Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1731: ?(????)? The war begins (2)

The top brass of the Bear Boy Pirates, such as Abyss Commander Sivara, Gilder Tezzolo, Don Quixote Doflamingo and his family leaders, the three Neptune brothers and the Kid Pirates Captain Ki De and others gathered in this huge golden palace and waited patiently.



"Why did the boat stop?"


After a long time, Little Annie came to the palace garden hall on the top floor of the King of Gold Hotel, and asked curiously while looking at all the people present.

Although, this big ship with a length of more than 10,000 meters did not feel any sense when it started, and there was no ups and downs. Ordinary people felt like they were on land, but Annie still felt the slow decrease in speed. until it stops completely.

Therefore, she was puzzled, so she put down the heavy (chi) to (hē) things (wán) affection (lè) at hand, and turned to find here.

"His Majesty!"

"We can't go any further!"

"Two days ahead of the voyage, it is the core area of ​​Totland - Cake Island."

"There are more than ten islands around Cake Island, which are the core defense area of ​​the bigmom pirates. It is said that Kaido also brought his ship and people to an island near Cake Island. If If we rush in now, we will probably be surrounded by them!"

Seeing that the bear boy leader had finally arrived, Gilder Tezzolo was the first to step forward and persuade him.



"Kaido? Who is that?"


Annie suddenly felt a little strange. She didn't know how the other party suddenly pulled out a name that sounded a little unfamiliar.



Everyone present looked at the throne in astonishment, wondering what the **** was going on with that bad little girl.

"Kaido of the Beast Pirates!"

"that is……"

"Kaido, one of the 'Four Emperors' who first declared war on us at the beginning!"

No way, seeing that the bear child seemed to have forgotten, Tezzolo had to bite the bullet and explain patiently.

"Oh! It was him..."




"I've only been thinking about delicious food recently, and people are about to forget him!"


Yes, Annie has only been focusing on eating recently, and she has also shot down nearly half of the island east of Totland. She almost forgot that there was a guy named Kaido who came to fight her first, and She also took the lead in handing her the gauntlet to Her Lady Queen Anne.


(● ̄? ̄●)




The whole group of pirates and senior generals present rolled their eyes, and then you looked at me, I looked at you, and each other was speechless.

"Not just the Bigmom Pirates and the Beast Pirates!"

"Your Majesty, please look!"

At this time, Sivara, the commander of the abyss in the form of the upper elves, waved his hand, and used magic to raise a curtain of sea water to act as a chart.

Then, as her hands continued to move, fire runes were used to directly display ship-shaped marks on the top, marking a large number of ship patterns in Totland's Cake Island, northeast and southeast areas.

"According to the latest information!"

"The New World's naval fleet has arrived in our northeast waters, with about 60 to 70 ships, at least a day and a half away from us!"

"And the sea to the southeast..."

"The G-5 branch of the Navy has also assembled a group of mixed fleets composed of New World Pirates. Their number is also about sixty, and they are dominated by nine main battleships of the Navy's G-5 fleet!"

"According to Feiyu's investigation, they have now arrived here, and they are only two days away from us at most!"

After explaining this to a curious bear child and everyone present, Sivara stopped, and then used blue frost energy to mark a huge ship shadow in the center of the three red areas.

"And here we are now!"

"At present, we only have one golden mothership, plus thirty-two Don Quixote family fleets, twelve golden fleets gathered by Tezzolo, and forty-seven other pirate ships!"

"And all the above ships are currently moored at the indoor dock berth of the mother ship."

"His Majesty!"

"Our side has been surrounded by the enemy."

"At present, what is basically certain is that the navy, or the world government, has reached some consensus with the bigmom pirates and the Beasts Pirates, and even can be said to have reached some alliances?"

"So, in the next battle, we are likely to face a joint attack from the Bigmom Pirates, the Beasts Pirates, the New World Navy Fleet, and the Hybrid Pirate Fleet incorporated by the Navy!"

"The above is the reason why our ship has to temporarily park in this sea area..."

"His Majesty!"

"Unfortunately, we are now in a huge encirclement of more than five hundred, if not more, enemy ships."

After finishing speaking, the abyss commander Sivaraai in the form of a high-level elf turned his head to look at some unhappy little girl who had just sat down on the throne, and patiently waited for the other party's reaction.



"Are there so many bad guys who are against people?"


In Annie's impression, it seems that she has never tried to provoke right or wrong, and has never taken the initiative to find trouble with other people in the country, but I didn't expect that there are so many bad guys sailing to attack her now. But it was really something she never thought of.

Of course, with the exception of the bigmom pirate group, she took the initiative to provoke the other party. Who let the other party occupy the islands rich in delicious food?

"Moe Lord!"

"Is there anything you can do?"

Sivara continued to ask.





"If they dare to come, they can be defeated together!"


Anyway, one is fighting, and two are also fighting. Now that there is a group, it is enough to catch a group and beat them to death. It doesn't seem to be a big deal.

At least, in Annie's mind.



"Do you have any opinions on the current situation?"

Nodding, knowing the general meaning of her cute master, Sivara looked at the high-level officials with different expressions in the hall.



"We have no opinion!"

The eldest prince of the Dragon Palace Kingdom on Fishman Island, the eldest of the three Neptune brothers, and the next king of Fishman Island, Sharksing, first glanced at his two brothers before walking out and expressing his stance.

The mermaid troops who came to support them don't care. No matter how many enemies there are, they are only responsible for fighting on the bottom of the sea. It is good to win, but if they lose, they run directly to the bottom of the sea, and no one can help them.


"Then let them come!"

First I looked at the eager boy, and then at the abyss commander Sivara, who had no worries. Don Quixote Doflamingo said with a smirk, and didn't even ask him. The thoughts of the family cadres behind him.

"Me too!"

"Those stupid mortals, they want to come to die, just let them come."

Gilder Tezzolo sighed, and did not express too much concern about the situation that his side was currently surrounded by.


"What the **** are you doing?"

At this time, Eustace Kidd, who remembered the Pirates, couldn't help but hurriedly stood up.

"You saw it too!"

"Even if the golden mothership can defeat a hundred ships, there are still at least four hundred enemies left, and they are still in four directions. The fleet that we can send out is only a mere forty ships, but How to fight against ten times as many enemies?"

Eustace Kidd shouted loudly and refuted the optimism of everyone just now.

He is not afraid of death, but he is afraid that he will die in vain and won't be able to complete his revenge on Kaido's bastard. , the Bear Boy Pirates seem to be entering a state of doom.


"Please, it's time for you, don't hide it, besides those secret weapons, do we have any other killers or troops?"

Eustace Kidd almost shouted.

"Of course there is!"

"On Fishman Island, a large abyss portal has been built. From today, a steady stream of Naga troops will be teleported to the Dragon Palace Kingdom!"

Surprisingly, in the eyes of everyone's expectations, Sivara opened his mouth and directly said an excellent news.


"What are you waiting for?"

"Let them come to support immediately, it will be too late!"

Eustace Kidd couldn't wait.

Of course he knew that the murloc race called 'Naga' was as powerful as the murloc troop of the Dragon Palace Kingdom. If the number was large enough, as long as there were a few thousand or ten thousand, they would basically be at sea. Above is invincible.

"I'm afraid not yet!"

"Although a large abyss portal has been built, the number that can be teleported every day is still limited. In addition, the naval fleet is attacking Fishman Island. Before eliminating those invaders, I am afraid there will be no more Naga troops. Come on, they can't keep up with this battle for the time being."

However, to everyone's surprise, Sivara dared to say good news but immediately poured cold water on everyone's head, causing everyone's just restless hearts to sink in an instant.


"It's not without other good news!"

Then, Sivara spoke again, and the hearts that made everyone sunk were lifted again.


"The fleet of the Whitebeard Pirates is here to support us!"

"That Ace, do you remember?"

"He said that he wanted to repay the kindness of our cute master in Marivendo, so they promised to contain the main naval fleet in the northeast."

Sivara waved his hand, and a blue ship appeared not far behind those naval fleets near the northeast.


"But even so, we still need to deal with enemies in at least three directions!"

"Too hard."

Eustace Kidd's face was still a little ugly.

After all, in the new world, the Bigmom Pirates and the Beasts Pirates are the main force, and the two naval fleets have become foils.

"You are right, and this is the predicament we are currently facing!"


"I just ordered the ship to stop temporarily, because from the current situation, the longer it drags on, the better the situation will be for us!"

If they had been commanded by Sivara from the beginning, they would not have appeared in this archipelago, which was extremely embarrassing and unfavorable for the movement of the golden mothership, and they would not have been surrounded by enemies on all sides!

But there is no way. Their little girl, the little girl, who is sitting on the golden throne, will give orders from time to time. If this island is hit, the island will also be hit. Although she has been trying very hard to save, but In the end, the situation was still like this, and they had fallen into the enemy's encirclement.


Eustace Kidd, whose face became very ugly, suddenly stopped talking.

Anyway, he has no good way to do it himself, and now he is besieged here, even if the Kidd Pirates want to run away in advance and want to leave this huge pirate ship, it is estimated that they will not be able to escape the encirclement easily. .


"whats the matter?"

Suddenly, a naga walked into the palace and handed a phone bug to Sivara after saying something in Azeroth's common language.

"Red hair?"

Hearing the call from the red-haired pirate group and one of the Four Emperors of the New World, Sivara paused, not knowing what the other party wanted to do, she had to go up the steps and He handed the phone bug to some nasty bear boy who was listening impatiently.

"Looking for someone?"


Annie was a little surprised, but she still took the phone bug.



"Who are you? Red-haired Shanks?"


"I don't know you! If you're okay, they're going to hang up!"




"If you want to fight, fight, people don't care about you, anyway, they will definitely win in the end!"




"They're not some arrogant children, and they have never said which pirate group leader they are, so don't talk nonsense!"


After speaking, before the people under the steps of the hall could hear what was said between the two parties, a certain bad boy hung up the phone angrily.


"Is it red hair?"


"He's coming to beat us too?"

Without waiting for others to speak, Eustace Kidd couldn't wait to stand up and ask.

Although he only heard a few words just now, he still knew that the one who was talking to the bear boy was the red-haired Shanks, one of the four emperors of the new world. At the same time, combined with the angry words of the bear boy, he would There were some bad premonitions, so that his voice trembled a little.



"He said he was going to help contain the g-5 naval fleet, and it was already on the way, and then people said that he didn't need his help, and he couldn't love it."


Annie wouldn't give a good face to someone she didn't know, especially at this time.



"The boat can't stop, now, let's go straight ahead, first go to defeat the bm pirates and the ten thousand beasts pirates, and then turn around to clean up the rest of the guys!"




"Mengzhu, if you attack rashly now, I'm afraid that the loss will be huge?"

Sivara was not worried about winning or not, she just felt that rushing over and being besieged by two fleets of the 'Four Emperors' would cause a lot of unnecessary and outweighed losses.

"It doesn't matter!"


"People have a way to deal with them!"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!


" Do you want to do it yourself?"

If that's the case, Sivara wouldn't doubt the tragic end of the two pirates at all, and wouldn't stop him from rushing over for a decisive battle now.

However, as far as she knows, an existence like their cute master can't easily do it, especially a big fight. As for why it is like that, it is not a low-level commander like her, Sivara. It can be easily guessed.



"But anyway, people have secret weapons, you will know when the time comes!"


Annie didn't say it explicitly, but only said it was kept secret for the time being and winked playfully at everyone in the hall.

"All right!"


"Hurry up, go full speed ahead! The target - Cake Island! We just need to hurry up, and we will be able to knock it down at the latest the day after tomorrow!"

?*. ?(ˊwˋ*)??*.

In fact, Annie still wants to go faster, but unfortunately, there are still two days away from Cake Island, and it takes two days for this big ship to sail there alone, so the end of the battle is estimated to be two days later. .



Sivara hesitated, but in the end, she had to nod and obey.

Soon, the giant ship that had stopped once again began to accelerate slowly and headed towards the direction of Cake Island, led by the two giant tortoises.


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