Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1826: (?·??·??) The easiest way

"Let's go~?"

?*. ?(^?^*)??*.

Annie was sitting on Tibbers' shoulders and walking towards the arena.

Because, today, the quarterfinals of the game will be decided in the form of points, and she has not been to watch the game for the past two days, and she has been complained by Mikoto and Tohsaka Rin many times. Under the supervision, she reluctantly decided to stop running around for the time being, but go to watch the game, and cheer on her friends or students at the right time, or ridicule and fall into trouble or something?


(● ̄? ̄●)

Tibbers strode forward with his thick bear paws, and naturally on his shoulders was the nasty and restless little master of his family.

At this moment, the other's two tender white legs were constantly dangling in front of its chest.

And behind it were Hermione and Irena who were following like a foreman.

Along the way, the soldiers, guards or people of all ethnic groups that they encountered all stepped aside and respectfully saluted her.

However, Annie didn't pay attention to those people. She only walked for a while, then suddenly curiously leaned her body on Tibbs' shoulders and turned her head, towards Hermione and Irena who were lined up behind her. The two asked curiously:



"Irena, and Hermione, you two are reconciled, right?"


Looking at Hermione and Irena, who still had some bruises on their faces, but could walk together, Annie expressed a little surprise.

Because ah, they fought so hard at that time, according to what she thought, at least there would be a few days of cold war, and then it would stop after a few more games.

"That's right!"

"Is that so?"

Hermione and Irena spoke in unison.

However, after speaking, the two of them looked at each other in a little surprise, and then quickly turned their heads away from each other.

No wonder!

After all, Irena and Hermione lived in the same big bedroom, as the so-called bedside fights and the bedside closes together. Since they didn't fight directly, it has proved that the two must be reconciled.

"So fast?"


"Why don't you guys try to fight again?"


"Or, they will let those guys open a separate arena sub-plane for you, and let you play a game, how?"


As she spoke, Annie began to encourage her with all her might.

Because, she suddenly felt that it would be more fun to stand with the bruised Hermione and the bruised Irena?

And, in that case, no one would interfere with her and stare at her, making her have to go to the game.

You must know that Annie originally planned to wait until the finals. After all, there are still many games before the finals, and those guys are fighting and killing, nothing new at all, she has long been tired of watching it.

"Do not!"


Unfortunately, Hermione and Irena both rejected the proposal without any hesitation.

If they want to fight, they have the more convenient and safe small arena model of a certain Bear Tibbers, and these days, they have already competed several times, and their anger has basically disappeared, although they still occasionally have some The Cold War, however, is no longer the same as before.

"Is that so?"


"That's a pity!"

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Annie expressed a little regret, but she didn't say much, just turned around and continued to sit on the shoulders of the little bear and continued to walk forward.


"I heard that one of your friends seems to have reached the round of sixteen, right?"

"Is he really that good?"

While walking, Irena, who felt a little bored, suddenly asked, and took the initiative to start a topic with Hermione next to her.


"how to say?"


First startled, then, realizing who Irena was asking, Hermione hesitated for a while, then shook her head hesitantly and sighed, and finally said nothing.



"Hermione's friend?"


"who is it?"


At this moment, Annie suddenly turned around and asked. Obviously, she had been paying attention to the situation of the two people behind her, so she was also very interested in Irena's question.

Two nights ago, she also glanced at the list of the top sixteen. After all, at that time, Illya had used magic to directly manifest the list and floated it into the air, so that it was difficult for her to look at it.

However, at that time, she only saw the names of Misaka Mikoto, Tohsaka Rin, and Illya. As for the others, she swept them away without paying too much attention.

"What's one called Luo..."


"It's Ron Weasley!!"

Irena thought about it for a while, and then called out the name of the one who broke into the top sixteen accurately.



"It turned out to be that idiot..."


Hearing that it was Ron, Annie lost interest in an instant, and turned her head straight away.


"Mr. Anne, do you know that Ron too?"

"he is great?"

Seeing the reaction of the little girl teacher in front, and looking at the frowning pretty face of her friend Hermione next to her, Irena couldn't help but be more interested, and hurriedly continued to ask.



Annie looked hesitant, as if she didn't know how to explain it, or what kind of wording would be more appropriate.

"How could it be so powerful?"


"Irena, you don't know yet, do you?"


"When he was a professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry that year, Ron, he was the dumbest and worst poor student in the class, no one!"


Annie began to speak plausibly, and with particular emphasis.


(● ̄? ̄●)



"And also the eliminated Harry!"

??(?? ̄?? ̄?)????

"Both of them are poor students, and they always like to copy Hermione's homework, and they think they can't see it?"


Annie recalled with some disdain.

She remembered some interesting things, and while leading the way, she began to count one by one.

For example, in addition to the fact that the other party and the scarhead always like to copy Hermione's homework, they are too stupid. They don't like to listen to lectures or take notes in class. They always like to shirk their responsibilities and self-righteousness. Mandela grass roots and almost killed himself etc.

In short, there are too many glorious deeds of the other party, and Annie can't bear to say too much.


"It's a poor student..."

With round eyes, Irena expressed a little surprise.

For a gifted girl who was born in a country of peace, passed the magic test at the age of fourteen, and obtained the title of the highest "witch" among magicians at the age of fifteen, such a poor student could enter that competition. The top sixteen was indeed a bit subversive of her imagination and beyond her expectations.


"Mr. Anne, Ron is actually not as bad as you said..."

"He's been pretty good in some ways."

Seeing that Ron was so unbearable in Professor Anne's eyes, although Hermione was willing to defend herself, she couldn't think of a suitable reason for a long time, so she only protested weakly.



"Maybe it's really not that bad, but it's still relatively bad in general!"


Annie grimaced, then turned her head back and sat back, happily dangling her feet.


Hermione didn't refute, just sighed and lowered her head.

Because ah, thinking about it, Hermione also felt that what their professor Anne said was indeed true, Ron and Harry were indeed quite tossing, and sometimes they were bad enough.

Just like now, Harry has become more and more promiscuous, and Ron is even more exaggerated. He still doesn't like to listen to his own advice, and goes directly on the road of illegally using the Unforgivable Curse. I don't know how to explain it to Professor Dumbledore, Mr. Weasley and Mrs. Weasley after returning home.

If she knew this was the case, she should have been ruthless and not bring him here.

Of course!

And Harry, too, look at what the other party has done since they came here, those two guys, it's like they're worse than each other, and they're just as bad as each other, sometimes just thinking about her makes her mad .



"Looking at your appearance, that Ron, there must be other reasons why he was able to reach the top sixteen, and he is even reaching the top eight now?"

Seeing Hermione's expression, how could a genius such as Irena still be unable to guess the reason?

So, she traveled every day before and hardly watched the game, so she hurriedly asked curiously, and wanted to know what could make a poor student perform so well and make it to the quarterfinals.

"Hurry up and talk about it?"

"Say it!"

Rarely, Irena started to act like a spoiled child.

After all, if you ask yourself, Irena herself would not be able to guarantee that she would be better than that person, and she would also not be able to guarantee that she would make it to the top sixteen. There are factors such as luck and spot play.

"What else could be the reason?"

"Don't you know most of the spells of our Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?"

"Can't you figure it out?"

Hermione didn't answer, just asked back with a wry smile.

She knows that Irena once got a copy of "Hogwarts Spells" in the hands of their professor Anne, and also obtained the guidance of a big lich, compared to her Hermione also obtained the same For Hogwarts and the witches of Dalaran inheritance, it is not inferior at all.

Of course, she also had a magic book from Professor Anne, but most of the things in there were still incomprehensible to Hermione, even if it was said that it was just a note that Professor Anne took when she was four or five years old.

"The Hogwarts spell?"

"let me see……"

Irena began to frown and ponder.


"Could it be the death curse that can't block the defense directly, the 'Avada Suo' that robs the soul?"

It didn't take long for a genius such as Irena to figure out what spell could make a poor student achieve that level, and asked in exclamation.

Because, Hermione seemed to have discussed the spell with her one night before, and at that time she thought it was just a normal academic discussion, but now, she finally knows why, and finally understands why Hermione has Min's mood was a little bit low.

"Is he crazy?"

"Don't he know that magic is equivalent, forcibly depriving the soul of the enemy, doesn't he worry that he will pay something?"

So, while exclaiming, Irena cast a shocked and worried look at Hermione.

Her understanding of magic and the direction of her research were somewhat different from Hermione.

Hermione thinks that using 'Avada Suomin' at will to deprive other people's souls, and let other people's souls stay by her side, even in her own wand, is a very dangerous thing, and it is very likely to cause harm to her. Contaminate your own soul, and that is probably an irreversible crazy practice?

And what Illya thinks more about is the magic basic principle of 'fair exchange'.

When she thinks about it, the reason why that spell can use a little magic and negative emotions, such as killing intent, pain, hatred and fear, etc., can forcibly ignore defenses and deprive a person's soul, it is definitely not like the surface of the spell. It looks so simple!

She thinks, it is likely that in addition to the superficial magic, there is more, some other intangible thing to pay?

As for what to pay, Irena doesn't know for the time being.

After all, she is only in her teens, even if she is indeed a person with the beauty of the closed moon, the beauty of the fish and the geese, and the most talented mind in the country of peace.

"it's useless!"

"I persuaded him, but he didn't listen..."


"Not only did he not listen, he also fell out with me and Harry directly. I don't know what he was doing these days, or where he went!"

As she spoke, Hermione grew even more frustrated.

Well now, her two most important friends, Harry is busy chasing the pandaren girl, but Ron is frantically using the death curse to harvest souls, what will happen to the two of them in the future, she both Kind of hard to imagine.



"Is there anything you can do about that spell, which is the 'Avada Suomin'?"

"Of course!"

"I'm referring to the way to treat sequelae!"

Looking at Hermione's appearance, Irena seemed to feel a little bit of empathy, and then, unable to bear her friend's entanglement and pain, she suddenly opened her mouth and asked the poor little girl teacher who was leading the way.

For the death curse, defense is not difficult, it is nothing more than using a treasure or animal with a soul, or even a human being to block it.

Unfortunately, when you want to find some small animals or other people to help you block, it is not an easy task, so you can only forcibly avoid it.

But unfortunately, when Irena wanted to come, that Ron's opponents must not have thought that the nature of the spell was like that, so they would be planted in the opponent's hands again and again.

"Avada Kedavra?"


"Do you want to point out its negative effects?"


Annie, who was sitting on Tibbers' shoulders, turned her head, scratched her head, and asked with a wink.

"Of course!"

"Are we talking about something else?"

Irina asked as a matter of course, with a look of anticipation.

She knew that, although the poor little girl teacher in front of her was lazy, lazy, playful, playful, and didn't like taking responsibility, the other party's knowledge was still very good.


Back then, when she was studying in the forest outside the Peaceful Land, those teachers Kel'Thuzad or Fran couldn't explain or only knew little about magic knowledge. She would always get one that would let the two people ask for it. The teachers were amazed.

"Professor Anne?"

"Is there anything you can do?"

Hermione also waited expectantly.

These days, she actually wanted to ask for a long time, but Since Ron is not the guy that Professor Anne likes, so she thought about waiting for the end of the game, and waiting for a suitable time, such as waiting for the moment Do you ask the professor when he's a little happier?

And now, since Irena has already spoken, of course she doesn't want to wait any longer.





"Well, there must be a way!"


After thinking about it, maybe in just a second or two, Annie came up with a relatively simple and reliable one from the countless methods.

As the saying goes, as long as the thinking does not slip, the difficulties are always better than the solutions... No, the solutions are always more difficult than the difficulties?

And who is Her Lady Queen Anne, she is the most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most... The most powerful super arcane mage!

So, how could such a small problem be difficult for her?


"What is it?"



They were all shocked, and then, Irena and Hermione first glanced at each other, and then they were both excited and urgently asked in unison.

"It's very simple!"


"The way is..."


"Kill him!!!"


With fierce light in her eyes, Annie, who was still smiling at first, suddenly straightened her face and told Irena and Hermione the 'simple' way to make their backs feel cold.


(● ̄? ̄●)


('??︿??\')つ Remember the monthly pass

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