Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1685: ????????Tibbers' Midnight Symphony


It was late at night, and the Sonny was still lingering on the seas of the New World, but there was no destination at all.

And this time...

In the girls' dormitory of the Sonny, which is now a large and spacious room renamed the 'Captain's Room', on the other small single bed, a slender figure was curled up in the bed with his teeth chattering. They were all covered, and they were shaking all over and muttering something in a low voice.

"It's over, it's over, it's over..."


"What did I do then?"

"It's over!"


"I will definitely become a sinner in the Navy, surely I will?"


"It will definitely be..."

That's right, this person is not, it is the female officer of the G-5 branch of the Navy, that is, the captain's personal maid Dasqi of the current Bear Boy Pirates!



And at this time, on the other side of the room, on the best and largest big bed, a certain unfortunate bear child was sleeping on the bed sideways, utterly unaware of what she had done before. I almost found a seam to get into because I had already blamed myself for a new maid.

"How to do……"

"How to do……"

"What are we going to do?!"

"In case something gets out..."

Dusky didn't know why the two admirals fought on the Punk Hazard Island, and she didn't know why the navies on the two surrounding battleships did not interfere, but she only knew:

Because of her 'slandering', when the Sonny was approaching the island, her owner, the bear child, Annie Hastur, made a bold move, and went to the two generals who were fighting on the island. Then it took less than half a minute to come back, so she not only failed to escape from prison, but also caused the two generals to be shot by the bear children and their lives were uncertain.

When she thought that the two generals of the Navy Headquarters suffered tragic misfortune because of her 'slanderous words', after Dasqi, who failed to escape, calmed down, the more she thought about her, the more she felt guilty, and now she was so ashamed that she had to commit suicide by jumping into the sea. heart.


"I must think of a way to save it, I must..."


"What exactly are we going to do?"


As a female swordsman, Da Siqi has always been a knife lover, and she is also obsessed with researching various knives. She has always been slow to respond to the things around her. At this moment, in addition to self-blame, she has Where can I find a comprehensive way to save it?

"How to do……"




Pulling down the quilt covering her head, she was just about to take a breath so that she would not be so suffocated. At this moment, Dusqi turned her head and saw a person who was sleeping soundly on the big bed not far from the cabin. The initiator saw the round face with some baby fat of the devil-like bear child.



Annie had turned over and turned into a lying position at some point, but at this time she was still sounding asleep, completely unaware that Dusky was dazed on the maid's cot not far away. looking at her.



"Really, really fell asleep?"

Blinking his eyes, he stared at the big bed and the little man on the bed for a long time. After half an hour, he found that the bear boy himself was still normal except that the Sonny was still shaking slightly with the waves. After the reaction, Dusqi sat up slowly.

"She seems to be really asleep, just like yesterday and the day before..."


"If I take the opportunity to kill her now, no one will know that I instigated her to attack the Admiral."

"Is that so?"

After Dusky took a deep breath, he said this to himself.


"If I can really get rid of the bear child, the Navy headquarters will definitely reward me. At that time, no one will pursue such trivial matters."

"It must be like that..."


Thinking about it, Dusqi was ruthless, first glanced at the bear child on the big bed again, then quietly lifted the quilt, and then gently got off her single bed without putting on shoes. , walked carefully on the wooden deck of the Sonny directly with bare feet, and tiptoed silently to the head of the bear child's bed.


she didn't wake up...

She really fell asleep! !

She stood at the head of the bear child's bed for a while, and I don't know how long it took. When she found that the bear child was still breathing evenly and rhythmically, it was definitely not after pretending to be asleep on purpose, Da Siqi finally gritted her teeth and made up her mind. .

So, as soon as she stretched out her hand, she gently picked up the fruit knife from the fruit basket at the bedside, and then slowly pulled out the sheath, letting a fierce light appear in this very warmly decorated room for girls on the Sonny. Inside.


call! !

Then, taking a deep breath again, calmed down, and after making her hands and feet no longer tremble, Dusqi tried her best to control her breathing, and then raised the small knife high.

Originally, if she used her original famous sword, she would be more determined and courageous, but unfortunately, her sword was confiscated by those pirates long ago, and now she must take it If it is not available, it is estimated that it will not be possible to obtain it in the future, so it has to be like this first.


For the Navy!

For absolute justice! !

At this moment, I am deeply remorseful, I have no choice but to let the arrow on the string, and I don't want to let others know what I have done. At the same time, there is a trace of luck in the heart of Da Siqi, who is finally ruthless He calmed down, used his hands to forcefully, gritted his teeth viciously, and pressed the weapon down between the bear boy's eyebrows!




What, what? !

What made her horrified and at a loss happened: the weapon in her hand was blocked by something invisible and stopped less than an inch from the bear child's eyebrows?

Moreover, not only was the knife blocked, but what shocked her even more was that even her body seemed to be bound or stagnant by something invisible, let alone Continue to press down the knife, even, she can't even make eyelids?



And then, the thing that made Dusqi so terrified that her soul almost flew out happened again:

That bear child, the other party was actually pretending to be asleep, and at this time, the other party finally suddenly opened those cold, ruthless and terrifying blue eyes.


It's over, it's over, it's over, it's over...

Unable to move or speak, Dusqi's heart skipped a beat, and her mind was full of nothing but the word 'finished'.

She should have thought that if the bear children were so easy to deal with, the three admirals of the navy and the fleets of the navy headquarters would not be defeated again and again.

So, in desperation, she couldn't move or speak, and her black eyes could not help but start brewing big tears that would flow at any time.


ε=('ο'*))) alas

"Miss Dasqi, it's too early to cry now!"


Seeing the other party's appearance, Annie stretched out her hand, took the small knife away, and then threw it back into the fruit basket with a flick of her hand.


??(?? ̄? ̄)????

"This lady maid is not good, and now she is handed over to you!"


Annie stretched, and then, before lying down again, she said so and so softly.



What do you want to do? !

Of course, Dasqi still couldn't speak or move, but she saw the hideous stuffed toy bear on the bedside of the bear boy suddenly moved and jumped under the bed, and then slowly in the corner of her eye. The ground grew bigger, until it turned into a doll with a giant bear nearly two meters tall.


The other party walked behind Dusqi, ignoring the cry in her heart, and took off her pants and fat as soon as she stretched out her bear claws.



It's done, it's done, it's done, it's done, it's done...

Feeling that his pajama pants were completely pulled off his legs, and feeling that he was placed sideways on the bear's legs by the giant bear and facing the deck, Dusqi began to whimper in his heart again.

Because she knew that it must be the bear child who planned to give her to the giant bear for a late night snack. Next, the other party would definitely strip off her clothes, and then treat her like that kind of spicy stick, and stuff her into that hideous giant. Mouth and chew little by little.

It must be like that!


So, if her heart is dead, she can only hope that the giant bear can eat it from scratch, so that she can die directly, instead of eating from the hands, feet, or other parts first, so as to save her from suffering too much pain ?


For a long time, the terrible biting and pain that Dusky had imagined did not come.


Even her The giant bear didn't continue to work and strip it off?

Then, when she didn't know why, and thought she could escape... Suddenly, she couldn't help but widen her eyes and sucked in a breath.

Snapped! ! !


The huge bear paw instantly slapped her beautiful buttocks fiercely, making her subconsciously want to scream and struggle hard.


At this time, the weird restraint continued, making her unable to do anything except widen her eyes and let her big tears fall on the deck one by one.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Snapped! Snapped! !

Soon, the sound of something heavy hitting the flesh began to spread in the cabin of the Sonny.



"what sound?"

"do not know……"

"It's weird..."


"But, it sounds like a lot of fun..."

"It seems to have come from that room..."

"That's right..."

"what exactly is it?"


"Shut up, you all keep quiet!"


That kind of sound made many crew members who were awakened feel inexplicable.

Although, they wanted to go to the captain's room to find out, but they didn't dare, so they could only toss and turn on their beds or sleeping decks and listen to the wonderful sound that made them wonder.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Snapped! Snapped! !

The sound of slapping the flesh still continued, accompanied by the sound of the waves on the quiet sea, one after another, and it lasted for a long time...


(*?′?`?) ask for monthly pass

More exciting, please pay attention to the author of the ㊣ version

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