Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1344: (??ˇΕˇ??) People's Lulu doesn't...


"Elisa, since we're all here, can you tell me now?"


"This time, you let our guild have such a strong lineup together, what do you want us to do?"

On the train, when the two guys who were turned into small animals changed back to humans and successfully escaped two train tickets, the one of five people sitting in this fairly spacious train car. Grey finally asked Elisa.


"Elusa, what exactly is it going to do, isn't it that dangerous and dangerous thing?"

Lucy asked anxiously.

To be honest, it takes the most powerful people in the Fairy Tail Guild to perform tasks in a team. Just think with your toes and know that it is definitely not a fun thing. Therefore, if possible, Lucy faintly hopes to quit now. Forget it.

Anyway, she regretted a little bit, and always felt that this matter might not be too simple.

"Yes, yes! People have long wanted to ask, is it something super fun?"


"Or...what's so delicious?!"


Annie doesn’t care whether it’s dangerous or not, or other messy things. In short, as long as the thing is fun or delicious food, she doesn’t matter, no matter how difficult and dangerous it is. !

Because, as long as she completes a few more difficult commissions, as long as she is named as the strongest fairy wizard of the'Fairy Tail', she believes that she will soon have enough'prestige' to go again. Challenged the bad old man named Makroff and successfully snatched the throne of the other party's president!

She still remembers that incident!

Therefore, she must quickly complete it while she still remembers it, or else, after a while, she may have a good time and forget that important task.




Elisa groaned. First she looked at Gray, Lucy, and a curious little girl Annie sitting across from her, and then she looked at the side next to her who was lying on her seat and was already unconscious because of motion sickness. She knocked Naz who passed out.

Then, after a long meditation, she finally frowned and said:

"There is nothing to say."

"To tell you the truth, our opponent this time is the'Iron Forest', one of the three major dark guilds in the magic world!"

"Before, when I came back..."

"In that bar, I heard news that they seem to be planning to use a magic called ‘’ to carry out a huge conspiracy?"

"and so……"

"No matter what they want to do, we must stop them this time!"

With that said, Elisa slowly and carefully said what she had heard at that time and her own judgment in front of the three of them.

In this world, the guilds that have not been recognized by the guild alliance belong to the kind of "dark guilds". Generally, they perform some illegal tasks or have their own ulterior motives. However, the iron "The Forest" is one of them. It has a bad reputation and is still wanted!

Six years ago, Eli Gore, known as the "God of Death", was expelled from the Sorcerer's Guild Alliance and became a veritable "Dark Guild". At the same time, he was dedicated to doing some illegal acts of murder and arson. The Supreme Council severely banned the black market commission. Since then, that guild has been hostile and wanted by the Mage Guild Alliance.

And the ‘’ she mentioned just now means a lullaby, a certain kind of magic or prop, and Elisa herself doesn’t know exactly what it is.

However, since that kind of thing is sealed, there must be a reason for being sealed, and the people of the'Iron Forest' are going to find such a dangerous item. Of course, Elsa can't just sit back and watch. Therefore, she felt that the other party’s purpose was not simple, and she felt that she could not ignore it, so she decided this time:

Regardless of the ulterior purpose of the other party looking for that dangerous magical item, she just organized a group to pick the'Dark Guild', and before the other party's conspiracy was carried out, she directly arrested and attacked those people, directly Use the most direct and violent means to smash all the opponent's conspiracy in one fell swoop!

"So it's like this..."

After listening to Elisa’s description, after knowing that it was really not a good thing, and knowing that it was indeed the same as her just judgment, what they were performing and preparing to perform was a very dangerous action, Lucy couldn’t help being frightened. She broke out in a cold sweat, and then her legs trembled unconsciously.


"Elusa, I don't seem to be very good at fighting, or... I should go back first?"

Go against a lunatic guild who takes pleasure in killing people. You don’t need to think about it to know that it will not be too easy, and you will lose your own life if you are not careful, plus there is probably no money. Remuneration... So it's normal for Lucy to retreat.

However, she spoke in a very small, murmur-like voice, and in this steam train car with the abnormal noise of'walking and eating', there was no one at all. Will care what she just said.


"That's it!"

"In other words, the people of Iron Forest must want to use that" to do some terrible things, so we must stop them as soon as possible, and within the time limit of'within three days' , Am I right?"

Gray nodded on the side, expressing that he understood Elsa’s behavior, and also knew why the other party was so eager, why he couldn’t wait for President Makarov to come back to discuss and hurriedly give them the most powerful members in the guild. Get together.

"Do not!"

"We probably don't have three days!"

"Counting the time I took to return to the guild and the time I prepared for you, today is the last day!"

At this point, Elisa could not help but clenched her fists, complaining a bit about why she had not recovered at the time, and why she didn't understand that those people were members of the "Iron Forest" and directly knocked them down and tortured for interrogation. Figure out the other party's main plot?


"It's like that, we don't have much time!"

"So, given that we are likely to deal with an entire guild's enemies, it would be a bit risky and entrusted to me if it is only me. For the sake of safety, I think it is necessary to call you together."

Although this behavior seemed reckless and did not discuss with the president, Elisa still felt that she must act after thinking about it, and she must fight and eradicate the'Iron of Iron' as quickly as possible. Mori’s dark guild directly used their five people to kick down the illegal guild named “Iron Forest” in one fell swoop, in order to maintain the reputation of justice and wizards advocated by the Magician Guild Alliance!

Of course, the most important thing is to crush the opponent's conspiracy!


"Sounds interesting!"

"Hmm! That's right!"

"Habi thinks so too."


"You two guys, what's so interesting about this, that's obviously dangerous, OK?!"

Seeing that Hubby and Gray both agreed with Elisa without even thinking about it, Lucy, who was listening in a cold sweat, quickly turned her head and glared at them.

"That one……"

"Annie, this task doesn't seem to suit us, or..."

No way, seeing that Gray and Hobbit both agree with the kind of crazy, to challenge a whole dark guild's terrible thing, and the guy Naz can't count on it right now, Lucy has to look at it with helpless eyes A little girl who was probably the only reliable girl looked over.




"It turns out to be going to fight. People are the best at that kind of thing. Where is the Iron Forest Guild now? Let's go and hit their **** fiercely now!"


Annie obviously ignored and agreed with Lucy's intentions. She ignored the other's help-seeking look, and jumped to the seat of the train and cheered, indicating that she could not wait to teach some bad guys. We are.

Of course, at the same time, we must also take away the small money of those bad guys! The other party is an entire guild, surely, there must be a lot of small money, right?

and so……



However, she would definitely not tell these guys that kind of thing. When the time comes, if there is a chance, she will search the other's guild's treasury first, and then leave a little bit for the guys in the team.


ε=(`●))) alas

(Serving as a'faerie partner', Tibbers, who is sitting on a stupid meow's head, certainly knows what some nasty little master of his own family is thinking. So, besides sighing and turning What else can it do besides going too far?)


"Here! Who are these people?"

Unexpectedly, even a little guy didn’t support herself, and she was cautiously jumping around, and the cold sweat on her body was constantly flowing. Lucy had to cry with a face in mourning and sat silently in her place. on.


"I would have known it a long time ago..."

Yes, now Lucy really regrets it!

Before, that is, when Mirage talked to her in the guild yesterday, she thought it was something interesting, and she had never been able to join this so-called "Fairy Tail" the strongest team in history and was complacent. With.

But now it's better, they are actually going to do that crazy and dangerous thing, that is really embarrassing her little star wizard, because she is really not good at fighting at all!

Otherwise, she would not have been beaten so embarrassed by the perverted Duke of Albar last time in Shilozmay.


"Seeing that your morale is so high, I feel relieved... However, it is better to be cautious."

"and also!"

"It's coming to the station in the afternoon. When facing that'Iron Forest', you must remember to go all out and not to underestimate the enemy. No matter what happens, you must first knock them down!

Seeing that both Gray and Annie were not afraid, but rather eager to try, Elisa was finally relieved.

And as for that Lucy...

She didn’t care about it at all, because in her opinion, Lucy and the Hobbie were just extra-staff logistics personnel. If the main force is fighting, she will rely on her powerful Elisa and Gray, Naz, and Annie. People are enough.


"Anne, your fairy magic can not only reshape reality, change the essential structure of the world, and transform the limiting factors in the material realm, that is, the kind of'wonderful idea' that can turn the enemy into a small animal with no resistance. 'Besides, do you have any other magical magic?"

Elisa had just seen the opponent's ability to turn a big living person into a small animal.

Not to mention Naz and Gray, even President Macrov suffered a loss in that trick. Therefore, Elisa has determined that this little guy Annie is the catcher in her team. At that time, I was specifically responsible for arresting those members of the "Iron Forest" and providing them with necessary assistance when appropriate.

Just like...

Turn a guy with the title of ‘Reaper’ into a maggot or a grasshopper, and then have her stomped Elisa on her feet and ravage her severely?

However, the only pity is that that kind of magical magic, that ‘wonderful idea’ has a distance limit, otherwise, a little guy would have been invincible just by that magic!



"People's Tibbers will also help fights, and then they can fire sparkling spears, they will also provide shields for themselves or you, and even let Tibbs track the enemy, and they will let you do that kind of funny wild longing. Oh!"


Anyway, except for the "Crazy Wild Long" Annie has not used, other skills, a certain fire frog named "Natz" has all been learned, and if it is not because the other party is very serious now, this problem, Elisa can go and ask that guy directly.

"Shining spear, shield, and wild long?"


"If you add the ‘wonderful idea’ that can effectively control the enemy... Sure enough, as I imagined, you are indeed the best support candidate in the team, Annie."


"When the time comes to fight, you must remember to hide behind us, we will do our best to protect you!"

Hearing that Little Annie had a lot of practical magic, Elisa couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction, and again affirmed her previous decision, thinking that she was extremely correct in inviting this little girl to participate in this action. of.


!? (\'\')

"It's not a support!!"


"People's fairy magic is very powerful, so I don't play any support! People want to play the main force, then you guys can stand aside, and they will all be beaten down to show you!"

o(^`)o hum!

What's a joke, her Queen Anne is destined to carry the audience. It is enough for her to be alone in the game. How could she go to support?


"Anyway, I feel relieved to see you so confident!"

Elisa didn't take the other party's words to heart, she just thought it was the kind of angry words that the little girl wanted to express in a hurry.


"Before getting out of the car, we all have to take a good rest, recharge our energy, and strive to destroy the'Iron Forest' with one blow!"

Seeing that the team members had understood the task clearly, and that she had also fully understood the abilities of a new companion, Elisa raised her fist once again to inflate the team members.

"No problem, you guys are optimistic!!"

*. (ˊΩˋ*)*.

But then...

Two hours later, when everyone got out of the car, they suddenly discovered that the original team of five people and one cat had now become four people and one cat, and an important guy, the so-called fairy tail’s strongest 'The fire dragon guy, is'dropped' again at this time? !

Then discovered that it was indeed accidentally forgotten an important member on the vehicle, everyone complained, and quickly pointed the finger at someone who claimed to have noticed at that time, but What happened to the little girl who didn't mention it.



"You guys, look at what others are doing in this way. What is the matter for that guy who fell asleep in the car?"


At that time, although Annie saw it, they didn't say anything about them, so she thought it was arranged by Elisa deliberately!


(● ̄() ̄●)


(ˊ〇ˋ*) Happy New Year, congratulations on getting rich, ask for votes, ask for red envelopes (ˊ〇ˋ*)_

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