Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1679: ?(????)??? Come and be happy acridine

Empress Boya Hancock's idea was very good at the beginning, she did not hesitate to make all kinds of small actions to keep Luffy, such as intercepting the newspaper pigeon, deliberately distorting the correct training method of domineering, and deliberately delaying Luffy's The training progress and other things went very smoothly, but unfortunately, only the third day after intercepting the delivery pigeon, another uninvited guest came to the Nine Snake Island and interrupted some of her arrangements.

"Who are you?"

"How did you get to the island?"

"Say it!"

He took his two sisters and a group of Amazonian warriors on the beach to surround the guy who came to the island at some point and was grilling fish by a bonfire, looking at the guy with long curly hair and a chin. An old man with a beard, white beard and hair, glasses, and a straight scar on his right eye. Before the Empress could speak, the Amazon's national protector captain, Kikyo, raised his eyebrows and shouted loudly.


Looking at the Amazon female warriors who have surrounded him and the people who come here are not good, and they seem to be ready to attack at any time, the old man is a little indifferent, and the old **** is still there and roasting the jelly in his hand. Oily sea fish.


"Let me think first..."


"I remember!"

"I should have come here the day before yesterday, and I swam directly from the Chambord Islands. To be honest, those sea king-like monsters around your Nine Snake Island are really difficult to deal with. In order to get rid of them, I have tossed for a long time. "


"I'm actually here to find Luffy. Could you please tell him that I'm waiting for him here now?"

The old man with white beard and hair, glasses, and a straight scar on his right eye turned his head like this, and said with a hearty smile to the Empress and the others, ignoring his situation at all.


"Who are you from Luffy?"

The Empress, who was originally planning to let her subordinates take down the opponent, hesitated for a moment, and then reached out to signal the captain of the country protector not to be in a hurry, then frowned and took two steps forward and asked aloud.

Because, she knows most of Luffy's relatives and partners, and she has read the wanted notices of the Straw Hats, and she is guaranteed to recognize them at a glance, especially the two women named Nami and Robin, but there is absolutely no such one. old man!

And among the relatives of Luffy's family, there is only one old man, that is Monkey D. Karp!

And she also recognized the old guy. That guy is a vice admiral, an old and rough man. He will never come to her Nine Snake Island easily, and the other party and the gentle spectacled man in front of him will definitely not. Not the same person.

"This is..."

"Should be friends, right?"

"I promised him to teach him to be domineering. I heard that he is staying with you now, so I didn't invite you here. You shouldn't mind, right?"

With that said, the man slowly stood up from the beach under the gaze of the Empress.

"Introduce yourself!"

"My name is Reilly, Silbaz Reilly!"

"I used to be a pirate, but I have already changed my career. Now I mainly help people coat ships in the Chambord Islands. I guess Luffy should have told you about me, right?"

After speaking, Rayleigh still looked like a fool, took off the flip-flops on his feet and shook the sand on top, and then put them on again.


"You are Hades Rayleigh?!"

Hearing what the other party said, the Empress' expression that was relatively relaxed suddenly froze, and then her eyes narrowed, where did she still not know who the other party was?

"That's right..."

"But I'm retired. Don't go out and tell others about my past."

Waving his hand with a smile, Reilly said he didn't want to talk about his past.

Although, he has also had a good time. He was also the deputy captain of the original Roger Pirates. He was called the 'Right Arm of the Pirate King' or something. However, now the Pirate King Roger has surrendered himself and was executed. Of course, there is not much value in existence, and those things are not mentioned!

However, in the Navy, there must be his name, and the bounty must not be too small.

"All right!"

"Everyone, look, the misunderstanding is basically resolved now, can you help me inform Luffy?"

"I'll just wait for him here!"

The location that Rayleigh chose was very good. It was close to the beach and the sea, with abundant food, and there was a cave on the rocky cliff of the island not far away that could be used as a shelter from the wind and rain, which saved him from running to the town of this daughter country. to cause trouble.




The group of Amazon female warriors gradually put down their guard and stopped using bows and arrows to face each other. However, they did not immediately follow Rayleigh's request, but turned their heads towards their female emperor Boya. Hancock looked away and waited for orders.


"Feel sorry!"

"My concubine cannot meet your requirements!"


"You can leave, this concubine's island does not welcome men!"

"However, since you are Luffy's friend, the concubine will not embarrass you."

"You go!"

After a while of silence, the Empress finally spoke up, and rejected Rayleigh's seemingly reasonable request mercilessly on the spot.


"Men are not welcome?"


"Luffy isn't a man?"

Hearing the Empress's words, Rayleigh didn't seem to be surprised. He just supported the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and then laughed and laughed.

Of course he knew that this Nine Snake Island had an absolute ban on "men are prohibited from going to the island" hundreds of years ago, and once a man entered this place, he would be ruthlessly wiped out by these women!


Luffy has been here for a long time, and that ban has long been broken, so Rayleigh thinks, Luffy can come, of course he can!

Moreover, he doesn't ask to enjoy the same treatment as Luffy, he just stays in this remote corner of the island, and then he teaches Luffy when he has time, he will never be like Luffy when he is idle and has nothing to do. She likes to wander around the towns of other people's daughter countries, and she will not sleep on the embroidered bed of other people's daughter countries.


"That's different!"


"What's different? Luffy is a man, and so am I!"


"Luffy is a concubine man, you are not!"


"All right!"

Hearing the undisguised words of the Empress, Rayleigh was also a little surprised, but he seemed to be prepared for this, so he sighed and continued:

"Is such that."

"I've been here for two days, and I've secretly observed you for two days. Then I found out that you don't seem to be seriously teaching Luffy to be domineering. Am I right?"

"So, I came here and felt that I was obliged to teach him well..."

"What do you think, Her Majesty the Queen of Qiwuhai?"

Rayleigh knows that the Amazon female warriors on Nine Snake Island are all domineering, and that is a skill that has been passed down by the other country for a long time. Just click Luffy at the place.

But what do you think... Valley

After observing for two days, he suddenly felt that he had to do more, and he had to teach Luffy all the skills he knew, otherwise, the good seedling would have to be ignorant of the one in front of him. The baby girl emperor who is thinking about something can't be played with.


"We, Nine Snake Island, naturally have our own way of cultivating domineering and domineering. There is no need for you to come here to meddle with your concubine!"

The Empress was still unmoved, and she didn't even want to consider the proposal of the Hades Rayleigh.


"If you practice like you do, I'm afraid he won't be able to learn it in ten or eight years!"


"It won't be possible to take it slow, anyway, the concubine is not in a hurry!"


"You did that on purpose, to trap Luffy here forever?"

"Do not!"

"I don't have a concubine, he stayed here voluntarily!"


"I see……"

He was stunned for a moment, and then Rayleigh sighed deeply. He basically understood the intention of the emperor of the daughter country in front of him.

"That's it!"

"Let's learn from each other. If you win, it will prove that your domineering cultivation method is better than mine. I will turn around and leave, and never interfere with Luffy's affairs again."

"And if I win..."

"You have to agree with me to stay here and let Luffy come here to practice with me at least half of the time every month, what do you think?"

Holding the mirror frame on the bridge of his nose again, Rayleigh suggested with a smile.


"The emperor of our country, how can you challenge it casually?"


At this moment, the protector captain Kikyo was just about to say something, but was blocked by the empress reaching out her hand, so she had to bow her head and back off.

"Concubine refused!"

"Well, why did the concubine agree to your proposal?"

There was basically no change on the Empress' face, but the light in her eyes was flowing, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"You must agree!"


"It's very simple, think about it, if Luffy knew that you deliberately didn't teach him or deliberately misled him to prevent him from mastering domineering things as soon as possible, what would he think of you?"


"You threaten your concubine?"

"That's right..."

"Anyway, you know who I am. If I want to do something, like let Luffy know what you really think, I think you can't stop it, right?"


"very good!"

"You have successfully provoked the concubine, and the concubine agrees to your invitation to fight!"

"The concubine will turn you into a stone statue and sink into the sea!!"

Saying that, as soon as the Empress waved her hand, the warriors of the daughter country around her first glared at the old man who broke into Nine Snake Island, and then had to step back for a long distance to take this spacious beach. Give it to two people.

"Stone statue?"

"Sounds good?"

It's a pity that Rayleigh, the king of the underworld, did not take the threat of the Empress to heart, but slowly drew out the long sword from his waist and took precautions.

He had seen it from the live broadcast at the beginning, that the world's largest swordsman and one of the seven kings under the seven seas, the eagle-eyed Joracol Mihawk, all fell into the other side's hands, so , he also had to be a little more cautious.


And when Pluto Sirbaz Reilly was confronting Empress Boya Hancock on the beach of Nine Snakes Island, ready to fight Luffy's education and blow his head, he was far away from the Red Continent. In the New World waters on the other side, several warships of the G-5 branch of the navy were aggressively searching around on the vast ocean above the undersea passage.

As we all know, G-5 belongs to a branch below the headquarters of the navy, and it is also a branch of the navy in the New World. However, unlike the general naval branch, G-5 is a very alternative naval force. They Is it the navy that is the least like the navy, and can even be said to be the navy that is most like a group of pirates?

Because their naval force has always been known for not obeying the orders of the naval headquarters, like to act without authorization, to fight wildly, and to wantonly kill pirates and other evil acts.



"It's been three days, why haven't I seen the bear child and the Sonny?"

"Have we missed it?"

On the flagship of the navy fleet, a navy with a face full of flesh walked to the bow impatiently at this time, and faced the one who stood there smoking a cigarette, with short silver hair, wearing a large shirt with the word "justice" written on the back. jacket and the admiral with goggles around his neck asked.



"I heard that their ship is very fast, I should have really missed it..."

"do not care!"

"Then go ahead and pursue it!"

Staring at the surrounding sea for a while, then the man called Smog waved his hand impatiently and prepared to give an order.



"Didn't the Navy Headquarters ordered to notify all the navies in the New World, let's not have any conflicts with the bear children?"

"Are you crazy?"

At this moment, a female officer wearing a big pink navy coat with the word "Justice", delicate black-rimmed glasses, black hair tied in a ponytail, and a long knife on his waist came over and said Persuade to that Smoker.



"When did our G-5 hear the order of the Navy Headquarters?"

Just one The officer named Smoker refuted the female officer speechless.

"The order!"

"The fleet is moving at full speed, and we must find that bear boy!"


"I must sink that Sonny!!!"

Soon, following the order of the naval officer Smog, the crew on the ship complied with a bang, and then the speed of the naval ships became faster, and they arranged in a long serpentine search formation towards Fast forward.

At this time, they only thought about finding the Sonny and sinking each other. As for the level of force of the bear children, such as the complete abuse of the three naval generals, they have already left them behind.

Because, they are G-5s, they love to challenge authority and never consider the consequences! !


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