Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1842: -??(???) Stoneville City (3)

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'Did you find anything? ’

'Report! ’

'Not here! ’

'Neither are we here! ’


'Go over there and see! ’

'Follow! ’

'And you! Go to the right! ’

'Yes! ’

'Others, come with me! ! ’

When a certain poor little girl was sleeping on her bearskin sofa, she didn't know how much time had passed, and finally, in this ruined and silent city, there were bursts of scolding, shouting and loud noises. The sound, the vibration of rummaging through boxes and cabinets, and the sound of kicking the door and breaking the window began to come in faintly from the outside.





"Tibbers, it's so noisy outside..."


And then, I fell asleep until I didn't know what time it was, and because there was no sun, so I forgot the time and forgot that some bad little girl Annie, who still had important things to do today, finally woke up rarely. come over.

(Report! Dear little master, those individuals you let loose yesterday, they have brought a large number of soldiers towards us to find them. It will take a few minutes at most. It is estimated that they will search for this broken place where you are. .)


(Not waiting for a certain bad little master to wake up completely, and without waiting for the other party to turn over and fall asleep again, Tibbs hurriedly reminded the other party carefully and thoughtfully.)



"I've come to the door, it's so early?"


"Those guys, don't they never sleep in?"


Subconsciously looking up at the dilapidated window, she found that the sky outside seemed to be still gray, and then, thinking that it was still early, Annie couldn't help but began to whisper to the guys who came to hunt her down.

"The sun hasn't come out yet, it's really annoying!"


Regardless of whether the world has the sun or not, or whether she is actually on someone else's land, while Annie sat up slowly, she didn't forget to pay attention to those who didn't sleep late and went out to work 'early morning'. The soldiers of other families muttered.

'Report, report! ’

'General! ’

'There seems to be some small footprints in the yard here, and there are many fresh crush marks! ’

'! ! ’

'quick! ’

'Call people to come and surround this place! ’

'Be careful everyone, that's a little girl who knows magic, she's amazing! ’

'Yes! ! ’

It didn't take long, finally, someone discovered the clear little footprints Annie left on the dusty floor when she came here last night, and the traces left by a certain gatekeeper traitor who came here to fool Annie and was beaten. .


Under the order of a certain officer, they quickly gathered a team of at least three or five hundred people from the surrounding area, and successfully surrounded the abandoned house of an unknown merchant or a small noble family. .

Moreover, as the people who were searching further away got news, gradually, more soldiers began to gather here.

The facts are already clear. Obviously, after the soldiers who were robbed of the 'sacrifice' yesterday were put back, today, the order to search for the attackers has finally been issued, and then the hundreds of soldiers in Stoneville Castle. Thousands of elite soldiers were sent out, and they began to search the deserted city where there were not many people left, and finally successfully locked the approximate place where Annie was hiding.

'quick! ’

'You go over there! ’

'You go to the fence and guard! ’

'Others follow me! ’

'Be sure to catch her! ! ’

Immediately afterwards, after the encirclement was set up, the officer rushed into the courtyard with a group of elite soldiers in golden armor and golden shields.


At this time, when the soldiers locked the exact location and were laying a circle to start their search, at the main entrance of Stonewell Castle on the cliff and stone mountain, the skin was pale, the hair was thin, the expression was wretched, and there was freshness on his body. Gotok, the gatekeeper of the scars, also looked down upon what was happening in the city.

"All right……"

"That stupid mage, she will pay for her doubts and arrogance..."

Finally, he glanced at the courtyard at the foot of the mountain that was being surrounded by more and more soldiers. Then, the gatekeeper Gotok shook his head, no longer looked around, but turned around with a sigh and returned to his door. in the hut.

"I warned her last night..."

Yes, the gatekeeper Gotok did secretly tip off the little girl mage who was said to be very powerful last night, and even pointed out that last night was the best chance to raid.

But the result?

Not only was the other party indifferent, but he even attacked him brazenly, blasting him straight out, and he almost didn't break his old waist on the spot!

Okay now, that guy Greck knew about the other party, and then he dispatched a large number of troops early in the morning. Now, he was found in the hiding place and surrounded by hundreds of people, he felt that the little guy Girls, there must be no reason to survive.


The other party will definitely be captured or killed like the other idiots who fade away, and then, the other party's small and delicate body rich in magic will definitely be favored by Greck or a certain 'limb' aristocrat, And then on their bodies?


"They're all incompetent idiots..."

After swearing and cursing at last, Gotok, the gatekeeper, hunched over his waist and walked to his dim and dilapidated gatekeeper's hut.

He knew that the little girl who knew magic was dead, and it wasn't worth his continued attention. It was better for him to take a good rest.

After all, he sneaked out last night and was beaten badly. Now it was sleepy, tired and painful. He had to take time to rest and recover before the soldiers came back.


What the gatekeeper Gotok didn't know was that when the soldiers who had spotted Annie's trail rushed to the weedy yard and kicked the gate savagely, all they saw was a soldier with a Martian embers and warmer bonfires, plus the footprints and food scraps all over the place and other traces of someone being there?

As for the important target they wanted to hunt down, the little girl mage who brazenly attacked the **** team of the 'Sacrificial' and released the 'Sacrificial', was not there at this time.

"Uh huh..."


What those people could not have imagined was that when they were still regretting being one step late and starting to disperse to search the entire ruined city again, the target they were looking for, a certain bad little girl, had already come to Stonewell. In the tunnel of the city castle, and taking advantage of the opportunity of no one, I jumped step by step to a broken castle bridge full of various weapons.

As for those stupid guys, Anne didn't take it to heart, because it was obviously impossible for them to round up her Lady Queen Anne!

Is this not?

She just teleported to the idiots, and then, while they were still annoyed and desperate to continue their search and control in the shabby city, she had come to their castle.



"Tibbers, it should be here, right?"


Annie saw that the main outer wall of the castle was in front of her, and the villain she was looking for was 'joint limbs', the disgusting monster who always wanted to chop off other people's arms to get them on the other side, the so-called demigod. Must be in there!


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

(Tibbers didn't speak, because it found out that this nasty and careless little master of his family who jumped from the tunnel of the city to the bridge in front of the gate of the castle has been discovered by an enemy, and the other party is The high wall ahead is staring at her.)



Soon, Annie, who also noticed the abnormality, immediately raised her head to look at the broken arrow tower in front of the castle gate, and successfully discovered a spell that she did not know to use, and was gradually emerging. guy.

"A fader—"

"Those who are manipulated by the fire of ignorant ambition still want to get the Ring of Eldon?"

Finally, the other party slowly emerged from the figure while laughing loudly.

It was a strange person with a body size of at least two or three meters tall.

Moreover, Annie could see clearly at a glance that the other party was a man with several ugly horns on his head and disgusting sarcomas on his face. His facial features were ugly and very unclear. At the same time, the exposed skin of the other party's cloak was also pale and pale. Yes, it is also covered with thick hair, and is holding a strange tree root wand in his hand at the same time!

More importantly, Annie saw that there was a tail behind the other's butt, and she didn't know if it was attached.

"The fader?"


"People are not the kind of faders!"




"People don't want any Ayrdon rings at all!"


Although, Ayrdon's ring or something, Annie has heard and read related texts many times, and she is also very curious, and she really wants to see what it is, but she does not She didn't necessarily want to get the idea, she was just curious.

"shut up!"

Boom! !

"Despicable lies..."

"I, the 'Evil Omen Demon' Marchet, will put out both you and the fire of your ambition!"

However, before Annie could continue to speak, the 'bad omen' Marchite, who didn't look like a good person, slammed the heavy black wooden staff in his hand, making a loud noise and very loud. He interrupted Annie impolitely, just like that, arrogant and arrogant.



"There is no fire of ambition, do you want to try to extinguish the fire of shadow?"


Since the other party didn't want to talk properly, of course Annie wouldn't be polite to the other party.

So, after seeing that the other party was supposed to be with that demigod 'joint limb' Greck, she unceremoniously grabbed a piece of shattering fire and raised her head towards the so-called 'evil' The mega-ghost' Marchite asked provocatively.


"'Bad Omen' Marchite will crush your ambitions..."

"Execute now!!"

Saying that, the 'Evil Omen' Markit was quite straightforward. First, there was a burst of black mist on his body, and then he jumped up directly from above, from the broken tower of the ruined city gate. It smashed down hard towards the arch bridge of the city where Annie was.


It's a pity that at the moment when he just landed, the 'Evil Omen Ghost' Marchite suddenly noticed something was wrong!


"What, what?!"

Unfortunately, it was too late by the time he reacted!

rumbling rumbling...

"Uh ah ah ah..."

"Do not!!!!"

While he was exclaiming, he didn't know whether it was because the impact force of his jumping was too great, or something else. Anyway, the foundation of the arch bridge on the edge of the cliff where he landed suddenly collapsed and melted, and then he was caught off guard. He screamed so miserably, with the gravel and magma all over the ground, and in the sound of 'rumble rumble', the whole person danced and fell towards the abyss under the cliff in Stoneville City. down.





Seeing this, of course, Annie cheered, and then ran directly towards the caving gap on the edge of the cliff.

From her excited performance and her triumphant appearance when the plan succeeded, it is not difficult to guess that the 'bad omen' Marchite just jumped down heavily and wanted to pretend to be majestic. A certain part of the cliff is supported, there is no doubt that it must be a good thing she has done!



"It really fell, he doesn't seem to be able to fly..."


No matter whether the other party really can't fly, or it's too late to cast spells, or for some other reason, anyway, what Annie sees, the other party wants to be in her most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most Most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most Most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most The most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most powerful, the most powerful Arcane Archmage is pretending to be majestic, jumping down from such a high place without any buffering, and wanting to extinguish the shadow in her hand The idea of ​​​​the fire was definitely in vain.

"never mind!"

ε=('ο'*))) alas

"Leave him alone!"

(? ̄?? ̄??)??°

"Tibbers, there are a lot of people watching here, let's hurry in!"


Looking ahead, there are quite a few soldiers on the high wall of Stonewell Castle who are looking at it from the parapet or the crenel, and they seem to have discovered the anomaly here, and they are still seeing her 'defeat' the evil. Immediately after the mega-ghost 'Malkit' blew the horn, Annie hurriedly bypassed the gap in the arch bridge of the castle gate that she had just secretly burned, and jumped straight towards the castle built on the cliff and mountain in front of her. Stumble away.

She saw that surrounded by the broken gates and high arrow towers, it was the main gate of Stonewell Castle with iron fences. If you don't want to be blocked by the soldiers coming back from behind, you'd better move a little faster?


(● ̄? ̄●)

And this time...


Gotok, the gatekeeper, who was alerted and ran out of the hut next to the main entrance of Stonewell Castle to check it out, was completely To be honest, he never thought of it. While he was taking a nap, the little girl broke out of the siege of hundreds of elite soldiers and came to the gate of Stonewell Castle, where she seemed to have defeated the powerful 'Ominous Demon' Marr Kit?

Although he didn't see how the other party did it, there was no doubt that the powerful 'Evil Omen' Marchite was beaten by the other party to the bottom of the cliff in Stonewell City, and fell from such a high height, even if he didn't die , I guess it must not be too good, right?

Anyway, what Gotok knew, the 'bad omen ghost' that stood in front of 'Limb' Greck was no longer a threat, and Greck was one step closer to 'death'.



?Double monthly pass on the 29th, if you have a ticket, you can keep it first?

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