Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1530: (^-^) Hot day

Today is the seventh day that the Li family's pioneering fleet, led by Xiao Annie, left Basra in the Persian Gulf and headed south.

In the beginning, it took them three days to reach the island at the exit of the Gulf of Aden, and rested for a day in the port called Sogodra. At the same time, they made some necessary supplies and bought It took a lot of fish, fresh coconut or coconut oil, etc., and then started all the way south along the coast of Africa.

Later, as they approached the equator, the crew soon discovered that the weather was getting hotter and hotter, the sun became more and more toxic, and the air seemed to be swollen by the sun, so that they looked at other ships in the fleet from the deck. They all become hazy, even if they are not very far apart from each other.

Even the wind here has become extremely weak, almost non-existent, so that the flying shears fleet, which is known for the speed of the Li family, traveled on this sea area for three days and three nights, but it seems that they still have not been able to leave. Here, let alone arrive at the predetermined destination they had booked.

Here is the equatorial no-wind zone, which mainly occurs in weak or no wind areas near the equator where the wind direction at the bottom of the troposphere is variable.

In the zone south of the equator or 5° north of the equator, the sun is almost direct all year round. It is the zone with the highest annual average temperature on the earth's surface. And because the horizontal distribution of temperature is relatively uniform, the horizontal pressure gradient is very small, resulting in air currents. Convergence rises mainly, and the wind speed is weak, so it is called the equatorial windless zone. It is the most terrifying and dangerous area that sailors of this era need to avoid when sailing.

However, the Li family's development fleet needs to go south to Africa, so even if it is dangerous, they must pass through here.

Besides, when in Sogodra, the fleet had already replenished enough food, water and all kinds of food and drink, so even if the speed is very slow now, it can only rely on the weak ones, and even the sails can’t be bulged. The wind moved forward, but the crew was not in a hurry either, just hiding in the shadow of the sails in twos and threes and engaged in a silent confrontation against the hot weather.

"No more!"

"It's so hot..."

"I want to soak in a bucket, and then stay up all day..."

At this time, in the captain’s room, Song Yifeng, who only opened the left and right windows to ventilate, after closing the locked door and the front and rear windows to prevent people from peeking, she was so naked on her upper body and wearing a pair of jade-colored pants on her lower body. The whole person is very ignorant, and groaning without a lady lying on the chaise longue made of bamboo.

"Why is it so hot..."

"It's even hotter than the Indian Ocean. It won't work, Annie, I'm really going to be grilled..."


At this moment, even in the captain's room, not exposed to the sun, the hot sea breeze coming in from outside the window and the hot wooden planks made Song Yifeng sweat all over her body, making her white and smooth. A layer of white light was glowing on his shoulders, back and jade arms.

Although it is impossible to see people in this way, Song Yifeng doesn't care about so much!

Just like that, she lay half-heartedly on the long bamboo chair with a little bit of coolness, letting her body greedily absorb the coolness of the bamboo chair, and at the same time let her sweat slowly soak the chair. Becoming slippery.

If at this time, the energetic crew and sailors outside saw that the second Admiral Song Yifeng in the captain's room was so charming and charming, they would definitely turn into a group of hungry wolves in an instant, and then pant. You rushed in with a rough breath, didn't you?

But unfortunately, they are very disciplined, unlike the mobs on ordinary merchant ships. They are even more disciplined than those of the navies of European countries, and they absolutely obey the orders of the two admirals. The ones in the room can't even peek out of the window and peek through the cracks.

Moreover, because the'Xiang Feihu' is the flagship, their ship needs to clear the way at the forefront, while the other four ships follow one after another 100 meters away. Therefore, in this huge captain's room. After the front and rear windows were closed, Song Yifeng, who only opened the windows on both sides, didn't need to worry that anyone other than the little guy Annie could see her now.


??(?? ̄? ̄)????

(Tibbers said that it has actually seen it for a long time. It has even studied every part of the other party's body. It is also very greedy for the other party's delicate body. He can't wait to jump out and rush over immediately. Grab the opponent, take off the opponent's pants, then forcefully pull off a white thigh or arm, put it in your mouth and chew!)


ε=(′?`●))) alas

(It's a pity that the nasty little master of his family doesn't allow him to eat people casually. It hasn't really eaten people for a long time, especially the delicate female earth humans like Song Yifeng...and The last time it ate it, it was in the real projection arena when the old lady Irena and Fran, the old woman, remembered that it still missed their juicy bodies a bit.)



(The crumb witch Irena is tender and juicy and melts in the mouth, while the Fran is very chewy, and the taste is not very bad, but... I don’t know that the one in front of me is lying on a bamboo chair, being roasted by the hot air. The surge, exuding the scent of fascinating bears, looks white and red, as long as it jumps up, Song Yifeng, who will definitely be able to swallow it in one bite, will it be like a different taste?)



However, without waiting for a certain bear Tibbers to continue to think about it and get ready to move, Little Annie, who knew what it wanted to do now, gave a threatening look in its direction very unceremoniously.

After all, the current Song Yifeng is her assistant to Admiral Anne and an important tool for chatting to relieve her boredom. How could she make Tibbers jump up and eat him?

Anyway, for that kind of thing, just think about it. As for putting ideas into action or something, her Grand Admiral Anne would definitely not allow it.




"How about you let me bring in a bucket of water and let me soak all day?"

Suddenly, Song Yifeng directly curled up and sat up from the bamboo toffee chair, and did not cover the white and red skin with a little bit of spicy eyes. He directly cast a little glamorous eyes and sat cross-legged on the bed to play. Little Annie, who was holding a game console, pleaded.

To be honest, if the sea water is not good for the skin, and if there is no fresh water rinse after soaking in the sea water, the skin will become very dry, stinging, very sticky, very uncomfortable, have an unpleasant salty smell and become rough. At the same time, if there are dangerous sharks and jellyfish in the sea, she might have jumped into the sea for a while.



"Water is for drinking, not for bathing. People won't help you get it!"


Annie glanced at the other person, and then quickly resumed playing on her game console.

Because this is a relatively confined private space, there is no fear that too many outsiders will see it. Therefore, your Excellency Admiral Anne naturally doesn’t mind her present kind of hiding in the seventeenth century sailing warship captain’s room. The behavior of the game consoles in the 21st century is very unconventional.


"But, aren't you hot?"

Song Yifeng looked down at the sweat beads that kept coming out of her body, and then seeing how Anne could still sit quietly on the bed, he couldn't help but ask strangely.


?( ̄??)???

"Although they don't like hot weather very much, they are not afraid of heat!"


Anyway, Grand Admiral Anne would definitely not tell the other person, even if the ship was burned, she could still sit in it until it was completely ashes, and she would not be burned out of a single hair.

So, now she is sitting on the soft bed, she doesn't even sweat, and if Song Yifeng sits on it, the other party's sweat may have soaked through the bedsheets, and then she will have to be disgusted by her to die!

"I really envy..."


"Can't you really help me get a bucket of water in?"

Song Yifeng really wanted to take it off and soak it directly in the clear water, and then it would last for an afternoon. Before the sun went down, she would never get out of the barrel.

"No way!"


"I said, the water is for drinking, not for bathing you!"


Grand Admiral Anne is a very principled person, so she is not polite at all, she directly rejected the other party's shameful behavior of wanting to take the reserve water on the ship to bathe.


"Don't you take a bucket of water to bathe every night?"

"Oh no, two barrels!"

Song Yifeng unceremoniously directly exposed Annie's double-standard behavior, anyway she knew it, and every night, she would get a bucket of water and take it for a bath.

"That's different!"


"The water was created by magical water creation techniques, and they didn't ask people to move water under the cabin!"



"You also come out of a bucket with me now?"

"It's better to change into a pot!"

Song Yifeng's spirits shook, and then he jumped up directly from the bamboo chair, and then ran over, leaning in front of Annie, and pointed to the big wooden basin in the corner of the captain's room that served as the bathroom.



"This world can't use magic indiscriminately, once a day is almost the same."


Annie didn’t want to break her own decision, because she didn’t need it now. If she needed it, she would definitely do it without hesitation, but unfortunately, she didn’t want to do what Song Yifeng wanted to do now, because she I really don't think this kind of weather is uncomfortable, especially when she concentrates on playing games.


"Now it's so hot but you can't take a bath. What's the use of bathing after the sun goes down in the evening?"


"You really suck!!"

With that said, Song Yifeng ran back to her bamboo toffee chair bitterly, and then squatted down again, squeezing her small body, which was not very bulging, even more.



(Seeing the appearance of Song Yifeng, Tibbers started to think about it again. It suddenly felt like it was like putting the other party together with the bamboos on the charcoal steamer and slowly steaming them, and then eating it again, it would be a problem. Good choice?)





Finally, Annie couldn't bear the bitter thoughts of a certain bear, because, ah, she felt that she was a little hungry because of it, so she grabbed it, and then she didn't even look at it, and took it. He threw it straight into the corner.


"Annie, what are you doing?"

Song Yifeng was a little unsure, so he got up again, and then picked up the stuffed bear that Annie had thrown away, then patted it and hugged it in her sweat-stained arms.


"Ann, Annie!"

"It's strange, why is your little bear so cool? Isn't it made of fur?"

Suddenly, Song Yifeng started to lift up the little bear as if he had discovered the new world, then sat back in her bamboo chair and began to ponder and observe carefully.

"It's a shadow bear, maybe it's the energy of the shadow that makes you feel cool, right?"


"However, it has been thinking about how to eat you just now. What are you still holding it for?"


Seeing Song Yifeng put the little bear in her arms again after studying, Annie couldn't help but feel a little worried for the other party.

You know, if she hadn't been suppressing the bad bear, I'm afraid it would have jumped up a long time ago, and then stripped Song Yifeng off his thighs or arms and slowly chewed it as a spicy noodle.


"It's just a doll, how could it be able to eat people?"

Obviously, Song Yifeng didn't take Annie's words seriously, and the last time she was drunk and was lifted by a bear to carry her back to the bedroom with one leg did not leave any impression, so she didn't think it had anything. It's terrible, but you still think it's a good toy for relieving heat?

"Then whatever you want..."


"But your sweat beads are stuck on its fur. You have to wash it clean at night!"


Anyway, there is oneself watching Annie, who is not too worried that a certain bear will suddenly violently and do such terrible things to Song Yifeng. After thinking about it, she turned her head again, and continued to play her game console to pass the time. Exhorted without looking back.

"no problem!"

"Don't worry! I will take good care of it!!"

Song Yifeng cheered, and then excitedly hugged the fluffy but unusually cool teddy bear and rolled on the bamboo chair.



Annie doesn't plan to care anymore, anyway, she won't tell Song Yifeng: Now, a certain angry bear is thinking about eating each other's 108th ways to eat, just waiting for one day to take advantage of her not paying attention. Put it into practice at the time!


When the fleet continued to sail slowly on the equatorial windless zone, while the admirals of the two fleets, Annie and Song Yifeng, were still hiding in the captain’s room to escape the heat and irresponsibly, the chief officer was still on the deck against the scorching sun. He and the podium are busy, urging the sailors to adjust their sails in time to catch the small breeze that often changes at that time.


"First Mate!"

"To the southwest, I found a fleet with twelve ships!"

At this moment, the thin, tanned watchman at the top of the mast suddenly yelled to the first officer under the deck.

"Their banner..."

"It seems that the Wooding Chamber of Commerce said the Espinosha Chamber of Commerce!"

"not good!"

"They raised the battle flag and opened the artillery door!!"

Then the watchman on the mast shouted again.

Undoubtedly, because the ships of their Li family fleet are relatively large, and their masts and sails are high, the enemy is afraid that they would have discovered them earlier, so the other party was also prepared for the battle one step earlier.


"Fight in this kind of sea, in this kind of ghost weather?"

Looking at the breeze that couldn't even blow up the sails and the slow speed of the ship, and then at the enemy ship that hadn't appeared at the end of his line of sight, the first officer couldn't help but sighed.

In such a hot weather, sweat is constantly dripping while standing, and if we continue to fight, it is estimated that the consumption of fresh water will be doubled, and the sailors will also be uncomfortable... But there is no way, since the enemy has appeared, Moreover, they were prepared for battle, and their Li family fleet would definitely not be able to ignore it.


"Ready to fight!"

"Remember When they are in range, sink them directly, don't waste time!"

Seeing a messenger walking to the front dutifully, the first officer sighed, and immediately gave instructions to prepare for battle and long-range shelling.

Now it’s calm and calm. Although the speed advantage of their Li’s ships is severely restricted, they are certainly not faster than the enemy, but the accuracy of their artillery bombardment will rise to a terrible level. Therefore, the chief officer believes that the enemy will come later. I will definitely regret coming to this place to find trouble with their Li family fleet at this time.


The messenger responded loudly, and soon afterwards, the flagship "Xiang Feihu" and several warships behind them rang almost at the same time to prepare for battle.


Dang~! Dang~! Dang~!


(^-^)o-*? monthly pass


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