Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1694: |_·`) Change the flag

The Holy Land of Mary Joa, which is located at the top of the Red Continent between the first half and the second half of the Great Route, is also one of the only two roads that can reach the New World from the first half of the Great Route.

This is the location of the world's highest power 'Five Old Stars' and the office of the world government. The main residents here are the world's aristocratic Tianlong people. Of course, there are also many troops stationed here, 'untouchables' who serve the Tianlong people, and non-travelers. Fewer slaves, etc.

And it is said that the kings of the member countries of the world government will come here every four years to hold a world conference to discuss various major measures related to world security and formulate relevant laws and regulations?

However, it is still far from the four-yearly world conference, and the world conference has not yet reached that time. However, as the future Admiral of the Navy, General Kizaru was summoned here by the 'Five Old Stars'. The specific reason, he is temporarily unknown.


"It's really troublesome..."

"It wouldn't be about the Tianlong people, would it?"

Looking at the door that was opened by the waiters, and at the five lousy old men who were waiting for him in the door, Kizaru looked left and right, and finally pouted his lips in a boring way, and then walked in step by step with his trousers in his pockets.

If he could, he really didn't want to come to this place and deal with those bad old men, but there was no way, who made him the future Admiral?

"Polusalino, are you here?"

"sit down!"

Seeing the arrival of the yellow monkey, the bald one in the Five Old Stars with a splayed beard and a birthmark on his forehead spoke up and motioned for the yellow monkey to sit down on the vacant sofa. Speak slowly.


whispering sound!

However, Kizaru first glanced sideways at the sofa, then looked at the five old stars who were standing or sitting opposite. Finally, after thinking about it, he chose to remain indifferent, and continued to stand aside with his trouser pockets in disdain. The five bad old men looked at each other.

Because sitting there made him feel like a prisoner being interrogated, it would be more comfortable and relaxed than standing there like he is now.

"All right!"

"Then let's talk about it..."

Seeing Kizaru's reaction, the bald old man with a splayed beard and a birthmark on his forehead frowned, but in the end he didn't insist. He just sat down with the five elders slowly before speaking. speak up.

"About the fact that three Tianlong people were detained by Fishman Island..."

"I heard that you, the future admiral, don't plan to deal with it, and don't make any reaction. Is that the case?"

Yes, the extremely bad thing about the Tianlong people being detained by the mob on Fishman Island is one of the reasons why they summoned Kiabou to come here for questioning today. As the navy to question, it is obviously very necessary.


"Dragon people..."

Hearing that it really was about the Tianlong people, Huang Yuan first sighed in his heart, then narrowed his eyes and thought, and then he remembered the boring document he had approved three days ago.

"I remembered, it seems like there is such a thing!"

With a flat mouth, the yellow ape was a little noncommittal, and admitted it directly and generously, but did not give any further explanation.

"It's good to have it!"


"According to the law, once the Tianlong people are offended, the Admiral or CP0 of the Navy Headquarters must be dispatched to protect them!"

"But you..."

"Three days ago, you turned a blind eye to the report, not only did not respond, but also dared to passively push the official document back to the Holy Land Mary Joa, what is your intention?"

At this time, another five old star, the old man with curly white hair, a fluffy white beard, a flat hat, and a scar on the left side of his face, spoke up, and as soon as he spoke, he scolded Kizaru in stern terms. stand up.


However, Kizaru was still a little indifferent, just turned his head and glanced at the other party.



"What's your attitude?!"

Seeing Kizaru's reaction, the Five Old Stars got angry and immediately patted the table and stood up.

"whispering sound!"

"Your Mightiness……"

First, he stared at the five old star for a few seconds without showing weakness at all, and then, before the other party broke out, Kizaru explained slowly:

"That's right!"

"According to the law, once the Tianlong people are offended, the Admiral or CP0 of the Navy Headquarters must be dispatched to protect them. Of course I know this, and I did that in the Chambord Archipelago. You should all remember?"

Kizaru asked back, and grinned in fear.

Because, he remembered the first time he met a bear child in the Chambord Archipelago, and was then beaten up by the bear, which was really painful...

"Then why are you indifferent?!"

"You do the math!"

"How many days have the three Tianlong people been detained by Fishman Island? Has your navy made any practical response?!"

The Five Old Star, who was wearing a flat hat and had a scar on his left face, continued to scold him angrily.

He remembered very clearly, except that at the beginning, the Dragon Man was detained by the Fishman Island, and then the Navy symbolically dispatched several ships to the deep sea to negotiate and returned almost completely defeated. So many days have passed. , the Admiralty has never made any plans to rescue or attack Fishman Island!

"Your Excellency, our navy is not indifferent. We attacked from the very beginning, but the subordinates of the bear child are too terrible, and we have not been able to fight."

"One more question is..."

"As you know, there are no more generals in the navy now. I am the admiral of the navy. Admiral Aokiji and Admiral Akainu are still out of touch, so..."

"According to the law, when the Navy has no generals to dispatch, I have to transfer the documents to the Holy Land Mary Joa, intending to have CP0 dispatched in person. Is there any problem?"

Kizaru said with a look of helplessness and innocence.

That's right, although the navy now has a large group of lieutenant generals and two marshals, the problem is that the generals really don't have one, so even if the law stipulates that the navy must dispatch the generals when the Tianlong people are offended. Protection, but the problem is, now that their navy really has no generals, who should he send?

Is it possible that it is impossible to let Kizaru send himself there?

He wouldn't do such a dangerous thing!

Moreover, he is now a quasi-marshal, and the law does not stipulate that the naval marshal must be brought in, so things can only be stalemate like this.



Hearing the well-founded answer of Kiabou, the five old star with a flat hat and a scar on the left side of his face couldn't help but open his eyes angrily. I think what Kizuna said is quite reasonable, so that he can't say anything to refute.

"Cough cough!"

"Okay, we are discussing things now, there is no need to be so noisy..."

At this moment, Wu Laoxing, a bad old man with long straight white hair and a long beard next to him, came forward.

He seemed to be blushing. First, he comforted the angry scar Wu Laoxing and the Kizaru who was standing in front of him, before he asked tentatively:


"Could it be that the navy really has no choice but to allow the thugs on Fishman Island to detain the three distinguished Tianlongmen?"


"Of course there is a way!"


"Then you talk about it?"

"It's easy!"

"The way is..."

"Saint Mary Joa, according to the ultimatum from Fishman Island, handed over all the murlocs and merman slaves within a time limit and admitted their mistakes, in exchange for those three Tianlong people?"



"Absolutely not!"

"It is absolutely impossible for the privileged Tianlong people to apologize to the mob of Fishman Island!"

"Also, the detention of Tianlong people on Fishman Island has seriously violated the law and must be dealt with the most severe blow!!"


"Our navy has already fought, but we haven't won!"

Seeing that Wu Laoxing with curly white hair, a fluffy white beard, a flat hat and a scar on the left side of his face still advocated the use of force against Fishman Island, Kizaru once again curled his lips in disdain. refuted verbally.


"I have to remind you here: Fish-Man Island is located 10,000 meters below the sea, where only sea king monsters and those murlocs and mermaids can survive freely, while our navy can only rely on the resin of the Chambord Islands. The bubble can only operate there, and that is very detrimental to any of our combat operations."

"And then..."

"Even if you don't count the bear children, Fishman Island is now blessed by a group of powerful deep-sea races named Naga. They are powerful creatures. The average strength of individuals is likely to be above the brigadier general of the Navy?"

Gu"If it's on the shore, we may still have a chance, but in the deep sea of ​​10,000 meters..."

"Sorry, I really can't think of any chance of our Navy or CPO winning!"

"By the way, I would like to remind you again: the deep-sea waterway has been completely cut off. In the future, the exchange of goods and personnel between the New World and the other side, I am afraid that I can only rely on the Holy Land Mary Joa as the last way."

Thinking of those terrifying Naga summoned by bear children in the deep sea, Kizaru paused, and became even more determined not to go to the sea to trouble them.


"Could it be that the navy does nothing and allows those despicable murlocs to trample the dragons and the law?!"

At this time, another five old star who was wearing a dark red suit, no bow tie, golden hair and beard, and a scar on his chest spoke up.


"whispering sound!"

"The law doesn't say that the rearing of slaves is allowed. Isn't that old slavery social system already banned long ago?"

Huang Yuan didn't answer, but just refuted the five old star.

He really didn't understand. Since these people wanted to save those Tianlong people so much, why didn't they first honestly release those murlocs and mermen slaves who were useless in the first place?

Is there something that can't be exchanged first and then discussed slowly? Do you have to force the navy to go to the 10,000-meter deep sea to fight to the death on Fishman Island?

If it was in the past, before the bear children did not go to the fish-man island, of course, the kiwi would not mind sending the navy to let the creatures on the fish-man island know who is the boss of the world, but, not now, go to the fish-man island now Even if it is to die, he will not give such stupid orders again.

"As for the slave thing..."

"Cough cough!"

"According to the law, Tianlong people enjoy relevant privileges, so we should not discuss this matter."

The atmosphere was silent for a while, and then, the five old star with long straight white hair and long beard acted as a peacemaker again, singing a red face and being a little secretive about the Tianlong people illegally raising slaves. Having said that, I don't want to continue the discussion on that kind of issue.



"It's scary..."

Of course, Huang Yuan knew how ignorant, arrogant and stubborn the Tianlong people were, so he didn't have any hope for the proposal he just made. Otherwise, those Tianlong people would have been released long ago, and today he is even more so. will not be called here.

"Then there's no way."

"There are no generals in the navy now. Otherwise, you can wait until the end of the World Conscription and see if you can choose one or two generals?"

So, Kizaru pretended to be 'kindly' and gave such a proposal.

As for when the World Conscription will end, and whether one or two generals will be selected at that time, then I am afraid only God knows. Anyway, he is not in a hurry, as long as he is not forced to go to the dangerous sea with those fishes People Naga are desperate, then everything is easy to say.

You must know that the main strength of his yellow ape is the ability of the devil fruit, sea water or something, it is really terrible to say to him.




Huang Yuan's proposal is unreliable as long as it is personal, so I found that this matter was a bit stalemate, I felt that the three Tianlong people might not be able to return in a short time, and I thought that the world government would continue to bear the pressure of the Tianlong people. The five old stars in the sect didn't say anything, they just thought quietly in their respective positions and thought about countermeasures in silence.



"Isn't the matter with Kuzan and Sakaski still unresolved?"

After a long time, the five old star who was wearing a white Taoist robe, bald head, and glasses spoke up, and directly asked the whereabouts of the two generals of the navy.


"The Navy has been looking for it for a long time, and there is still no news at all..."

Seeing that these people were still thinking of expecting the Admiral to come out, Kizaru closed his eyes in disappointment.

Sure enough, the arrogance and stubbornness are not only those Tianlong people, but also these bad old men in front of them. At this moment, they are still thinking about how to save the face of the navy, the world government and the Tianlong people, and they are also thinking of ways not to lose face. Go tough on that troublesome thing.

As everyone knows...

The times have already changed. If they don't make corresponding changes to each other, I'm afraid that sooner or later, these people will be crushed under the rolling wheels of the times?

Right now, the navy has basically been tossed by the bear children and has no dignity, and he, the future naval marshal, has already made plans to mess around and live by, but these old guys in front of him are still living in dreams. Ridiculous!




Hearing that there was still no news from the two generals, the five old stars fell silent again, not knowing what they were thinking.


Benedict! Benedict! Benedict!

There was a sound of rapid footsteps.

Then, when the doubtful Kizaru and the disturbed five old stars looked up, they found out that it was a naval adjutant wearing a navy 'justice' robe, and the other party hurriedly strode from the outside with a very ugly face. came in.

"Oh no!"

call! call!

"Your Excellency Five Old Stars!"


"And Polsalino Grand... Marshal!"

"Report, report!!"

"Just now, Don Quixote Doflamingo, one of the seven kings of the sea, and his family of Don Quixote announced to the world on Dressrosa: the Kingdom of Dressrosa. Starting from today, I will leave the world government, and after Fishman Island, I will officially join the Bear and Children Pirates and become a subordinate force under the Bear and Children Pirates!!"


"What did you say?!"



"And, it's a bear boy again..."

Hearing the report of the admiral, the five old men and the five old stars present were all surprised, as if they did not expect that Don Quixote Doflamingo would have no warning at all. Suddenly doing that terrible thing.

"whispering sound!"

"I heard that the bear child stayed on Dressrosa Island for several days. I didn't expect that she was actually because of this..."

Kizaru, who also heard it, could not help frowning.

At this time, he found that the problem of the bear child seemed to become more difficult, and his future marshal seemed to be more and more difficult to be.


However, did not wait for the people present to digest the shocking news, and another admiral in the robe of naval "justice" ran in with a mournful face.

Benedict! Benedict! Benedict! Benedict!

"Report, report!!"

Another burst of hurried footsteps came, and then another naval officer in the robe of naval "justice" ran in.

"Advance City Warden Magellan led Warden Domino, Warden Chief Sati and others to launch a rebellion!"

"They defeated and detained Hannibal, the deputy prison governor, and they also attacked and captured all the officers and soldiers on all ten warships stationed on the periphery of the big prison, and put them all in prison!"

"just now!"

"Those rebels and a large number of prisoners who were released have completely occupied the advancing city and those warships, and announced to the public: the advancing city will belong to a base under the Bear Boy Pirates from today!!"

Then, the adjutant in the robe of naval "justice" shouted so loudly, and successfully made the five old stars stand up dumbfounded.


"bad boy……"

"It's really scary..."

Hearing that the advance city had also fallen, Kizaru was of course also shocked.

Because, once again, he remembered a document that was approved three days ago. It seemed to be a real-name report letter from the deputy warden Hannibal?

It's a pity that he didn't pay attention to it at the time, and directly approved a reply of 'no evidence' and rejected it.

Well now, there is an accident in the important advance city, he must bear a heavy responsibility, and he is one step closer to the "dishonorable retirement".


|_??`) Monthly Pass...


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