Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1717: (???) Declared War on Bears (1)

On an island in a certain country in the northern part of the New World, the mountains and plains are covered with white snow. In the place where the sky is still howling and the north wind is blowing, a group of pirates in fur armor are in the snow. Running deeper and shallower, he hurriedly ran into a huge cave like a giant tent that was also covered with ice and snow, and finally ran out of breath to a giant.

That is a guy who looks extremely tall and burly even when he is sitting.

Even in a slightly dark cave, it can be seen that the other party has black hair on a shawl, a pair of long horns like a pair of horned dragon horns, a long beard like a dragon beard on his mouth, and dragon scales on his left arm. Tattooed, the upper body is naked, there is a hideous scar on the right abdomen, a purple top is hung on the waist, two gold chains are hung on the hem of the top, and the bottom half is wearing dark green wide trousers. Cloak, it looks like a 'devil' is alive.

At this time, the other party was drinking wine alone with a wine gourd with the word '天' printed on it, and there was a huge, terrifying-looking mace that was still stained with blood.

"Oh no!"

"Master Kaido!"

"Master Kaido! The big thing is bad!"

"Something happened!!"

At this time, the pirates finally hurried to the giant who was drinking, and at the same time they shouted the name 'Kaido'.

That's right, the existence in front of me who was drinking and was disturbed by this group of pirates was the Governor of the Hundred Beast Pirates, one of the 'Four Emperors' of the New World. Imaginary defense and vitality, known as the 'strongest creature'. The bounty is as high as 4,611,100,000 Bailey, Kaido, who has the ability of fish, fish, phantom beast, and blue dragon form, and is known as the "hundred beasts"!




However, seeing the panicked appearance of his subordinates, Kaido, one of the four emperors, the 'hundred beasts', didn't say much, just glanced coldly and condescendingly at those who were yelling. The guys glanced, then held up his giant wine gourd and continued to 'gumble'.



The pirates who ran in to say something were a little overwhelmed by the fright, and then they looked at me and I looked at you, and in the end, there was still one person who had to pluck up the courage to step forward and be uneasy. Report:

"Master Kaido!"

"Something happened..."

"The big board of our Hundred Beasts Pirates, Jack, who went to attack the country of Zowu, and the squadron of the pirates under his command, have already been beaten and wiped out by the Bear Boy Pirates!"

"Even, even Boss Jack was defeated by the bear boy and thrown into the sea. Now I don't know if I live or die..."

"Master Kaido, you..."

Speaking of this, the pirate minion was suddenly frightened, and then his whole body was stiff, his tongue was knotted, and he couldn't say anything.

Because, they all saw at this time that the governor of the Beast Pirates, that terrifying Lord Kaido exudes a terrifying aura and oppresses them, and the other pair is looking down at their eyes from a high place. It is like the scorpion of some ancient beast staring and locking them fiercely, as if it will choose someone to bite at any time.





"Go on!!"

After a long time, the huge and terrifying Kaido slightly restrained his breath, then raised his head and took a few sips of wine before wiping the corner of his mouth viciously, and then motioned to his incompetent subordinates to give the matter to him. He made it clear.



"Lord Kaido, the thing is..."

"It's actually like this, we just received an urgent message from a survivor using a phone bug."

Then, the pirate minion first glanced nervously at Kaido's expression, who didn't know what he was thinking, and then stammered to tell the story of what happened to the big kanban Jack of the Beast Pirates. said:

At the beginning, Jack brazenly led a fleet to attack the country of Zou in order to hunt down the ninja Raizo of Wano. After the Don Quixote family surrendered to the Bear and Children Pirates and interrupted the trade of the Zoological Devil Fruits, they were furious and left the country of Zou halfway and planned to go to Dressrosa to find Don Quixote Do. Flamenco's bad luck.

Unfortunately, no one was able to find it in the end, so their boss Jack had to go back to the country of Zou again, planning to destroy the furry principality first and find Leizang before doing other plans.

But what do you think...

On the back of the giant elephant, Boss Jack and his group met the leader of the bear boy pirate group, the terrible bear boy Annie Hastur, in the forest of the country of Zou. Then, the two sides naturally met. It was a big fight, and as a result, of course, the eldest Jack lost to the bear child, was caught by the bear child, tortured and thrown into the sea.

The Beast Pirates fleet that followed Boss Jack to the country of Zou and participated in the attack and the flagship of Boss Jack's 'Mammoth' were also bombed by the Flying Fish Knights under the Bear Boy Pirates. All sunk!

Now it can be said that the elites under their Hundred Beast Pirates, the Mammoth and the Beast Pirates sub-fleet it commands are basically finished.

And the above is the reason why these scoundrels rushed here to report to their boss and their lord Kaido as soon as they received the news, and they seemed to be so flustered.




"Is it true?"

Kaido, one of the four emperors, did not immediately believe the words of these minions, but drank a few more sips of wine. Then, he slowly exhaled a turbid breath, thought about it, and asked in a deep voice.


"Kai, Lord Kaido..."

"It has been confirmed, and now we are completely unable to contact the Mammoth and Mr. Jack. After receiving the news, we also sent a clipper to the sea area where the incident occurred. We also found some sunken debris floating on the sea and our side. The broken flag, the last place the Mammoth's phone bug signal appeared was on the bottom of the sea, and it hadn't moved, so it must have been sunk!"

The scoundrel didn't dare to hide it, and directly told him everything he knew.



"My good brother, didn't you say that you want to build the strongest pirate group with all beast-like abilities?"

"Why now, you are only halfway through, yet you lose?"


"Is it because you are too weak?!"

Roaring in a low voice, the Four Emperor Kaido stood up swayingly and looked at a reward order on the ground. It was a phantom of a little girl's face above the tsunami iceberg sky, and there was no doubt about that. It is the bear boy wanted by the navy, and his bounty has reached an exaggerated 1 billion Bailey, which is much more than the bounty of 4.6111 billion Bailey of his Four Emperor Kaido. more than double.

"My Jack!!"

"Do not!!"

"Moo woo woo~!!"

Kaido roared again, and then, in addition to grief and anger, he waved his mace and smashed a little scoundrel who didn't have time to avoid it into a patty on the spot.

"bad boy……"

"The Evil New Generation?"


"Isn't it a newcomer?"

"Don't think that after defeating Qiwuhai and a few admirals, you can think that you don't care about everyone. She knows that Jack is my subordinate, but she still dares to kill. It seems that she is blatantly attacking me. I have declared war..."

After staring at the bear child's bounty on the ground for a long time, when he thoroughly remembered the face above, when he deeply remembered it in the bottom of his heart to ensure that he would not forget it, Kai, one of the four emperors, said: Once again, under the horrified eyes of the other minions, Duo Cai raised his mace and smashed the bear boy's reward into the frozen frozen ground and crushed it into the soil.

"What a joke!"

"That bear child, does she really think she is invincible?"

The Four Emperors Kaido grinned, obviously not taking that bear child too seriously.

Because, he is Kaido, the 'Beast' Kaido who is known as the 'strongest creature' among all the living creatures in the world today!

Over the years, as a pirate, what kind of thing has he not seen?

He has suffered seven defeats, and was arrested eighteen times when he challenged the Navy and the Four Emperors alone. He has also been tortured more than a thousand times, and has been sentenced to forty times by the Navy. The second death sentence, but even so, he is still alive now, and he is still alive!

Back then, he tore off all the chains that had hanged him, and countless guillotine knives smashed to pieces and failed to cut off his head, not to mention those spears, even if they stabbed hundreds of times , it was nothing but wasted and broken the same number of gun heads. As for the huge prison ships that were escorted and sunk by him, there were as many as nine ships. Even the navy and the world government wanted to arrest him Kaido. things are desperate.

No one in this world can kill him, not even himself!

So, he is proud of the one who just defeated a few Shichibukai and some admirals, and the one who has made some small achievements and dares to shoot at his Jack and show off their power to their Beast Pirates, to him this' One of the four emperors' existence declared war, that is very, very disdainful.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"very good!"

"very good!"

"You go, send someone to give the bear child a gauntlet, just say..."

"My 'Beasts' Kaido has accepted her declaration of war."

He raised his head and laughed for a while, and then Kaido stopped and instructed the pirates under his command.


"But, Lord Kaido..."

"Who do you want to send to the Gauntlet?"

Although the group of pirates responded and were a little excited, but then they looked at me, I looked at you, and no one wanted to do the kind of running to find the bad boy and the gauntlet, and then find it for themselves. unpleasant things.

After all, declaring war or something, if one is not careful, the enemy will use it to kill the sacrificial flag, especially when the opponent is the terrifying bear child in the rumors!

It is said that the other party also likes to feed people to the terrifying flaming giant bear as food, and then, like the hapless Admiral Akainu, is eaten and smashed in one bite, and then turned into a mass of lava and pulled out?


"You dare not go?"


"Then let him go!"

Suddenly, Kaido waved his mace and pointed to the door of a cell deep in this giant tent-like cave. Inside the dark cell, there seemed to be a man covered in blood being locked?

"Isn't that bear child, like him, a new generation who landed in the Chambord Islands at the same time?"

"Then let his idiot, who is also a new generation, go to war with that bear child!"

"Let him go and tell the bear boy..."

"Her game is over! If you don't want to die, let her run away!"

"But that's doomed to be useless..."

"She'd better wash her neck and wait, because I Kaido will find her soon!"

"I'll smash her head in the neck!"

"Then, dismantle her golden ship and bring it back in pieces to build my new pirate empire's palace!!"

boom! !

Said, Kaido waved the mace in his hand again, and then took two steps forward, easily smashing the stone fence of the sea tower in the cell, revealing the red-haired hedgehog inside, wearing goggles , Wearing a dark red coat, one hand is still a prisoner of steel.

But if you look closely, that person is not the captain of the Kidd Pirates who landed in the Chambord Islands at the same time as Annie and Luffy. He is not one of the eleven members of the supernova. He was born in the South China Sea, has a domineering look and a magnetic fruit. Who is Eustace Kidd who can control metal objects with magnetism?

However, he doesn't look very good now.

The other party is not only dirty and smelly, but also has wounds and bloodstains all over his body and The robotic arm on his hand is even more rusty, and it seems that he has long since lost his high spirit and high spirits. The supernova Eleven who were the first to land in the Chambord Islands.

Of course, even if the other party is in high spirits now, it's useless!

Because the so-called 'Supernova Eleven' is no longer popular in the world now, and what people remember the most and are more willing to pay attention to is the deeds of that bear child.

As for the original 'Supernova Eleven' or the 'Evil Generation' or something, it has long been forgotten by the Navy and people all over the world who are concerned about current affairs.


At this time, Eustace Kidd apparently also heard the report of the pirates and the words of Kaido, one of the four emperors.


Therefore, after seeing the door of the cell being smashed, he slowly opened his eyes, and turned towards the 'beast' Kaido with those stubborn and hateful eyes that were embarrassed. Glancing over.

"very good!"

"It seems that he heard what we just said..."

Seeing Eustace Kid's eyes, Kaido was very satisfied, because only if the other party continued to hate him Kaido, he could complete the task he just ordered.

"Take him out!"


"Give them back my gauntlet, and his men, um... and his broken ship!"

"But they go to the bear child!"

"Just say..."

"Four Emperor Kaido, from now on, declare war on her child!!!"


Give a monthly pass and beat Kaido! !

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