Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1305: ??(??`?)??? Uh huh~? Sample! …

   It's been two months...

Since becoming the apprentice of a powerful little girl witch and a certain assistant witch, Irene’s daily tasks are in addition to miscellaneous tasks, such as: go down the mountain to purchase, go up the mountain to gather medicine, capture living materials for magic research, Fiddle with three meals a day and prepare a midnight snack for a bad little girl, help refining all kinds of weird magic potions, clean the house regularly every day, expel various invading animals, massage the assistant teacher, rub back, etc. Wait?

   Anyway, all the troublesome things that the two guys don't want to do, don't want to do, or are too lazy to do, or the dirty work, are all in charge of her Irene!

   Originally, Irene was very disgusted and disgusted with such unjust and unfair treatment of apprentices like slaves! Because the genius, she came to the forest to learn magic so that she could transfer from a trainee witch to an official witch and travel the world, but she didn't come to serve as free servants or servants for those two guys.


By now, she suddenly became less disgusted, but rather willingly, staying in the wooden houses surrounded by the trunk of the big tree in the forest, and continuing to give some two incompetence Of teachers are apprentices.

   She has adapted to this status now and intends to continue to stay like this!

Because ah, although those two guys may not teach her this genius Irena any magic because of jealousy, but fortunately, she secretly made a good relationship with her teacher’s demon, Tibbers, so , After finishing all the chores every day, she can use the remaining lot of time to continue to practice the massive magic books that Tibbles the Bear gave her from the pocket of its owner.

After that, only one month later, she basically completed all the courses from grade one to grade seven in the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. That kind of thing came to her genius Irene. It is obviously very easy to say. After all, she is the youngest genius apprentice witch in the history of Loberta in the country of peace. She has actually practiced many similar magics. Therefore, by analogy, she quickly learns the simpler spells and spells. It becomes a matter of course.

However, the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry has too many books, and many subjects are systematic. She was surprised to find out after completing the most basic courses of grades one to seven. Those so-called banned books in the library and promotion books of related subjects seem to be the real essence of that magic school?

So, with the tireless pursuit of novel magic knowledge, she was busy and never asked the two teachers about when she could learn magic from them formally, so she continued to work as servants for them. , While learning the taboo content from that magic school from a certain magic teacher who does not know how to magic.

According to her and bear’s plan, in the next two months she will complete the seven compulsory courses, namely potions, history of magic, astronomy, herbalism, spells, defense against the dark arts and transformation. After learning and related advanced books, two limited required flight courses and phantom manifestation training, plus five optional courses in divination and arithmetic, she can go to learn a bit more advanced, from Azeroth The arcane arts of the world go deeper into the source of magic.

   But that is the future. Right now, Irena is in the restaurant, trying to refine a novel potion based on what she has learned.


While Irene was trying some kind of green-looking potion with a stove and a large cauldron in the dining room, suddenly, the Stardust Witch Fran, who was the same incompetent assistant as her teacher, didn’t know. When did she walk behind her abruptly, then she wrapped her in a bath towel and kept sniffing in front of her cauldron.

"smell good!"

   "I, Irene..."

   "What the **** is this green pot of refining, why I have never seen it before? Also, it does it seem to be delicious?"

   That's right!

   Witch Fran is indeed very curious, because after smelling that wonderful smell, she does not know why, she always feels a kind of airy, as if her spirit suddenly becomes excited?

   And if she hadn’t seen that the other party was using a crucible for refining medicine instead of an iron pot for cooking, she would almost think that the other party was preparing dinner for the evening! In that case, maybe she can't help holding a bowl to taste.


   "It's Fran, assistant teacher..."


   "You, don't move!"

   "It's not for food, it's really not! It's a new medicine I'm trying, but I can't drink it! At least, I can't until I'm sure of its true efficacy!"

Seeing that Fran's assistant teacher on her body finally couldn't help but start, and she wanted to grab the stirring spoon from her hand and scoop it up to taste, Irena hurriedly gave the spoon again in a panic. He snatched it back and solemnly warned.

   "New potion?"


   "Irena, you guy will try to invent a new potion by yourself?!"

   looked at the gray-haired girl in front of her in a daze, and it took a long time for the Stardust Witch Irena to exclaim.

   This little guy in front of her is very good, of course she knows, otherwise she won't defeat many candidates at a young age to become the youngest trainee witch in the history of Loberta! Moreover, in her opinion, the opponent's current strength is more than enough to become a real "witch"!

Otherwise, so many witches in Loberta even including her, Fran, would not always be reluctant to accept each other as their apprentices... They are not actually jealous of each other’s talents, in fact, Having a talented apprentice is something that all witches dream of!


   If the skill of an apprentice witch apprentice has surpassed or reached the level of the teacher himself, if the teacher really has nothing to teach the apprentice, then no one would dare to accept such an apprentice.

Because it’s not that they can’t teach each other well, but that what the other party lacks is only experience. When the apprentices are even better than the teachers, they have nothing to teach or the face to teach, so, Don't accept it at all?

Anyway, it's definitely not because the other party's mother once bullied almost the entire country's witches and offended that kind of boring thing. She Fran would certainly not easily provoke her anger because of what a guy has done to her. On the other side's daughter!

   at most, only a little bit?

Of course, that kind of thing is not important now, what is important now is: she never thought that the Irena in front of her was not only excellent at the age of fourteen, she easily won the identity of the trainee witch, but she was only fourteen. I dared to try to refine a new potion at the age of, and it seems that there are still a lot of things, it seems to be successful?

   The other party's mother is a powerful and excellent witch. Fran must not dare to have any different opinions on this point, although the other party's personality is also very bad? However, now the other party's daughter is also such an excellent existence, which inevitably makes Fran feel a little bit off.

"Do not!"


"Assistant Fran, this is not my invention. This is a potion recorded in a potion book taught to me by my teacher, but many potions in that book are not in our world at all. Or I don’t know what it’s called, so I tried to refine it with potions with similar medicinal properties?"

Smelling that wonderful smell, even if the more you stir it, the greener the color, the more you look at it, the more it is wrong... But Irena feels that after analyzing and judging its raw materials and optimizing its production time, she could only take half a year. The refined potions are now almost half a day away.

   "I don't know if I can succeed, but soon, it should be completed soon!"

  Although the color is not right, maybe...probably...after changing and optimizing the formula, it should look almost like this, right?

   "It turned out to be like this..."

   "But, Irene, when did Teacher Anne begin to teach you magic knowledge? Why don't I know?"

   "When did that happen again?"

   The three of them stayed together in this tree house every day. Fran could not know whether the little girl Annie taught this Irena magic, so she couldn't help but feel a little curious about what happened before her.

Although she is happy to see that little guy teach this genius girl more and stronger magic, but, if possible, Fran still hopes that they can spend more time for this genius girl, and let the other party do three or five things. In this way, only when the pride and anxiety of the other party are completely wiped out, is it perhaps the best guide for the other party?

   Anyway, Fran will definitely not admit that she was learning from the teacher she was back then, and retaliated against the other's daughter for what the guy had done to their two apprentices!


   "Assistant Ke Fulan, Teacher Anne didn't instruct me any knowledge of magic..."


   "Hey! Irena, if not, what's the matter with what you just said and this potion?"

   "You said this potion..."

   "These are actually what Tibbers taught me. It gave me a lot of magic books from the space pocket of its owner, my teacher, and I learned it from the top at this time!"


   "Are you stealing school?"

"Do not!"

   "I don't! Don't talk nonsense, Assistant Teacher Fran, Xiao Xiong said, this matter was approved by my teacher!"

Seeing the Stardust Witch frowning and staring at her suspiciously, Irena hurriedly opened her mouth and explained it loudly, but she did not say that it was actually her teacher who agreed to this matter in a dream ... She herself felt that she agreed with that kind of thing in the dream, and she always felt that it was possible that Xiao Xiong secretly took it out?

   But no matter what, her Irene will definitely not betray her friend Tibbers. Since it said that it had received the teacher’s approval, it must be, or not!

"So this is ah……"

"okay then!"

   "Let’s talk about this potion first... Irene, what exactly is this potion you refined? Has it succeeded now?"

   "Also, what does it do?"

Hearing it was such a thing, and looking at the other side's words, it seemed that he really got the consent of a little guy, so Fran did not say much, just nodded, and then looked at the guy again. The crucible and the green soup in it with boiling steam and smelling wonderful.

When she saw it, Irena stopped her stirring and extinguished the controllable magic flame at the bottom of the cauldron with a wave of her hand. Doesn’t that mean... now this decoction has been practiced, and then, if it can If so, can she taste it?

   "It's a compound decoction-a blessing agent!"

   Although the color is a little different from the description of the formula, after hesitated for a while after smelling the wonderful smell, Irena gave its name.



   "Then what does it do?"

   "The blessing potion is a kind of potion. It is said that just one drop, after drinking it, can make people very lucky for what they do in twelve hours?"

   "Anyway, it is a very magical potion!"


   "Lucky? Doesn't that mean that it is a lucky potion?"


   "It should be counted as it is."

   "Sure enough!"

   "Irena, is it a success now?"

   Stardust Witch was a little excited when she looked at the big pot of green ‘fuling agent’ in front of her.

  Because, if it is really the kind of lucky potion that can make people lucky in twelve hours, it can be worth a lot of money!

   Maybe, this pot of soup can be sold for the same or even several times the weight of gold coins?

If that was the case, she would definitely extend the originally scheduled one-year apprenticeship for Irene for another one or two years. It would not be for the other party to graduate, and then let the other party give her a good practice. A hundred and eighty pots of "Fu Ling Po" come out, so that her Stardust Witch Fran can be touched, and rely on the other party to directly achieve financial freedom?

   Of course, it would be great if you let the other party tell you the formula, and then let yourself write the name of your assistant in the first row in the pharmacy paper!


   "Sorry, Assistant Fran, I don't know myself..."


"do not know?"

   "I don't know what you mean?!"

   Fran couldn't help being a little surprised when she saw Irena hesitate.

   After all, potions and alchemy are very rigorous magic disciplines. Success means success, and failure means failure. Where can I not know that kind of uncertainty?

   "I really don't know! Because the elixir in the original formula is not in this color!"

"In fact, it was originally not a formula in our world, and I didn’t have the weird potions in the formula, so I had to replace the medicinal properties of the medicinal materials in its original formula with potions that I thought were similar. , And also reduced the time and extremely complicated process that originally required half a year of refining to half a day..."

   "Then you can see it too. It is green, although it smells like nothing wrong, but..."

   "That's right! Assistant Fran, would you like to try it?"

While she was talking, Irene suddenly stopped speaking. Instead, she took a bite from the cauldron and handed it to someone wrapped in a bath towel and an absorbent towel on her head, showing a large white flower on her upper body and underneath. The stardust witch of the skin asked.



   "Irena, since it is a new potion you tried to refine yourself, why don't you try it yourself first?"


   "You take a sip first, if you are okay, I will try again?"

   What are you kidding about, how could she easily try this kind of work of experimenting with new drugs? So, smiling directly, she refused to take a step back and suggested in turn.

That is to say, such an unworldly girl, if it was replaced by Fran herself, she would not explain the real situation at all just now, but directly scooped it up and let others be the test subject and tried first, and then Will I state and explain the efficacy and related medicinal properties until my own observation is over?


   Irena hesitated a little, obviously not too dare.

  Because she just put in a lot of potions that are harmful to the human body, she rashly tried her own body without first experimenting, which is definitely not good.



   "It smells so good! Have you been cooking dinner so early? Huh~! What is in this pot, is it vegetable soup?"


At this moment, when the two of them were in trouble and didn't know who should try first, suddenly, a tragic little girl who ran outside and played wildly all day, carried her little bear Tibes in a hurry. He came in, and immediately followed the fragrance to the big cauldron. He also stood on his tiptoes into the pot that was braving the heat, and looked at the green juice unceasingly.



  Subconsciously, the Stardust Witch Fran Irene and the two silently glanced at each other, and then they made a certain decision tacitly.



Having said that, after staring at Irena, who was still hesitant, and beckoning, Stardust Witch Fran quickly used magic to summon a small bowl from the cupboard, and then snatched Irena again. I took the spoon in my hand and put a large scoop directly into the bowl and handed it to Xiao Annie's back and forth before smilingly said:

   "This is a pot of vegetable soup that Irena just simmered just now, and there are a lot of valuable medicinal materials, or...this first bowl, let you taste it first?"

It just so happens that the little girl in front of me is powerful and magical. It must be easy to kill even if it is poison. In addition, she can also take care of it. Therefore, letting the other party who does not know the situation try the medicine should be the best choice. Right?

   Of course, they would definitely not explain things like testing medicine. Even if something went wrong in the end, she could still put the blame on Irene? After all, this cauldron of potion was indeed not made by her Stardust Witch Fran, so she can't be blamed anyway, isn't it?


  ! o

   "Is it really okay to let someone drink the first one? Then you are welcome!"


   Seeing that the two people in front of her even waited for her to come back, of course Annie brought it over and cheered, then raised her head and drank the soup.





   "Wh, how, Annie, is it delicious? Do you feel anything strange?"

   Seeing that Little Annie drank it in a few mouthfuls without any doubt. At this time, Fran, the Stardust Witch, who was very concerned about the efficacy of the medicine, came over and asked immediately.

   If it is really successful, she will try, and then, maybe she will really get rich!


   "Old teacher, are you okay?"

   These are the words of a genius girl, Irene, and she looks a little unnatural. In addition to the same questions as Assistant Fran, her face is more worried and some strange emotions?


   "It's okay, what can I do? It just seems to be a little bland. Didn't you remember to put salt in it?"


   Annie is a bit inexplicable, I don't know what they mean by asking.

"But it's still delicious, and I don't know why. It feels good after drinking it. The whole person has become refreshed. Even the flow of magic power has become several times faster, and even the magic power is constantly increasing. Now, it's really strange..."


   "Anyway, I still want a bowl!!"

  ? Want a big bowl!

   said, regardless of the weird expressions on the faces of the two of them, Annie directly passed the bowl in excitement, indicating that she would have another big bowl, and it was the one that was full?


   "What? The flow of magic power has increased, and the magic power can be increased, really?"

   "Annie, wait, let me have a taste first!"

It was found that there was nothing wrong with Xiao Annie drinking it, and the fluctuations in Annie's magic power had indeed become full and strong just now. After it seemed to have grown somewhat, the Stardust Witch who had originally coveted the taste of the soup I couldn't hold back anymore, and ignored Little Annie's request, she directly scooped a spoon into the bowl, and then hurriedly tasted it while blowing air.

"and many more!"

"I also want!!"

  I tried to improve and refine the "new type of blessing agent" that has the effect of increasing the magic power. Such a good thing, as a producer, Irena will obviously not let it go!

   So, as soon as she stretched out her hand to invite a bowl, she grabbed the spoon in the hands of Assistant Fran, and took a sip for herself, regardless of the scalding mouth, and sipped it.


  ? 乛? 幛?



However, what the two of them didn’t know was that the little girl who had just kept saying “the flow of magic power is accelerating” and “the magic power keeps rising” was standing aside thiefly, using some kind of Looking at the two of them with strange eyes, there was no urge to drink another bowl of eagerness.



Soon after drinking, the Stardust Witch Fran and the genius apprentice Witch Irena did not take long, but they only felt a wave of rotation... and then they had to hurry because they were unable to stand still. Embracing each other, trying to hold on to a certain terrible feeling... But it is a pity, how can they rely on each other, who are already unstable at this time?

As a result, the two of them fell directly on the wooden floor of the restaurant, and the facial features on their faces began to be distorted. They also showed that kind of crazy smile and rolled directly on the ground, almost without giving the wooden table for the meal Knocked over!


  ‘I’m so dizzy...’

  ‘Oh~! ’

   Not long after, the genius apprentice witch Irena retched in a corner of the dining room, but she couldn't vomit anything, she could only flush her face against the corner and twitch.


  ‘I want to... have another glass...’


And Fran, the Stardust Witch, who drank a lot, still smirked and rolled on the ground idiotically, even the bath towel on her body was staggering and falling during the tumbling and pulling of the two just now. Bai Huahua's body was lying there constantly twisting.

  Ε=)) Alas, two more crazy...


  ????? Uh-huh~?

mock up! !

Annie ignored them, she just walked to another tree house on the tree with her own humming, and kindly helped them close the door, lest they accidentally get out and fall under the tree, fall, fall, and get hurt. .


  ↓?? More exciting, please see ㊣? The author said↓

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