Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1797: (???) Crumb Witch and Shirley



The huge, fire demon-style appearance of the floating city, but inside is the delicate and luxurious flame queen's palace of Quel'Thalas, its owner Annie is talking to one of her former apprentices, That is, the traveling witch Irena stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

That's right!

Her Lady Queen Anne has always done what she wants to do, and she has always said she will do it!

Is this not?

Seeing that a certain day is getting closer, she finally remembered something she had said before, and then, very rudely, she opened a portal to another world directly, and forcibly and arrogantly took her already Irena, who is a good teacher and a self-proclaimed genius, was captured here.

"I say!"

"Dear Teacher!"

"Don't you want to say something to me?"

For a long time, after seeing that she was staring at a bad little teacher without receiving any indication, Irena spoke first, and just put her hands on her hips, and confronted her teacher in a condescending manner. looked and questioned.



"Say something?"


"But, people don't seem to want to say anything..."


Scratching her face and scratching her head again, Annie asked strangely and innocently, not knowing what the other party meant when she looked at her angrily like that.



"How could there not be?!"


"You summoned me on your own without my consent. Don't you feel ashamed and shouldn't apologize to me first?"

Irena's bulging little **** first heaved several times sharply, and after taking a deep breath, she leaned down, and with her delicate face, leaned in front of Annie, almost nose-to-mouth. The tip of the nose snarled in anger.

Although, the bad little girl in front of her is indeed her mentor, but she, the witch Irena, has already been a teacher, and the badge of Nami's hideous bear-headed witch pinned on her chest is the proof!

Therefore, she, who has already graduated, does not need to be concerned about the so-called most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most Most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most Most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most Thermathematical Master and the moster the moster the most the most best of the most popular teachers who have oluntary hundreds of millions of most than one most)!


Did the other party really do something wrong, did not have her consent, did some mischief and arrogance?



"So that's what you meant?"




"People don't seem to be ashamed!"


Blinking her eyes, she understood why the other party had such a strange expression and tone. Finally, Annie, who came over suddenly, gave her apprentice a big smile, and stretched out her hand very rudely, using what she had just eaten. After passing the bb popcorn, the little hand that was still full of the sweet smell of cream pushed the other person's face away.


"You incompetent bastard!!"

The nose twitched and sniffed several times. Irena, whose face was slightly dull and slightly addicted to the strange sweet fragrance, quickly recovered, and resumed her face, and continued to talk to her Anne. The teacher confronted.

"You really suck!!!"

Irena yelled loudly.

She still remembered that when she was an apprentice, the other party basically didn't teach her magic, but Tibbers the bear taught her, even though that abominable bear spent all day thinking about how to change To eat her in tricks, and she doesn't know any spells at all, but most of her skills are indeed taught by the bear, and the other party is much more competent than a bad little girl who is a teacher.



"But, they have clearly sent you a message before!"


"Didn't you already agree?"



"Where did I agree?"

"When did you hear me say yes?!"

Irena asked back in exasperation.

"I can't possibly agree!!"

It's okay not to say this, she gets angry when she says this!

You know, originally, she had a good time in her world, and she gradually cast her name as the strongest witch, Irena, but in the end, I don't know what happened, she just Suddenly inexplicably received a message from a teacher of a bad little girl, and then, what did she say to prepare her to come here to fight?


"You didn't ask my opinion at all!"

"Absolutely not!!"

Irena was furious and roared directly.

The gods are pitiful, she has been holding back her anger for many days, and today can be regarded as finally having a place to spread.

After all, she is the strongest witch who wears a brooch that shows her identity as a witch and has gray hair. She has both beauty and talent, and at the same time exudes a beautiful light. Even the sun can't help but squint when she sees the strongest witch. How could she follow suit? Just agreeing to the rude and unreasonable request to let her fight with others?

Besides, her learning of magic is just a hobby and a hobby, and occasionally she wants to use magic to help others, but it is definitely not to help each other fight!



"But, if you don't reply, isn't it already the default?"


Startled for a while, then, Annie began to pursed her lips and asked back confidently.


Annie said that she had already sent a message to the Irena in front of her many days ago, and then, as of today, seeing that the other party has not given her feedback for so many days, and expressed the kind of rejection means, then of course she directly regarded it as the other party's acquiescence.

Then, today, after she had eaten and drank enough and thought about it, she directly started to call the other party over.



"I don't reply because I don't know how to reply to you at all!"

"You are in this world, and I am in another!"

"Could it be..."

"You want me to say to the air: I, Irena, don't agree, I firmly disagree, and then you can hear it?!"

Thinking of this, Irena blushed again in an instant, and her heart was full of grievances.

At that time, she wanted to refuse ruthlessly, but the result...

During the half-day she received the message, she tried and tried, thought and thought, racked her brains and exhausted all kinds of methods, but the result was: a bad little girl teacher, the one in front of her. This hateful guy, the other party didn't reserve any way for her to reply to that message at all!

And now, the other party still has the face to say that she Irena didn't reply because she agreed? !



"This is..."


"You can hear it..."


In fact, if she shouted out her Queen Anne's real name in her heart, no matter what world she was in, she would definitely be able to hear it.


Under normal circumstances, if it is not something super important, that kind of boring and complicated information, she will definitely ignore it automatically.

"However, are you sure that people really didn't remember the way to leave you that kind of reply?"


Annie thought for a while, and she was a little unsure, so she asked carefully again with some embarrassment.

"of course not!"


"Just not!!"

Irena continued to speak angrily, her pretty face that was as beautiful as the colorful flowers still looked very angry.





"Do you want to participate in that convention now? It's super fun!"


If you don't remember it, forget it. Anyway, it's the same if you ask it now. That kind of thing is just a small question, and Her Lady Queen Anne will definitely not mind it too much.


"I disagree!!!"

However, to a little surprise from a bad little girl teacher, her best student Irena, with her pretty face, rudely refused her request.


"Ms. Anne!"

"I, Irena will not help you to fight randomly!"

"no way!!!"

Saying that, Irena turned around and strode out of the palace angrily.



"Don't agree, don't agree, why are you angry?"


"Also, what are you doing running around? Don't you want to go back?"

(? ̄? ̄)

Seeing the other party walking straight out, Annie hurriedly asked.

"Come here, I definitely want to see this world!"

"Stop talking!"

"I'm going out for a walk first!"

Saying that, Irena waved her hand behind her without looking back, then opened the ornate wooden door of the palace with hatred, and then sighed in anger under the surprised and curious eyes of the two guarding fire demons outside the door. Walk away.



The fire demons didn't mean to try to stop them, because they saw the bear-shaped witch badge on Irena's chest, which had their Queen Anne's magical breath, and at the same time, they just heard the noise inside. .

Although it doesn't sound too real, since they can quarrel face-to-face with their Queen Anne without making their queen angry, then the identity of the other party must be unusual.



"Irena, don't you think about it anymore?"


"The reward is very generous!!"


Annie was in a hurry, hurriedly ran to the door of the palace, and shouted towards the other side's back while lying on the door.

You know, she told that Azshara that she would call her apprentice to participate, and if the other party didn't participate, where would her Queen Anne's face be?

"Not consider!"

"I said, if you don't participate, you don't participate!"

"It's useless for any reward!!"

Irena continued to stride along the corridor of the palace, and continued to stride out under the curious and suspicious eyes of those flame guards.

"I'm a travel witch, I like to watch everything, but I don't get involved easily!"

"Don't ask me for this kind of thing in the future!"

"I'm not some boring battle witch!"


After saying that last sentence, Irena, who was walking very loudly, disappeared at the corner of the corridor.



"If you don't participate in the pulldown, people... It's a big deal for people to find someone else!!"


Annie was also annoyed, and shouted angrily at the place where the other party disappeared.




As soon as she turned her head and walked into her own bedroom, her face collapsed instantly.

Because ah, if the other party doesn't participate, who is going to replace her, then she has to think about it! After all, for Annie, that kind of pure magic apprentice or something, that's too little, too little.

Moreover, there are too few and too few powerful ones. The other party is indeed the most talented magic apprentice she has ever seen, and there is no better one.

Of course, compared to her omnipotent shadow bear who could capture a ferocious shadow bear alive at the age of two, burn the domineering old dragon to death at the age of three, break through the heroic rank at the age of five, and approach the demigod at the age of eight... Is it still a long way from wandering around and collecting countless worlds?

blah blah blah! blah blah blah!

blah blah blah!

At this time, as Irena's heavy footsteps were getting farther and farther away, it didn't take long for Annie to hear a crisp footstep that was getting closer and closer, and then she couldn't help turning her head again and moving towards Look at the door of your own bedroom.



"Is it Miss Shirley?"


"What's the matter, do you have anything else to do?"


After seeing who was coming, Annie asked strangely.

At the same time, Annie has already made a plan in her heart. If the other party still wants to say something that she didn't care about yesterday, then she will definitely find an opportunity to take the opportunity to slip away!


"The witch in the witch's costume, who is she?"

"Why do you look so angry?"

Xue Li was not in a hurry to say why she came here today, she just stretched out her hand strangely and asked in the direction behind her.

Because, she heard the quarrel here from far away, and was very curious about the person who dared to get angry in front of this little guy and almost bumped into her.



"An idiot!!"


Thinking about it, Annie was also a little angry, so she didn't want to pay attention to Irena for the time being, so that even the introduction was a bit lacking.


(● ̄? ̄●)



Shirley was a little overwhelmed and didn't know what that meant.



"Is there anything you need?"


"Isn't it here for a meal?"


"But I'm telling you, there is no lunch made by Chef Pandaren today!"


Thinking it was the other party who came to eat the meal, Annie hurriedly reminded her, and, ah, she was going to say that she had already eaten lunch, and the other party was at least half an hour late.


"I think……"


"Is such that!"

After hesitating for a long time, Shirley finally made up her mind, and slowly said in front of Annie what she had been thinking about all day and night, and the specific reason why she came here specially today.



"In other words, do you want to become stronger?"


"And, before that conference, try to become as strong as possible?!"


Rubbing her eyes, Annie said that she probably understood the other party's words and understood the other party's intention to find her.


"Since I can't make you change your mind, then I..."

"I will try to defeat all of them myself, and then I will stop your invasion in an open and honest way!"

With a straight face, Shirley said stubbornly.

This was the best and only way she thought about it for a day and a night, and ah, she didn't go to discuss with teacher Keith and Scott, she just came here secretly without telling them.



"There are only a few days left. If you want to become stronger, I'm afraid it won't be easy..."


Annie was a little confused.

In fact, it is not impossible to teach the other party, but the other party is still a little too stupid. If you want to teach it to the level that she can beat all the contestants, even if she is Queen Anne, I am afraid that there will be no ten or eight years. It's definitely not possible!


Possibly longer and more time consuming?

"It's not easy!"

"That's why I came to you!"


"I think, you must have a solution, and you will definitely help me, right?"

Although it was always a little strange for her to seek help from this 'enemy' boss, Shirley didn't care about that much now.

"Let people think about it..."


Annie began to frown and think, wanting to know how to make the other party stronger in a short period of time.

(Respected little master! The little one has a way, why don't you just guide her like Irena?)


(At this time, it is rare that Tibbs gave his poor little master a brilliant idea for the first time, and directly told the specific plan in private, and also volunteered to express his willingness. Instruct the other person yourself.)

"All right!"

ε=('ο'*))) alas

After pondering and pondering for a long time, Annie reluctantly agreed to the bad idea given by her little bear.



"Miss Xue Li, there is indeed a good way to make you stronger quickly, but, are you afraid of pain?"


Although that method will indeed become stronger, but there may be some side effects, so Annie must first ask.


"What will happen?"

"Will it die?"

Shirley asked cautiously.

"Will not!"


"Besides, you won't even get hurt!"


Annie didn't say what it was, just winked at the other party playfully.


"Then I'm not afraid!"

"bring it on!"

Since it was so safe, Shirley certainly wouldn't be afraid, and raised her chin stubbornly, expressing that for the sake of this world, as a descendant of glory, she could endure no matter how hard it was.



Soon, Annie reached out and took out another small arena-like model, and then placed it on the table.

"You have to be careful!"


"My little is very strong!"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

Annie explained in a snarky manner, and then, without waiting for her to do anything, the hideous plush toy bear that was put aside couldn't wait to jump up.

"Come over, reach out and touch it!"


Seeing that the bear was ready, Annie motioned for Miss Shirley to come over and do as she said.

Because ah, now, she is going to fight 'cricket', but she will slightly limit Tibbers' strength to the same level as the other side, with Miss Shirley, in that case, presumably the other side will not It will be too ugly to die, and then, it will improve very quickly?

After all, only the training between life and death is the best and fastest way to improve and develop potential!


??????: Ow!

? Ask for a monthly pass! Eat Sydney (lì)?

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