Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1859: ?(*?)?○The full moon is coming○


Almost at the same time that Anne had just stepped into the great hall with two gorgeous bronze doors, far north of the Rhea Lucaria Academy of Magic, in the northernmost royal domain in the Lienia region, located in the three On the mage tower to the west of the sister tower, a certain puppet wearing a snow witch's pointed hat, a snow witch's robe and a long skirt suddenly interrupted her slumber, and turned to open her abruptly, which seemed to have stars. Glittering beautiful big eyes in it.

Of course, only the left eye.

And her right eye didn't know what was going on. There was a hideous magic curse mark on the eyelid and cheek, so that it could only be closed all the time, and there was no way to open it at all.



Although the doll girl's face couldn't make complicated expressions, she whispered in a low voice, her beautiful left eye, like the twinkling stars, was full of doubts and worries. look.

"Who was the one who disturbed the mother's slumber?"

"Is it those people in the academy?"


"What do they want to do?"


In addition to doubts, she couldn't help but bow her head and ponder.

Then, the doll girl, who really couldn't understand the key, slowly slid down from the chair on which she was sitting and was cushioned with several magic books, and then walked with her doll's feet bare. When I got to the window of the magic tower, I looked towards the south and looked away in the direction of the Rhea Lucaria Magic Academy.


But she saw nothing but a foggy patch.


"It's been a little bit lately..."

In the end, she couldn't understand why, and felt that she couldn't be relieved, so she sighed softly again.


"Let's go and see..."

Then, just after she finished speaking, her entire doll body instantly turned into a little magic glimmer, and dissipated with the wind by the window of the magic tower. Where have you gone.




At this time, a certain little girl who was terrified was entering the hall of the huge and magnificent building.

She didn't pay any attention to the fact that the bronze-colored door behind her was immediately closed by the two guys outside wearing a glowstone hood at the moment she entered, and she didn't even think about what the other party meant.


(● ̄? ̄●)



Immediately afterwards, Annie exclaimed.

Because she saw that this is a huge hall, and the ground is covered with a gorgeous and exquisitely crafted gold embroidered carpet, and there are rows of candle lamps for lighting on both sides, and the surrounding pillars are even more carved. With lifelike reliefs, windows and domes and other places are extremely luxurious, plus the huge chandeliers, it is obvious that here, it is very likely that a certain queen really lives.

It seems that the two guys outside just now didn't all deliberately trick her into coming in?



"Is anyone in there?"


Annie shouted inside.

Then, she didn't get a response, and she didn't think much about it, and just continued to walk forward. Now she really wants to see what the so-called Queen of the Full Moon and the Archmage of the Moon, who is said to be very powerful, is like. The presence.

"People are here to visit!"




Still no response...

So, without any hesitation, Annie continued to walk in front of the hall, towards the center of the dark and deep hall, towards the depths where there seemed to be human figures.


She couldn't figure out why a place where a queen lived would have such an inward-targeted magic seal barrier. In her opinion, if it was for defense, it should not be like the barrier outside the Magic Academy. It's right to the outside world, but why is it right now?



Soon Annie would have no time to think wildly.


She suddenly found that at this time, on the ground, a young lady wearing a witch robe and a witch hat of the academy grabbed her ankle.

Then, when she lowered her head, she found that the other party raised his face and showed her a beautiful and innocent face, without any malice, but without any kindness, just that pure and ignorant smile?



"Miss, you are..."


Since she didn't feel any hostility from the other party, and the other party just grabbed her own feet to be naked, of course, Annie didn't kick the other party away, nor did she intend to attack, she just asked curiously.

Moreover, she didn't understand a little, why did the other party want to lie on the floor?


However, the other party did not answer Annie's question, and still just lay on the ground like that, raised his face, grinned at her and showed an innocent and somewhat silly smile.



"Miss, are you...?"


Confused, Annie, who didn't know why the other party just smirked and didn't speak, naturally stopped and looked at the other party with a curious frown.

Soon, as the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most... (here omitted numerous 'most') the most powerful Arcane Archmage, she naturally discovered from the opponent's body. Less wrong.


She saw that the young lady in front of her who only giggled at her, her sanity or soul, is not complete at all?



"This is……"


Before Annie could figure out what was going on with the young lady who was grabbing her ankle, there were bursts of 'naive' laughter nearby.

Then, with the candlelight lit up.

Annie saw that on the surrounding ground, in the darkness, on the cold floor of the hall, there were one after another, like the little sister who was grabbing her ankle, also wearing the school witch's robe and the school witch's hat. The weird ladies who only smirk at her, don't speak at all, don't express any consciousness, and look almost exactly the same?



"How can it be so hot..."


Seeing this strange and sinister scene in front of her, Annie was really taken aback.

However, she didn't feel any fear, she just felt a little surprised. What she cares more about is why there are so many people here who are insane and incomplete, and can't be regarded as a complete life at all. Miss?

"Did someone do something bad to you?"


Subconsciously, Annie thought that some bad guy kept them here and caused them to become like this.

For example, some two outsiders tricked her in, and then locked her here, those two bad guys with pyroxene hoods who didn't know what to do?

Those two guys were a little sneaky before they came in, and when they came along, they said some things in a veiled manner. They even closed the door of the main hall as soon as she came in. Thinking like this, It is very likely that the other party is the initiator of all this, the kind of bad guy who has to be burned?



"It appeared..."

However, before Annie continued to speculate, as this luxurious hall was gradually illuminated, she saw another amazing scene:

Another more beautiful elder sister was holding an amber egg-shaped object slowly falling from the top of the hall, and after seeing the other party's appearance, those little sisters lying on the ground ignored her, and It was Qi Qi who looked up and stared in the air.

Even the little sister who just grabbed her ankle let go of her hand at this time, and then continued to lie on her stomach and looked up at the big sister.



"Hello! Are you the hot full moon queen?"


Seeing that a talking guy finally appeared, and then looking at the other person's clothes, Annie naturally stopped thinking too much suspiciously, but said hello to the big sister directly.


Unfortunately, the other party didn't answer Annie's question. He just closed his eyes and slowly rubbed the amber-like thing while falling, like a cat holding a hydrangea.

"I will make you a good child..."

"Good boy……"

"My good boy..."

Immediately afterwards, under Annie's somewhat surprised gaze, the other party continued to hold the amber ball and suspended it at a height of three to five meters, and then only talked to the amber, without answering at all, even at all. I didn't notice Anne's presence.





have to!

This time, Annie's originally stretched brows wrinkled again.

At this moment, she can see that the other party, that beautiful big sister, although she can speak and her soul is complete, but the other party's brain is a little abnormal?



"Shield? Big sister, are you trying to..."


Then, Annie discovered that not long after the other party appeared, the whole person was quickly shrouded in a golden spherical shield, still rubbing the amber ball in her arms like that.



The next second, before Annie's words were finished, she suddenly shuddered, and hurried to the side for the first time.



Then, two thick magic books whizzed past where she had just stood at this moment, and smashed **** the pillar in the distance, smashing the rock pillar out of two At the same time as the pits, the two books were shattered and scattered, and the papers with some magical knowledge or notes were scattered everywhere.



As soon as Annie turned her head, she saw that it wasn't anyone who attacked her. It was the kind of young lady who was lying on the ground and only giggling not far away?

Just now, the other party used that kind of clumsy spell to control the magic books that are everywhere in this hall, and bombarded her head on?

Moreover, she also saw that when one attack failed, the other repeated the same trick, and used magic power to control the two thick magic books to levitate.

Whoosh~! Whoosh~!

In the next instant, the two books flew fiercely again!

But unfortunately, Annie had already prepared for it, and before they were about to hit, she easily dodged with a flash.

"All right!"


"People know what to do!"


Annie, who probably knew what was going on, was not in a hurry to take action, nor did she think about hurting the young ladies lying on the ground. She just raised her head and looked at the amber circle in the air who was only rubbing her arms. Beautiful big sister of eggs.

The small problems and small scenes in front of her are obviously not difficult for her. After all, who is she, she is the omnipotent Queen Anne!

So, after she figured out the key, Annie stopped paying attention to the young ladies on the ground who wanted to use that kind of clumsy magic to attack her. Instead, she stretched out her hand and pointed at the hall with her tender little hand. The beautiful big sister who was floating in the air grabbed from afar.

Snapped! !

In an instant, with a sound like glass shattering, the golden shield of that beautiful big sister shattered in response!


"Passed out!"


Annie, who didn't want to hurt the opponent's life, naturally hit it with the simplest stun spell.


After the spell was hit, under the effect of Annie's powerful magic and magic power, the opponent had no resistance at all, and fell to the ground and passed out gorgeously.

And the amber ball in the other's arms naturally fell to the ground...

Almost at the same time, the strange young ladies and sisters around who wanted to continue attacking Annie all fell on the ground at the moment when the big sister was unconscious.



"People know that it's probably because of that egg!!"


After subduing the pretty big sister and clapping her hands, looking at the amber-colored oval thing that fell to the ground, Annie, who thought about it more and more, felt that something was amiss, and walked straight forward with big strides. .



"No way, are you still coming?"


However, before Annie could be possessed and touched, she was a little shocked to find that the amber-colored round egg, that thing, had suddenly changed, and a large black mist appeared?

Moreover, it didn't take long for a voice to come out of the black fog?


'I declare in the name of the witch Lani! ’


'Don't disturb your mother's slumber! ’

Then, a figure with a wand appeared in the black fog.

And when Annie looked up carefully, who was the beautiful big sister who was not knocked out by her just now?

It's just that, different from the state just now, now the other party seems to be just a soul or some kind of weird ideology?





"Big sister, who are you?"


Looking at the comatose pretty big sister on the ground, and then looking at the other equally beautiful big sister who appeared calling 'mother', Annie seemed to have figured out something, but she didn't seem to fully understand it.


It's a pity that the other party didn't seem to hear it at all, or didn't want to give Annie a chance at all?


The next second, without waiting for Annie to speak again, the other party instantly pulled her to a strange place like a dream.

'Let's sing to future generations! ’

'You are fortunate to see...'

'The last queen of Kalia...'

"The full moon Reinara is like the incarnation of the elegant night..."

Then, on the mirror-like dream water, the other party, the guy who looked exactly like the beautiful big sister outside, stood on the water so proudly and majestically, and raised his wand to Annie.

At this moment, the huge full moon behind the opponent showed half of the water, and the white moonlight shone on the opponent's body, making that delicate and serious face look both beautiful and sassy, ​​and people couldn't help but burst into bursts. The throbbing of wanting to bow down.



However, Annie is not an ordinary person. She just thinks that the big sister in front of her is very beautiful, which makes her very fond of her, and has no intention of worshipping.

"Eldest sister, have you misunderstood something? They don't want to fight with you!"


"it is true!"


Annie knew that the big sister and the little sisters outside seemed to be sick, and the existence in front of her seemed to be a protection mechanism specially left by a certain guy, and now she has accidentally activated it.

So, seeing that a certain will has come here, and seeing that she can finally meet someone who can speak, she hurriedly wanted to stop, lest the two sides continue to misunderstand and cause some unwanted consequences or unnecessary consequences. loss or something.

But unfortunately...

The other party didn't want to pay attention to Annie at all. Instead, raising his hand was a big move, so that the terrifying torrent ray that was as thick as a pillar, like starlight, but like moonlight suddenly roared in front of Annie. Boomed over.

That scene, that momentum, and destructive power were almost on par with the signature 'Ultimate Flash' magic of a certain Crown Guard lady that Annie had imitated!


!? (?\'\'??)?

But fortunately, Annie did not give the other party a chance, and avoided it in time with a flash.



"It's really not malicious, how about we talk about it first?"


Without waiting for the other party to make another move, Annie, who had flashed and appeared on the other side, hurriedly opened her mouth to persuade.

You know, it's not that she can't beat the other party, she just doesn't want to fight.

After all, fighting or something, there is no need for that now!

Moreover, after knowing that the existence in front of her is some kind of protection mechanism of the beautiful big sister just now, and knowing that the state of the big sister and those little sisters outside is not quite right, she even more did not go to play or fight. desire.


The other party did not answer.

After finishing the torrent-like, he waved his wand again, and then... a small spherical 'full moon' the size of a basket and exactly the same as the full moon behind the opponent moved towards Annie floated over slowly and firmly.


( ̄▽ ̄“)

rumbling rumbling...

A few seconds later, the huge star energy suddenly exploded beside Annie!

The huge magic power that even the dream seemed to be about to be torn apart caused waves and ripples to appear on the surface of the dream water under her feet, and Annie had to teleport to another place in advance.

"People are angry!"


Seeing that the other party could not communicate, seeing the other party slowly leaping up again and raising his hand, there were several star spell bombs, so that those spells that looked like stars were tracking and bombarding towards her like the stars in the sky, Annie You know, if she doesn't defeat the other party first, then today, there will be no way for them to resolve the misunderstanding.


(● ̄? ̄●)



Without any hesitation, Annie grabbed a ball of fire and prepared to defeat the enemy in the dream in front of her.

boom! ! !

Soon, an explosive flame smashed towards the 'Queen of the Full Moon', and instantly caused a large cloud of flames and steam to drown the place where the other party stood.


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