Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1837: ?No one is king?

Late at night……

There were no stars in the night sky in the Nimgford area, and the sky was still just that huge canopy of golden trees that seemed to cover the entire sky.

At this time, it is exuding a faint golden light, replacing the role of the original stars, providing extremely weak lighting for the night of this world.

At this moment, a witch in a cloak and a hood riding on the back of a wildebeest was silently watching a certain position in the distant woodland on a hillside.

She was so motionless, as if she was going to completely blend into the night, only the wildebeest under her crotch occasionally twitched its temples or wobbled its tail, indicating that she and her mount were one living creature, and Not some false shadow.

And if a bad little girl is here, perhaps, she will definitely exclaim, and then order a certain bear Tibbers to take it down with a paw, and then press it on the ground to rip off the other party's pants and a hard spanking on the ass?

That's right!

The witch in front of her who was riding a wildebeest and looking at the distant woodland was not who she was. It was the witch 'Melina' who secretly used the teleportation spell while Annie was sleeping last night, and the other party wanted to send it out. But in the end, the ugly wildebeest 'Torret' was unpopular and despised.

Naturally, in the eyes of a bad little girl, it is not a wildebeest at all, nor is it a spirit horse, it is a complete cow!

Yes, it is a cow, because it has horns, it looks like a yak! ?

Anyway, no matter whether it is or not, as long as some nasty little girl says it is a cow, then it is a cow, or it is not, it is useless to persuade anyone!

However, Melina is not here to deliver cattle tonight...

Now she is silently observing the front, where she knows, where is the camp of the mighty tree guard and his outpost soldiers.

But at this time, she could see and hear faintly: a certain little girl who was in trouble was inside, and she seemed to be in tune with the soldiers who were in charge of guarding the front of this piece of Nymgef Forest, They were playing around by the bonfire in the middle of the camp, as if they were holding some kind of celebration, or were they talking about an interesting story?


To be honest, Melina couldn't figure out why the little girl didn't fight the big tree guard and the soldiers who were responsible for blocking and intercepting the faders.

Originally, Melina still thought that as long as she teleported the little girl to the guiding place and let the white mask guide a little, the other party would definitely conflict with the big tree guard, and thus had to walk up to her. It's the right path for the other party.

But now, what is happening and what has happened doesn't seem to be what she imagined and planned before?


Now, everything she saw and heard was seriously inconsistent with her original plan!

She didn't know what happened during the period, nor why it became like this, let alone how to change or guide herself. Therefore, she silently continued to hide herself in the dark and continued to observe carefully. Otherwise, nothing can be done.


'Ha ha……'

‘Come again! ’

'I don't believe it...'


In the distance, there were bursts of loud laughter and bursts of laughter from the camp. It seemed that the atmosphere suddenly became warm? And that kind of thing is obviously something Melina has never seen in these years, so her brows hidden in the hood can't help but wrinkle.

However, she did not intend to approach or interfere easily, so she continued to stay where she was, continued to ride on her Spirit Horse Torret, and silently observed the camp in the distance.


She wanted to find out what happened from the laughter and laughter that were faintly passed over?

But no matter what she wanted to do, or what she was planning, it couldn't stop the laughter and laughter of the soldiers and some bad little girls in the dilapidated camp at this time.

The night is getting deeper and deeper...

for a long time……

Until the dew gradually wet the cloak on Melina's body, until the bonfire in the camp in the distance gradually extinguished, until the rare frolic was silent again, the witch Melina didn't move at all. pass.


I don't know how long it took, until I saw that there was no sound in the camp, until the soldiers were asleep, and after the sentries on duty at the gate of the camp changed their posts again, Melina slowly lowered her head. , and touched the dewy sideburns on Lingma Torret's neck below her.

"Let's go."

"Toret, we will still have a chance."

"Should be..."

After taking a last look at the camp in the distance, the witch Melina reached out and patted Lingma Torrett on the neck lightly.


Immediately afterwards, Lingma, who was humane and seemed to be highly intelligent, shook its neck and chirped softly, and then lifted its legs and walked lightly down the hill.

It didn't take long for the one person and one horse who didn't sleep that night to completely disappear into the wilderness of Nimgford, and he didn't know where he went.


the next day.

The clouds on the day gradually became translucent, when the outline of the golden tree in the distance became clearer, when the earth was illuminated by the light again, a certain little girl finally appeared at the gate of the woodland outpost camp, And prepare to say goodbye to those new acquaintances.



"Uncle Dashu, as well as all uncles, aunts and sisters, it's a pleasure to meet you, people want to play by themselves!"



ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)Bye~Bye~



After finishing speaking, a certain one stayed in this military camp for one night and had a barbecue dinner. The first time she ate that kind of Nymgford wild goat, the nasty little girl directly carried her bear. A big tree guard and a group of frontline sentry soldiers watched and said goodbye.

That's right!

Last night, in this camp, she was the one who played and held a bonfire party with these uncles, aunts and uncles of the soldiers, and sang and danced until midnight. Of course, it was Her Lady Queen Anne.

Moreover, through the frolic last night, she quickly became acquainted with these uncles, aunts and sisters who had not been home for many years, and told them a lot of stories and brought them a lot of The happiness of her, and this is why they came to see her off at the gate of the camp the next day.


"Safe travels!"

"Stonewell City is not a good place, remember, don't stay there too much, don't go to trouble, and go home soon after you've had enough fun?"

He looked at the general beside him, that is, the tree guard who had put on the full-body plate armor again. After seeing that the other party didn't seem to want to speak, the one who didn't shave for an unknown period of time seemed to be The lieutenant, like Hei Zhangfei, waved and warned on his behalf.

"Got it!"


"Hurry up and go back to work, so people won't make trouble!"


After finishing speaking, Annie didn't wait for the other party to say anything, she hopped and walked to the north of the forest, and quickly disappeared into the dense forest of Nimgford.


The chief officer of this camp, the big tree guard, still did not speak.

He was tall, and he just silently watched with his group of subordinates who stayed in their camp for one night, and brought them a lot of joy and warmth with songs and some impossible stories. girl's departure.

Although he was a little reluctant to let the other party leave and go to the increasingly crazy Stonewell City, but there was no way, they had their responsibilities, and the other party also had the other party's life, in this increasingly bad world, they have nothing. Can't change.

Whether it's their own destiny, the destiny of the country or even the whole world, or the safety of that little girl, etc., they can't change or protect anything!

After all, they are just some small people and pawns...

For example, they have been on the mission to intercept the faders at the outpost in the Nymgef Wilderness. They don't know how many years it has been, but until today, no one, any support or any new order has come, so they have no choice but to Like a group of walking corpses, wandering here like the kind of 'birth of the dead'.

And if it wasn't for the little girl who injected new vitality into their camp last night and brought them cheers and laughter, I'm afraid they themselves don't know why they are still here, or even why they are still alive. Bar?

But now, they seem to wake up again...

Although this world on the verge of destruction is still getting worse, more and more ridiculous, more and more ignorant and chaotic, but, no matter what, last night, they all saw that this world is still worth going to The thing to guard, that's what they will continue to guard here.

That is their last duty, even if they die without regrets, it's not just because of the **** order that they even forgot which year it was issued!



"Where did you find that little girl?"

After seeing Annie disappear completely, after a long time, the lieutenant who was nicknamed 'Black Zhang Fei' turned his head and asked the tall tree guard beside him.


"The place where the faders haunt!"

The tree guard did not hide it, and turned his head to look at a certain wilderness.

There, it was the area where they asked for patrols and vigilance. They had been on duty here for countless years, and after a while, he would still mount his divine warhorse, which had also lost its blessing, and carry it. His golden spears patrol the area and slay any faders that come within his sight.


"Why is she there?"


"It's not really the fader, is it?"

Hearing what his general said, the lieutenant exclaimed in surprise.

"do not know."

"What do you think?"

The tree guard did not comment, let alone say yes or no, but just asked a question.

"This is..."

"I feel a little different!"

The lieutenant shook his head, then continued:

"Those who have faded, we have seen a lot over the years."

"Although they do have blessings on them, they can absorb Rune and become stronger, but their hostility is still too heavy, and their brains may not be normal. They are not much better than those guys in the city!"

"If people like them become the new king, I don't know what the world will look like."

As he spoke, the lieutenant sighed, and his eyes couldn't help but be covered with a haze.

Their world has become worse and worse since Elden's Circle was broken and the Eternal Queen Malika disappeared. It's not just that they lost their blessings and the dead began to appear on the earth. Simple, there are all kinds of changes, even the little pawns who are fighting outside have felt it.

But no way...

They can't change anything, and they don't have enough power to do so!

After all, the blessings of these people have been taken away by the supreme will, they have been 'exiled' in a sense, and now they are just lingering, but those who are struggling on the edge of the world have faded It's ridiculous and sad, but it's helpless.


Hearing the words of his lieutenant, the big tree guard didn't speak, but his head wearing the golden helmet drooped slightly, and he didn't know what he was thinking.


"General, you said, it would be great if there could be a **** or a descendant of nobles who was as pure as the little guy just now, uncontaminated and cursed, to be king?"

"That pure smile, I haven't seen it for many years."

"How long have we not seen a new life since Eldon's Circle was destroyed and the world and everyone was cursed?"


"In her, I see things that others don't have, whether it's those gods or demigods, or those who fade..."

"It was a very strange feeling..."

As he spoke, the lieutenant suddenly sighed with emotion, and accidentally said some kind of real idea that he had been looking forward to for many years.


"What is it?"

The tree guard paused, then raised his head, turned his head to look at his subordinate, and asked with the eyes hidden behind the helmet.

"Hope for the future..."

"Abundant vitality..."


"The temperament that a real 'king' should have?"

In a strange way, the lieutenant told the conclusion he had thought about all night.

Especially hope and vitality. As far as he wants to come, this is what the borderland has been lacking in these years, and now, whether it is those gods, nobles or faded people, there are more in them, and they will forever be Just tyranny and ambition, they are always only for themselves, no one wants to really think about this world and countless creatures.


"Do you still know what the temperament of a 'king' is?"


"Have you seen the 'King'?"

The big tree guard was stunned, and then he asked directly, dumbfounded.

Unlike the lieutenant who was talking eloquently in front of him, the big tree guard said that he was the only knight in this camp who had seen King Eldon, although that was a distant event countless years ago, but he just Have you seen it, and, still at the root of the divine tree?

He still remembers that scene vividly to this day!


I do not know since when, their king betrayed them, betrayed the world, betrayed all living beings, and is pushing the world into the abyss of doom.

"Of course not!"


"General, do you know?"

"It was such a good feeling when she saw me and called me uncle..."

"I only feel that after the problem with the divine tree, the dark cloud that was suppressed in my heart disappeared all of a sudden."

"It's like..."

"It's like being blessed again..."

As he spoke, the lieutenant's eyes could not help but become blurred, and whispered some words of unknown meaning.


"No, do you miss your daughter again?"

"Speaking of..."

"How many years have we gone back?"

For his lieutenant's reaction, the big tree guard was noncommittal, but after pondering for a while, he suddenly asked in a deep voice.


"Of course I do!"


He just spoke, but, thinking of the changes in Stoneville City, the suffering and curses suffered by the people in the city, and the changes in the world after the shattering of the Ring of Eldon, he finally stopped talking and fell silent. stand up.

He didn't dare to think about it, because he hadn't received any information from his family for a long, long time, and all these years, they had been living in ignorance. This cursed world almost made him completely dehumanize.

Therefore, he dared not imagine what Stoneville City would be like now, nor dare to imagine, after all, they have no ability to change, they are just forgotten little people.


"If she is a descendant of a **** or a nobleman and is willing to become king, I think I will definitely support it, right?"

"At least……"

"A king like that deserves our lives to protect?"

After a long time, the deputy general continued to speak, and sighed like a miserable smile.

"As for those who fade..."

"In addition to colluding with those rebels, and then fighting and destroying, trying to collect runes to satisfy their own selfish desires, what else will they do?"

After sighing, Vice Admiral Blackbeard couldn't help but gritted his teeth and sneered.

This is a rotten era. Compared with the faded ones, those gods and nobles are indeed bad enough, but even if the faded ones are not as bad as those gods, it is not the soldiers who choose them. Reasons to support faders!

If there is no better choice, perhaps they would rather continue to support those rotten nobles and gods, and then continue to barely maintain this damn, cursed world until it can no longer hold on and collapse completely. that day?


The tree guard didn't speak again, and he didn't know what he was thinking.


"Don't take it seriously, General. She is still so young. Although she seems to have some supernatural power, she is still too small."


Then, the lieutenant shook his head, and began to comfort him instead, and he no longer made such sentimental statements.

"How many people are there in our camp?"

"I mean..."

"No cursed tormented mad."

At this time, the tree guard suddenly asked.


"I'm afraid it's less than three hundred..."

"Maybe two hundred seventy or eighty?"

The lieutenant thought for a while and quickly gave a relatively accurate number.

"That's all?"


"When we came to stand here, there were more than a thousand people..."

Saying that, the tree guard lowered his head sadly.

"No way"

"The curse, coupled with the steady stream of faders, I'm afraid the brothers won't be able to last long."

Shaking his head, the lieutenant also laughed miserably and sighed.

After so many years, the new order has never come, perhaps, these people have been abandoned?

Of course, it is also possible that the nobles or demigods in the city are now more busy with other things, such as the ridiculous and crazy 'extremity' or something, and where are they free? Care about the lives of these people?

"If you can't stand it, you have to stand it!"

"The holy tree can testify, I will swear to guard this land!"

"At all costs, eliminate those who fade!"


"Not worthy to be king!"

The tree guard said decisively, grabbed his golden halberd, and stepped directly to the golden armored warhorse led by a soldier beside him.

"However, there seems to be a problem with the holy tree..."

After hesitating for a while, the lieutenant turned his head in embarrassment and looked at the huge golden sacred tree in the distance.

They already knew about the problem with the Golden Sacred Tree. If nothing else, those who faded were blessed, but they were cursed. This alone is enough to explain everything.

"The Holy Tree has never been a problem..."

"The problem is the human heart!"


To be precise should be 'Spirit of God'?

Of course, the tree guard didn't dare to say the last sentence.

He just tightened the reins, and then without waiting for his lieutenant to say anything, he galloped away, toward the Nimgford Wilderness.

A new day has quietly come, and since he is the guardian of the big tree, he will continue to perform his duties and guard the land shrouded by the holy tree.

Even if he risked his life, he would kill anyone who dared to step into the wilderness of Nimgford!

It's just like what he just said to the lieutenant, those who have been spurned by them and this land, those who have resentment and ambition, will only destroy everywhere, only want to ascend to the king of Eldon and satisfy themselves Selfish guys don't deserve to be their king!


(ˊ〇ˋ*) ask for monthly pass


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