Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1609: ?(ψ`?′)o people are not familiar with others

Before the evening, Anne and the food hunter Uncle Alu searched for a long time in the jungle of Wu, killing and maiming a lot of dangers of unknown level? After the animals and plants, he finally managed to find the BB corn of the legendary ‘snack noble’.

The process is actually not very tortuous, it's just that a nasty little girl was a little impatient after looking for a little while, and wanted to see how big the jungle was, so it was just like the Hankella bird. , I used the same technique to fly to the top of the jungle with dense foliage and roofs, and I was going to look down to see how big the jungle was.

Then, the BB corn that grows on the top of the tree canopy, which magically grows from the wood, and also absorbs the nutrients of the entire forest, she found it gorgeously.

So, of course, after getting the exact news, the excited Toriko followed his stupid dog, Terry, and couldn't wait to climb quickly on the tough and sloppy jungle vine branches.

"Ann, Annie..."


"Huh! Huh!"

"you sure……"

"That BB corn is really above the forest?"

Climbing for a long time, only to climb a few hundred meters. At this time, the somewhat exhausted prisoner looked at the top of the jungle that was like a canopy, which shielded the sky tightly, and then looked down at the bottom. The roots of the tree that could make people dizzy at a glance, he asked two more questions with some uncertainty.

As the saying goes, it’s easy to climb a tree and it’s hard to get down. He’s really afraid that when he climbs to the top, he finds it’s a prank by the little guy. When the time comes, with hunger and exhaustion, he really doesn’t know how to return safely. Go up to the ground.

"Who rarely lied to you?"


"You don't know if you look at it yourself?"


"So many words!"


Lying on the tree branch at the top of the canopy, she had been there watching a certain uncle climbing the tree like a monkey but turned a blind eye to it, and she hadn't helped her when she heard the other party's question and couldn't help but snorted coldly.

Then, as soon as she jumped, she jumped to the top of the canopy of the jungle, and ignored the uncle Alu who was about to reach the top soon.


At this time, the stupid dog Terry rushed to the top dexterously. After seeing the situation above, he followed his head from among the branches and urged his slow master.


"All right!"

"Huh! Huh!"

Listening to Xiao Anni’s words seemed to make sense, and found that she had been compared with a dog when she was climbing a tree. The captain gritted his teeth, and then accelerated. After he had climbed hundreds of meters, he jumped for the last time, and then finished the last climb in an instant. More than ten meters away, those that rushed directly into Wuzhi Jungle were like roofs, with branches and vines intertwined, and they could stand on the dense canopy of people.



"This, so much..."

Just climbed to the top, before he had time to breathe, the one who appeared in his line of sight was higher than the top of the jungle, and there was a corn cob the size of a person who was'blooming', looking at him. Straight.

Obviously, he had never thought that the legendary delicacy, the BB corn that the nobleman called himself a snack, turned out to grow at the top of the canopy in the jungle of Wu?

"And the biggest one over there!"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

Without waiting for the other party to be surprised to play, Annie directly stretched out her hand and pointed at the thing that stood in the cloud like a giant in the distance.


"That, that big?!"

"It's amazing..."

"Then, at least it can stand up to a twenty-story building?!"

Before he had time to break down the one-person-high BB corn, seeing the instructions Annie gave him and seeing the horrible BB corn, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Uncle Alu!"


"We've said it before. After discovering this kind of corn, people will take seven layers of it, and you only take three layers, so..."

What? What?

"I am now announcing that the biggest one will go to others, and you can just pick the small ones."

?*. ?(?)??*.

Annie has just watched the other party climb the tree and has been waiting for a long time. Now that the other party has come up, she doesn't want to worry about so much. Finally, after proudly reminding the other party of such a thing, she cheered towards the biggest one.' Corn on the cob ran over.


"and many more!"

"Annie, wait a minute!"

However, Hulu called her in time.

"What are you doing?"


"Is such that……"

"I thought for a while, think, let's just pick the biggest one. It should be enough. If you break it apart, there must be many, many corn seeds. Then you take a big half, I only take a small half, and the remaining small ones. What do you think of letting them grow, or letting them go to others?"

Torii gave a method that he thought was reasonable and simple. After all, he knew that little Annie had a magical magic pocket that could hold countless things. Now put that huge corn into it, and then go back and divide it up. He It can also save worry and effort a lot.



"I only want the biggest one, and I don't want to give it to you at all, Uncle Lu, you should pick the smaller ones!"


"Just pick more!"


With that said, Annie continued to jump forward. She had already spotted the corn on the cob the size of a building. As for the small ones, she didn't even look at them.


Upon seeing this, the captive hurriedly stepped on the soft but tough ‘roof’ of the jungle canopy and chased him up.


"Or, let's discuss it again?"

With a shy face, Li wanted to say that he also wanted a big one, but he didn't know how to speak.

"Not negotiable!"




"Is this unfair?"


"Even if I pick a hundred of these small ones, it's probably not more than one-third of yours, right?"

The most important thing was that he felt that he could only pick ten or eight at most, and no matter how much he estimated, he would not be able to take it back. The strength was second. The most important thing was that the plane was that big and the cargo capacity was very limited.

"Pick them all and you will be there!"

(? ̄?? ̄??)??

The top of this forest is so spicy that there is a small corn on the cob a hundred or ten meters away. If all is picked, it will only be more, and even the weight is definitely not less than the one that Annie sees now.


"All picks?"

"Let's not leave it to others?"

Lu was startled, but he never thought that the little guy had such an idea.

"other people?"


"Uncle Alu, who grows these corn?"


"This is not..."

"The Jungle of Wu is not inferior to any country here. This is a land of no owner. They are all wild. They are not grown by anyone. What's wrong?"

"Why are you asking this?"

A-luo was a little strange. He still followed Xiao Anni firmly, indifferent to the little corn cobs passing Since it was not grown by someone, why can't you just pick it up? "



"But, don't you leave some for others?"

Shocked, Alu opened his mouth, then stood there and asked strangely towards Annie's back.



"Uncle Alu, is that ‘other’ familiar with you?"


However, Annie turned her head and gave the uncle behind her a foolish look.

"This is not..."


"It's not right for us to pick up all the good things. Delicacies like BB corn should be reserved to share with others, so that more people can taste the delicacy gifted by nature!"

"That is the most beautiful thing!"

Toriko said solemnly, at this moment, he seemed to be possessed by the Virgin.

"do not want!"


"All good things belong to others, so they don't want to share them with others!"


How could Annie listen to such nonsense to deceive children?

Anyway, the biggest corn on the cob is hers, and she doesn't care about the rest of the little ones, and let the uncle Alu take care of it.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


"It's so big, you can't eat so much by yourself?"

"The kind of small one, one popped is enough for a hundred people to eat, and the biggest one in front, one popped, God knows what it will look like!"

Toriko continued to persuade with all his heart, trying to correct some of the bad habits of a messy little girl who monopolizes food.

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