Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1425: = ???? ('ヮ '3' ヮ'…

In Little Annie, Makarov, Elsa, Miraj, Naz, Gray, Wendy, Lucy, etc., the high-level and elite combat powers belonging to "Fairy Tail" have been rectified for some reason. After seven years of no reappearance, naturally, this Sorcerer's Guild, which was one of the best in the Kingdom of Fiore, was under the leadership of the fifth-generation president Macao Kongbo. Today, seven years later, it is even on the verge of bankruptcy.

To this day, they have not only lost all the industries, sub-stations and recruitment points that originally belonged to the "Fairy Tail" in other places on the mainland, and even the many members of the original guild have only left a pitiful few. , And even fell to the point where the guild was unable to get good jobs and financial difficulties, so it could only go to the mountainous area of ​​Magnolia to farm and raise chickens to maintain a basic life.

In short, when Xiao Anni and others landed outside the city early and walked into Magnolia without letting people see the dragon, then they would find someone to lead the way and bring the large group of them to this deep mountain. When the so-called "Fairy Tail" guild was stationed in here, what they saw was such a miserable scene:

There are only a few dilapidated wooden houses, which look very old and lack maintenance. There is a dilapidated guard post in the yard, a simple wooden fence outside, a few pigs, a group of chickens, and a large piece of land reclaimed. There are crops growing in the farmland, and farmyard manure is not far away, mosquitoes and flies are flying all over the sky, and the dead tree next to it is still drying clothes without mind...

Seeing this situation, Annie suddenly felt that it seemed even more miserable than the other "Fairy Tail" in the world of Adras who was hunted down and killed by the whole country?

Of course, the worse is:

Little Annie saw it. In fact, everyone who followed saw it. Her guild, her "Fairy Tail" was reduced to the point where a group of small vulgarists came to collect protection fees and smashed the scene?



"Uncle Macao, you have been the president for the past seven years, right? But, just these three melons and two dates, can you guys not beat it?!"


Annie was a little surprised, and also a little unbelievable, so she pointed to the guys in the corner who were huddling together and shivering, claiming to be the "Ghost of Twilight" from the guild in Magnolia City and asked.

Although, Annie also knows that so many of them are absent, especially in the absence of her great President Annie, the strength of the guild is indeed the sauce that has dropped countless steps, but... no matter how it is, it doesn’t matter. May be bullied by such an inexplicable guild?


"Just such a guy, I can beat them a hundred!"

While Annie asked, Naz, who was on the side, also spouted with fire, and he was also a little dismissive of the guys in the so-called "Ghost of the Twilight" guild.


At this time, Laxus on the side also snorted coldly.

Obviously, he dismissed the "Twilight Ghost" guild very much, but he was a hundred different from Naz. From his expression, he knew that he was very confident that he could easily destroy the other guild by himself, and Still the kind without injury!



Makarov, Elsa and others did not rush to speak, but frowned and looked at the fifth-generation president of the guild, Makaou, who was in charge of managing the guild during their absence, and waited for the answer from each other.

To be honest, before returning, they are more or less prepared in their hearts, and they also know that the situation of the "Fairy Tail" guild is definitely not as good as when they left, and may even be reduced to the second- and third-rate guild. Look like?


It was as miserable as it was right now, and it was about to automatically disband on the spot, and it felt more like a farm than a wizard guild, which was indeed beyond their expectations.


"Chairman Annie, and everyone..."

Macao Kongbo directly lowered his head, and began to complain angrily:

"Originally, the first two months of your absence were pretty good. I was elected by everyone to serve as the fifth-generation president, and with the assistance of Wakaba, the guild was barely able to survive."


"Later, there were a lot of things. First, some people came to find faults for no reason, and then we fought back. Those guys were not our opponents... But then the council took action. They sanctioned us with various crimes and gave us a lot of money. Stern warning."

"Later, one year later, after discovering that you did not appear anymore, more and more people came to the door with various names..."

"We dare not resist, because if we resist, we will be ordered to dissolve if we violate the council's ban on private fights between "Fairy Tail" and other guilds. "

"Later, we couldn't stay in the city anymore, so we had to move out..."

"Since then, one year has been worse than one year, and the number of commissions has decreased. Until now, there are only a few people in the guild who can stick to it."

"I'm sorry everyone, President Anne, and President Makarov, I just want to try my best to guard the fairy tail and wait for everyone to come back..."

"and so……"

As he said, thinking of the bitterness of these years, even if Macao, who had become half a bad old man, couldn't help but lower his head and began to sob.

But it's all right now, everyone is back.

There are so many companions, and it seems that many new powerful wizards have been added in the past, he firmly believes that from now on, the "Fairy Tail" guild will definitely develop from the beginning, and hold on. He in the "Fairy Tail" Guild could finally step down and breathe a sigh of relief.



"Those guys dare to make trouble?"


After thinking about it for a moment, Annie quickly found the root cause of the problem.



"Or, let's just let Wangcai call the door and let the council dissolve again!"

(? ̄?? ̄??)??°

Discover the root cause of the problem, and then solve the problem completely once and for all. This has always been the best way for Annie to solve the problem!


"Ann, Annie, isn't this okay? Without the central coordination of the council, many things between the guilds will become very troublesome."

Makarov hurriedly stopped.

In his opinion, the issue of the council must be dealt with. However, if the terrible dragon is sent directly to the door for no reason, then the barbaric behavior will definitely not work, and it will only get things done. Worse.



"Hey! Uncle Macao, people ask you, what about Nirvana, where is it now?"


Annie is not planning to discuss with the bad old man Makarov about how to target the council for the time being. She just wants to know, where is her Nirvana platform?

Anyway, she would definitely not be happy to stay in this shabby and smelly farm at night, where chickens, ducks, pigs and people live together.

"What Nirvana?"

Macao was a little stunned. After all, after a few years, they couldn't remember what Nirvana was.

"It's our'fairy castle in the sky' in the original bay! Where did you leave it in such a big mobile city?!"



"It's it... but it was confiscated by the council several years ago..."

"Also, I have never got back the assets in our original guild account... The bank said that my authority was not enough... But I heard people say that it seemed that the bank had to take it because it was confiscated by the council. Is that interface to prevaricate me?"

Having said this, Macao lowered his head again in frustration.

Think about it seriously. In the past few years when he was the president, apart from being able to hold the "Fairy Tail" and not being disbanded, it seems that he really didn't do anything at all?





"You write a letter to the hot council, saying that the great President Anne has returned, and they are only allowed to restore and return the toys of others within one month!"


"Also, let them compensate us for the loss of a thousand times the original assets of our guild account, that is... old man Makarov, how much money do we have in our previous accounts?"


While talking, Annie suddenly turned to Makarov and asked.

"This one……"

"Not counting the billion that you misappropriated, there should be about seven or eight billion left, right?"

Makarov said uncertainly.

After all, the "Fairy Tail" guild has existed for so many years, and it has always been one of the best wizards’ guilds in the Fiore Kingdom. It is really not too much to have a billion-dollar asset.

"Then write it down, just barely let them return a trillion J!"


"If they dare to give one less J, their council will be over in a month!!"


Annie is not kidding!

The other party robbed her of Nirvana and confiscated her small money. How could she easily forgive such a nasty thing?


"But, Annie, my handwriting is ugly, and I don't know how to write that kind of letter..."

Looking around him who didn't say a word, worried, thoughtful, excited, and other things, such as gloating others, Naz felt stage fright for a while.

"It doesn't matter, people didn't expect them to listen anyway, just write indiscriminately, and write as you please!"


Annie didn't expect Naz to write well. She deliberately wanted to get angry and tease the council. Otherwise, she would directly ask Miraj to do it.

"Well, I think I know what to do!"

Hearing it turned out to be such a thing, Naz grinned and clenched his burning fist, and took this job that he was not good at.


"It's not the time to talk about that kind of thing. It's time to think of ways to solve the current dilemma. After all, our industries in all parts of the mainland are gone. If this continues, it is estimated that everyone will really have no food!"

Makarov didn't agree with Annie's approach, but he didn't directly object to it, but anyway, for the council, Makarov will definitely go to the guys to have a good theory!

However, in his opinion, that kind of thing will undoubtedly be protracted. When the wrangling is over, it is estimated that a year or a half has passed. Therefore, the most important thing is to solve the dilemma and re-development of the guild. the most important.

"That's easy!"

??(?? ̄? ̄)????

"The first step we need to do now is: take back all of our things! Those guys who robbed us of our little money, let them return it ten times as much, and fight if you can't!"



"Annie, why don't you pay them back if you beat them?"

Lucy asked with some worry. In her opinion, it was easy to knock down those guys, but it must be impossible to get them back ten times.

Of course, what Anne just wanted to make the council come back a hundred times is also unlikely.

"If you still don't pay it back, then catch it back to feed Wangcai!"



"Is this a bit unreasonable?"

Lucy smiled wryly. She wasn't sure whether the messy little girl in front of her could do that kind of crazy thing.

"People never thought about reasoning with them!"

o(′^`)o hum!


"Just do what Annie said!"

Elisa nodded, preventing Lucy from continuing.

After all these years, "Fairy Tail" has been bullied so badly. If there is still no action at all, the next time they are gone, God knows what else those guys will do! Therefore, Elisa firmly supports Annie's approach, intending to take this opportunity to teach those guys, and even the council, a profound lesson?

In short, that kind of thing, but thinking about it can make Elisa feel excited!


"The council will definitely move..."

Makarov sighed. Now Annie is the president, and there are two other... No, there are three presidents. Therefore, if other people do not object, his "third generation" meeting The leader is not afraid to express his opinions directly and against all opinions.

"People just have to wait for them to move..."


"It's so decided!"

?( ̄??)???

"The next battle goal: to defeat the bad guys who rob us of our small money and territory, take back our things, and then defeat the Council, and finally defeat the Fiore Kingdom!"

?*. ?(ˊ〇ˋ*)??*.

Annie cheered directly, telling her final decision and combat goals, and was so frightened that the members of the "Twilight Ghost" guild huddled in the corner took a breath, wondering if she was. seriously.




"Ann, Annie, what is this about the Kingdom of Fiore, why are we breaking it?"

Shocked, Makarov ignored the rest and hurriedly asked.

If it was before, he would have just smiled at best, when the little guy was just talking nonsense.

However, now that after seeing Annie's true power, he feels that the other party is definitely not as simple as nonsense! After all, even if the other party does not take action, it is estimated that the entire Fiore Kingdom can be easily disrupted by the giant dragon guarding the door. If the entire Kingdom is destroyed, it is definitely not impossible to practice!



" Macao, that kingdom, don't they usually persecute you?"


"No, no..."

"The mayor of Magnolia has been taking good care of us..."

Macao wiped a cold sweat and answered very cautiously.

"That's it...Then let's not defeat the kingdom for now."


Soon, after a certain little Annie made a decision, no one from the "Fairy Tail" executives who were present at the scene no longer objected, under the witness of the horrified "Twilight Ghost" members of the guild. , The plan to retaliate against the other guilds, the retaliatory council's combat resolution, was so playful, it was formally formulated in this shabby farm.


On this day, when the elites of the "Fairy Tail" guild returned, a terrible storm began to blow in the city of Magnolia.


?(′︶`)? Ask for a ticket? (′︶`)?

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