Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1806: ?(*?)?The contest starts

Today, in the valley outside Yinyue City on the floating island, that is, inside and outside the huge arena, there are more and more crowded pedestrians coming and going than before. The number is probably the sum of the previous days. The sum of the number is that much?


Today, the 'peace' conference concerning the fate and future of the Alusaria continent finally officially begins.

The conference will be held in a fair, open and just competition, and the final winner will gain the power to decide the future destiny of this side of the world!

However, the final winner only has the power to decide certain details, and cannot ultimately change the advent of the world of Azeroth and the peaceful reorganization of this world, making it a new world where all races can coexist peacefully. fact.

Of course, even then, it is enough for all the contestants to sharpen their knives and prepare to compete for the supreme honor and supreme power.

As of the end of registration yesterday, even after the selection, the number of players who can participate is still more than 10,000. Therefore, the first day of today and the next few days will be organized in groups, sections and scattered.

With the support of Azshara and a certain poor little girl, the huge arena was directly split into a hundred parallel subplanes by the space magicians of the Highborne. Players and at least hundreds of thousands of spectators saw a series of exciting battles today and finally decided about a thousand or so winners to enter the next round.


At this time, Gnier was wearing a gorgeous gold armor, sitting in his game preparation room with his spear in his arms, and beside him, his friends Matthew and Ameida were two.

"Do not worry!"

"Gernier, you must be fine!"

"We are very optimistic about you!"

Ameida grimaced, cheering her best friend up, trying to get Gnier to relax a little, without acting so nervous or worried.

"Yeah, Genier, don't worry!"

"In the first round, you won't encounter mages or other professionals, and you still have a great chance to win."

Matthew also tried his best to comfort him.

Although, he himself was easily eliminated by an orc from the Azeroth tribe with a single charge and beheaded in the second game, but that did not prevent him from giving his friend Gnir a reward. Verbal support and encouragement.


"How can I be at ease?"

"I'm a dragon knight, is it fair that they don't let my dragon participate?"

"I protest!"

"I object!!"


Gernier stood up and shouted hysterically.

It's a pity that apart from his two friends, there is no one else here, so he quickly sat back down again.



Ameida smiled dryly, and then, not knowing what to say, she had to look at Matthew next to him and gestured with her eyes.

"It's impossible."

"Gernier, you also know that your dragon is too strong. If you play together, then no one else has to fight. How many players can slay dragons alone?"

"Stop talking about dragons."

"Even the holy sword Rangulisa I got back, didn't they let me play?"

"Calm down and prepare for the game!"

"Let me see……"

"The next match is coming to you, but I don't know who your opponent will be?"

Looking at the magic subtitles on the wall, Matthew explained with a wry smile while comforting Gernier.

In general, the game is indeed relatively fair, just and open. Except for weapons and armors within a certain level, players cannot bring other things, even mounts, such as Gnir's dragon and Matthew. He couldn't bring his own holy sword, so he could only go to the arena's armory and choose a long sword that was handy.


In just one round, the furious orc, the green-skinned orc named Varok Saurfang, charged over and smashed it to the ground with an axe.

That axe, not to mention how painful it is.

Of course, Matthew didn't tell Gnier about the pain, so as not to affect the opponent's fighting spirit and confidence.


Gnir just wanted to say something, but when he saw the magic subtitle prompt on the wall and saw a portal appeared on the wall at the same time, he hurriedly jumped up and took a deep breath .

"Stop talking!"

"It's time for me to play!"

"Don't worry, I will do my best!"

After he finished speaking, he gave himself a boost and calmed down before he clenched the long spear in his hand, held it upside down behind him, and walked in step by step towards the portal.


The next second, Gnier discovered that he had been teleported to the center of the huge arena, and fifty paces away on the opposite side, stood a man wearing dark blue armor with gold inlaid, with a red one on his waist. A middle-aged uncle with two long blades in black, blond hair covering half of his face, and a strange hair accessory on his head.



Seeing the other party, Gernier secretly murmured in his heart.

Because he has many years of experience as a mercenary, but he can see it at a glance, a middle-aged uncle like that, no matter what the other party did before, he is the kind of guy with rich experience and skilled combat skills, and ah, The opponent's physical strength and strength are also at their peak, which is very difficult to deal with!

'Wow la la~! ! ’

'Woooo! ! ! ’

‘Ahhh! ! ! ’

'Yeah! ! ! ’


Immediately afterwards, after seeing the players on the field clearly, the spectators in the arena auditorium who were watching the game on this plane began to cheer and howl loudly.

However, I don't know if it was because of magic or something else, so Gnier couldn't hear what the audience was shouting.

"Please prepare the two players!"

"The game will officially start in three minutes!"





A pandaren referee appeared in the middle of the two. He first said a few words and then disappeared in an instant. Instead, he appeared in the position where the magic numbers were being counted down.


"My name is Garnier!"

"It's a dragon knight!"

First stared at the other party for a while, Gnier didn't take the initiative to step forward, and he didn't step back. He just took a slow breath, and then he was full of anger and said his name aloud.

"I know you……"


"Where's your dragon?"

After hearing Gnier's introduction, the uncle on the opposite side nodded, and then asked cautiously and hesitantly.


"They won't let my dragon compete..."

"Said to be……"

"Is it unfair?"

Gernier was startled, and then said in frustration.

To be honest, if he had known that the game was like this and he couldn't let his mount participate, maybe he wouldn't have signed up for it.

"I see!"

"That's right, they don't seem to let my mount in."

The uncle on the opposite side nodded in relief, and gave Gernier a reassuring smile.


"What's your mount?"

"Is it a dragon too?"

Hearing that the other party also had a mount, he first blinked, thinking that the dragon knights were all assigned to the same group, and asked curiously.

"Not a dragon!"

"It's a war horse that has accompanied me for more than ten years, and was born and fought with me in the battlefield."

"It's a very good warhorse!"

The blond uncle on the opposite side laughed heartily, and introduced his mount without any hesitation. He didn't feel inferior at all because his mount was a horse.


"Ten, ten years?!"

"War horse?"

Sure enough, the bad premonition in Gnier's heart became stronger, and he felt that his judgment just now was correct, and that kind of middle-aged guy must be difficult to deal with.

Because, he heard that the other party turned out to be an experienced knight? !


"Although it is a bit old, yes, it is still very strong and very trustworthy. I even have a little doubt that it may have some kind of magical bloodline?"

The blond uncle across from him didn't mind at all and continued to chat with Gnier.



"Who are you?"

Gernier suddenly thought of a more serious question, and asked with some trepidation.


"you do not know me?"

This time, it was the uncle's turn to be surprised.

"Of course I don't know!"


"Have we met before?"

Gernier scratched his head, thinking that he had seen each other somewhere, and then accidentally forgot something.


"Then introduce yourself!"

"Leon, the leader of the Blue Dragon Knights of the Rekaert Empire!"

"I have seen your Excellency!"

After being silent for a while, Leon drew out a long sword from his waist, and held a weapon in his hand to pay respect to Gnier before introducing himself loudly.


"Lee, Leon?!"

"Great, great... the strongest first knight in the continent?!"

In the next instant, Gnier exclaimed directly, so that even the nasal vibrato came out.

"it's me!"

"However, the number one in mainland China, that's someone else's compliment, don't you dare to take it?"

Leon was humble, but his chest involuntarily stood up, and his waist was straighter, but there was no hint of humility in his actions.

In fact, he is the strongest knight in the mainland, not to mention that there is no giant dragon in Gnir now, even if there is a giant dragon, he dares to rush over and fight!



Gernier swallowed hard, his back felt a chill, and he was also secretly thinking that something was wrong.

"I heard about you."

"The dragon knight Genir has been very active during this period of time. He has single-handedly eliminated thousands of demons and rescued countless villagers. He is known as the strongest dragon knight in the mainland!"

After introducing himself, the uncle Leon opposite sighed and praised Gnier, and was very proud of being able to compete with another "first" here today.


"I really don't dare to be..."

Gernier actually wanted to say that the things he did were all the credit of the giant dragon. He was just riding on the back of the giant dragon and showing off his might. Is it really not as powerful as the other party imagined?


"Please don't worry!"

"Later, I will definitely do my best, and I will never disappoint Your Excellency!"

When Leon saw the phantom of the referee appear again, and saw that the countdown number was close to single digits, knowing that the game was about to start soon, he thought about it, and then pulled out the other one from his waist. A long sword, let the red and black swords be in the hand, ready for the next battle.


If possible, Gnier really wanted to say loudly to the other party: Please let him down? Must not go all out?





'Game start! ’

Swish! !

At the moment when the magic words disappeared and the shackles on each other were cleared, Leon moved decisively and disappeared, dashing towards Gnir at a very fast speed.


A cold light comes first...

puff! !

Scarlet blood spurted out directly from Genier's neck, but for some reason, the neck under his head seemed to be protected by something, and it wasn't cut off on the spot?

"competition is over!"

"Leon contestant wins!"



"Paladins, priests, save people!!"

With the appearance of the referee and an exclamation, a group of paladins and priests were soon teleported to the side of Genir, who was in a trance, was on the verge of death, and was about to go out of his body.


Immediately afterwards, a familiar warm white light flashed past, and Gnier soon found that his neck gradually became less sore.


"Why don't you resist?!"

Before passing out of a coma, Gnir only heard the strongest knight in the continent, who was standing not far away, turning his head in confusion and asking that sentence.


If he could speak, Gnier would definitely say loudly: He had thought about resisting, but you were so fast that he really couldn't react...

It's a pity that Gnier barely opened his mouth, his head tilted, and he passed out gorgeously due to excessive blood loss, and was quickly teleported away from the scene of the game.



"Are you OK?"


In the preparation room, Matthew and Ameida, who had just witnessed the 'wonderful' moment, exclaimed in unison, rushed to the side of the teleported Gnir, and looked at the paladins. With the priests for his final treatment.


At this time, among the many arenas, two wizards were also preparing for their duel.


"I'm the mage who fought on behalf of the kingdom of Karthus, Hein!"

"I'm still just an apprentice, please give me more advice?"

With blue hair and a hearty smile, Hein held his wand and bowed to a wizard with a short wand in his left hand opposite him and introduced himself.

The secret magic staff in his hand was obtained in the war preparation room. It was much better than the magician's staff before, so he used it directly, and he was more interested in this game. A bit of confidence.


"I'm a seventh year student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry Potter!"

Harry didn't know the other party's etiquette, so he just held up his wand and bowed to the other party in the duel of their wizards in the wizarding world.


"Are you a student at the Magic Academy?"


"You must be very good and know a lot of magic, right?"

Hein was immediately amazed.

Although he doesn't know where the 'Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry' is, that doesn't stop him from envying the other party, because all of his Hein magic is learned a little here, a little there, and then put together a wild way .

Although, he has only recently worshipped the legendary great magician Jessica as his teacher, but because the great magician has always been busy, he went to the realm of the gods not long ago, and he has not seen it since then, and he has not been able to learn from the other party. He has learned too much useful magic knowledge from him, so he still admires and admires Mr. Potter who can learn magic in a regular magic academy.


"Should it be?"

Harry scratched his head, replying somewhat awkwardly.

However, although the other party took the initiative to get close to him, he did not intend to relax his vigilance. Instead, he cautiously stretched his empty right hand into his trouser pocket for the first time.

Because, the time for the game is coming soon, and the duel between wizards, the speed of the shot is the key, for Harry, who has experienced actual combat, he will not make the mistake of underestimating the enemy.


At this time, Hein, who wanted to say something, suddenly closed his mouth, because, as he also saw, the countdown time was about to come.




'Game start! ’


It's too late to say it, and the moment some rules are released, the magic power of Hein begins to run wildly. He doesn't even look at the Mr. Potter on the opposite side, but intends to sing the shortest one that he is best at first. 's Pyroblast to pre-empt.


He had just finished singing the second byte, but when he looked up, he saw in amazement that the other party did not prepare magic, but took out a strange black thing from his arms and aimed it at him.

Bah! !

The next second, with the flash of the black thing, Hein only felt a sharp pain in his forehead, and then, while the sky was spinning, he fell directly to the ground, not knowing anything.


"Ron! Look!"

"I'll just say, this thing is much better than a wand!"

As Hein collapsed, and as the paladins and priests appeared and began to rescue, Harry raised the dwarven musket in his hand from the arsenal of war preparations.

You know, Harry has lived in the house of his uncle who is a Muggle for more than ten years. He knows the power of firearms better than anyone else, and also knows the great threat that firearms can bring when wizards are not prepared. Therefore, it is necessary to Knowing that he could not use any magic in advance before the game, and that the magic power would be imprisoned, he directly put such a thing in his pocket.

Although he knows a lot of magic spells himself, and can also cast spells silently and without a stick, no matter what, the speed of casting spells must be faster without raising his hand and pulling the trigger.

Is this not?

The mage apprentice Hain on the opposite side, the mage who didn't know which world he was from, was planted now, and he killed him with a shot before he had time to cast the spell, allowing him to advance smoothly.


In a VIP room in the arena, Queen Azshara was sitting with Annie, watching the ongoing match through the magic screens, and then, of course, they also saw the duel between Harry and Hein.



"Your students are so funny!"

Then, of course, Azshara turned her head and teased the nasty little girl beside her.



"They are not other people's students, leave them alone!"


Annie said that although she had taught that Scarhead and that idiot Hain, she just taught them, and there was really nothing more to do with them, so she didn't care about their performance!

And the scar head is a little clever, but against a real archmage or warrior, that kind of trick is definitely useless, so she turned off the magic screen with a wave of her hand and turned on the other one. one of.

Immediately afterwards, both Azshara and Annie saw that in the newly opened real-time broadcast magic screen, a girl in a school uniform was holding a coin in her hand and confronting a bad old man. More than two Ah! "


"It's Mikoto-san, it's fun!!"

(? ̄?? ̄??)??°


(??~??) Chew~!

After switching to the channel screen that she wanted to watch more, Annie quickly grabbed the popcorn that was on the table for the two of them, and then sat cross-legged in her seat, looking forward to the next meal while eating. wonderful perfomance.


"Is this your student?"

Looking at the girl in the strange costume in the picture, and then at the little girl beside her who was looking forward to it, Azshara nodded with a little interest.



"It doesn't count, it's just a friend!"


Her Queen Anne's students are a few other little guys, but they all seem to have advanced. Their opponents are not very good, and they are not worth seeing. They must not be compared with Miss Misaka Mikoto and the bad old man opposite the other side. of.

"A friend?"

"All right!"

"Let me wait and see..."

Friends or students, Azshara doesn't matter anyway.

The reason why she proposed to hold this event at the time was just to allow a deeper understanding between the two worlds, and to reduce the intensity of resistance and casualties on the continent of Alusaria.

After all, the Empire of Azeroth is not the Burning Legion, nor is it the Lord of the Void. She does not want to simply use force to tyrannically occupy or attack new worlds, which is not in their interests.



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