Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1587: ?(???*)? Life in another world starting from full level


"everything is over……"

Looking at the spinning surface of the "Inner Lake" in front of me, watching the debris floating on the tumbling waves and countless dead bodies, Rheinharut, standing on the North Gate Bridge, waited silently. After a while, he found that no one he was expecting was floating again, and the enemy he had just shot down into the water showed no sign of coming out, he sighed weakly.

"How, how could this be..."

At this moment, a little girl with blonde hair and red eyes rushed over from the crowd behind the bridge.

"Reinhardt, where are they?"


"Where are Kursho, Emilia, Anastasia, and Priscilla?"

"How are they now?!"

With his eyes rounded, he looked at the huge inner lake that was turbulent and still swirling slowly with the whirlpool in the far center in disbelief, and at the lake that had completely submerged the entire city at this time, Filu Te directly fell soft on the wet bridge floor.


Reinharut did not speak.

Because he knew that the city hall was in the middle of the city, and the height difference there was nearly a hundred meters away from the lake at the moment. Under the horrible impact of the lake, under that terrible force and pressure, if you can’t hurry back to the lake. , Is enough to make anyone suffocate and die in a short period of time!

Unless, like him, those people have the ‘protection of the lake’ to breathe and walk on the water, otherwise, the end is already destined.


"No, it shouldn't be like this..."

My nose was sore, I remembered the companions who were still together not long ago and had a meeting in the Yui Yui Pavilion, thinking that they are now likely to have become cold and rising and falling corpses, and remembering that countless people have been buried at the bottom of the lake. Tears could not help but begin to brew in Filut's red eyes.

She never expected that among the five candidates for the throne, she, who had the slowest progress and the worst performance in the offensive, ended up with a small life because she did not rush to the city hall to meet in time?

However, although she survived by fluke, she was not happy at all.


"It's all our fault..."

"Rhine, if we could win the tower faster, it wouldn't be like this..."


"We killed them, we killed everyone here!"


The more he thought about it, the more he blamed himself, and the more he thought about it, the more sad and sad Filut was. Finally he couldn't help but sit on the wet bridge with his hands like that, watching the turbulent lake full of the city and crying loudly. stand up.


Regarding Filut's words, Reinhardt did not refute, nor did he dare to refute.

At this moment, he just lowered his head in frustration, stood silently behind Filut and clenched his fists.

Obviously, he seemed to think that what Filut was right...

If he was not careless after defeating his'grandmother', but first searched the tower, it must be that Regulus Cornias wanted to destroy the tower device and Surely the water valve won't be that easy?

However, this world has no ifs and no chance to come back. After all, he has caused a huge bitter fruit because of his carelessness, and all this today will accompany him throughout his life and become his lifelong burden. Heavy burden!

There is no doubt that for the flooding of Priscilla, the city of Pratunam, for Kursho, Priscilla, Anastasia, Emelia, and the few tens of thousands of citizens who were buried at the bottom of the lake, they are indeed Have an unshirkable responsibility!


"My child is still in there. Who can give me a boat, go and save him?"


"It's over, it's all overwhelmed, it's all over..."

"Lily, where are you Lily?"

"Do not!!!"

"Stop her!!"

"Let me go, let me go back!!"

"wake up!"

"Pratunam, it's completely finished, it's hopeless..."



"Let go of me, my family is still inside, on the street in front, let me go back and have a look, let me go, please!"


Soon, a group of residents of the city of Prisstra, the former Watergate city, also rushed to the gate of the north gate, wanting to rush inside regardless.

However, the mercenaries from the "Iron Fang" mercenary group and the knights who had just helped Reinharut and Wilhelm clean up the Witch's Cult, who were equally sad, stopped them firmly and prevented those hesitating. , Sad, angry, or crazy citizens approach the dangerous gate area.

After all, there are no cities or streets inside the city gates. The city built below the water level has now fulfilled the designer's original intention and is directly buried in the turbulent lake.

"Let's go!"

"Firut, let's go to the nearby town first, and then report to the Kingdom and the Sage Association what happened here!"

After a long time, seeing the lake gradually calming down, seeing certain survivors appearing on the surface of the lake not as I expected, and then looking at the city dwellers crying hysterically behind him, Reinhardt sighed. , And then stretched out his hand and patted Filut, who was also sitting on the bridge, covering his face and crying bitterly.


"Let's go!"

"Don't blame yourself too much. This is not your fault, nor ours. This blood debt must be recorded on the head of the Witch Sect!"

"We will find them to figure it out!"

With that said, Reinhardt planned to help Filut up, and then leave here first.

As for the follow-up treatment and search and rescue work of the flooded Pratunam City, it will be an extremely huge project that must be completed with the power of the kingdom.



Firut, who was helped up, just wanted to say something, suddenly, she turned her head in astonishment and looked towards the middle of the lake in the city gate.

"What, what?!"

"That is……"

At the same time, Reinharut also turned his head for the first time and reached out to press the hilt of the dragon sword on his waist, making relevant precautions.


After the lake in that city rang with a loud bang and exploded, the survivors crowded around the North City Gate Bridge and the other three city gate bridges were all surprised to see: At this time, a huge body and the least length. Is there a terrifying black dragon about two to three hundred meters away that broke the surface of the water?


Then, the other party flapped its wings and swayed up, flew nearly a hundred meters above the flooded Pratunam City before hovering there and let the lake on its wings be like a rainstorm. Its wings flapped. 'Splashing Lala' fell to the surroundings.

"Dragon, dragon?!"

"Yes, it's the black dragon!!"




"Everyone, run, run to the shore..."

"Uh wow!!!"

Seeing that a huge and terrifying black dragon appeared in the city completely submerged by the lake, and thinking of the disaster that Priestra had just encountered in the watergate city, the survivors who thought there must be some connection between the two were here. In the heavy rain, howling miserably, he turned around and ran away.

Looking at their panic and undecided way, it was like wishing their parents to give them two extra legs.


"You, take Filut and leave him immediately!"

Seeing the appearance of a black dragon of such a huge size, Reinharut also took a breath of cold breath at the moment.

However, now he can't care too much. After sternly shouting that his grandfather, Wilhelm, who is still in a coma, and Firut, who is still in a coma, stand up, he pulls out for the third time. With his dragon sword, he plans to face today's third and most powerful enemy in comparison.


Cloud protection!

Reinhardt gave himself the protection of the cloud, allowing him to walk on the cloud in order to obtain the almost ‘flying’ ability to fight against the huge black dragon flying in the air.

Then, when Firut and others were framed by the mercenaries and knights and started to follow behind the chaotic crowd, he leaped high into the air with a hard effort on his feet, preparing to preemptively, while the black dragon did not start. Before launching an attack on the survivors, try to attract the other's attention to yourself, so as to get enough time for the refugees near the four gates to evacuate.


"and many more!"

"Reinhardt, what are you going to do?!"

Before Reinhardt was about to cut a sword at the dragon's nose, finally, the huge ‘black dragon’ spoke.

Moreover, it sounds like Emilia's voice?


With a staggering hand movement, Reinhardt dangerously stopped the sword energy that was about to let go, and then with an incredible gaze, he looked at him innocently with a huge orange vertical pupil. The terrifying huge black dragon.

"You are……"

"Master Emilia?!"

Opening his mouth, thinking about the sound that sounded like thunder, but very familiar, in the end, Reinhardt still asked tentatively.

"Yes, it's me!"

"I am Emilia, so please don't attack me, and I don't want to fight with you..."

"It was hard for me to learn to fly."

‘Emilia’ pretended to say lightly with that loud booming voice, and successfully attracted the attention of Firut and others who were escaping.


"Are you Emilia-sama?"


"How is everyone doing now?!"

Filut broke away from the guards holding her, and ran back and screamed and asked loudly at the black dragon in the sky.

"Everyone should be fine, but..."

After hesitating, Emilia didn't know what to say.

She thought about it, and finally the body of the dragon began to gradually shrink in the air, and then quickly turned into a human form, followed by Reinharut, who looked puzzled and suspicious, and slowly moved towards the bridge surface of the North City Gate. Landed down.


"Firut, you should watch it for yourself!"

Seeing Ferut who was eagerly greeted, Emilia did not continue to say more, but turned her head and signaled everyone to look towards the lake.

Soon, without letting everyone wait for too long, the upper body of one person, each with wet hair, appeared from the tumbling lake, and looking at their densely packed appearance, it seemed that the entire city was all right?


"Master Kurxiu!"

"Master Anastasia, and..."

"Master Priscilla?"

"Great, all of you are fine!!"

Seeing the familiar figures appearing on the water near the city gate, Filut, who couldn't think too much, finally cried with joy and planned to rush towards them.

However, soon she stopped, and her red eyes were rounded.

Because, at this time, she, Reinhardt and the other survivors were only surprised to see: Those people, those people who came out from under the water and'moved' to the shore, all had fishes. Fin-like webs and water snakes or the lower body like water dragons? !

But fortunately, soon, under their even more incredible gaze, when their lower bodies completely left the shore of the lake, they slowly became human-like feet again at a speed visible to the naked eye?


"This, this..."

Firut was so surprised that he couldn't say anything. He just pointed his finger at the crowd, and then didn't know where to ask.


"Let me explain!"

"It seems that I am the one who knows what's going on the most..."

After sighing faintly, Emilia first stuck her tongue out at the dumbfounded Filut and others, and then slowly said what she knew.


It turns out that when the city was submerged by floods, and when everyone was dying or was about to drown, the bottled ancient **** N'Zoth finally took action.

Although far inferior to a miserable little girl, the God of Nightmare, the Demon of Thousand Beards, was extremely powerful during the dark empire of Azeroth, and the faceless and nightmare armies under his command are even more endless. N'Zoth's power and abilities are definitely not covered!

Under the curse of the ancient **** N'Zoth, all those who were submerged by water and those killed by the Witch Cult were all corroded by it and turned into "demi-humans" who would turn into naga in contact with water, including Kursho. , Anastasia, Priscilla and others!

Of course, Emilia is an exception!

Because after the teacher of lust, Capella Amerada Lugnika was dissolved and absorbed by N'Zoth, the power of the other party was given to Amelia by it, and then, she became bigger and stronger, she directly With brute force, he floated up to the lake and flew into the sky, becoming a being as powerful as a dragon.

And that is what Firut and Reinhardt and others saw just now!

Just now, she almost fought with Reinhardt, but fortunately, after being transformed by N'Zoth, she could finally speak in the form of a dragon, which was able to avoid the unnecessary conflict.


Now, Watergate City Plichtler has become a true ‘underwater city’, and more than half of its citizens who have not escaped or been killed have become its first underwater residents.

"That's probably the way it is!"

"Before the north gate is repaired and the lake water is drained, I am afraid that only these people can continue to live in the city!"

"Firut, you have missed an excellent opportunity to live a special ability!"

In order to alleviate the strange emotions of everyone, Emilia pretended to lightly teased at Filut who was still a little dumbfounded.



"Great! Great!"


At this time, an old cry sounded, and everyone was surprised to see that Wilhelm cried like a child and threw himself into the arms of a smiling red-haired woman?


Seeing the red-haired woman, seeing that the other party nodded towards herself while appeasing Wilhelm, the dragon sword in Reinhardt's hand finally couldn't hold it, and she dropped it directly. On the wet bridge floor.

Obviously, N'Zoth's power is so powerful that even the former sword saint who had been dead for fifteen years was resurrected to become a ‘demiman’ of the Naga clan?

At this moment, a bad old man who woke up and wanted to find his grandson desperately finally couldn't find a reason to continue making trouble.



Wilhelm screamed, still burying his old face in the arms of the young red-haired woman, unwilling to come out.

Obviously, now Ping Bai has obtained a living young wife, he must have no face to look for trouble after taking advantage of the sky.

At this time, in a restaurant in the middle of the lake, the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most The most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most powerful Lord Anne Arcane Archmage finally managed to maintain her wise, great and wise face under the admiration of a little maid.


ε=(′ο`*)) Great!

Seeing that the matter was successfully resolved, seeing that it was a happy situation, and seeing that there was no need to clean up the mess by herself, Annie couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.


Looking at the magic screens, Rem finally couldn't help but speak.



"Rem also wants to be like her sister, gaining the power to live underwater and become a Naga..."

Looking at the elder sister on the shore of the north gate, Rem suddenly felt sour in her heart. Therefore, she mustered up her courage and made a request for the first time like Master Anne she served.



"That's easy, you can go out and drown now!"


After blinking, Annie smiled and pointed her finger at the dark water outside the blisters, indicating that her maid Rem could go to death.


Nodded, Rem didn't doubt that he had it, and ran out excitedly.



"Do you really want to drown yourself?"


Annie thought it was weird, she was just joking just now.


Rem had already arrived outside. At this time, she was blinking blue eyes looking innocently at a mischievous little girl owner, and, because of being in the water, she didn't seem to hear clearly what her owner said. what.

"never mind!"


Annie actually wanted to say: With N'Zoth, it's okay to become a Naga anytime, you don't need to drown, but...

Since the other party was so anxious, she didn't say much, and let the idiot drown.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

Half a year later, in the capital of the Kingdom of Lugonika, the elders of the Society of Sages announced that the election of the king was officially over.

On this day, the dragon daughter Emilia, the royal bloodline descendant Firut, the Nagayan Priscilla, Kursho and Anastasia together became the five new queens of the kingdom and established them. The Queen's Round Table Council!

After discussions among the elders, nobles, knights, etc., the final decision is:

The Queen’s Council adopts a five-year round of rotation, every five years, and five queens rotate to be the king of the kingdom!

After that, Emilia, the daughter of the dragon, became the first queen of the Kingdom of Lugonica and signed a contract with the dragon, Polukaneka, which completely ended the influence of the dragon on Lugonica. From then on, Lugneka Nika began to be controlled by five queens representing different classes.

And a certain miserable little girl became a new great sage certified by Lugonika, the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most The most the most most

As for a certain big octopus N'Zoth...

He became the patron saint of Watergate City, the great spirit protector of the Kingdom of Lugonika, and replaced the dragon Polukanika as the guardian of the contract of the Kingdom of Lugonika.

However, on the day the Five Queens enthroned, at the time of the grand ceremony, a certain little girl did not show up.

No one knows where she went, just as no one knows where she came from...

After that, the two twin maids of Ram and Rem naturally became the two maids of the Lugnica Palace. They were mainly responsible for the daily life of Amelia. Together with the queen of dragons, Amelia, they worked hard to make All non-human races and demi peoples in the kingdom are working hard to obtain equal rights.



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