Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1622: Haha?? (???*) That's how they are...

After asking the proprietress Sha Qi about the whereabouts of the film-coating man'Raleigh', Luffy led Annie, Xiao Ba, Kemi, Chopper, Brook and'Pai Daxing' to the Shampoo. The park is here.

As for Nami and Robin, they both went shopping halfway.

Of course, shopping is not the main thing, they also have to work separately, in order to find the coating man "Raleigh" as soon as possible.

But that kind of trivial matter is not important, anyway, all day long, Luffy, who is as careless as a messy little girl, would definitely not take such trivial things to heart. Because, now he has been attracted by the huge and lively Chambord Park in front of him.

"Very good!"

"Let's get here, let's go play together?"


"Set off!!"

At the gate of the park, with an order from Luffy, Kemi and Chopper jumped out of the bubble car with cheers, and couldn't wait to rush into the park.


"Is it really okay for us to come here like this?"

At this moment, Papagu spoke with some worry.

"Now the Navy must have known that you pirates have gathered on this island, right?"

"So, I am always a little worried."

"Just like Brooke said, the attack will definitely come at any time, whether it is from other pirates or from the navy?"

Anyway, looking at these guys who just cheer and want to play, and don’t care about the consequences, Papagu always feels that something very bad will happen today, but what exactly is it? Can't tell, it's just a vague premonition.

"do not worry!"

"Surely there will be no problem, it's illegal here, isn't it?"

"Let's go play first!"

Luffy waved his hand. He didn't even take the words of "Pai Daxing" Papagu to heart. He planned to go forward and buy tickets for everyone.

"and many more!"

"But, Luffy!"

"Aren't we here to find someone?"

Seeing that Luffy really wanted to play first, although Chopper agreed with him, he couldn't help but hesitate when he thought of the business matter of finding someone.

"If people are looking for, they have to play too!"

"Don't worry, Chopper!"

"Let's find and play at the same time!"

Luffy said with a grin, completely disregarding what they were about to do, just like finding someone to coat and head to the fisherman island, and then sailing to the new world is not important at all.

Anyway, he is the captain. He said that if he wants to go in and play first, he must play first, even if Nami is here, he can't stop him.



"It's amazing! It looks so fun!"

Soon, when he just came to the gate of the park, Luffy exclaimed in a little fuss, and yelled at the various amusement facilities that could already be seen here.


"Where is the Ferris wheel!"

"There is also a roller coaster!"

"And that carousel!"


Immediately afterwards, Chopper, Kemi, and Brook also followed suit, and a group of people, led by Luffy, killed them towards those casinos.


"Now, I declare!"

"Everyone, start playing!!"


"Served you!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Oh ho~ho~ho~!"

"Hurry up everyone!"

"Keep up!"

Soon, everyone’s joyous roaring sounded. At this time, even Chopper and Pai Daxing Papagu couldn’t think about anything else. As for finding someone or something, at this time, under the leadership of Lu Fei, it was already Was completely left behind by them.


"Annie, won't you come up and play?"

"This is a roller coaster!"

After paying the seat money, Luffy, who had grabbed the first position of the roller coaster, waved to Annie vigorously from above, motioning her to go up too quickly and have fun with everyone.

Anyway, he wanted to come to Chambord Park to play here. As for finding someone or something, it was just a matter of convenience.

"do not want!"


"Play it yourself!"


Anne, full of black lines, stretched out her hand to signal and rejected the other's kindness.

Because she really doesn’t like this kind of entertainment facilities for children. Although she is actually a child, she doesn’t like to ride the boring roller coaster. Instead, she prefers to go drag racing, fighter jets, etc. Space fighters or control Gundam to fight the enemy in the rain of bullets and so on.

And this kind of boring, slow speed, only a rolling roller coaster on the track, not under her control, where would she look at it?

She was not the little girl who had just emerged from the land of voodoo back then, so she wouldn't be scared of that kind of stuff anymore.

"Is that so?"

"Then let's play first!"

"Are you waiting for us down here?"

Seeing the staff reminded that it was starting to start, Luffy hurriedly sat down, then waved, wanting Annie to wait for them to finish the lap first.

"Do not!"


"I want to go shopping everywhere..."


After speaking, Annie turned around and left without waiting for the other party to answer.

She is not interested in those ferris wheels, roller coasters and carousels, doesn't it mean that she is not interested in other things, such as the local snacks of Chambord? So, taking advantage of the chance that Luffy and others bought tickets and got on the bus and started playing, she took her little bear and wandered aimlessly towards the other side.


"Huh huh~??"


Before I knew it, half a day passed.

At this time, the fun-loving Lu Fei and others had already forgotten Annie and their goals, and Annie was strolling around, and she also left Chambord Park without knowing it, and then came to this tree trunk. The place where '24GR' is brushed on.

This is not to blame Annie. After all, she was walking around, and when she found that she was bored, she simply took a short-distance teleport to change places, and then after a few times, she didn’t know where she was now, but anyway, It must be right to be on the Chambord Islands, after all, those big trees and those bubbles are the best proof.

Boom! !

Suddenly, Annie heard a noise, and it seemed that it was still the sound of a musket?

‘Come here! ’



‘Who will save him, please! ! ! ’

‘Oh oh...’

Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of screams from the woman and a cry for help.



"What's wrong over there?"


Annie didn't want to bother about gunshots or something, but at this time, after she seemed to hear screams and calls for help, she stopped.



Originally, if it were just gunshots and calls for help, it would not be enough to attract Annie to watch the excitement, but, surprisingly, when she saw many people like scorpions, they were still fleeing instead of going in or out. After staying away from the block where the gunfire came, she finally couldn't help it.

"It seems that something interesting is happening over there!"


Annie has always been unafraid of the sky, so, of course, where others are rushing to stay away, she certainly has to move forward without hesitation.

Isn't this?

Before long, she jumped directly to the block where the gunfire came from. Then, among the people who bowed and kneeled, she saw golden muskets, dressed in weird costumes like space suits, and at the same time There is also a disgusting weirdo with a bubble on his head.



"It's so spicy, it's still snotty..."


Annie didn't know why so many people were kneeling and did not dare to look up, or why the young lady in the nurse's uniform cried so sad, but now she only knows that there is a disgusting uncle with a snotty nose. Stare at her.

"Don't be ashamed!!"


So, very rudely, she directly put a shame on the other party.

"Uh oh?"

Seeing that it was just a child, the disgusting weird man wearing a weird costume like a spacesuit with a bubble on his head didn’t really mind, but when he heard what Annie said, he made a grimace at him. After that, he was instantly annoyed.

"Another untouchable dare to stand in front of me like this, and dare to speak rudely?"


So, you are very welcome, once again he slowly raised the musket in his hand and pointed it at the small head of the visitor.

He is already imagining now. Later, when that cute little head bursts open with the gunshot, what kind of sad scenery will it be like?





Annie blinked and couldn't believe that the other party dared to talk to her like this.

"Who are the untouchables talking about?"


So, she looked around when she was a little uncertain.

At this time, here, except for a man in a suit and two guards behind the opponent, everyone else knelt down on the side of the road with their heads hanging down, and they didn't even dare to look at her here.

"Are you cursing?!"


Come on!

Now, the thing is self-evident, the disgusting weird man wearing a weird costume like a spacesuit with a bubble on his head is obviously cursing her.


At the same time, the muzzle of the gold-encrusted musket in the opponent's hand was also aimed at Annie's head.

"Bad guy, do you dare to shoot and try?"


After speaking, Annie raised a small fist towards the other party.

You know, she was actually just because she heard the movement and wanted to come over and see what was going on. She didn't hire anyone and didn't provoke anyone. Now, it's fine if she didn't take the initiative to cause trouble, and the other party dared to scold her, and He even pointed the gun at her head. Is she really a bully little girl?

Boom! !



However, to Annie's surprise, the other party said to try, but did not hesitate to disconnect the gun?


In an instant, hot bullets flew past her ears, and the turbulent air flow made her long golden hair fluttering behind her ears.



At this moment, the disgusting weird man with a bubble on his head didn't seem to realize what a terrible thing he had done. He just looked at the gun in his hand curiously, as if he couldn't believe it. Can you miss a miss when it's so close?

Therefore, he did not rush to shoot a second shot, but began to check the weapon.




At the same time, after the gunshots passed, the residents and pirates who knelt around also sweated for Annie.

Although they wanted to make her run faster, under the power of that disgusting weird, they finally chose to remain silent, and clenched their fists secretly without daring to make a sound.



Annie was angry.

Because, the shot just didn't hit it crooked, and if it wasn't for her who was standing here, she had been replaced by someone else, and replaced by another little girl, I'm afraid that bullet would have overturned her head.

So, she turned to look at the nurse sister who was kneeling on the grass behind the disgusting weird person and howling.

"Hey! Miss Sister!"


"This fat pig, what did he just do?"



"Save him..."

"I don't want to be his wife..."

"He is my fiance, I..."


However, the nurse sister did not answer Annie's words, she just kept crying and begging, and at the same time kept her eyes on the uncle who had fallen on the ground and had blood stained with a large blade of grass. .


(??????????) Good!

"People seem to understand!"


Nodded, and then looked around. Judging from the reaction of the other party and the situation at the scene, Annie quickly made up her mind and understood what was going on here before she came to the scene.

"You must be a big official, right?"


Then, Annie looked again at the weird man in the weird outfit like a spacesuit, with a bubble of disgusting snot on his head.


"This is Lord Tianlongren!"

"Don't hurry down on your knees?!"

Before the snot weird could speak, the man in black suit behind him arrogantly reprimanded Anne aloud.

It turns out that the snot monster who committed murder here and provoked countless pirates and residents of the Chambord Islands to kneel is what the other side said is the "Draco", and the "Draco" is a world nobleman who lives in the holy land of Marijoa, which is 800 years old. The descendants of the 20 kings who established the world government before claiming to be “the descendants of the creator” enjoy all kinds of extraordinary privileges.

Moreover, because they consider themselves noble, even disdain to breathe the same air as ordinary people, wear bubble hoods on their heads, and treat people of other races as slaves, not only killing people and arson or robbing civilian girls, they don’t have to pay anything at all. The price, and once offended by others, the general of the navy headquarters or CP0 must be dispatched to protect.

And this is where they have always dared to trample on the law and ignore the lives of others and regard others as ants.

Of course, Annie didn't know all of the above things, and even if she knew, she would definitely not let one thing or two things go.



"It's funny, are the so-called Tianlong people such a villain who looks like a pig?"




"Get her up! I want her to pay for her offense!"

Hearing Anne's words of treacherous rebellion in the crowd, the Tianlong snotty man became angry and waved directly to the two armored guards behind him, beckoning the guards to make a move.



"Get away!!"

( ̄ε(# ̄)☆╰╮o(`⌒??///)pia~!

However, the two seemingly mighty plate guards had just had time to get close to Annie. Before they could take a shot, they were thrown away hundreds of meters away by Annie's kick and an air whip. Where did he go, let alone whether he died.


"You! Do you dare!?"

"So bold!!"

Seeing that Annie dared to fight back, and that her guards were not the enemy's one-to-one enemy, the doglegs in the suit around the Denon and Denon were frightened and took a few steps back. At the same time, they did not forget to pretend to be stubborn. A loud warning to Annie.



"Shu, are you a pirate?"


However, Annie ignored the two, just asked the nearest uncle who looked fierce, but honestly kneeled on the ground.


"So what?"

First, he looked at the Tianlongren, and then he replied hesitantly, wondering what Annie meant to talk to him at this time.

"If they kill him, will their bounty be higher?"


Yes, Annie still doesn't forget the bounty thing.

Anyway, she generally can’t do the bad things that Aunt Xia Qi said, and she doesn’t bother to do it, but if it’s the nasty snot in front of her, maybe she can do a little bit of cruelty, by the way. To mention the bounty?



"Not only will it become taller, it will become very tall, too!"

Maybe it's because you really can't understand the Tianlongren, or maybe you are afraid that the world will not be chaotic?

In short, the uncle pirate who had been kneeling for a long time and his knees were a little numb spoke up, still speaking in that kind of yin and yang tone.

"Oh okay!"




After figuring out what she wanted to know, Annie looked at the snot-sniffing Draco villain with ill intentions, and walked towards him step by step.


"What do you want to do?!"

"I warn you!"

"I'm a Celestial Dragon, don't mess around..."

"Wow ah ah ah!!!"


In the next second, without waiting to finish, the disgusting Tianlongren, who was wearing a weird costume like a spacesuit with a bubble on his head, and his attendants screamed After being punched a long distance away by Annie, she was directly knocked out towards the sea by some means of hitting objects in the air, and soon disappeared!

The fragments of clothes and the little bit of blood sprinkled from the sky is not difficult to guess, even if the Tianlongren is not dead, it is estimated that it is almost the same.

And ah, the direction they were shot into was the direction of the sea. God knows what else they will experience after falling into the sea.




Seeing that Annie really dared to take action, she didn't dare to hit the guards, and knocked the dragons into the air, the surrounding residents and pirates took a breath.

Immediately after...




"leave here!"

"Don't get involved with her!!"

"hurry up!!"


Soon, the people who had knelt on the ground rushed away and escaped without a trace. Even the nurse who was rescued by Annie hurriedly picked up the two wounded on the ground and hurriedly left, even thanks I dare not say a word.



"Annie seems to be in trouble!"

In the distance, Sauron was talking maliciously while drinking.

Actually, he wanted to make a move just now, but after seeing Annie appear, he abruptly endured it. Now it’s fine. The lawless little guy really lived up to his expectations. He did what many people wanted to do. Things that can be done but not dared to do.


??*. ??(ˊΩˋ*)????*. Ask for monthly pass


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