Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1307: ?Avada eating big melons?

"this is……"

   "It's so amazing!!"

Irena looked at her body, squeezed her face and shook the magic wand in her hand, and then looked up at the closeness of herself and Teacher Fran that became like giants outside of this'Arena'. She couldn't help but marvel at the real person with her eyes open and the huge tree house as big as the sky.

   "This is the so-called projection?"


   "Sure enough, as she said, the body, magic, movements and various feelings are really exactly the same as my original body!"

   "It's really amazing magic skills..."

Being able to make that kind of thing, and really being able to project the two people in, so that the two can fight unscrupulously, and are not afraid of casualties... can do this, as far as Stardust Witch Fran is concerned, the other party Even if it's not really the'Lord of the Ten Thousand Realms', it should be more than enough if you only call it'Half God', right?

However, it doesn’t make sense to think about that kind of thing now, because now, she feels that what she should think about is how to defeat the youngest talented trainee witch in Loberta’s history opposite, and then give the reward, that is Get the'elder wand'?

and so......

   After thinking about it, she directly stretched out her hand, and then used her magic wand to aim at a position beside Irena, about a hundred meters away, and fired a magic missile instantly.


   Boom! ! !

A blue magic missile instantly passed over Irena's shoulders, and after the air was turbulent, it directly rubbed Irena's gray hair, blasted to the distance and exploded, and A burst of shock waves swept toward this side, causing the long hair of the two to be blown up by the air currents that swept away.


   "Master Fulan!"

   "You, what are you doing?!"

I never expected that the other party would say hit and hit, feeling that she seemed to have escaped from the gate of **** by chance, and Irena exclaimed, and at the same time raised her wand in her hand and finished the related Defensive action.


"doing what?"

"I say……"

   "Irena, we are now in a duel... Your teacher Anne is still watching from the outside, if I can't kill you, how can I get that wand?"

   "Besides, anyway, I am at least an official witch on the register. Wouldn't it be shameful if I lost to you here?"

   said, a magic circle lit up at the feet of the witch Fran, indicating that she was ready for the related duel! And the magic missile that was thrown out just now was just a reminder to the other party, she just hit it on purpose!


   Next, she will bombard the opponent's body without reservation, and will never leave her hand. If the opponent is accidentally killed by her, she will not mind at all.

  Because, now they are really just projections, so no matter how she abuses and kills each other, she will not bear any consequences. Instead, it is better to feed the other party, which is to teach the other party how to really fight!

  Perhaps, that is the meaning of her teaching assistant, right?


   "Teacher Fran, are you serious?"

   Hearing that the other party said that she was going to kill herself, and now she was about to put it into action, Irena couldn't help but take a breath, feeling that something called fear was covering her.

"of course!"

"You have seen it too. We have been reduced and projected in, and our bodies are still outside. You have seen the two giants and the huge tree house. Your teacher is also watching from the'distant' hanging basket. With us, so killing you here, I won't have the slightest psychological burden!"

   "May I ask..."

   "Irena Trainee Witch, are you ready for a duel?"

   "I'm about to start soon!"

If you are not worried that if you rashly defeating or killing the other party will cause a little guy to die without admitting it, you have extremely rich psychological quality and combat experience, and you can react and invest quickly under any circumstances. Fran, who was in a fighting state, had already killed the opponent into scum, so how could he tell the opponent so much?

   "Damn it!"

   "Teacher Fran, if you really want to fight..."

   "Then I will blow you away!"

   Irena shook the wand in her hand, and under her own magical power, it directly emitted a dazzling pink light, and signaled that she was ready.

"is it?"

   "Then let's start now..."


   However, Fran, the Stardust Witch, quickly discovered that her ‘ba’ had just exited, and the Irena on the opposite side slyly attacked her with a transparent wind blade?


   crafty guy!

   It's okay to use that trick to attack behind, but in this face-to-face situation, she has already sensed the changes in the airflow, so the opponent's sneak attack is doomed to be futile...

"watch out!"

  Wind Blade·Dragon Claw Slash!

Without even thinking about it, feeling the wind blade hitting herself upright, Fran waved her magic wand. With the help of the magic circle at her feet, she almost did not consume much magic power and instantly cast three of the same. Feng Ren counterattacked towards the opponent.

  嘭! !

In an instant, the four wind blades that were facing each other slammed together, and then the four wind blades obviously couldn't hit the three. Therefore, after a muffled sound after the collision, Fran issued three Dao Feng Blade has actually been swept in front of Irene with the chaotic air current, and is about to divide her into several segments?


   Irena, who was too late to respond, slammed her heart, and then hurriedly swooped forward, leaping forward from the gap of the wind blade she felt, and rolling towards the front of the arena like a carp leaping dragon.

  唰! !

   The uniformly gray hair was cut off smoothly in an instant, and then drifted away in the wind.

  噗呲! !


   With a muffled snort, Irena, who fell on the ground, ignored the blood marks on her elbows and knees rubbing on the rocky floor of the arena, she just got up and appeared in the distance with a flash.

   Boom! boom! boom!

It turned out that just while she was evading the three wind blades, the Fran assistant had already redirected several magic missiles, and instantly blew up the place where she had just rolled down, and blew the rocky ground. There are big pits about one meter deep!


   Damn it!

   "She, she is serious?!"

   Seeing the chaotic scenes of those big pits and those flying sand and rocks, I don't need to think about it. Irena knows that if I took a half shot, I must have been smashed into a pile of pieces of meat.

Therefore, she made a decisive decision, and directly took advantage of the opportunity of flashing behind the opponent, and with a wave of her magic wand, while the hair of the wand glowed slightly, she directly controlled a lot of gravel around and shot towards the opponent's back. Past!

  嗖! Whoosh! Whoosh!

  Those flying rocks are like bullets or cannonballs, whizzing at an extremely fast speed. Irena knows that only one or two hits are required, and the opponent's body has to be penetrated and instantly collapsed!


   "I'see' your magic power fluctuate, Irena!"

   Something distorted, like a wall of air, appeared behind Witch Fran, and then the moment she spoke, the gravel that rushed towards her disappeared.

   "You shouldn't use the life-saving flash technique casually..."


   Then, following Fran’s cold snort, something twisted on the other side, like a space-distorted projection transfer door like a gas wall, appeared on Irene’s head in an instant.


what? !


Realizing that her attack had turned her back on Irene's heart horrified, and then she had no time to escape, so she had to gritted her teeth, held her wand in both hands, let her magic power run wildly, and was above the wand. A magic shield that can cover his body is formed.

  噗! puff!

  嘭! Bang! Bang! !

   The huge boulders are like rain, blasting down continuously!

Some of them directly hit Irena’s magic shield and were smashed to pieces, while others hit the rock floor of the arena around her, blasting out pits of varying sizes, countless The stones splashed away at the same time, and many of them cut through Irena's skirts and shirts, causing her body, cheeks, chest, and thighs to shed bright red blood just like her elbows and knees.

   However, even if that was the case, Irena just gritted her teeth and endured the pain, and did not dare to relax.

Because she knew the power of the stones she had just launched, once she dared to remove the magic shield and bombarded her from top to bottom, she would have to be smashed to blood or torn to pieces and died on the spot. !


   "What, what?!"

   Soon, the violet pupils of Irena, who was trying to resist her own attack, shrank suddenly!

   She saw...

While she was struggling to resist the gravel attack, the cunning and hateful Stardust Witch, the Fran assistant teacher, she took the opportunity to guide some kind of large forbidden curse, and created a terror directly above the arena. The huge whirlpool, and at this time, electric snakes are brewing above.

   "How can it be so fast..."

Irene couldn’t believe it, because she would release the spell herself, which required a lot of magic power and lead time, but how long did they start fighting now? Why did that guy use that terrible big move? ?


   "Are you capable of this?"

   While Irena was shocked, the teasing voice of Witch Fran also rang from a distance.

   "I know, you overpowered others in the magic exam, humiliated other magicians and won the title of apprentice witch..."

   "It seems that you only have this ability?"

   "Now, feel the despair and thunderous anger that others once felt in you!!"

   Just finished speaking, Stardust Witch Fran, who didn't intend to give Irena the slightest chance to fight back or react, waved her wand fiercely and pointed at Irena in the distance.


   "Damn it! Don't be too smug!!!"

Knowing that she could never avoid or defend against the terrible "Thunder Spear", the forbidden curse that could destroy the city and slay dragons, Irene, under the incomparable despair and terrible threat of death, she burned her jade and stone With a heart, she venomously and murderously stretched out her wand toward the witch in the distance who was pointing her wand triumphantly at her.

"Avada Kedavra!!"

   "Thunder Spear!!!"

While a stubborn and murderous green light struck towards the Stardust Witch Fran, countless huge and terrifying lightning spears also instantly moved from the whirlpool-like clouds above the sky to the place where Irena was. The place was continuously bombarded, and the entire arena was illuminated like a mega-watt bulb in an instant!


At the same time, in the incomparably dazzling light, the stubborn green light also bombarded the transparent magic shield released by the Stardust Witch against magic, reflecting her whole person in green. .

   However, the green was only for a moment, because soon, the endless thunder light covered everything and completely covered up the humble color.


When everything is gone, when the lightning spear disappears and the light gradually returns to normal, in the middle of the arena like an ancient Roman arena, where the steam is steaming and where Irena was originally standing, only one is left. Is it just a human-shaped object carbonized by strong lightning?


With a gust of wind blowing, a crack appeared on the'neck' of the human-shaped object, and then soon, the entire part of the object above the neck fell off, causing a chain reaction, causing the entire human-shaped object to become It broke apart.

   There is no doubt that it is Irene!


   And at this time, the Stardust Witch in the distance was still standing there, still with a trace of triumphant and dismissive smile on her face, just so motionless.

   She didn't speak, just smiled and stood there...



   A gust of wind blew, and gradually, the gunpowder and dust that had filled the court because of the short but intense battle finally disappeared.


  噗通! !

   Then, to my surprise, the Stardust Witch Fran, who looked ‘intact’ with a smile on her face, fell straight to the ground of the arena with her back face...

  She, she died? !

Snapped! !



Then, as the flash current turned, soon, in the tree house, Irena and Witch Fran, who had been motionless because of touching the stone arena model, were bounced by the current and exclaimed at the same time. Screamed.

"this is……"

   "I'm not dead?!"

Looking at the familiar tree house, then at the little coke in the middle of the arena and teacher Fran’s "corpse" that gradually turned into a phantom, and looking at the a little damaged arena model soon After returning to the original state under the influence of magic, Ilena exclaimed, knowing that something had happened.

"This is impossible!!"

   "I obviously used a magic shield, how could that level of magic penetrate it?!"

   also reacted, knowing that she was ‘dead’ just now, and Stardust Witch Fran, who had died in the hands of a trainee witch, also exclaimed.

   There is no suspense about Irena's rapid defeat and being killed by herself, she had already expected it. However, before the other party died, she defeated herself with an inexplicable magic trick, but she couldn't figure it out!

   Anyway, she could not accept the fact that she was ‘killed’ by a trainee witch and ‘killed’ with the other party!

You know, Fran is an experienced witch, but she had experienced countless battles with a certain nasty gray-haired witch, but now she was killed by a talented fourteen-year-old trainee witch. , And she is the daughter of some nasty guy, how can she accept this kind of thing?

   "Nothing is impossible!"

  Ε=)) alas

   "Fran, assistant teacher..."


"You may not know yet? That green light is'Avada Suo Ming', that is a death curse full of killing intent. In addition to magic, it is more composed of that full of killing intent. It directly impacts the human soul, so..."

"At that time, you shouldn't just use ordinary magic shields to protect you. At most, it can only withstand the impact of magic on your body, but it can't resist the effect of death on your soul. You should avoid it or use A physical protective shield to resist."


In the last situation, Annie was actually a little surprised, and she never thought that her apprentice, that Miss Irene, had actually completed a beautiful kill under desperate circumstances...Although she ended up with her in the end, she could It’s amazing to achieve that level.

Of course, the blame is that Fran doesn’t know the principle of Avada’s Mantra. If she knew it, she would be able to resist countless ways, such as casually using a rock shield in front of or dodge to avoid... However, there are no ifs in the world. The other party was indeed'dead' just now, because of her self-righteousness and the wrong'experience' under certain circumstances!

   Anyway, any situation can happen in actual combat, and that kind of harmful empiricism is obviously undesirable!

   Because, in some cases, the experience accumulated for countless years is probably wrong!


   "It turned out to be like that..."

   "Damn it!"

   "Irena, let's do it again! This time, I must beat you once, and then get the elder wand!"

After knowing how she died, Fran, the Stardust Witch, became more and more upset, so eager to save face, she walked to the arena again and motioned to Irene to have another fight with her. .


   It is a pity that Irene hesitated and did not act.

   Irene is not stupid, because she knows that she is indeed far from the other party to some extent, and if she does it again, she will only'die' worse than before!

The other party deserves to be an official She just tried her best, but it turned out... So, Irena just gritted her teeth, and did not go forward to continue to compete with her, but secretly settled. Got some idea.

   "No need to compare!"

   "It's a tie this time. You should go out first. I'm going to take a nap... Okay, how about coming back next month?"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the other party to say anything, Annie waved her hand directly, and put away the arena model, and then at the same time threw the borrowed'elder wand' towards a certain plane in the void. go back.

She just made the suggestion just to get the comfortable vine hanging basket lying under her. Now that she is satisfied now, she must have no time to play the fighting game with them. So, wherever they can stay cool now, as long as they don't come to make her sleep.



   "Next month will be next month!"

   "Irena, you have to practice well, and don't lose too badly next month!"


   "Assistant Fran, don't worry, next month, I will definitely beat you!"


   "I will wait and see..."



   Annie didn’t care about the two people who were staring at each other silently, but after rubbing her eyes, she curled up and slept sideways in the comfortable hanging basket and took her nap slowly...


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