Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1526: ? (′? `)? (′?`)?

In all, it has been almost three months since Grand Admiral Anne of Daming Li's family left Daming waters and sailed to the West.

At that time, she took away a fleet of five warships including the flagship "Xiang Feihu" super battleship, but left behind a bearded Admiral of the East China Sea plus fifteen ships of the same size and a whole A freshwater fortress city with complete shipbuilding and artillery and gun craftsmanship.

Therefore, a certain bearded man started his business here in Daming Sea.

And during this time, Nanyang has of course also sent a lot of good news, such as: Admiral Anne defeated the Portuguese, surrendered the Dutch, regained the entire Nanyang from the hands of those Westerners, and seized nearly Hundreds of merchant ships and battleships plus countless rare treasures and other legendary deeds?

Although no one knows how their Grand Admiral did that feat with just five battleships, they already knew Big Beard anyway, that the news was true and had been verified.

Because, up to now, a steady stream of merchant ships are flying the banner of the Li’s Chamber of Commerce from Nanyang to Daming, bringing a large amount of spices, medicinal materials, gold, silver, sugar gum, pearl coral and so on. The goods have made the Li family caravan family richer because of the expansion.

However, due to the war in the Ming Dynasty and the unreasonable local government orders, the goods of the Li family can basically only be sold in Hangzhou, Quanzhou and other coastal areas under the control of the Li family, or in places such as Silla and Wa, while the northern part of the Ming Dynasty is in chaos. There is no room for the sale of those Nanyang goods.

After all, compared to those luxury goods and condiments, which are currently in war and turmoil in the north, what is needed is more satiety rice, wheat or all other staple foods, rather than those spicy ingredients or Can only look at luxury goods that cannot be eaten!

Moreover, although the North is in great need of food, there is no trading environment under the turmoil of the war. Therefore, in addition to the main trade with the Japanese side, the Li’s caravans are mostly transporting the refugees. The people of Ming Dynasty who could only starve to death without care, moved to the small Liuqiu island and their freshwater fortress city, which was never taken seriously by Ming Dynasty, to open up wasteland.

And in the three months that Annie was absent, the huge port fortress city had already lived in nearly 50,000 people of Ming Dynasty, plus the Changping princess Zhu Yuxu of Ming Dynasty and his entourage.

Three months ago, when the old **** who was frightened by the insurgents followed the bearded admiral of the East China Sea from Li’s family to Danshui on a battleship with a strong cannon, he saw the fortress city that was even bigger than the capital of Daming. After seeing those strong soldiers, terrifying artillery and more warships, they said they didn't want to leave this safe place anymore.

Moreover, in return, in the name of Princess Daming, they directly appointed the navy admiral and admiral of the East China Sea with the bearded beard, and then they were nestled in the palace-like governor’s mansion in the city. Refused to leave.

As for the poor princess Daming, Li's admiral of the East China Sea, the bearded man did not make things difficult for him.

After all, for the Li family, who has a big family and countless financial and staffing staff, it is not a big deal to feed an old eunuch, a princess Daming and the maids he brought with him. He persuaded him once and found that the other party said nothing. After willing to return to Hangzhou easily, he had no choice but to let him go, but instructed the officers stationed in the fortress to try their best to meet the opponent's requirements and send personnel to strictly guarantee their safety.

Up to now, the Li family has grown stronger!

Under their hands, the Lijia Chamber of Commerce controls countless ships and strong soldiers, has strong ships and guns, and has a port fortress city as a logistics base, and even'controls' the only surviving legal card of the Ming Dynasty. The princess, at the same time, firmly controls the coasts of Quanzhou and Hangzhou and radiates influence towards the two inland provinces, making the merchants and bureaucrats who have been secretly involved in smuggling and maritime trade jealous and hate, but they also treat them. Helpless.

However, although the Li family is very powerful now, there are always some obstacles.

Just like today, Li Dazhu, who had just finished some defense in Hangzhou before he had time to go to lunch, was approached by a guy who claimed to be the capital of Yangzhou.

Beard didn't know the other party, but the other party had made it clear that he wanted to see him. As a last resort, he had to meet him in his admiral's mansion near Jiang.


"Admiral Li, why didn't he salute when he saw this official?"

Yangzhou Governor Shi Kefa led people to the hall of the bearded Admiral’s Mansion. He first glanced at the strong sailors guarding the surrounding area, and then turned to look at the ten huge warships in the Qiantang River outside the window. Boat, in the end, he still sank his face and said in a bad tone, as if he was going to give Big Beard a slap in the face?



"I am the admiral of the East China Sea of ​​the Li family and the admiral of the navy of Daming, why should I salute you?"

The beard was a little inexplicable, so much so that he had taken back his hand that had originally wanted to invite the other person to a seat, and then looked up and down at the uninvited guy in front of him with a puzzled face, who claimed to be a supervisor.



"This officer is a superintendent, a scholar of the Jianji Temple, a scholar of the Ministry of War, and was ordered by the emperor to govern the military affairs of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. You have no rank, and why do you, the admiral of the navy who has the same rank, dare to treat this officer like this? rude?"

Shi Kefa was a little angry, and he blew his beard and stared at the beard and yelled in disdain.

You know, Daming doesn’t have the official name of a navy. The so-called Daming navy admiral or admiral of the East China Sea is not a serious official name at all. Shi Kefa didn’t know it anyway, and before that, Daming’s boats and ships It's just under the supervision of the city's Bo Tiju.

Just like his Yangzhou, the person in charge of boats and sailors is just a small lift from the fifth rank, and the so-called Da Ming navy admiral and admiral of the East China Sea in front of him, the highest rank is estimated to be around the third rank. And now, when the other party saw him, the Shangshu of the Ministry of War, how dare he be so rude?


"Master Shi, you are the Shangshu of the Ministry of War appointed by the emperor of Nanzhili, and I am the admiral of the East China Sea appointed by Princess Daming of Beizhili. We are not under each other. Why should I salute you?"

Shaking his head, he saw the forty-year-old man with a beard blowing and staring in front of him. The beard sighed. Then he didn't intend to continue to argue with the other party about this issue, but directly signaled the other party to take a seat and walked directly. Back to his own main seat.


"You dare to say such a rebellious thing, do you... do you want to rebel?!"

Shi Kefa couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he heard Big Beard's words, and then his rebuttal tone became even harsher.


"Do not!"

"You are the one who is going to rebel, right?"

"The heirs of Emperor Chongzhen of Ming Dynasty are still there, but you support King Fu as the emperor. I would like to ask, what do you intend to do?"

Shaking his head, the beard ignored the other party, just looked at the other party with a smile and asked in a bad tone.

At the same time, he was a little inexplicable, and he didn't know the confidence of the other party. How could he want to use that kind of condescending, and the tone and attitude of the superior to the subordinate to speak to him, the admiral of the East China Sea, who holds a heavy hand?

"It's ridiculous!"

"She is only the princess of Emperor Ming Dynasty, not the prince!"

"I can't wait to support King Lifu, can it be possible to support her Zhu Yu, let her do the act of the chicken Sichen?"

Sikefa retorted with a grin, like an angry tiger, staring at him, who was still rude and dared to ignore him, and took the lead to sit back on the chair with the beard.

If it weren’t for Hangzhou, not his Yangzhou, and it’s already been controlled by the opponent’s thousands of soldiers, and if the opponent’s giant ship still exists in the Qiantang River, he might have already ordered that this place in front of him The arrogant who had no father, no respect, was sent to prison for guilt.

"why not?"

"Didn't the Tang Dynasty also produce Wu Zetian?"

The history of Beard is not good, and he has not read many books, but he only knows that the female emperor is not unheard. Therefore, looking at the old man in front of him who wants to behave at him as soon as they meet, he has a heartfelt heart. Also faintly had a certain idea.



"My official won't tell you that!"

"My officer came this time just to ask you, what is your intention to gather heavy soldiers here in Hangzhou, and also dispatch boats and ships to stock up arms and weapons?!"

Yes, Shi Kefa personally came to Hangzhou on this adventure, just to ask what the admiral Daming navy wanted to do, who had a princess in his hands and seemed to want to do the absurd thing of "holding the princess to make the princes"!

In the beginning, he actually wanted to slowly test and inquire about the truth, but now that the two sides have fallen out a little, he can't manage that much for the time being.

You must know that Hangzhou is not too far from Yangzhou and the Gyeonggi area of ​​Nanzhili, and it is also connected to waterways and canals. The bearded man in front of him holds heavy soldiers and giant ship artillery, and they are all gearing up here and at the same time. They have always ignored the new emperor's orders supported by Nanzhili, how can they feel at ease, and how can they not come to ask about the situation?

If the opponent suddenly sends troops to the north and uses force against Nanzhili and Yangzhou, I am afraid that the fragile lines of defense that they have rushed to use against the robbers and Jiannus going south will have to collapse immediately!


"So you are here to ask about this?"

For a moment, the bearded man finally understood why the incomparable guy in front of him would suddenly visit him, and he would blow his beard and stare at him, and even talked violently at him. It turned out to be such a thing.

"Do not worry!"

"Master Shi, I am not deploying troops to deal with you. I am planning to go north to Zhili to find the trouble of the traitors and slaves!"

While talking, the beard suddenly laughed.

That's right, he was planning to use ten battleships and some armed merchant ships plus large merchant ships as troop carriers and go north to Tianjin and Shanhaiguan to see if he could block Shanhaiguan and attack near Gyeonggi, and then recover the capital.


"Are you going to regain Beizhili?"


"How many soldiers do you have?"

Unexpectedly, the beard really wanted to regain the capital. Shi Kefa was sluggish in an instant. Therefore, he opened his mouth first, hesitated for a long time, and finally asked carefully with a gloomy expression on his face.

"If you don't count the support staff and sailors..."

"About 15,000 soldiers and soldiers, right?"

"And they are all musketeers!"

The beard thought for a while, and finally said the number he thought was more accurate.

Anyway, he can only dispatch around 15,000 musketeers at most, and nothing more. At most, he can only carry hundreds of new-forged cannons from the artillery workshop in Danshui, and then recruit some helpers. Artillery.

At that time, he was going to divide the fleet into two teams. A team of more than 5,000 people went to take five battleships to attack Shanhaiguan, and land from the old dragon head to see if he could win the world's first level.

The other 10,000 people landed from Tianjin, and then went overland to the capital!

In fact, Beard himself doesn’t know if he can fight or not, but anyway, their Li family’s battleship is unmatched. If he can’t fight, he will continue to fight. loss.

In short, his main purpose is not to let those who have committed crimes and become slaves have a good life! He just let those Jian slaves know that the reason why their kind of wild people outside the barrier can break through the capital is just good luck, and these Da Ming loyal souls have never been afraid of them!


"A mere fifteen thousand soldiers, all with firearms, what's the use?"

"Listen to my advice..."

"Admiral Li, although your courage to wait is commendable, but now is not the time for the Northern Expedition, and the establishment of slaves is strong. The old man advises you not to go to your own death at this time!"

Shi Kefa couldn't believe it. The big beard in front of him had gathered more than 10,000 people to counterattack Jiannu and attacked the Gyeonggi area directly. This made him not know what to say.


"That's not an ordinary blunderbuss, it's a rifled flintlock Miner rifle!"

The rifled flintlock Miner rifle, weighs about ten kilograms, and has a caliber of 17.8 mm. Each bullet weighs 32.4 grams. The effective killing distance can reach thousands of meters, and within 600 meters, accurate hits can be guaranteed and the power is quite huge.

Most people just think that their Li family fleet is just a strong gun, but they don't know that their muskets are also very powerful, much more powerful than the weird blasts equipped in the Ming army.

You know, in this era, most of the artillery has a range of only a few hundred meters, and the rifles of their Lijia Chamber of Commerce, their Grand Admiral Anne has said, are the last glory of the musket, and the range is absolutely absolute. It has a much longer range than Jiannu's artillery, and this colleague is also the courage of the bearded man who dared to gather almost all the forces he could command to prepare for the Northern Expedition to build a slave.

Although he had heard the nonsense of "Jurchen is dissatisfied and invincible", and he thought that the cavalry who built slaves might be really powerful, but he didn't believe it anymore. At a rate of fire of about three to four rounds per minute of the Migne rifle, how many cavalry in Jiannu can rush in front of their musketeers?

"In short, Governor Shi can rest assured. Although Li is not very rare to your Nanjing court and does not respect your emperor, he will not attack you easily at this time. Be a loved one and be an enemy. Just put your heart back in your stomach!"

"Wait and see!"

"At most half a month, when the big ships of our Chamber of Commerce Nanyang are in place, I will swear to go on the expedition."

In the recent period, Beard has just mobilized supplies here in Hangzhou, and the supply from Naha, Waguo, and Nanyang to Danshui City is almost enough.

After waiting two days, he will take part of the recruited new personnel and a large amount of supplies to Danshui. At that time, they will also set off directly from the new fortress city Yang Fan and drive northward to expel the Tartars, and if he does not Said that these people who have just established the small court of Nanming, I am afraid they will definitely not know.


"In that case, Wang'er waits to do it for himself!"

It’s not just a speculative sentence. Seeing that the other party is not only rude but also quite ignorant, there is no way. Shi Kefa struggled for a while, saw that he could not persuade him, and finally knew that the other party was not targeting Yangzhou and Nanzhili, so he snorted coldly. Waving his sleeves, he didn't intend to say more to such a rough-and-bearded man who ruled Hangzhou and Quanzhou.

Of course, he also felt in his heart that letting the forces of the Li family fleet consume and test slaves with each other seemed to do no harm to their court in Nanzhili?


"Master Shi, don't you stay for lunch?"

The beard suddenly stood up and pretended to keep it towards the other party, but unfortunately, the other party didn't pay attention to him at all, and directly led the people out arrogantly and angrily.


While the bearded man in Hangzhou was eager to prepare for the Northern Expedition to establish slavery, in Calicut in the Indian Ocean, the turmoil here has been going on for several days.

The five ships of the Li's fleet lay directly outside the port, and the black-painted gun barrels were pushed out of the artillery ports, which directly blocked the entire port, so that many sailing ships could only hide from a distance when they saw it. If you take a detour or take a detour, you can't even approach Calicut.

Because ah, the maharajah of the Mughal dynasty of India and a great businessman Chaimenlin Afmad Nagopur was tied to the flagship'Xiang Feihu' by the Li family's admiral Anne Hasta from the Ming Dynasty. It's been three full days on the mast.

During this period, the people of Nagopur and the fleet also tried to attack the Li family fleet and rescue their owner, but in the end, they all failed, and even the fort at Calicut Port was bombarded several times. , The entire fort was almost completely in ruins, and directly paralyzed the wharf of this prosperous port city for several days, and the city of Calicut was also panicked, and many people fled here.

No one knows how long this situation will last, because the ships of the Ming Li’s fleet are still anchored outside the port, and will fire a few shots at the sea in the pier from time to time. I don’t know if it is a threat or something else. mean.


"The fat guy just said he had taken it, and he was willing to surrender, let us put him down, and then give him food and drink quickly?"

At this moment, on the flagship of the Xiang Feihu, Song Yifeng suddenly broke into the captain's room, then lay on the bedside, and said to a distressed little girl who was in a daze.



"After only three days, I was subdued. It must be fake. It must not be sincere. Just hang him for another day or two to see!"


He slapped Aqian and stretched, but in the end Annie answered like this.



"What if he died?"

"Didn't you say that you want his chamber of commerce and forces to help us stare at the British and French people here?"

Song Yifeng was a little puzzled. When they had a meeting before, they decided to subdue Nagopur and let the other party be the nails of their Li Family Chamber of Commerce and nailed them here in the Indian Ocean. But now it’s better. When the fat man surrenders and is soft, their chief admiral But refused?

"Do not worry!"

ε=(′ο`*))) alas

"Is he so fat? There is so much fat and energy. It's definitely not so hot and easy to die!"

What? What?

"He must be made to suffer or else, I don't know how bad he will be!"


This time, Annie didn't intend to use magic directly to enslave the other party, but instead planned to use violence to destroy the other party's spirit and will, so that the other party would not have the courage to resist their Li family for a lifetime!

Therefore, if you continue to hang the opponent on the mast for a day or two, there is definitely nothing wrong with it, and it will just lose fat to the opponent.

Besides, Annie saw from the window of the captain’s room that the clouds in the sky seem to be very thick today, and it seems that it is about to be windy and heavy rain. Is it good for the counterparty to lower the heat and replenish water?


(● ̄(?) ̄●)



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