Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1662: !(;?o?)o Why did you come to the door?

Very dramatic, the ghost released by Perona using the ghost fruit ability did not successfully scare Annie. On the contrary, she herself was turned into a chair by Annie using a simple transformation spell from Hogwarts. The fake Sadako turned into a fright!

It is said that...

At that time, she was even scared to pee her pants on the spot?

And if she hadn't been able to fly, at that time, she, who rushed out of the room window in a panic, would not be so intact now.

So, in the morning of the second day, when Perona came to the restaurant for breakfast and saw Anne, her face was still stinky, and she almost didn't shoot a bad bear. The child used force.

After a night of tossing, Perona didn't even need to remove that black eyeshadow anymore.

Because ah, she didn't sleep well all night, and now the whole eye circles are naturally black!

Last night, if Annie couldn't hold back and took the initiative to show up to turn the fake Sadako back into a chair with the Restoration Charm and laugh at Perona, I'm afraid she's still hanging around outside the castle and wouldn't dare. Are you back?

Of course, whether Perona could fall asleep again after she came back, that kind of thing is not something Anne can take care of.

You must know that Anne is a bear child officially certified by the world government. It is common for her to use tricks to tease people. She is not inferior to Perona. Therefore, after the big riot last night, Her Lady Queen Anne slept well. Can be fragrant.



"Good morning, Sister Perona!"


After seeing that Miss Perona walking into the restaurant and seeing herself slightly dazed, Annie generously raised Tibbers' claws and greeted the other party.

"Want to come over for breakfast?"


“There are pork chops with roasted whole pigs, and that kind of delicious desert fried noodles!”


Annie is in a very happy mood now, so she doesn't mind going to the other party to share these delicious breakfasts she prepared.


Perona didn't speak, she just stood there, staring angrily at some bad little girl.

For a long time, she seemed to think that she might not really be Annie's opponent, or she might be really hungry, so she walked quickly to the table with a stinky face, and rudely grabbed a fork and forked a piece of 'toast'. Whole pig pork chops 'open mouth and eat.


"Okay, delicious!"

"You did this?"

"But, where did you find the fresh pork chops?!"

After eating it in her mouth and feeling the excellent taste of the mellow, melt-in-your-mouth fresh pork chops, Perona instantly put the grievances behind her, and began to eat with a big mouth, while asking strangely. road.

Perona knew that there were no cooks in this castle, there were only three people in total, and she deliberately went to see that idiot Sauron when she just passed by. The guy did it, then, it must have been done by the poor little girl in front of him.

Perona was still quite surprised that a little girl could have such cooking skills, and she did not expect that the other party would make breakfast by herself. Although, it seems that the time seems to be close to noon now, so it is out of time to eat breakfast at this time?



"This is a ready-made ingredient from the food industry. People don't want to cook by themselves. Thinking about it is troublesome!"


That's right, for Annie, cooking or something by herself, where can it be more convenient and faster to get fresh and delicious ingredients directly from her bag or the food world?

And even if she wants to eat freshly made, she can choose to directly catch an uncle with a big nostril as a free coolie, there is absolutely no reason to work **** her own.


(● ̄() ̄●)

"Beauty, food world?"


After eating the boneless pork chop in a few bites, Perona pulled a large bowl of desert fried noodles for herself from the big bowl.


"This, this fried noodles is delicious too!"


"What did you just say about the food industry?"

Then, after just taking a bite, Perona, who only felt that the exhaustion and resentment from last night disappeared in an instant, asked again strangely.

"The food world..."


At this time, Annie remembered that Uncle Alu, who was super good at finding delicious food, and Uncle Komatsu, who was super good at cooking. If it weren't for some accident, she would still be wandering in that world now. You didn't want to leave for a long time, did you?

Although she has packed the whole world now, it is still a little difficult for her to find the names of the countless kinds of ingredients and eat them smoothly without knowing the many things in it.

For example, if she didn't know the existence of something like 'puffer whale' and the correct way to eat it, even if she now owns the entire world of food, I'm afraid she wouldn't think of eating that kind of thing.


"What's up?"

"Little guy, what's the problem?"

Seeing a bad little girl pondering something that didn't suit her, Perona raised her brows and asked in a puzzled way while eating.

"Do not!"


"It's nothing, you still eat yours!"

( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

With that said, Annie also ate on her own.

She didn't want to answer the other party's boring question, because even if she said it, she said that the food world had been packed into a 'glass ball' and kept in the bag, but the other party would definitely not be able to go. understand.

"You nasty little brat, you're not cute at all..."


"Don't say pull it down!"

Seeing that Annie was unwilling to say anything, Perona had no choice but to continue eating bitterly. At the same time, her eyes kept looking aside, at the hair that Annie was putting on the dining table at this time. Soft toy bear.

Obviously, she still hasn't given up the idea of ​​hitting that hideous stuffed toy bear, but she has already learned a lesson after what happened last night, so what method should she use to get it out of the little girl's hands? When I get it, I haven't thought about it yet.


(ì~í)~ Chew!



At this time, while eating and eating, Annie suddenly looked towards the door of the restaurant, and then she saw the green-haired uncle Zoro, who was still wearing bandages. He walked in with the opponent's weapon.


"You...why did you get up?"

"Go back and lie down, you immortal idiot!!"

Turning her head, she saw that Zoro ran out again with an injury, and then Perona no longer cared about eating, but slapped the table fiercely and yelled angrily.

"I still have a knife..."

"What the **** do you want to do, bastard?"

"Do you still want to fool around?"

"it's useless!"

"You can't beat those baboons, no matter how many times you try!"

Immediately afterwards, seeing that Zoro walked in with some staggering steps, but still holding those weapons tightly, Perona was so angry that she didn't know what to say.


"It's annoying!"

However, Zoro didn't pay any attention to Perona's arrogant and alternative way of caring, and just continued to pant and stagger to the dining table.

Bang! !

He directly threw the three knives in his hand onto the dining table, then impatiently reached out and grabbed a piece of pork chops, stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it, and swallowed it.


"Is this the kind of roasted whole pig on the original Henkelila Island?"

Just after eating a piece, Zoro remembered the strange pig he ate on that island, which is still somewhat familiar and memorable.

Then, he ate it up without waiting for an answer, and even took the large pot of half-finished century soup next to him and drank it!

"That's right!"


"It's that kind of roasted whole pig!"


Anne didn't mind that Uncle Zoro drank all the soup in one breath.

Anyway, there was still a big pot of the semi-finished century soup that was clear as water in the back kitchen of the old lady at that festival, and the pot was as big as the oil cans in the factory. She only scooped up a few pots after drinking it. That is, it will definitely not be discovered.


"What roast whole pig?"

Perona was at a loss, not knowing what Anne and Zoro were talking about, and she had never heard of Hankrilla.

"It's a pig!"

"An animal that bakes itself and then runs around."

After eating the meat from the gourmet world and drinking the semi-finished soup made by the old woman Jienuo, Zoro felt much more comfortable, and when he found that his injury and physical strength were gradually recovering, he explained a little impatiently.


"You roast your own pig?"

"What are you kidding, where is there such a thing?!"

First, she was stunned, and then, Perona, who felt that she seemed to be being teased, pointed at Zoro's nose with a stern face and round eyes, and shouted angrily.

"There is!"

Zoro was a little disdainful to answer.

"Yes! There is!"


Annie also echoed, although the kind of pig that roasts itself is indeed quite outrageous and unreasonable, but it does exist, but it is not in this world.



Seeing that the big one and the small one were talking in a prudent manner, Perona was trembling with anger, but, after thinking about it, she didn't know how to refute, and she simply sat back arrogantly and just ate angrily. with their own food.


Zoro didn't explain that his injuries were not yet healed, and he was in urgent need of a lot of food to replenish his strength, so he couldn't talk about it now, and just ate in big gulps.



Annie also didn't want to explain, and then stretched out her hand, and she put out a large plate of ice cream cut with sweet whole fruits, and then she scooped a bowl and ate it.

Now that Uncle Zoro has been found by her, and he is still alive, this is something worth celebrating, so she decided to have a big meal here, and think about other things after she has had enough to eat and drink.


(● ̄ ̄●)

In this way, the three of them enjoyed this delicious breakfast in this gorgeous and empty huge castle restaurant, and chatted one after another.



About half an hour later, when the three of them were lying contentedly in their respective positions waiting to be digested, they were surprised that this gorgeous castle with only three people on the island of Kraigana was originally only three people. The door was pushed open.


"who is it?"


"Is someone here again?!"

Zoro and Perona exclaimed together, then turned to look at the restaurant door that was pushed open.

Soon, the two of them saw that it was a man with eagle-sharp yellow eyes, a short beard, a black top hat with white fluff, a burgundy patterned shirt, a black trench coat, and a black trench coat. White trousers, black short boots, a strange guy with a cross knife hanging on his chest and a long cross knife on his back.



"It's you? But why did you come to the door?"


Of course Annie knew who was coming!

At this moment, standing at the door of the restaurant, he was looking at the three of them eating in amazement. Who was not the Hawk-Eyed Joe Raquel Mihawk, one of the Seven Wuhais under the King?



Zoro obviously knew who was coming, so he subconsciously grabbed the weapons on the table, and got up and grabbed the hilt of one of them, secretly vigilant.


Perona was stunned, and then hurriedly left the chair and flew directly into the air to be alert and hesitant.


"It's you, bear boy?!"

Seeing the three of them in the restaurant, and then looking at the food and residues on the table, Hawkeye was obviously surprised, and subconsciously reached out and grabbed the cross hilt of the 'Supreme Knife Twelve Workers' behind him.

However, at this time, his eyes were all on a certain bear child, and as for the two people next to the other party, he was directly ignored by him.

To be honest, Hawkeye himself never imagined that when he finally came back from Malin Fando with a whole body of exhaustion, he found that the terrifying bear child lived in his own home at this time? !

If he had known this was the case earlier, I am afraid that he would not have come back so soon.

"You are the bear boy!"


"By the way, people remember, haven't you been petrified by Sister Snake Ji?"


Annie remembers very clearly that at that time, the strange uncle in front of her attacked her, Luffy, and Snake Ji with two other strange uncles. Then, the other party was petrified by Snake Ji's elder sister. Now it should be Or a stone statue.


"The navy and the empress negotiated, so I was released from petrification."

After being silent for a while, seeing the little girl's face was only surprised but not hostile. Gradually, Hawkeye seemed to realize that the other party should not come to him specifically, so he finally relaxed gradually, and briefly dismissed himself. The reason for the lifting of the petrochemical was explained.



"Then why are you still here, uncle, do you still want to fight with others?"


If that's the case, Annie said, now that she's full and in a good mood, she doesn't mind going to fight the other party for a while, and promises not to burn the other party too badly.


"Do not!"

"I don't want to fight with you..."

Without waiting for some nasty bear boy who was eager to try to stand up, Hawkeye Joracelle Mihawk waved his hand to reject the unreasonable and excessive request.

"I didn't come to find you."

"In fact..."

"Here, this castle is my home. I have lived here before, but you guys, why are you here?"

Hawkeye is crazy to fight a bear boy who can single out the three generals and still win, so after hesitating for a while, he asked back.



"Sister Perona, didn't you say this is your home?"


Annie hurriedly looked at a young lady with a black eye who was floating in the air.


"I, when I came, there was no one here, I thought the master didn't want to be here anymore..."


Perona helped explain with a wave of her hand.

If the other party is an ordinary person, she will occupy it, and who can help her? However, if the original owner of this place was Hawk-Eyed Joracol Mihawk, one of the Shichibukai down the sea... then she would definitely return to the original owner.


At this moment, Zoro, who had been staring at Hawkeye's every move and the expression on his face, seemed to see something was wrong.

"Annie, do you know him?"

"What happened during this time?!"

So, Sauron, who was puzzled in his heart, hurriedly asked.

He could see that the eagle-eyed Joracelle Mihawk not only knew but also seemed to be very afraid of Annie, which was a very strange thing for Sauron who was beaten up in the Chambord Islands, so, He wants to know more.

"This is..."


It was a long story, and Annie didn't even know where to start.


"If you want to know, look at it!"

At this time, Hawkeye, who confirmed that the bear boy was not here to trouble him, came over, and then threw a newspaper he took with him on the way to the dining table.

Although he doesn't know why there are three uninvited 'guests' in his home for no reason, but now is not the time to worry about that kind of thing.


"This is……"


"She really beat the three admirals of the Navy?!"

Looking at each other, Zoro and Perona threw themselves onto the thick newspaper.

Then. The two of them soon began to be shocked by what was told in the official newspaper about all the big things that happened between the advance city and the war on the top that shocked the world!

Of course, there must be all kinds of atrocities committed by a certain 'bear boy' pirate.


"Reward, bounty!"

"One, one, one... One billion Baileys?!!!"

Soon, it didn't take long for Perona to start exclaiming again.

Then, she finally knew what kind of guy she was fighting against last night, and how stupid her behavior was...

Perhaps, she should be glad that she is still alive?


Remember the monthly pass(﹃)

↓For more exciting stories, please see what the author of the ㊣ version said↓


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