pacing his horse towards the road not far away, said without turning his head, and directly rejected the soldier's proposal.


"Who is that?"

"But, sir, can he handle such a large wilderness?"

The soldier seemed a little puzzled.

"that is!"

"It is said that there are a lot of faders and some sneaky guys in the depths of the wilderness. Who is that Smarag, can he do it?"

"Unless he's a tree guard!"

"whispering sound!"

"Don't mention the big tree guards. That guy is now leading his troops to Moen City to quell the rebellion. When he comes back, he will definitely be promoted. Why do we need to come and patrol here?"

"Ah! That's what I said..."

"However, who the **** is Smalrag, how come we never seem to have heard of it?"


After the soldiers packed up and discussed in a low voice for a while, one of them followed the group and continued to walk forward while shouting at the lost knight on the horse in front.



"It should be almost time, you pay attention to the sky, the northern sky?"

The lost country knight still didn't answer clearly, and only spoke with some dissatisfaction while continuing to sway forward on horseback.



"Why are you looking north?"

Gu Qi

"Isn't there a golden tree in the north, what else could there be..."

"Nothing at all……"

Subconsciously, the group of soldiers who followed in the queue turned their heads and looked into the gloomy sky to the north.

There, above the sky, there was nothing but the canopy of a golden tree that covered the sky and still looked a little dull.



"Then, what is that?!"


"It's a dragon!!!"


"Not good! Hurry up and hide!!"

Soon, the soldiers exclaimed in unison again, and took a deep breath. Some of them clung to the weapons and shields in their hands at a loss, and rushed directly into the grass on both sides of the road.

Because ah, they saw that there was really a huge dragon flying towards them from the north sky, flapping its wings.


However, the homeless knight disapproved of it a bit, he never thought about going to hide, he just tried to restrain his warhorse.

'Roar~! ’

It didn't take long for the giant dragon to come above them and roared towards the place, causing the sound to swept past with the airflow.

This time, everyone can see that the other party is very big and flies very fast. The open wings are likely to be more than 100 meters wide, and the body is two or three hundred meters from the beginning to the end. long!

Looking at it from a distance, it felt very powerful, but when it flew over, when it passed through the sky hundreds of meters above everyone's heads, it made the soldiers scream and squat on the ground. And stubbornly shielded their heads with shields.

After all, it was a dragon, and it was still a giant dragon. It was countless times bigger than the little dragon that their demigod 'Limb' Greck caught. A giant dragon like that, even if the demigod Greck came back to life It is estimated that they have to go around, not to mention their little soldiers.

"All stand up!"

"That's our dragon!"

"It's the Smalrag I just said, a pyroxenic dragon!"

After patting his warhorse on the neck and trying to soothe it, the homeless knight, who was fully armed and could not even see his face, turned to face the group behind him in a distressed tone. The soldiers reprimanded loudly, and went on to say:

"He is the pyroxenic dragon entrenched in the Lyenia area, but it was caught by our Queen Anne and returned yesterday."

"In the future, it will also help patrol the Nimgford area, and will help deal with the faders!"

"We just need to patrol the dense forest road in front of the level and the main road in the wilderness. In other places, it will fly a few laps a day, which is much faster than running with our legs."

Under the patient explanation of the lost knight, those soldiers who thought they would be attacked, or burned to ashes by a dragon's breath, stood up from the grass on both sides of the road and returned to the road with lingering fears.

"It's really a dragon..."

"Our Majesty the Queen is really amazing. We even caught the dragon in the Lienia area. I just said it, why do you think that name sounds familiar!"


"In this way, maybe we can really hit Wangcheng in the future?"


"Hey, don't worry about those for now, at least with that dragon to help us, we will be much safer to patrol in the future, and we can also severely combat the arrogance of those who have faded."

"That's true!"

"As I said, somewhere in this wilderness there must be a teleportation point for the group of faders. If we weren't short-staffed, we should have cleaned this place a long time ago!"

Then, the soldiers who stood up again and stopped guarding them excitedly discussed while watching the terrifying figure of the dragon leaving.

"Save your energy!"

"Set off!"

"There is the Islay Church in front. Let's go to the church first, then continue to the south, and go back before the cemetery."

After speaking, the lost knight no longer cared about the soldiers who were still excitedly talking about something, but continued to lead the way in front of him listlessly.

Actually, he also knows that the new king of Stoneville City, which of their little girl Queen Anne is indeed very potential and her own strength is also very strong, and it is very likely to become the new king of Eldon, and Now, even the giant dragon has been captured as a subordinate, but that has nothing to do with them.


He himself, including the soldiers behind him, are only marginal.

First they served the Storm King, then they allegiance to Greco, and now they are under Queen Anne's command. In the eyes of others, they are nothing more than rubbish, so it is unlikely that the witch Serorina will fully trust them. It's even more impossible for them to easily access the core of power. At most, it's just the drudgery of doing this kind of patrolling and garrisoning the checkpoints.

And like the previous mission to Moen City on the Weeping Peninsula to suppress the rebellion or something, that kind of battle with great credit will definitely not be their turn to intervene, and only the tree guards and the furnace knights who followed the little girl king first. Those 'fire-eyed' knights of the direct line did it, and even if they were jealous, they could only stare blankly.

But there is no way. With their identities and the fact that they have helped 'Limb' Greck to pervert and slaughter the people, even if they can save their lives, it is not bad, but they can't expect too much.

Of course, he wouldn't tell the ignorant soldiers behind him about those things, so let them continue to be excited about the strength of the new king.


"You mean, is Queen Anne really going to be King Eldon?"

"When the time comes, when we go to fight Wangcheng, will we be transferred back?"

Although the Lost Knights didn't seem to be in high spirits, and didn't have much thought about the addition of the dragon, the soldiers didn't think so, but after the discussion, they came up and asked excitedly.

"Who knows..."

"But I heard that she doesn't seem to want to be the king of Eldon?"

"But maybe..."

"Did I hear it wrong?"

Having said that, the Lost Knight shook his head as if mocking himself, and then went straight forward, walking towards the church of Islay in front of which he could already see a trace of its outline.

He didn't say nonsense, that little girl, that King Stonewell, has indeed expressed her unwillingness to become the King of Eldon more than once, publicly or privately!


In view of the fact that the other party has been catching dragons, going to the Lienia area to investigate, and at the same time sending a large army to sweep the Nimgef area and the Weeping Peninsula, all the signs show that the other party will only mess with those people The fading people who dream of becoming stronger and slaughtering the city and destroying the gods to become the king of Eldon are not the same as the faders, she must be preparing for some huge purpose?

And what that preparation is is undoubtedly self-evident!



"That is……"

At this time, the lost knight who was thinking about things and casually dealing with those soldiers was suddenly shocked!

He saw the giant dragon that just flew over their heads. At this time, it seemed to have reached the air above the Church of Ayre, and was beginning to use that terrifying blue dragon flame to terrorize the abandoned church. The covering bombardment, and soon after it was razed to the ground, there was still a burning dragon breath, and then it flapped its wings and flew south slowly.

"It was..."

"Do you want to burn that cemetery and cave?!"

Seeing what happened to the church, and thinking about the direction that the dragon was flying, the Knight of the Homeless couldn't help but exclaim and sigh again.

At this moment, he has probably guessed what the other party wants to do.

Because, there is no other place to the south of Islay Church. It is the drifting cemetery cave where the faders appear most frequently, and there is probably a certain teleportation point!

However, because the terrain there is complicated, there are many powerful and sneaky pagans, and the manpower has been insufficient, so the search and suppression cannot be carried out. If you completely destroy that cemetery and it will be different.

Perhaps, in the future, their patrol work might really become a lot easier?


"It burned down the Islay church, did you find a fader inside?"

Looking at the raging flames in the distance, seeing the terrifying situation that they could not be extinguished in a short time, and were still burning violently there, a soldier hurriedly asked with a slightly moved expression.

"do not know!"

The lost knight shook his head, in his opinion, that kind of thing didn't matter.

Because, no matter if it is the fader or someone else in it, under that kind of attack, they will definitely not be able to survive, so there is no point in discussing it any more.

"Let's go!"

"Let's go over there and see!"


Soon, under the leadership of the homeless knight on a warhorse, this team of only a dozen patrolling soldiers gradually began to speed up, trotting all the way, towards the Church of Islay, towards the The flying direction of the head dragon Smalrag quickly caught up.

And at the same time...

"Uh huh..."


When the lost knight was rushing with his soldiers to see what the 'Pyroxene' dragon Smalrag was trying to do, a bad little girl left Stonewell City alone again. Go east along the main road and wander in the direction of the Sage Bridge.


(?w?)?Ask for a monthly pass?


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