Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1761: ?(*?)?on the way



Two days later, when Leon, the leader of the Empire's Blue Dragon Knights, and his adjutant, Liat, led thousands of soldiers of the Empire's Blue Dragon Knights to pass through the village, the first thing they saw was, It was the villagers whose hands were tied and hung from the big tree at the entrance of the village.

Although those people didn't seem to have any injuries, but for some reason, they kept moaning and moaning, obviously suffering a lot.

"whispering sound!"

"Liat, tell me..."

"How is this going?"

Zhu Ma watched for a while, and Leon did not pay attention to the pleadings of those who were hung from the tree, but turned around and asked his adjutant with great interest.

"do not know……"

"However, the battle mage in our legion said that he found that there was a smell of monsters near the cemetery. Could it be the monsters?"

"But if the monsters do it, they generally won't leave their mouths alive..."

Liat began to speculate randomly, and he was also a little unclear.



"Bart and the others are back, we'll know soon."

At this time, Leon looked up and saw an officer walking out of the village with people.


"Leon Legion Commander!"

"It has been investigated clearly, and the process of what happened is like this..."

Bart, the legion captain who hurried out of the village with a few soldiers, didn't say much. He directly led a 'half-demon' named Sonia to attack the village a few days ago, and was attacked by a powerful little mage. He was defeated, and then, for some unknown reason, the little mage allowed the half-magic Sonia to take revenge on the villagers, hang them from a tree, and said that they would have to starve for three days before they could put it down. come out.


"Little Mage?"

I don't know why, Leon suddenly recalled a familiar figure, but he didn't think too much, just continued to ask curiously:

"That half-demon, why did she attack the village and only abuse them?"

"Have you asked?"

The march is a bit weird, so Leon can't help but gossip.


"It is said that it was because the half-magic boy named Sonia was bullied and abused by these people?"

"These are the ones hanging from the trees!"

Captain Bart did not hide it, and continued to tell a little bit about the tragic experience of the poor brother and sister who were struggling to survive in the village and were abused after the death of their adoptive father after his inquiries.


"It turns out that this is the case, then these guys are not good people, they deserve to be hanged!"

"That mage, he didn't let the half-demon take his anger on others, just punished these culprits, is it appropriate?"

Liat, the adjutant who was also on a horse, spoke up.

Looking at his indignant look, he seems to sympathize with the tragic experience of the 'half-demon' siblings and feel very resentful for the bullying of those who are hanging?

"All right."

"Liat, since the monsters here have been suppressed, then we should go too, the business is important!"

"By the way, put them down, and hang them again, their hands will be useless."

Knowing the whole story, and hearing that the monsters here have been successfully suppressed, Leon looked at the soldiers who had been resting behind him, and did not intend to stay any longer. He directly ordered his adjutant Liat and turned the horse's head. ready to leave.


"Let them go?"



"My subordinates understand!"

Although Liat was unwilling, he just looked at the resolute back of Leon's army commander hesitantly, and he didn't dare to ask any more questions. Going out, he cut off the ropes that hung the people, causing the wailing hapless people to fall to the ground one after another.

"Everyone pay attention!"

"Line up!"

"Keep going!"

Then, without looking at the guys who were rolling on the ground, he waved his hand directly, and the soldiers of the Azure Dragon Knights quickly formed a long queue, and then the bow and horse set off neatly, and quickly walked quickly. left the village.


And when the Blue Dragon Knights and their leader, Leon, the strongest knight in the continent, had just left, a certain little girl, the Arcane Archmage, had already brought her three newly hired mercenaries plus a new The subdued half-demon, the dark-skinned, pointed-eared lady Sonia, was walking on her way to the ruins of the ancient capital of the Kingdom of Bardia.

At this time, they were staggering and slowly advancing on the way forward.

For the convenience of their journey, Grenier and Matthew also rented a carriage, so Anne, Ameida and Sonia naturally sat in the carriage, and they could only sit in the front. Act as a coolie in the 'driver's seat'.


In the carriage, for some unknown reason, Sonya, who had been forced to follow, looked at Annie who was holding the shrunken fur bear and was dozing all the time.

Today, from her departure to now, she has looked at it several times, and opened her mouth several times to ask something, but in the end she stopped in a tangled state.


"Sonia, is there anything you want to say to Annie?"

Finally, Ameida, who had never been sleepy, noticed it and felt a little strange, so she asked with a smile to the Sonia who was on the verge of speaking.

In the past two days, she had already learned about Sonya's tragic childhood experiences, and also knew that the other party had been bullied by those ignorant villagers since she was a child, and that the brothers and sisters were separated, and all she had about that village were all kinds of bad memories. ...So, naturally, even though she herself is a follower of the Goddess of Light, Ameda is full of pity for Sonia, and doesn't mind getting close to the one who is half-human, half-demon blood, and at the same time is still alive. A girl of the same age with dark powers.





The dazed Annie was also awakened, and then she also looked around curiously, looking at Sonia, who was huddled in the corner, hugging her knees, and didn't know what she was thinking.

銆毯鈉鋹鋴網锎鍒雨囨崲锎鍾雕閹網頹 Inserts What are you talking about?/


However, Sonia was not in a hurry to answer.

She just slowly raised her head and looked at Annie with a frown, but when she found that Annie was also looking at her curiously...

After a long time, she finally mustered up the courage and asked:

"I thought about it all the way..."

"But, I can't figure out why, who are you?"


"Why do you have... that kind of powerful power?!"

You must know that at that time, Sonia faced the darkest side of Annie directly. Although what was revealed to her was probably just the tip of the iceberg, it was enough to make her give up all her will to resist at that time and now.

And this is exactly why she insisted on following along after the incident.



"Didn't they already say it?"


Annie was a little baffled and didn't know why the other party asked again.


"Sonia, you don't have to ask Annie this question, because I know it too!"

"Now, let me tell you once more generously!"


"She is actually a most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most Most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most The most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most the most powerful The Arcane Archmage is!"

Anyway, during this period of time, everyone has gotten to know each other very well, and they get along fairly well on weekdays, so Ameida resisted her smile and learned from a bad little girl back then. The tone of self-introduction was repeated out loud and playful in the carriage.



"Sister Ameda, shut up!"


Hearing the other party's strange tone of teasing herself, Annie, who was a little anxious, of course refused to obey, so she savagely and directly rushed towards the other party's body, intending to reach out to tear the other party's unlearned mouth. .

Although, her Queen Anne himself is really the moster the moster and the most and then most and then most and then most and then the most powerful Octa Master, but the other party uses the yin and yang strange tone to say, that is Can not!


(● ̄? ̄●)



"Annie, stop!"


"Ti, Tibbers! What are you doing? Let me go!"

"do not want!!"


"Help, help!!"

Soon, in front of Sonia, the two of them began to roll, struggle and frolic in the carriage.

Benedict! Benedict!

Benedict! Benedict! Benedict!


"Take a rest, be careful, don't overturn the car!"


"Okay, Gnier, don't worry about them, it's just right when you turn it over, why don't you just get out of the car and drive along?"

Immediately afterwards, with a few crisp knocks on the door from the driver's seat outside the car and the dissatisfied complaints of Matthew and Gnier, gradually the frolic in the car subsided.

Then, Annie barely let go of Miss Ameda, who was being held in the carriage by Tibbs, who had become about their size, and was about to get down on her pants and spank.



"See if you dare to ridicule others in the future?"


Snapped! !

Relying on the bear as an accomplice, Annie first slapped the big **** of Miss Ameida, who had almost stopped shouting, before she sat down angrily.


Anyway, Ameida, who didn't lose face in front of Sonia, didn't dare to speak. She just blushed and glanced back in disapproval. Then, she hurriedly covered her **** to get away from some bad little girl and the other party. The nasty furry bear is a little further away.

Although the opponent didn't use magic, the power of that bear was too great. In a situation where one fights two, she is no match at all.



"Sister Sonia, what did you just want to ask?"


After playing around, Annie finally remembered something just now, and turned her head curiously towards the pointed-eared lady who was stunned in the corner and asked.

At the same time, Annie's gaze unconsciously looked towards the other's lower body.

Because ah, she suddenly thought, the other party's skin is dark, it looks very tight and elastic, and I don't know if it feels a little different from Miss Ameida's?


"I just don't understand, why do you have that terrible... um, dark power?"

After hesitating for a while, Sonia mustered up the courage to ask.

However, she did not dare to open her mouth to compare the power of the dark prince she knew. After all, there are still believers of the Goddess of Light, Ameida, and she did not dare to say more.



"Dark power?"


Annie blinked, then began to think.



"In fact, people will not only use dark power, but also all powers such as light, flame, frost, arcane, nature or chaos!"

?*. ?(ˊωˋ*)??*.

It turned out that the other party was still struggling with such trivial matters, so Annie suddenly stretched out her hands.

Then, the two people in the carriage saw in amazement: In her palm, magic energy **** representing different powers and with different attributes and colors really appeared one by one. People were dumbfounded.

"Okay, amazing!"


"I found that your holy light seems to be similar to the healing power of the Goddess of Light I use!"

At this time, Ameida didn't care about protecting her own back buttocks, and crawled over in surprise and watched the excitement with Sonia.


"Why can you still order the undead I summoned?"

After staring at the different energy **** for a while, Sonia asked with a bit of a heart.

She had always thought that Annie was probably some kind of high-ranking existence in the dark forces, even more powerful than her dark prince, Pozanlu, otherwise, it would be impossible to have the kind of power she had never seen or heard of. The powerful dark power of her, and it is even more impossible to directly order the undead that she summoned by using the power of darkness.



"There seems to be no order at that time..."




"I remember, that's not an order, they just scare them back!"


Annie didn't hide it, she told the story that she was too lazy to set fire to the glass, and then directly used tricks to intimidate the boring undead, so that they were scared to climb back to their own graves.

After all, no matter it is an undead creature or any other creature, as long as it still has a certain self-consciousness, it must have the instinct of fear, and under the suppression of her absolute power, a simple fear spell can It's not that hard to get them to do what she wants.


"Is that right?"

She opened her mouth, but in the end, Sonia still frowned and lowered her head, and did not speak any further.

However, it can be seen that she did not fully believe in Annie's statement, but it is temporarily unknown what she was thinking.



"Let's go to the ancient ruins this time, to the city of Bardia, can we really find the holy sword Rangulisa you said?"

Seeing that Sonia stopped speaking, Ameda, who felt that the atmosphere in the carriage was a little dull and awkward, hurriedly found another topic and asked.



"If you go early, you should be fine."


"But, if it's late, it's not necessarily the case!"


Annie knows that the group of Alvin and Hein must also be on their way to set off, but they are only five talented people, and they are still riding the carriage all the way, while Alvin and the others are mighty. Hundreds of thousands of people set off, as long as they don't delay too much time on the road, they can definitely speed up their fellows for at least a few days.

"Is that so?"


Listening to Annie's Imeda thought for a while, then quickly gave a high five, as if she had made a decision.

Then, she opened the small window at the front of the carriage, and urged Matthew and Grenier, who were driving the carriage outside, loudly:


"Matthew! And Gurnier!"

"You guys hurry up and drive, we have to hurry up to find the holy sword!"

If it was the holy sword or something, if it was said by ordinary people, Imeda might not really believe it too much.

However, if the super powerful little girl archmage in front of her said it, then she still intends to temporarily write a letter, even if they have been to the ancient city of Bardia before, it is true that there is nothing in it.

"Where is the holy sword?"

"Go, go, go!"

"As long as you don't mess around in the car, as long as you don't overturn the car, we can definitely be faster."

Grenier, who was driving a carriage in front, waved his hand impatiently.

Then, taking advantage of the opportunity to open the window, he did not forget to glance at Sonia in the carriage several times, and his eyes were almost straight.


"What are you looking at?!"

"Have you ever seen a girl?"

Unfortunately, Ameida glared at him fiercely, and then closed the small window on the carriage with a 'bang'.

"Look what happened?"

"Look at the piece of meat..."


"I'll watch it tonight!"

After smacking his lips and muttering a few words in the direction of the carriage with some resentment, Genier looked back at the road in front of the carriage with a bit of contentment.


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