Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1752: ???(?)??? crackling~? (New Year’s Eve…

East of Dovaru Village and north of Karthus Forest.

"Lu la la la la la la la la la la la la~?"


At this moment, Annie was sitting on Tibbs' shoulders and humming some unknown song, while the roars of monsters could be heard from time to time in the dense forest on the way.

However, Annie didn't take it to heart, and continued to let her little bear Tibbers walk forward.

After rescuing Hain, Erwin and the little sister Liana, and successfully persuading Leon, the army commander of the empire, Annie did not accept the thanks and retention of those villagers and Lord Sarras, and continued directly. Wandering all over the world.

Soon, she saw a village in front of her, and at the same time, when she and Tibbs walked in, they saw a group of strong village uncles gathering and discussing something loudly.


"What can we do now?"

"What to do, they dare to come, we will fight with them, just like last year!"

"That's right!"

"Fight them!"


"This year's movement is too different from previous years. This year, it is estimated that the head of the monster with the eyes hanging on the white forehead is the leader of the monster. That terrible guy is going to be dispatched in person. Can we really beat it?"


"If you don't fight, how do you know if you can beat it?"


"Hit it! Otherwise, what's the use of our 'village guards'?"


"Isn't our village guard force recruited? Who wants to form it?"


"Keep your voice down, it's over when the captain hears you!"

"Hey! Am I afraid of him?"

"He just became the captain of the 'village watchdog' a few years earlier than us. Who is afraid of whom?"


"That's all for now……"

And just like that, the group of armed villagers gathered there and discussed something loudly.


(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

And Annie just listened, and after learning that it was not a fun and interesting thing, she turned around and left, and then planned to see if there were any hotels or restaurants in this small village.



"Tibbers, people should have gone to that city with that lord before. In that case, maybe they will be able to eat delicious food now?"

??(?? ̄? ̄)????

"If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't be in such a hurry to leave..."

ε=('ο'*))) alas

Annie sighed and said frustratedly.

This village is not very big, and if you think about it, there will definitely not be any decent hotels or restaurants. Anyway, it is not comparable to the big cities. Although the cities in this world are not very big, they are still better than the ruined places in the wilderness. Better.

(Don't you save a lot of food from the world of pirates? And the whole food industry, why don't you just find something to eat?)


"No way!"


"Eating too much delicious food will make you tired, and people want to eat something special now!"


Annie stubbornly refuted her little bear's suggestion.

When she wants to eat those delicious food, she will naturally go to get it by herself. When she doesn't want to eat it, it is useless for anyone to persuade her. For example, now, she just wants to see if there is any business in this village, and then herself Go buy some delicious local products or something.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

(Tibbers didn't want to talk to him anymore, he just continued to carry his poor little master on his back under the strange eyes of the villagers and continued to walk forward.)

Soon, one person and one bear arrived in front of a small shop of a grocery store and hotel.

"what the hell?"


"Why close the door?"


Looking at the closed door, Annie was of course a little unhappy.


ε=('ο'*))) alas

"It seems that I have to go somewhere else to see..."


Snapped! !

"What are you looking at, why don't you hurry up?"


After staring at the closed door for a while, she felt that there was really no one in it. After a while, Annie reluctantly patted a certain bear on the head, signaling the other party to turn around quickly, leave the village and change someone else place to play.




"Little girl, where did you come from?"


"What kind of monster are you riding on...?"

Suddenly, at this time, a bearded uncle who was passing by with a few young people holding dung forks saw Annie and asked her with a strange exclamation.



"It's not a monster!"


"It's someone's pet Tibbers, a very powerful shadow bear!"


Annie turned her head to answer, and glared at him angrily.


"Shadow Bear?"

The bearded uncle was obviously a little surprised, and then he couldn't help but take a few more glances at the hideous bear.


"Is it that kind of adventurer?"

Then, not knowing what to think of, the uncle suddenly asked expectantly.





Annie shook her head and said that she is not the kind of guy who makes trouble for making money, because she has never been short of money!

"People are like that..."


"Most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most Most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most The most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most the most powerful, the most the most powerful the super arcane archmage is!"

?*. ?(ˊωˋ*)??*.

Then, of course, she stood on Tibbers' shoulders and revealed her true identity as an Arcane Archmage.




I heard Anne's words as the ridiculous words and the longest string 'the moster the moster and the moster and most and then the mosterful word, the beard uncle and his feces warriors villagers couldn't help but sigh. They looked at each other for a while, not knowing what to say for a long time.

What I didn't say, a little girl from the other party dared to speak loudly in front of their adults, and said that she was the most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most... well, I don't know how much. How could they easily believe the 'most' powerful mage?


"All right!"

Nodding his head, the uncle struggled for a while, and then without saying much, he planned to leave with the dung fork warriors beside him.

"Wait a minute!"


"That...Uncle Beard!"


"I want to ask, why doesn't this shop in your place open?"


"People just wanted to buy something to eat!"


Seeing that those people were leaving, Annie thought for a while, then hurriedly stopped the other party and asked complaining.

"Of course it won't open!"


"I advise you to leave quickly. The New Year is coming soon. We have a terrifying beast called 'Nian Beast' that is about to appear. If you don't leave, you won't be able to leave after a while!"

"You also saw that we are going to gather, and we are going to fight against those monsters soon."

Uncle Beard did not hide it, and directly explained why they all seemed worried, why so many people gathered at the entrance of the village, and why the only hotel in the village was closed.



"A monster?"


"So that's how it is..."


Blinking, knowing the reason, Annie nodded unhappily, then reached out and patted Tibbers on the head, preparing to let the other party take her away.

Since she is going to fight monsters here, and since there is no delicious food to sell here, she must leave.


"please wait!"

At this moment, the uncle beard who was about to leave didn't know what he was thinking, but suddenly turned around and shouted at Annie who was about to walk in a certain direction.



"Uncle, do you have anything else to do?"


Annie asked Tibbers to turn around and asked strangely.

"You were just saying..."

"You are a..."

"A very powerful mage?"

Uncle Beard originally wanted to repeat the other party's words, but when he thought of the words "most", he felt that it was a bit silly to say that, and he was a little hard to say, so he could only ask this question reluctantly.



"Should it be?"



"The village chief, she's just a little girl, isn't that obviously a lie?"

"that is!"

"You better stop messing around, hurry up and prepare!"


The impatient dungfork warrior villagers had not had time to say anything, only to feel a scorching heat wave.



Then, when they subconsciously retreated, when they turned their heads, they found that the giant bear the little girl was riding suddenly burst out with dark red terrifying flames, and was staring at them maliciously.

What shocked them even more was that the little girl sitting on the shoulders of the giant bear was still sitting perfectly on the shoulders of the terrifying flame giant bear at this time, and she was still unharmed, and she could even look at it with a smile. them?



"Do you have any opinions on the fact that he is a super powerful mage?"


Looking at the frightened faces of those guys, Annie asked with a smile.

If anyone dares to question and speak ill of her again in person, perhaps, she would not mind letting Little Bear continue to scare them?




The dung fork warriors shut their mouths, and no one dared to speak again.


And the bearded man did not dare to speak for a long time.

After a while, when he regained his senses and looked at the fearful young people beside him, he thought for a while, then swallowed hard and said carefully:

"Is such that!"

"Your Excellency the Mage, this time we have no confidence to rely on our own strength to resist the coming monsters, so if we can, can we hire you?"

"We will pay, and we will also provide room and board..."

"Naturally, the reward will not be paid until the Nian beast is driven away, what do you think?"

Gritting his teeth, the bearded man asked nervously, and his tone was obviously much more polite than before.



Annie frowned her lovely little brow.


"Can't you?"

The bearded man was originally hopeful, but when he saw the embarrassed look on the little girl's face, he quickly turned into disappointment.

He is not young and has a lot of experience. Seeing the little girl's face, it is not difficult to guess that the other party will probably not agree to his employment request.

"It's not impossible."


"It's just that people's employment fees are very high, and you definitely can't afford it."


That's right!

Her Queen Anne's employment fee, there is no accurate figure at all!

It is very likely that the financial and material resources of the other party and the entire country cannot afford it, let alone a small village in this area.

Of course, if she's happy...

It's likely that a meal will get her to help, but only if those meals are delicious enough?


"Is that so..."

The bearded uncle was a little sad.

But in the end, he still nodded, did not dare to continue to plead, but took one last look at the devil bear that contained that terrifying flame, and prepared to take people away.

"Wait a moment!"


However, at this time, Annie stopped the other party.

"Master Mage?"


"What else is there to order?"

A group of people turned their heads in surprise, then a young villager asked.

"Is such that……"

??(?? ̄? ̄)????

"If you are willing to give people a clean room for rest, and then prepare a delicious meal..."


"People may help you a little bit!"

(? ̄?? ̄??)??°

Not much, just a little.

Because Annie suddenly didn't want to change places anymore, she wanted to stay in this village for one night, so she directly stated the conditions that would allow her to help.


"It's that simple?"

Hearing Annie's words, the bearded man was obviously overjoyed.

"Then it's decided!!"

Then, he couldn't wait to make a direct decision and respond.






Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

boom! !

boom! boom! ! !

Outside the village, in the dark...

Under the sound of the sound of firecrackers and the colorful fireworks light and shadow effects that the villagers placed horizontally on the plains in the distance and suddenly exploded, those who took advantage of the darkness The attacking 'Nian Beast' monsters, those demonized mountain and forest beasts were really frightened, and then they turned around and ran into the woods in a panic, giving up the idea of ​​taking advantage of the night and attacking the village at this time of year. idea.


(??~??) Chew~!

At this time, a certain bad little girl was eating in the village hotel that was forced to reopen, and from time to time she looked out the window and looked at the lively and noisy place at the head of the village.

(Master, is that what you promised to help?)


"That's right!"


"Look at Tibbers, weren't those monsters scared away by success?"


Those firecrackers and boxes of fireworks, of course, were given to the villagers by Annie from a world called 'Earth'.

Those firecrackers are all electro-optical cannons with thick thumbs, and the fireworks are all colorful fireworks with ninety-nine Although their lethality is basically not much, they can't resist their loud movement. !

In addition, those monsters have little knowledge and are not the kind of wise guys, so after the villagers have obtained those 'magic items', it must be more than enough to deal with them.

You must know that the other party just invited Annie to have a bad meal and provided accommodation, so she was only willing to provide such a small amount of help, and it really couldn't be more.


(● ̄? ̄●)

(At first, Tibbers thought it had a chance to go out and have fun, but it turned out that it was just like this?)

"All right!"


"Tibbers, help them bring that pot of vegetables!"


Annie ordered.

(You won't take it yourself?)


(However, before Tibbers finished speaking, he hurriedly jumped over, and immediately brought the pot of meat on the other side of the table to someone who was frowning. in front of the little girl.)



(That... Dear little master, look, do you have anything else you need? If so, please let the little one know!)


(Looking at a bad little master with a bad face, a bear didn't dare to be careless, so he asked with a shy face like this.)


?*. ?(ˊωˋ*)??*.

New Year's Eve!

Not much nonsense, Gong Xi Fa Cai, bring the red envelopes! !


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