Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1803: ?(*?)? Gather together


Tonight, a strong wind suddenly blew on the continent of Alusaria, and the dark clouds in the sky began to move quickly, making the red and blue moons in the sky appear and disappear from time to time.

However, even if there is a strong wind, this floating island at an altitude of 10,000 meters still remains motionless.

It was not blown away by the strong wind, nor did it show any signs of shaking or displacement, just as it was when it was still on the ground, calmly and resolutely like that kind of geostationary orbit satellite, it has been suspended on the ground. It is just above the lake that was formed, and moves synchronously with the planet from west to east.

This is the magic of magic and magic technology, and if people don't go to the edge of the floating island, they will almost never feel that it is actually above the height of 10,000 meters.

At this time, although night has fallen, the magic city is still bustling and bustling. At the top of the most magnificent and domineering Flame Queen Palace in the middle of the floating island, in the 'Sun Well' Under the light of the sun, the people here seem to have forgotten the fact that it is already night, and they are still singing and dancing in the city, as if there is really some kind of celebration here, not the conference that decides the future destiny of the world. .

Of course, that kind of thing doesn't matter anymore, no one thinks about that now because they know it's useless.

And when the Silvermoon City on the floating island, which is almost a complete imitation and re-engraving of the Silvermoon City, was as lively as a festival, in a cozy small restaurant in the magnificent Flame Queen's Palace, there was also a festival being held. A small banquet.

In the luxurious palace, on one side of the long golden oak table, four little girls, Tohsaka Rin, Tohsaka Sakura, Luvia, and Illya, were sitting, while on the other side, Misaka Mikoto, Kuroko Shirai and Index three.

They were taken to the palace in the afternoon and handed over to the fire demon chief, Shan Knox, and were invited here not long ago.

And at this time, on the main seat, it is naturally the master sitting here, the lousy Queen Anne who is looking left and right, and doesn't know what she is thinking.

At this time, the banquet has not yet started, because two important guests have not arrived yet, and the scheduled time has not arrived, so the pandaren chefs have not started to serve the dishes, they can only So you look at me I look at you and stare at each other.

Especially when there was only one battle at noon, Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko, who were already angry, were looking at each other fiercely across the table with Tohsaka Rin, Illya, and Luvia.

To be honest, if it wasn't for a bad little girl who was suppressing the scene right now, or the occasion was a little bit inappropriate, presumably, the two of them would have fought each other again because of their unfriendly eyes. ?



Annie didn't speak, she just blinked and looked at the two groups of people on both sides of the table curiously.

She had already heard about the incident during the day. For the conflicts and misunderstandings between the two sides, she did not intend to resolve them, but was still eagerly guessing in her heart: How long would these guys be able to endure it again? fight?

If there is a real fight, she will definitely promise that she will not try to persuade or help anyone. At most, she will just hand some things to both parties, such as coins, throwing knives, or magic wands. Help as much as possible.



(Tibbers said that if there are so many delicious little humans, if a bad little master doesn’t want to raise it, the uncle Tibbers can reluctantly 'digest' it? Yes, digestion is Digestion, literally, is the kind of plucking clean, putting it in the stomach, and then laughing at the absorption.)





At this time, the three super-beautiful magicians in Fuyuki City were still staring at the student duo from Academy City, ignoring a bad little girl and a worse one at all. What the **** is the stuffed teddy bear thinking?

And if the eyes can be turned into substantial energy and used to kill people, presumably, the five of them would have been killed countless times by each other's fierce eyes at this moment, and completely turned into shattered dust. ?

But unfortunately, eyes can't kill!

At least, so far, neither of them has practiced and exchanged similar magic or obtained abilities similar to eye ray, so the conflict between them has not continued, except that they are still staring at the small. Outside the eyes, there is no further progress.

"we are back!"

"Sorry, the streets are so busy, we almost forgot the time."

At this time, a female school bully Hermione Granger, who looked about sixteen or seventeen years old, was already slim, had a tall figure, a pretty and delicate face, a perfect body curve and a pair of long legs. A travel witch, Irena, who was still stern and angry for some reason, walked quickly to the restaurant.

The two of them met in the morning, and now it looks like they have become good friends, especially if they still have something in common?

For example, they are all geniuses, and the teachers (professors) are all some bad little girls, they all have some inheritance about magic from the other party, and they all have a relationship with the world of Azeroth (different timelines). some connection?

Therefore, when there is a common topic, the age difference is not big, and the strength and appearance are not very different, the witch and the witch naturally come together.


"So many people..."


"Professor Anne, are these all your friends?"

Looking at the large group of little girls present, Hermione was stunned at first, and then, after thinking of some characteristics of her Professor Anne, she quickly came over, and walked generously to the empty table. Sit down in one of the positions, folded his palms and asked with a smile.

"Not at all!"


Annie was a little unhappy.

Because ah, the two guys in front of me came back a little too 'timely', and now they have attracted the attention of both parties.

And if they were a little bit longer at night, maybe, under her instigation and fanning the flames, the two sides would probably fight again, and then treat her as a pre-dinner entertainment show?


(● ̄? ̄●)

"Not at all?"

Hermione was a little surprised.


"Introduce yourself first!"

"I'm Hermione, Hermione Granger, a student from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, about to graduate!"

"Anyway, nice to meet you!"

Anyway, the food hasn't been served yet, so after sitting down, Hermione was the first to speak, and looked at her friends of Professor Anne with a smile.

Of course, isn't it all?

Because the table was a bit big and long, she didn't stand up and shook hands one by one, she just nodded and gestured towards the little girls.


"Tohsaka Sakura!"

"I'm Sister Anne's friend!"

Tohsaka Sakura, who had long been unable to stand the tense atmosphere at the scene, was the first to speak when she saw a kind big sister coming, and only after showing a shy and sweet smile did she spit at Hermione. stuck out his tongue.


"I'm also Anne's friend."

The second person who spoke was the nun Index, who was wearing an ultra-luxurious monastic uniform embroidered with pure white silk and gold thread.

However, it is unknown whether the other party is still a nun or not. However, the 'mobile church' monastic uniform, unless the legendary dragon of St. George comes again, will never be destroyed. At the same time, whether it is physical or magical attack , the clothes that will be completely absorbed by it will still be worn by her.


"Ilya, Ilyasviel von Einzbern!"


"Luvia Celita Edelfelt!"

"Tohsaka Rin!"

"Sakura's sister, by the way, we are also teacher Annie's magic apprentices."

Immediately afterwards, Rin, Illya, and Luvia, who were looking at a certain two guys, all spoke up, while Tohsaka Rin explained one more sentence, and briefly named them and the one who was sitting in the first place. The relationship with that nasty guy who just watched the fun.

"Shiroi Kuroko!"

"Academy City Space Mobility Power, a second-year student of Tokiwadai Middle School."

"Misaka Mikoto!"

"Academy City's Railgun, third-year student of Tokiwadai Middle School."

"We used to be Annie's classmates and roommates!"

Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko also introduced themselves, while Mikoto glanced at the three little girls across the table for the last time before turning her head and saying this to Hermione briefly.

Then, she followed the others and turned her head to look at the last one who didn't say anything. She came in with Hermione before, but now she walked to the seat unhurriedly and was putting down her witch hat. The weird witch .


"All right……"

Seeing that everyone was looking at me, and I found out that I was the only one who didn't introduce myself, I had no choice but to pull out the chair to sit down. Irena stood in front of the table and said proudly:

"You also saw..."

"The me standing in front of you is such a genius who shines with beauty and talent, is not inferior to colorful flowers, is as beautiful and cute as a doll, and passed the witch exam at the age of fourteen - Irena!"

"And the one over there..."

"It's my very irresponsible teacher!"

Irena was not polite. She first introduced herself a few words in a narcissistic manner, and then she revealed her name and her relationship with the nasty little girl sitting on the main seat not far away. , she slowly sat down on the seat that belonged to her.




Hearing this, all the girls present, such as Mikoto, Kuroko, Rin, Illya, and others, all stared with round eyes, their faces full of astonishment. After finishing Irena, she couldn't say a word for a long time.

"Is she a fool?"

"A bit like……"


"Be quiet, don't let her hear you!"

"How can I hear it?"

Then, of course, Tohsaka Rin, Illya, and Luvia gathered together rudely and whispered to each other.


And Irena obviously heard it, and her face gradually became ugly as her eyelids narrowed slightly and a few 'black lines' appeared on her head.


Hermione is already very familiar with Irena, and of course she knows Irena's arrogant and extremely narcissistic character, so she is not too surprised by Irena's self-introduction just now, just a little embarrassed. Just don't go over it.

"Cough cough!"


"Chef Pandaren is serving the food, Irena, and everyone, sit down, I'm a little hungry!"

So, when she saw that the atmosphere at the scene was not right, she hurriedly pretended to cough a few times, and took advantage of the opportunity of the chubby pandaren maids to serve the food, breaking the awkward atmosphere at the scene and regaining everyone's attention. attracted to the table.


"Annie, didn't you invite Ron and Harry?"

While waiting for the dishes to be served, Hermione suddenly looked around and found that the pandaren were all serving the dishes but her friends didn't, so she couldn't help but ask a little strangely.


??(?? ̄? ̄)????

"They're not very familiar with them!"


Annie didn't hide the fact that she deliberately didn't invite those two and felt that there was nothing wrong with that.

The truth is just as she said, a certain scarhead and his friend, stupid Ron, were not invited by her. Tonight, the only people who came here were her Queen Anne's friends and apprentices.

"Is that so?"

"never mind!"

"Never mind them, I've been looking forward to the pandaren feast for a long time!"

After thinking about it, Hermione also felt that it was indeed a little inappropriate to invite Harry and Ron, two outsiders, to this kind of "internal" family dinner, so she nodded as she understood, and did not ask any further questions.

Besides, she knew that Harry was rich and had a lot of Galleons, and coins and banknotes might not be accepted here, but Galleons would definitely be fine, plus the city There are a lot of hotels, hotels and pandaren restaurants, so she wasn't too worried about them going hungry.

Anyway, she believed that in this city, no one would refuse that kind of golden magic gold coins, even the honest and round panda people would be no exception.



Looking at Tohsaka Rin, Tohsaka Sakura, and Illya, suddenly, Annie found that she seemed to have forgotten to summon some other guys, for example, a certain silly lady and another called a saint guy?

"never mind!"

ε=('ο'*))) alas

"That's it!"


After all, it was almost time to eat, so that kind of small problem was quickly forgotten by Annie, and then she directly picked up the chopsticks and prepared to eat dinner, and she had to wait until she was full before talking about anything.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


(???) Looking for a monthly pass?°

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