Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1846: (??o?)? Death of a demigod

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Following the death of 'Golden' Godwin on the night of the Black Knife, another demigod 'Limb' Greck also lost his life in Stoneville City.

Facts have proved that the curse of death does contaminate all people, even demigods are no exception!

Not many people know how Half-Greek died, anyway, not long after the incident, his pale head and shrunken body were hung high by the angry gatekeeper Gotok at the main gate of Stonewell Castle. , and after that, officially announced the end of the tyrannical rule of the golden monarch who had a special fascination with limbs over the Nimgford region.

At the same time, almost at the moment of Greck's demise, most of the knights and soldiers who were loyal to the demigod 'Limb' Greck fled, and then the entire Nimgefr region began to turmoil.

Fortunately, that turmoil did not last long.

While the soldiers of the original Stonevale City in the storm level, the front line of Stormhill, and the Nimgford Wilderness were still confused, they soon received the new Stonewell City ruler, the one who defeated the After receiving the orders of Anne Hastur, Queen of Storm and Fire of the demigod Greck, they began to return to Stonewell City one after another to prepare for the reorganization.

It was at this time that the tree guards, who had been stationed in the Nimgford Wilderness for many years, and who had been transferred to intercept and kill the faders, finally ended their mission and brought their two hundred soldiers who were located in the Nimgford forest camp. The elites of many battles have returned to Stonewell City after a long absence.


Wearing golden armor, holding a golden round shield and a golden halberd, the tree guard with a tall horse in golden armor and a tall horse walked at the front of the team, looking at Stonewell Castle on the cliff in the distance and the dilapidated castle under the castle. Stonewell City couldn't help but fell into contemplation.

Back then, when they were ordered to leave Stonewell City, although Greck had already shown some behaviors of worshipping 'joint limbs', at that time, the city was not like this, but looking back now, here, But it has already been broken down to such an extent that it is close to ruins.


In this regard, the tree guard is not too surprised.

Although they have been far away from this city and have never been able to come back, after all, he also knows that the demigod 'extremity' Greck has done a lot of 'great achievements' over the years, plus the destruction of the debris war. , Therefore, it is not surprising that the current Stoneville City is this pair of broken eaves and broken walls and sparsely populated.

However, although their hearts were well prepared, they couldn't help but feel a little sighed and uneasy when they saw the second largest city in front of them, known as the borderland, become like this.




At the same time, at this time, they were slowly advancing in the team, their morale was a little low, and the soldiers who had been stationed in the Nymgef Wilderness without even a flag, their expressions and actions also showed the complexity of their moods. .

After all, except for some of them who came from the royal city with Greck back then, most of them are local residents of Stonewell City, and now they have not returned for many years, seeing their hometown become like this, It's definitely not going to be a good mood.

"Stop here!"

At this time, seeing the big tree guard approaching with more than 200 people, of course, after the fortifications of Stonewell City in front, they ran out of a man in silver armor, with a triangular shield on his back and a helmet on his back. I don't know why, but there is a lost knight with a small offset print.


"You are the garrison from the Nimgford wilderness?"

"Great, you are back, I heard, you are familiar with the great Queen Anne, right?"

"Come with me, the queen told us before, I've been waiting for you here for many days."

Soon, the lost knight was overjoyed after learning that the soldiers led by the big tree guard who led the team back turned out to be blocking the team of the faders in the Nimgford wilderness and the woodland area, and hurriedly signaled everyone to follow him, He will personally lead the crowd into the city.

As a result, after the guards outside Stoneville City released, the group of nearly 300 people, which seemed to be dusty, was finally able to enter the city and walk towards the Tongcheng Tunnel in the distance.


Walking and walking, when he saw some people in the ruins of the city tidying up the streets and houses, and saw that there were many laughter and laughter coming from those busy people, the big tree guard couldn't help but stand on his horse and looked sideways. few eyes.

Because, he saw: the faces of those people seemed to have a light called hope, and their performance was different from the refugees they had seen in the wilderness before.


"Excuse me, how did Greck lose?"

After pondering for a while, the tree guard who continued to follow the knight leading the way finally couldn't help but ask with doubts in his heart.

It was precisely because he had come into contact with Annie's unusual little girl that he couldn't believe it. He didn't believe that such a child could defeat Greck.

In fact, until he was given the 'order' to withdraw the camp level and return to Stonevale from Camp Nimgford, he didn't quite believe that Greck was really defeated, and it was at the hands of the little girl they knew. , that does sound a little ridiculous.



"To be precise, he should have been defeated by a group of knights!"

Although I didn't see it personally, the Knight of the Homeless, who knew the matter well, didn't hide too much, and said it with certainty in the words he thought were more accurate.

"A group of knights?"

"A group of knights, I'm afraid they are not the opponents of demigods, right?"

He bowed his head and pondered for a while, and while following the other party to move forward, the tree guard suddenly asked a little puzzled.

After all, no matter how bad Gerek is, he is a demigod of pure blood, and he is also a direct descendant of the Golden Family. If it is replaced by their big tree guards, it is estimated that at least a whole team will be able to win?

But unfortunately, looking at the Nimgofu area, you can't find a whole team of big tree guards!

Besides, he doesn't know if a team of big tree guards can beat the demigods, he just assumes it in his heart, after all, their big tree guards have never fought with Greck, and they never thought of doing that. This kind of infidelity and damage to honor, even if the other party has done unpopular things over the years, it is the same as making everyone feel alienated.

"Of course not a group of knights!"


"What if there were thousands of knights?"

The homeless knight who was leading the way on horseback paused for a while, then suddenly turned around on the horse, and asked back in a tone that seemed a little dull because of the closed helmet.

"Thousands of..."


First startled, then the big tree guard shook his head with a laugh.

You must know, that kind of cavalry who can be awarded knights, or who can have plate armor and war horses, which one is not an invincible general, how can he easily gather so many knights?

And in the thousand-man team he led to the Nymgef Wilderness to stop the faders, the number of knights could be counted on one hand, otherwise they would not have had such a hard time that they would be reduced to Need him to patrol the wilderness alone.

"Impossible, where are there so many knights here in Nimgford?"

In short, there is no doubt about the quality and strength of the knights, and it is impossible to easily gather such a large number!

For example, the homeless knight who is leading the way in front of them, if the opponent confronts him, although he has the confidence to defeat the opponent, it is estimated that he will not be able to solve it in a short time, but just like the opponent, the entire Nim Gu Fu estimated that there are less than ten?

"I didn't believe it at first, but..."

"You'll find out soon enough."

It seems that the response of the big tree guard has been expected, so the lost knight did not explain any more, but continued to Dai Luze with a smile.



"Who are those people?"

Suddenly, as the team gradually approached Stonewell Castle, the tree guard suddenly stretched out his hand, pointed to the front, and pointed to those who stood majestically on both sides of the gate of the passage level, wearing red patterned armor, with faint red light emerging from their eyes, look. asked the two guards dressed as knights.

He had never seen a knight dressed like that. Unlike the Knights of the Lost Lands, he was not a knight of Greck, nor a 'red lion', nor a 'Cuckoo' or a 'Kalia', but more like the golden knight of the royal city Rodel. It's a far cry, anyway, the big tree guard who thinks he has a lot of knowledge has not been able to recognize it.

"Queen Anne's direct line of guards!"

"Actually, they are the ones I told you just now, the powerful knights who worked together to defeat 'Limb' Greck."

"Speaking of which, their formation should be less than half a month..."


"I'm still a little reluctant to believe that they are all knights who were summoned from the ashes of innocent people who were 'armed'?"

"You can call them 'Magma Casters', that's their real name."

"However, compared to that one, we all prefer to call them 'Fire-Eyed Knights'. After all, you should have discovered that they all have flaming eyes, which is very appropriate, isn't it?"


"In short, they are very strong, but some of them seem to have a little lack of battle experience. In a one-on-one situation, I have an 80% chance of winning against them!"

"But if it takes time, or one-to-many, the result may not be certain."

The lost knight seemed to be a talkative person, so he spoke out what he knew, and directly told the guard of the tree and the elites who were stationed outside all the year round for a while. startled.

"Is that so..."

"It's unbelievable..."

Immediately, he looked towards the so-called 'magma pourers' and the 'fire-eyed knights' for a while, and found that those people's bodies still contained some kind of flame power and thought for a while, In the end, he didn't say much, but continued to ride his horse and slowly moved forward.

He knew that the lost knight in front must be hiding something from him, but he didn't take it to heart.


"that is……"

"Forge Knight?!"

Suddenly, he found a familiar figure standing on the top of the city not far away, and the big tree guard exclaimed again.

"That's right!"

"There are two furnace knights in Stoneville now, and one of them is said to have been rescued from the sealed prison by Queen Anne. You should know that place, right?"

"Speaking of which, we used to put a lot of effort into dealing with them!"

As he spoke, the lost knight could not help but sighed with emotion.

But no matter what, the former Storm King and the former Golden King Greck have become the past tense. Now, they who did not deal with each other and were even hostile to each other now belong to the new Queen of 'Storm and Fire' Under Annie Hastur's command, the previous conflicts, whether it was conflict or imprisonment, no longer need to be arguing.

"Is that so?"

Nodding, the tree guard expressed his understanding, and soon stopped obsessing about why the furnace knight appeared in the castle.



"How did it become so shabby?"

Finally, seeing that the time was right, and seeing that he was going to enter the castle without asking, the big tree guard couldn't help but ask the thing that he had been having trouble accepting.

After all, although he was mentally prepared, the current situation in Stoneville City is still far from what he imagined.



"Maybe you won't believe that before Queen Anne came here, it was more run down than it is now!"

"Fortunately, after Greck's fall, quite a few people have heard the news and have returned one after another these days. Now there are about three or five thousand people like this, but there were not even a thousand people before."

"We're cleaning up the dead lately, and I'm sure this place will get better in the future."

"Clean up?"


"But, how are the dead born to be cleaned up?"

The tree guards naturally know about the dead, and have even seen a lot of them. After all, that kind of thing can be found everywhere inside and outside the entire border now!

Those guys are basically living corpses because people can't die and reincarnate normally after the shattering of Eldon's ring, either doing indifferent things to kill endless time, or begging for death, or either. Attacking the living like the wind is very difficult to deal with.

In a word, the appearance of the Birth of the Dead is the result of the flaws of the golden law, and it is also a clear proof that the curse of death has polluted the entire world after the "Night of the Black Knife".

"It's easy!"

"Queen Anne gave us the flame furnace. For those who are completely twisted, we can directly purify them and turn them into the purest runes in the world!"

"For those that can be saved, we can turn them into 'magma pourers'."

"That's the best way."

The lost country knight was still talking, and even revealed the relatively core secrets.

"I see……"

Nodding, the tree guard stopped talking, and continued to walk forward silently with their people.


Finally, not long after, they came to the main entrance of Stonewell Castle, and saw the head of the former golden king 'Limb' Greck.

Now, the 'demi-god' who was originally immortal was just hung on it like that.


Seeing this, the big tree guard hurriedly turned over and dismounted, and after looking up for a while, Qi Qi followed the more than 200 warriors he brought, and finally gave a solemn knight salute to the shriveled and ugly head.


"Who are do you salute that weak king and pathetic slug?"

"Are you spies?"

At this time, just when the big tree guards and the others were just lining up and paying their last respects to their former king, it was very abrupt that a guy suddenly ran out of the hut next to the main entrance of the castle, and said aloud. sharply reprimanded.

He even took out a horn and wanted to call someone.


"I don't have anything to do with you here!"

"Get out!"

But fortunately, before the scolding gatekeeper Gotok could act, he was repelled by the lost knight with footprints on his cheek.

"Let's go in."

"Although I don't know if you can see the Queen when you come back at this time, you still have to go in anyway."

After sagging his shoulders, he signaled to the tree guard and the others not to mind the madman guarding the gate, and the lost knight continued to lead the way in front of him, signaling everyone to follow him to the inside of Stonewell Castle to report.


(?ω?) It's the last two days of the end of the month, so don't keep the monthly pass.

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