Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1834: ?(*?)? The bear child descends on the border

Rumor has it...

The "Supreme Will" existed before the birth of the world, that is, the borderland.

In a distant era of chaos, He discovered this place, came to the junction, and created the goddess Malika, and sent two messengers, **** and three fingers, and the purpose was to guide the confused world and maintain him. The operation of the golden rule that remains.


The three fingers of one of His two messengers unexpectedly fell and began to pursue the world-annihilating fire, so it was suppressed and sealed by the two fingers.

In the countless years that followed, under the guidance of the two fingers, the creatures in the borderland began to collect 'runes' consciously or unintentionally, that is, the primitive runes similar to the product of the law or the birth of the world. exist.

In the end, the barbarian warrior Holly Lou became the first to collect enough runes to help Malika create the Circle of Eldon.

(It is reported that the Ring of Eldon is similar to the world rules in mythology or the same existence as the 'dao'. Whoever masters it will naturally become the 'king' of the junction?)

Immediately afterwards, Holly Lu was given the name 'Goffrey' and married Marika, and became the first King of Eldon!

Since then, the world has relied on the Ring of Eldon and entered the Golden Rule Era, and the golden giant tree has begun to grow, completely blocking the light of stardust and even the sun.

After Geoffrey became the first King Eldon, the goddess Malika, who was created by the supreme will, naturally became the goddess widely praised by living beings - the Eternal Queen.

Soon after the marriage, the two gave birth to the demigod crown prince 'Golden' Godwin.

But the good times did not last long, and the second child born by the Eternal Queen, Malika, was born deformed and covered with ugly horns, that is, the powerful demigod Monggot, also known as the Omen King.

Since then, Malika, in her grief, begins to realize for the first time that the Golden Rule is not perfect, it has fatal flaws.


Malika resolutely found Maricus and became a brother with him, and hoped that he could seal the doomed death in order to maintain the eternal existence of the golden rule.

At the same time, Eternal Queen Malika also found that her own character did not fit well with the barbarian Geoffrey, and this marriage was not perfect in her opinion?

So, she resolutely used divine power to transform and split herself into a male personality - Radagan.

Then, Radagan ran away from home and traveled with his army.

Not long after, he met the moon queen Reinara, and the two soon fell in love and married and bore several demigods.

For example: Starbreaker Ratan, Archon Rakkad, and... Moon Princess Lani.

Not long after Radagan turned and ran away, he noticed that the outer gods from the stars would surely launch a new round of invasion to the world, and at the same time, the power of Eldon's circle began to show weakening cracks. Has it gotten to the point where it has to be recast?

For this reason, he excused himself to marry Malika, so he resolutely left Leilana, the Queen of the Moon, and returned to the royal city.

Afterwards, Radagan took away the blessing of the first king of Eldon, Geoffrey, who was leading the army on the frontier to go on a giant expedition. At the same time, he also expelled and demoted him to a faded one.

(Faded ones, that is, those who have lost their blessings.)

After expelling Geoffrey, Radagan became the second generation King of Elden, and married Malika (self-bred?) and gave birth to the twins Mikaela and Valkyrie. Marianne.


Because the two were originally one body, it was only natural that the two twins had huge congenital deficiencies due to inbreeding.

However, Radagan didn't have time to worry about the heir, because at this time, the starbreaker Rataan, one of the descendants of the demigods, finally managed to suppress the stars (outer gods) against the world (the junction). ) attack, so Radagan must collect enough runes as soon as possible and recast the ring.

At the same time, the queen of the moon, Reinara, who lost her husband Radagan and thought she was greened by Malika, became mentally ill because of the huge blow. Soon, her subordinates succeeded in usurping the throne and took her Imprisoned in the big library, and during the riot, the members of the royal family born by Radagan and Reinara naturally escaped.


Reinara's youngest daughter, the demigod son Rani who had contact with the outer gods of the stars, began to plan revenge for breaking the golden law and ushering in the age of stars, out of resentment.

To this end, she also stole the Rune of Death and forged it into a black blade.

Immediately after...

In a dark night, she organized a group of female assassins to use the black blade to kill the soul of the prince 'Golden' Godwin, who could never have died, and completely lost his soul and turned him into a dead man.

With the theft of the Rune of Death, Malika's previous seal on the fate of death (destined death) has also been declared a complete failure. The curse of death has polluted everyone and the whole world, and at the same time, the golden law has also appeared. Greater and terrifying rifts.

After the night of the underworld conspiracy, Malika, who lost her beloved son, naturally fell into madness, and planned to completely destroy the golden rule to rot or take revenge on the whole world!

And in this regard, Radagang naturally does not allow it!

After all, he also fantasized about recasting the ring and restoring the golden law, but unfortunately, in the end, it was Malika's personality that prevailed and broke the ring resolutely.

At the moment when the ring of law was shattered, the sky was torn apart, and the runes were scattered, everyone in the world felt the incomparably powerful force!

So, after the disappearance of Eternal Queen Malika, the demigods and humans started a frantic fight for the rune they obtained from each other and to become the new King of Eldon!

The Shattered War officially broke out!

But it is a pity that there was no victor in that terrible war between gods and men!

People only know that the Starbreaker and the Valkyrie fought equally well, one was severely injured and the other was stained with scarlet corruption and gradually lost his mind.

Mikaela was taken away by the Blood King, and the seriously wounded Malenia fell into a deep sleep after searching around without success; Lakard was afraid of death after witnessing the devastation, and he began to pursue immortality and devoured the strong and eventually fell into a serpent; the descendant of Godwin, That Greck fled in fear after getting a big rune, and began to hunt around the strong for limbs, hoping that he could return to the capital after becoming stronger?

Among the many rotten demigods, only the Ominous King Mengget did not pursue Rune. He repelled waves of invaders and barely maintained order in the royal city.


After witnessing his descendants being worse and worse than each other, the supreme will, completely disappointed, resolutely withdrew his previous actions towards those demigods and demigods in order to preserve his boundary. 's blessing.

Then, while he left them to fend for themselves, he also threw out his olive branch to the other group of people who were not favored by him before, to those who had faded, gave them new blessings, and wanted to Use those petty profits to guide them back to the border, drive out the old gods and recast the ring of Eldon that has become shattered, so as to finally help him resist the attack of the stars on the border?

And just at this moment, a certain bad little girl came here...

Naturally, for that bad little girl, she doesn't know or care about all the things that happened above!

When she was just wandering around and looking for targets in the void of the plane with her mind, she happened to see a lot of interesting guys staring at this immature little world. Then, she followed her curiosity and took advantage of those The guys didn't pay attention, simply opened a 'door' with ease and slipped in.

She said that it is not difficult to sneak into other people's world, whether it is owned or unowned, and whether it is fortified or undefended, then nothing can stop her!

"anyone there?"

|?˙?˙) Hello?

Annie, who had just finished her trip to the mainland of Alusaria, sneaked her head out of the plane portal, and whispered to the dark surrounding environment.


She waited for a while, this dark, tattered, dirty and messy looking building that looked like a church, there was only her crisp voice echoing, and No one responded to her question just now.



"If there is no objection, that person will come in!"

??('?'?)??? Ha!

As soon as she finished speaking, regardless of whether anyone answered or not, Annie jumped in from the portal and closed the portal with a wave of her hand, so as not to be caught by those on the floating island in Alusaria. The guys spotted and followed.



"Looks like a broken and abandoned church..."


"Then there must be no one!"


Looking left and right, when she saw the specific situation of the place where she was, Annie didn't bother, she just took her little bear and strode towards the open space in front of her.

"Uh huh..."


Annie is happy now!

Because ah, she finally got rid of the entanglement Illya, Tohsaka Rin, Tohsaka Sakura, and Luvia, the four little guys!

Those idiots actually wanted to secretly conspire to contain her after the game, and also wanted her Queen Anne to lift the prohibition that they couldn't grow up, how could she let them easily Succeed?

Anyway, Her Lady Queen Anne will definitely never let her little apprentices grow up, and she will definitely never let them grow taller than her teacher, even if Not at all!


(● ̄? ̄●)



"What does this taste like?"


Suddenly, Annie, who had only taken a few steps forward, stopped and began to stretch her neck to sniff something in the air.

"Is it the smell of blood?"


"No way?"


Yes, Annie faintly smelled the faint smell of blood floating in the air, so it was definitely not wrong.



So, she had to stop and change direction, and walked slowly towards the place with a faint smell of blood.

"anyone there?"


It didn't take long for Annie to walk to a broken gate, and saw a woman in a taupe robe covered with scarlet blood, lying motionless, leaning against the wall.


!? (?\'\'??)?

"Looks like a witch..."


After walking to the place where the other party was full of tattered wooden boards, floating dust, cobwebs and other debris and looking at it for a while, Annie looked at the other party's body, oh no, it was the residual magic power in the corpse and the other party's hand that was broken into two pieces. The identity of the other party was basically determined on his wand, and he looked left and right for the first time.

It's a pity that there are no other people or monsters here except the corpse of the other party, and there are no traces of those fighting.

"It's so pathetic..."


When she saw clearly that the other party was a young witch with a good face and a slender figure, but at this moment she was lying on the wall with her round eyes and looked dead, Annie could not help but sighed slightly.



"Is there any words here?"


Immediately afterwards, Annie saw a line of shining magic words written with magic power in front of the witch's body.

"Let people see..."




"Even if the guidance is already broken, please become the king of Eldon?"


Blinking, Annie whispered the line of words written by the witch with her last magic power before she died.

Words from another world, of course, can't trouble Annie. In fact, no matter whether it's words or other things that can convey ideas, even some ancient runes can't trouble her!


Almost everyone who knew her knew that Her Lady Queen Anne was the most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most. The most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most The most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most The most powerful Arcane Archmage!


(● ̄? ̄●)



"King Eldon?"


Arms folded, Annie began to frown and ponder her lovely brows.

Obviously, she didn't know what the last words left by the other party meant, and she didn't know what the other party wanted to express. She didn't even know who the other party wanted to leave this line of last words.

"never mind!"

ε=('ο'*))) alas

"Don't care about her!"


However, after thinking about it for a while, Annie quickly gave up.

When she didn't know and didn't know why the other party died, she wouldn't just take care of other people's business affairs!

So, after reading and being pitiful, she turned her head resolutely and walked towards the closed wooden door.

"She should have escaped from outside..."


"The blood hasn't completely coagulated yet..."


"That is to say..."


"The attacker, most likely still outside?"


Looking at the blood on the ground and the **** handprints on the door, Detective Annie still doesn't know what happened here?

Therefore, she ignored the corpse of the witch lady and walked to the wooden door.


??(?? ̄? ̄)????

Staring at the iron-clad wooden door, Annie slowly stretched out her hand.


Then, she didn't even need to use any spell or magic, it was just an action, a thought, the door that looked very thick and could even block an enemy outside, was slowly invisible. 's big hand pushed it away.



As soon as she came out, Annie couldn't help exclaiming.

She saw that in addition to the fresh blood on the ground, there was also the misty sky, the broken bridge, the broken plank road, and some chaotic building fragments, as if it had been burned or experienced. Like war.

Of course, the most important reason why she exclaimed was that she actually saw: In the sky in the distance, there was a huge, emitting golden light, and it seemed that even the leaves were golden and huge. To the terrifying golden tree that can cover half the world in the sky, so that the stars and the sun cannot be seen at all?

"Is it the World Tree?"


"Hou Wang Chapel?"


Looking back at the building behind her, Annie soon saw the location information on a crooked stone inscription.

Of course, that doesn't matter!

Whether it's the Golden World Tree or any Houwang Chapel, it has nothing to do with Annie. She just passed by and came here to watch the excitement and rarity. As for other things, she didn't want to worry about it!

"Is it down there?"


She glanced at the blood on the ground, and then glanced at the huge golden tree in the distance. Then, Annie thought about it, and then she stopped thinking about it, and went directly along the broken wood. The plank road jumped down the mountain.


∑('△')? !

Just after walking over a wooden ropeway bridge, Annie saw it. There seemed to be a line of shiny magic hair on it, and it seemed that it was written by the dead witch lady just now?

"Finger, finger, if there is a cave..."




"What does 'finger' mean?"


Annie said that she was a little baffled and had no idea what the other party had written these words for.



"Looks like there's more over there!"


Soon, Annie jumped to the front again, and found another line of small print on the ground.

"It's like a dream..."


"Ayrdon Circle, Ayrdon Circle..."




This time, Annie was even more puzzled, because she had seen the word 'Elden' twice already.



At this time, without waiting for Annie to figure out the real purpose of those writings, she actually saw that in front of her, there was a guy lying on the ground beside a puddle full of rain, and he didn't move?



Annie walked over and kicked each other with her toes.

"Looks like he's really dead..."


"never mind!"

ε=('ο'*))) alas

"Then people will send kindness and help you idiots!"


First, the corpse of a witch was found in the abandoned Monkey King Chapel, and then, the corpse of a strange guy was found here. Although Annie didn't know the connection between the two, it didn't Get in the way of her plan to help these two guys.



With a wave of her hand, Annie threw a flame to the dead man lying on the ground with his face on the ground motionless, and the flames quickly spread.

That's right, the help Annie just said was to help cremate the bodies of these cursed guys!

That's easy, as long as it is burnt to ashes, as for the complicated thing that wants her to dig a pit and bury it, it is definitely impossible.

boom! !

Suddenly, Annie was setting fire to the corpse that was lying on the ground. When she watched the other party turn into ashes and dissipate in the air, it was very abrupt that something suddenly fell in front of the statue in front of her. .


!? (?\'\'??)?

When the other party slowly stood up, she saw that it was a monster with several feet and several hands that looked like a spider, but held a sword and a shield in its hands.



"Who are you?!"


Annie, who was taken aback by the other party, glanced at the other party with a coquettish glare of course after seeing it clearly.



"It turned out to be ugly..."


"Wow! It stinks! It stinks!"

ミ ●﹏☉ミ

Then, in the next second, Annie directly pinched her little nose and hurriedly took a few steps back.

Because ah, she could see clearly, the other party seems to have a human body, and those extra hands and feet seem to be put together randomly, and because of the poor patchwork and lack of artistic sense, the other party's whole body All began to distort and deform, and the body still emits bursts of foul odor?

"People warn you!"


"Don't come here!"


Annie said that she disliked the ugly people in front of her very much, so while pinching her nose and stepping back, she did not forget to warn the other party.

Although she could see that the other party must be the culprit who killed the guy she burned just now and the witch lady in the Houwang Chapel, but she didn't want to take care of that kind of thing, as long as the other party didn't come to her and trouble her. If you stay away from her, maybe she doesn't see it at all?


"The fader..."


Roar! ! ! !

However, the other party did not mean to appreciate it. Instead, he roared after saying a few vague words. While sending out bursts of absorbing air and sound waves to shock Annie, he directly waved his hand. Two sharp arrows and the golden shield rushed up.

"The fader?"


Annie didn't know what the "fader" meant by the other party's words, but that didn't prevent her from cleaning up any guy who dared to touch her Queen Anne's bad luck.



Jiao snorted, and as soon as she stretched out her hand, Annie grabbed a bright red sword condensed by flames, and then, when the other party rushed up and was still several meters away from her, the sword in her hand suddenly became violent. It was twenty or thirty meters long, and before the opponent was caught off guard, he immediately chopped off the opponent's ugly head and body,

Swish! ! !

In the next instant, the ugly monster and the huge goddess statue behind the opponent were cut out by the flame sword in Annie's hand, and a red molten trace was cut out from rumbling rumbling...


At the same time that the huge goddess statue was chopped in half and collapsed directly, making bursts of rumbling noises, the ugly monster also fell to the ground. It was burnt to a reddish charred black appearance, and even made bursts of 'zizi' oil.



"It smells bad! It's disgusting!!"


The other party was very stinky and stinky, but now it's better, in the stench, there is even a trace of burnt aroma of meat, and the two kinds of smells mixed together, and Annie was defeated directly.

So, without thinking about it, she turned around and was about to walk towards the huge courtyard gate in front of her, intending to leave here first.


Suddenly, without waiting for Annie to run far, a clear voice came, forcing her to stop and subconsciously turn her head to look at the place where the voice came from.


∑('△')? !

When Annie turned her head, she saw that it was a beautiful young lady riding on the back of a wildebeest, with a cape on her body and head, and only a little bit of her cheeks could be seen.


"I see, are you the person Torrett is looking for?"

"Powerful stargazer."


"The fader?"

He looked at Annie, then at the statue of Eternal Queen Malika who had just been cut in half by Annie's sword, and the descendant of the 'limb' aristocrat. The visitor hesitated for a while before using the crisp, gentle, yet reassuring expression. asked in a hollow voice.


(?ω?)? New world, old man ring, ask for a monthly pass?

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