Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1725: ??(?ω?*)?? Pirate World War (5)

Without any warning, the Bear Boy Pirates declared war on the bigmom pirates and took the town of Nanamitz on Lokmits Island. After staying on this island for three days, they harvested a lot of delicious honey resources and captured them at the same time. Late at night on the third day after the Honey Minister Charlotte Franpe, the bigmom pirates seemed to have finally recovered, and a phone bug made a call to the Golden Mothership of the Bear Child.

So, of course, a certain bad boy himself was naturally invited to this combat command room, and was ready to answer the call from the head of the declared war party.



"It's so late, you haven't slept yet, what's the matter?"


Followed the maid Dasqi to this combat command room, and saw the abyss commander Sivara who had turned into a high-level elf, Don Quixote Doflamingo wearing sunglasses at night, wearing Gilder Tezzolo in the red suit, Gion, the former quasi-admiral who sold himself to him, and others, seeing that these guys who didn't sleep and didn't study well at night were all here, Annie couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise. .

"Oh, so it's a phone..."


Then, when I saw the phone bug who was awake, blinking and waiting, and then looked at everyone's eyes, a bad little girl nodded as if she knew it, and then didn't wait for those guys to answer. Jumping to the front of the phone bug and grabbed the microphone.



"It's Annie, who are you?"


Annie doesn't know who else is calling her at this time. Anyway, in her opinion, it will definitely not be Nami, Robin, or the idiots of Luffy and Chopper. After all, this is a new world, with The natural barrier of the red earth continent, in the absence of a powerful phone mother worm to transfer the signal, the phone worms in the hands of those idiots will definitely not be able to find her easily.

'Well? ’

At this time, I heard that the phone bug finally had an echo.

‘Ah who? ! ’

'Is it the bear child himself? ’

Then, the phone bug, who had been waiting on the table and had been waiting, suddenly showed a puzzled expression and said.

"bad boy?"


"He's not a bear boy, Auntie, you made the wrong call!"


Blinking her eyes, she listened to the phone bug's hideous expression and the voice of Obasan that made Annie feel a little uncomfortable.

'no? ! ’

'If not, then let the bear child answer my phone! ’

'You bastards! ’

'I've been waiting for thirty-three minutes, how long do you want me to wait? ! ’

However, without waiting for a bad little girl to hang up the phone, the phone bug suddenly jumped up vividly and roared loudly, which scared Annie and hurriedly moved away from the other party.

"But, people really don't know who the bear child is..."


No matter who it is, anyway, Annie knows, she is definitely not, if she is not, she is not, and she is not!


(● ̄? ̄●)

‘! ? ’


'go! ’

'Go get that Annie Hastur to answer the phone! ’

Finally, the phone bug that gradually calmed down, or it could be said that someone on the other side of the phone bug seemed to realize something at this time, so he gradually slowed down his tone of convenience, but still used the fierce and sharp, He roared in a tone like an order.



"You wait..."


Blinking, Annie paused, then took a deep breath before continuing:



"Hello, it's the most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most Most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most Most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most Most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most The most, most, most, most, most, and most powerful Arcane Archmage Anne Hastur!"


"Who are you, and what's the matter?"


"If not, they will hang up the phone!"


Annie could hear that she didn't seem to know the talking aunt on the other end of the phone bug or Obasan or anything, so ah, she was going to end the call now.


Hearing Annie's words, the phone bug was silent for a while, and then went straight to that sluggishness.

"Crooked? Is it still there?"




Annie patted the microphone, and then looked at the phone bug who was staring at her silently. She wondered what was going on with this magical communication tool. Could it have suddenly broken or something? .

‘! ! ’

'You are that arrogant child, you didn't even change your voice, your expression is the same, do you think I'm a fool? ’

'I'm Charlotte Lingling, how dare you tease me like that? ’

'You bastard! ’

'I'm going to eat you! ’

'Eat it! ! ’

'Ah ah ah ah ah! ! ! ! ’


The next moment, the phone bug, which Annie thought was probably broken, suddenly jumped up violently, and then roared with an extremely exaggerated expression. .

Even, there seemed to be some chaotic smashing sounds and other people's wailing and pleading sounds, but whatever it was, it was hard to hide that the phone bug was so angry that it seemed to jump up and bite her hard. fact.



"Hey! You are so strange!"


"People have never admitted that they are arrogant children, arrogant children or something, obviously it's you people who shouted, what's up with them?"




Of course Annie knew why the other party suddenly became so frantic, so after the phone bug gradually subsided, she took two steps forward, and then said the same angrily.


The phone bug was silent again.



This time, Annie hurriedly took two steps back and ducked aside, because she felt that maybe, in the next moment, after the other party was silent, it was likely to erupt again?


'Gollum! ’


'Gollum! Gollum! ’


Fortunately, the phone bug didn't mean to break out again, but made some kind of eating and swallowing movements, and its expression gradually returned to a normal state from the violent and ferocious before.



Seeing this, Annie was relieved, and walked over again, staring at the phone bug in a leisurely manner, and began to guess what the other party was eating.



"Do you have anything to do with someone?"


Unfortunately, until the other party stopped eating and swallowing, Annie couldn't guess what the other party was eating, so she asked strangely again.

Seeing the other person eating, she was also a little hungry, so if there was nothing to do, she might have to go back to have a late night snack to have a full meal, and then burrow into the bed with a round belly and sleep her. big sleep?

'what? ’

'What's up? ’

'You still have the face to ask me? ’

'What do I have to do with you, don't you know? ’

At this moment, the phone bug sneered at Annie with an angry smirk.


ヽ (‘ー`)

"If you don't say, how do people know what's wrong with you? They don't know you!"


Annie did not agree with the other party's words, because she was very sure that she had never seen the other party, and the voice was very unfamiliar to her, so she could not guess why the other party wanted to call.

Anyway, this kind of stranger called and asked her inexplicably what she was doing, which made her feel very embarrassed, unhappy and unhappy.

‘Of course you don’t know me! ’

'But! ’

'Since you don't know me, and you and I have no grudges, why did you declare war on me, capture one of my islands and capture my daughter? ! ’

'Say! ’

'Bear Annie Hastur, what the **** are you trying to do! ? ’

The phone bug on the table roared again, and it seemed that there was a faint urge to explode and get out of control just now?

"Ah! So what bm pirates are you?"


At this time, Annie seemed to finally react suddenly, knowing who the bad guy who was talking to her and who had dared to speak out just now was.

"But not right!"


"Once again, they are not some arrogant children!"


"Also, what do people want to do..."


"People just think that so many delicious things are all monopolized by you, which is very wrong!"


"There's still more!"


"Mother Amoren also said, she said, good things should be taken out and shared with the children!"


After correcting the other party's erroneous wording, Annie spoke so earnestly to the phone bug.

She knew that as long as she held the receiver and got close to the phone bug, the phone bug in front of her would definitely transmit her expression to the other phone bug, and then the other phone bug would definitely Completely convey her expression to the bad guy who is talking to her.

'? ? ’

'What are you kidding! ’

'share? ’

'Why should I share it with you, this little brat? ’

'Or else! ’

'Can you share your gold mothership and the cash Bailey and gold on board with me? ’

The phone bug showed a ghostly expression, and then it scolded Annie loudly and didn't forget to refute it with a chestnut.

Obviously, it is not difficult to judge from the tone of the other party, that Charlotte Lingling on the other side of the phone bug, that nickname 'bigmom', the captain of the bigmom pirates, the queen of Totland Kingdom, the 'four of the new world' One of the emperor's, and at the same time, the existence of strength is stronger than monsters, so he must also be greedy for Annie's gold ship and the gold jewelry on board, as well as those Bailey's cash.

After all, it is likely to account for one-third or more of the total wealth in the world. Anyone who says that they are not greedy is definitely lying!

"Of course not!"


Without even thinking about it, Annie rejected the other party directly.

'what? ’

'look! ’

‘Most of you don’t want to, so how dare you say that just now? ’

The phone worm sneered with sarcasm, as if he didn't want to miss any opportunity to mock the bear child.

"Of course people dare!"

?( ̄??)???

"Because Amorin's mother also said that her good things should be hidden and tucked well, and must not be seen by outsiders, and if anyone dares to make bad ideas, they will be burned!"


"Burn it! Burn it! Burn it all!!"


Yes, whether it is the shadow witch Amorim's teaching or her own subjective consciousness, Annie always just wants others to share her good things, and her good things are not easily shared with others, especially someone who is talking to her. She's on the phone with the badass Aunt Obasan.


'very good! ’

'I want to understand...'

Listening to Annie's arrogant and domineering words that were obviously meant to make fun of herself, the phone bug blinked, and then suddenly fell silent.

'I shouldn't have made this call today, I had some expectations for you...'

'But now...'

'Hum hum……'

'bad boy! ’

‘Listen, since you want to fight, I will fight! ’


The phone bug with rich expressions, ups and downs in emotions, and looking tired, finally fell asleep with a busy beep, and stopped talking.



Annie called into the microphone twice, but the phone still didn't respond.



"It seems that the other party has hung up..."


There was no way, Annie had to look at the others around her innocently.



"The guy who harvests other people's life is an unreasonable villain. It's really right for people to beat her!"


Then, after saying that sentence, Annie quickly concluded a conclusion that she thought was correct through the conversation just now, and felt that she could beat that bad guy called 'bigmom' with peace of mind and righteousness. .

(Come on, little master, you can do it!)


(At this time, Tibbers, who suddenly felt a little speechless, except for privately speaking out to the nasty little master of his family, and continuing to encourage and instigate How else could it be?)




And those who listened to all the conversations, such as Abyss Commander Sivara, Migrant Worker Gilde Tezzolo, and Don Quixote Doflamingo, who had some kind of expectation, look at me, I look at you, No one spoke.

Because, they think, the person who is unreasonable from the beginning seems to be some guy on the phone bug's side?

Of course, they can just think about the following disrespectful words, but they don't dare to say nonsense.

"Are you all right?"


"If it's all right, that person is going to bed, see you tomorrow!"

(′-??`) Good night

Rubbing her eyes, Annie dropped the phone bug's handset and turned to leave.

Just now she was thinking about going to have a late night snack, but now she suddenly feels very sleepy, so she can temporarily cancel the late night snack or something, and keep it until tomorrow morning... No, wait until the afternoon Eat it with breakfast and lunch.


(● ̄? ̄●)




After a certain bad boy turned around and left, soon, in this battle command room, there were only a few people who looked at each other and said nothing, and the sleeping phone bug.

Moreover, they think that the phone call from the enemy leader just now has no effect at all, except to continue to deepen the hostility between the two sides?


???(?)???? Remember the monthly pass~!


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