Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1605: o(*?︶?*)o became a major shareholder of IGO

Ligaru Island, within the Institute of the First Reserve of the International Food Agency IGO, a group of staff in white coats are busy conducting detailed research and analysis on the gem meat slices obtained.

On the display screens in front of them, a group of data is scrolling.

At this time, almost everyone here was very motivated, looking at the incredible set of data on the screen, while staring at the small slice of gleaming gemstone on the analyzer and exclaimed.


"It's unbelievable..."

"With the help of gem meat, gourmet cells are so active, they are constantly dividing, and constantly regenerating tissue..."

"It's amazing!"

"Is this the effect of gem meat?"

"Not only is it absolutely delicious, it is also the supreme healing medicine for the wounded with gourmet cells, and it is more effective than any known medicine!"


"It deserves to be a great and miraculous food age!"

After watching the analysis and the experiment several times, the same results were still obtained, and the researcher who presided over the experiment couldn't help but sigh.

It's just that, unlike the excited expression on that researcher's face, the bald head on the side was not very satisfied.


"The gem meat is really good, no matter how you say it, it is also an ancient delicacy!"

"It's a pity, the gem meat we got is only that piece, weighing only one kilogram, which is barely enough for research. If you want to entertain guests, it must be impossible..."

"It seems that this time the mission of our No.1 Research Institute has been messed up."

Frantically scratching his bright bald head, Mansam, the director of the institute, said with such an annoyance.

Originally, he thought that this time their first research institute would harvest a lot of gem meat, at least several tons of the kind, but it turned out...



"Director Mansam, although the gem meat will only grow in decades, the Ligaru mammoth is so big that there can be no such thing as the gem meat. Where did the rest go?"

The researcher was a little puzzled.

Obviously, he seemed to think it was the food hunter Alu and their mission that succeeded, and then, at this time, all the gem meat was in the hands of their first research institute.



The bald head didn't know how to say it, and he couldn't help being a bit speechless for a while.

It is impossible for him to say that the gem meat was taken away by a miserable little girl magician ahead of time. The other party didn’t say how much it was at all, and he went to ask grandpa to tell grandma the kilogram they used to study. It's hard to get it through pleading?

"Stop talking."


"There are only so many research materials. Don't waste it. The next time you collect gem meat, you will have to wait at least a few decades."

"As you know, there are only the two Ligaru Mammoths left in our No. 1 Reserve. As for the food industry..."

"It's better not to expect too much. The place is too big and too dangerous, but it is not so easy to explore."



"Director, we know."


"Then you guys get busy first!"

"I have to deal with some things first, and I think the chairman should also have an answer."

After speaking, the bald head turned around and left.

At this time, in a restaurant of the research institute, after the people who had returned from an adventure got the one kilogram of gem meat per person promised by a messy little girl, they were cooked by the big nostril chef Ko Matsushita. After some exquisite processing, pieces of gem flesh that gleamed in the dark night were brought to the table.



"People are moving!"



( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

Annie unceremoniously stretched out her hand to grab her share, and then ate her first big mouthful.


"Come, here?!"

"This...this is gem meat?"

"So dazzling!"

"It really shines like a gemstone. Doesn't it contain radioactive substances?"

"Don't talk nonsense, this is because it is rich in energy!"

"So beautiful……"

"It looks like the moonlight on a full moon!"


"The lights in the dining room are all obscured by their light."

"do not talk!"

"Hurry up!!"


"Thank you for all the ingredients in this world!"

"We are moving!!!"

After a bit of amazement, the food hunters Aru, Coco, Sani, and Komatsu and Ling who were present all started and enjoyed it.

Soon, that kind of gentle flesh light, blooming gravy, luxurious and restrained taste, wonderful chewing, refreshing taste, after eating, the magical gem meat that makes every cell glow because of joy will let everyone. Cheered.



"Tina, don't you want to eat it?"


"I have a share too?"

"Of course! Annie said, one kilogram per person, and of course yours!"


"Then I'm welcome!"



"Annie, why is your piece so big?"

While everyone was enjoying, Uncle Alu, who had finished his share, suddenly approached Annie and stared at her plate unkindly.

"Where is it?"

!? (?\'\'??)?

"all the same!"


Anne calmly moved her plate farther, so as not to be worried about by some unscrupulous guy.


"I know, you must have more gem flesh, right?"

"Don't hide, take it out!"

"How many kilograms are each divided into?"

After only eating two catties, he felt that he hadn't eaten enough, and he hadn't eaten enough, and he began to persuade and begged flatteringly.



"No! No more!"


"Is it really gone?"

"That mammoth is so big, there can't be only this little one, you must have hidden a lot!"

Toriko still did not give up.

"If you say no, you don't have it!"


"Yes or not!!"



"All right!"

"However, I just decided!"

He was arguing and saw hopeless begging for food. Suddenly, Huo straightened his face, and then suddenly stood up from his seat, as if he wanted to say something.


"I've decided, the full menu of my life, I decided to use gem meat as the meat..."

"and many more!"

"Arrived, I also have one thing to announce: I decided to use gem meat as the main menu of my life..."

"shut up!"


"What are you doing?"

"What do you want to do?"

"Of course I want to use gem meat as the material for my life menu!"

"Me too!"

"But, obviously I said it first!"

"What does that have to do with me?"

Soon, Toriko, who wanted to announce the use of gem meat as the life menu, and Sani, who also wanted to use gem meat, got into trouble because of that kind of trivial matter.

After eating gem meat and experiencing its deliciousness, both of them seemed to use it, but they didn't know why, but at the same time they didn't want each other to use it, so the contradiction came.

"elder brother……"


"Enough of you guys!"

"Can't both of them use gem meat?"

Seeing this, Ling on the side turned her head away with a headache and couldn't bear to look again.

The two men in front of her were arguing like children, one was her brother, and the other was the man she liked, so she didn't know who to help or persuade.

However, when the two were quarreling with each other and fighting for the right to protect the meat, the door of the restaurant suddenly opened. Then Mansam, the number three director of the international food organization IGO, and the number two vice president Shigematsu. Qi Qi came together.


"So you are all there?"

"That's right, now we are going to announce an important news..."


"No public announcement, no shooting!"

With that said, Bald Mansam did not forget to glance at a female reporter who was about to shoot and solemnly exhorted.



"Have you finally decided?"


Seeing the arrival of the bald-headed uncle, and looking at the other party’s serious look, Annie seemed to have guessed what it was, so she sat upright in her chair excitedly, waiting for the other party to announce the crucial decision. .



"It doesn't seem to be a trivial matter, even the vice chairman has been dispatched."


Seeing the two coming together, the others were more or less surprised. However, the two arrived just in time, so that the two who were planning to continue the quarrel finally calmed down. .


"It's like this!"

First, he nodded to Annie and signaled her to be safe, and then the bald head Mansam slowly stepped forward and began to announce the notice that he had just received.

"This afternoon!"

"The president of the international gastronomy organization IGO and the permanent members of the council have unanimously decided after a meeting and research, it is announced now!"

"IGO has officially accepted the request of Arcane Archmage Her Excellency Anne Hasta to join!"

"From today onwards, Annie is the director and major shareholder of our IGO, and at the same time has the right to enjoy part of IGO's authority and order IGO to provide certain conveniences in food collection!"

"As for the more specific, I won't say much here."

After finishing talking, the bald head Mansam turned his head and signaled that the vice chairman Shigematsu, who had just arrived at the First Research Institute in person, stepped forward and put the heavy and gold-encrusted equity document in Annie’s hand. At the table, then, this handover ceremony was completed hastily.



"Annie became a major shareholder of IGO?"

"This is impossible!"

"Gosh, how come?"

"is that a lie?!"

The people present know what IGO’s directors and major shareholders represent better than anyone. Therefore, after hearing the announcement of Director Mansam and seeing the equity document, they have not yet determined the authenticity, and they all exclaimed. Up.

"This is a fact!"


"There should have been a grand handover ceremony and press conference, but under the strong request and urging of Her Excellency Anne, after the board of directors researched, it just seemed to simplify everything like this."

"I'm here, the main reason is also for this."

The bald Mansam who didn't wait aside opened his mouth to explain, and the vice chairman Shigematsu added in full.


"How much did she give us IGO?!"

As a member of the IGO and has been working here at the institute, Ling, who knows the organization very well, looked at Annie in an inconceivable way.

She knows how much it will cost to become a shareholder and director of IGO!


"Bald head, what's going on?"

At this time, a torture who was also suspicious in his heart came over.

"She really gave you a lot of money?"

He first glanced at a little girl who was sharing the equity book with friends, then he put his bald Mansam on the shoulders and asked in a low voice.


"Money is still second..."

Talking about money is a bit emotional, especially when the other party really gives too much money. Therefore, for those secret matters, Bald Mansam dare not talk to Aldo.


"It's mainly because IGO is interested in her strength?"

If money is also a kind of strength, Bald Mansam feels that there is no doubt that the little guy Annie in this world is the most powerful individual, and there is no one!


"I see!"

"She is indeed very powerful, and one person completely wiped out all the incoming GT robots..."

"Ha ha!"

"You guys are still cunning, and you know how to get that amazing little guy Annie into the organization. If you have her, you will definitely save a lot of trouble in the future, right?"

While talking, Alu let go of the shoulders of the bald Mansam and raised his brows and said.

He has a very good relationship with the First Research Institute and IGO. The people here speak very nicely, and the food is all there is to it. When he comes back here, it is the same as when he comes home, so he doesn’t mind being bald to fool a little girl. The thing about joining IGO.


"Not necessarily!"

However, Mansam sighed, and he didn't agree with a certain statement of Hulu.


"How to say?"


"We at IGO agreed and gave her 10% of the shares. She is now almost the largest shareholder."

"Also, we need to collect a large amount of food for her within a certain period of time. Is it a promised benefit to her?"


"Ten percent?"

"No way?"

While talking, Alu exclaimed again.

He knows what it means to have a 10% stake in IGO.

You know, there are three hundred and sixty countries in the world. I am afraid that no country has a share of 10% of the terrible level, right?

Generally speaking, an ordinary powerful country can have 1% or 2% of the shares. Sovereign countries are even bigger, and most of the franchise countries have only a few tenths of a percent equity.

"Feel sorry!"

"I can't tell you too much about this matter. After all, you are not strictly ours."

"That's it!"

Shaking his head, the bald head cut aside, not intending to continue.

Could it be that the little girl directly took out a whole warehouse of gold ingots, so that the foundation of the research institute was sunken several centimeters, and he was shocked that his jaw was about to fall off?

With that terrifying wealth and strong individual strength, and little Annie only wanted IGOs ​​to help collect good food, she couldn't think of agreeing to the other side to join the board of directors that would be harmful to IGOs ​​and fell decisively.

"Is that so?"

Scratching his head, Alu still didn't understand.

"That's it!"

"I'm going back There is something tomorrow, I will tell you more then."


"Director Annie!"

"You keep talking, shall we go now?"

Seeing that a little girl director was surrounded by her friends and had no time to take care of them, Mansam and Shigematsu were not upset, and they just left after saying hello.


"Annie, what on earth are you from?"

"When you said before, I thought you were joking..."

Looking at the heavy stock certificate on the table, and thinking about the situation that Director Mansam and Vice Chairman Shigematsu just came to announce, Ling still doesn’t know what a bad little guy did. Something terrible?

Anyway, she understands the true weight of Annie's shareholder status better than anyone!

"I won't tell you!"


Annie doesn’t mind shareholders or something, but she only knows that there will be any good things in the future, such as rainbow fruit or gem meat, even if she takes it away and swallows it grandiosely, no one will dare to say anything. Four directions.

Of course, there is also the matter of collecting 300,000 kinds of food from the gourmet world, sorting them, packing them, storing them, and transporting them, so she doesn't have to do it personally!

In the future, there will naturally be dedicated IGO staff and related departments to handle it properly for her. She only needs to eat, drink and play, show off her power, do whatever she wants, and receive food regularly.

She has done a lot of similar things and is very experienced in this. She also knows that it is much more convenient and faster to find someone to do things for herself, especially if a large organization is to do it, than to do it by herself.


(● ̄? ̄●)


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