Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1290: |????) The counter-attack of the heaven and the king of scum?



Annie just had a big meal in the dining hall of Tianblade No.7, and only now has she staggered and shyly slid out of the hallway of the meeting room in the center of the Seven Blades. , And was surprised to find that some of the guys and angels inside were exuding that kind of sadness that was almost condensed into substance.


  |?˙?˙) Hello?

"That one……"


   "What are you doing so many people staying here? Why are they all looking listless, are you hungry? Then why don't you hurry to eat?"

  ? o.

At this time, Annie saw that in this not very large conference room, almost all the members of the male company and the high-level figures of the angels gathered, such as the Miss Zhixin, and the big sister Queen Yan and her angel guarding them. They all stayed here, and their expressions were very strange, even if Annie took the initiative to say hello to them, they just frowned and stared at her.

   "What's the matter?"

   "Could it stupid guys who lost the war on earth?!"

  !? ?

   Annie knows, there seems to be nothing big recently, except for the angels and the earth people who united to fight the scum and gluttonous defeated soldiers who stayed on the earth, it seems that there is really nothing else.

   And if they have such a big advantage that they can't beat the defeated generals of other people's families, and they lose directly, then it is better to surrender to the scum as soon as possible, so that they don't have to continue to fight like this.



   However, the people in the meeting room still ignored Xiao Annie's surprise question.

They really seem to be thinking about something, so at this time, they still just glanced at each other and smiled bitterly. No one was eager to stand up to such a small person who only knew that idle and idle all day. The girl explained too much.

After all, they have known for so many days of getting along. Although the little guy in front of them is powerful, he is still cited as a'Keqing' by their Tianblade VII and the Xiongbing Company. They are still delicious all day long. Waiting... But no matter what, the other party is just a little girl. It is obviously unrealistic to expect the other party to help them with some big things!

   Besides, the other party has never been interested in this kind of thing, which is one of the reasons why they did not notify the other party in the meeting.


  ! o

   "You said, what's the matter?!"


   Annie was a little angry. They kept hiding like this but they aroused her curiosity, so she had to ask clearly!

   Otherwise, she will stay here to make trouble for them, so that they don't want to continue this meeting!


   Ge Xiaolun raised his head, took a look at the leader of Lianfeng and Yan, and saw that they were only thinking about something but did not intend to explain, he also sighed and then dropped his head again.


   "Alright! Little guy, let me tell you, Uncle Liu Chuang. Actually, there is nothing, anyway, you will know sooner or later, the situation is probably like this..."


   "That Kunsa, where you beat the red crocodile before, do you remember?"

   "Anyway, what we discussed today is related to that!"

  Finally, maybe it's because you can't stand the dull and aggrieved atmosphere in the conference room, or just want someone to talk about it? As a result, the big man Liu Chuang finally couldn't help it, and he directly opened his mouth and walked in slowly, staring at them like a curious baby and asking little Annie to explain.


The matter was not on the earth, and there was no problem with their clean-up operations in the past few days. At this time, the gluttons and scum remnants still on the earth have basically been cleaned out, even if there are some sporadic pieces left. The guys hide, it will certainly not be too much trouble, can't afford to turn a lot of trouble, even without the help of female angels or male soldiers, ordinary earth people equipped with advanced weapons and equipment of demons are almost the same You can deal with it yourself!

   And now, the main problem lies elsewhere, that is-the devil!

   Of course, it’s not that the demons turned the water back or made some moths, but the demons were defeated, and they were defeated very badly, very suddenly, so they didn't even have a chance to support!

   According to rumor:

Two days ago, the scum Wang Huaye suddenly dispatched hundreds of thousands of scum legions and a larger number of servant fleets, and they went directly to the planet Kunsa, which had just formed an alliance with the earthlings and the angels of the Merlot heaven. Pounced, and after a great battle, before the angels and earthlings of Merlot could react, they basically eliminated the demon group and directly used the star-killing weapon'Ferocious Tide' or other whole destruction. Khunsa planet!

After this stop, the tens of thousands of demon army on Khunsa was declared annihilated, and even Demon One was destroyed and snatched by the scum, and the leaders of the demons, such as the new queen of time and space rose, and the demon civilization are the most effective. The strong warrior Atox and the red-skinned crocodile Thornton, etc., all disappeared collectively. I don’t know if they were killed or captured by the scum. Anyway, I can’t contact any of them at all. The angels who went to investigate near Khunsa did not find any valuable residual demonic forces!

   In short, the current situation is very unfavorable for them. This is why their expressions are so ugly and the atmosphere in the meeting room is so bad.



   "Those demons who just formed an alliance a while ago, what kind of Kunsa star, so spicy, will they be wiped out by the scum?"


Annie said she couldn’t believe it, because she clearly remembered that there were many demons on the planet of Kunsa, and compared to Melo Heaven and Earthlings, their demons were the strongest of the three. But now it's good, the strongest abruptness has been eliminated?

It’s all right now. The Three Kingdoms Alliance was wiped out by the scum, which claimed to be the strongest. There are only three or two big cats and kittens in the earth and Merlot Heaven. I don’t know which scum will be killed next. How do we bully it! No wonder, it's no wonder that Annie discovered that the atmosphere here is very bad just before coming in. It turned out to be such a thing!

   "Is it not?"

   "This incident is indeed very sudden. We didn't prepare at all, and we didn't receive any news beforehand. They were finished abruptly, and I don't know how that sister Qiangwei is doing..."

Patting his thigh and talking, Liu Chuang, who slammed his chest and complained that the demons were uncomfortable, suddenly stopped talking, because he saw it. When he talked about Sister Qiangwei, Ge Xiaolun's expression on the side became even worse. blacken.


"Maybe Qiangwei managed to escape? Think about it, she is Time-space Qiang, with a fourth-generation divine body and that incredible space-time gene, and can also use the microwormhole delivery technology, and escape must be no problem. Surely he won't be caught by Hua Ye's scumbag!"

   "It should be like that, right?"

   To be honest, Liu Chuang doesn't have much confidence in this.

   Thinking about the last time, that Hua Ye even killed the Demon King Morgana, and now the new Demon King Qiangwei would be killed or grabbed by the opponent. Isn’t it impossible? However, thinking that Qiangwei's beautiful girl might have been caught by Hua Ye's **** embryo, Liu Chuang always felt uncomfortable!

But fortunately, they all saw it the last time they went to Kunsa. Qiangwei had cut off her long flowing hair, and it was ugly like a dog, just like a man. It must be true. Being caught by Wang Huaye of the Sebastian Scum, it may not necessarily be by that and that...

   Of course, even if they are really caught by that one, they can't help it. After all, things have passed for two full days. If Qiangwei is really caught by that, it would be a helpless thing.


   "That's not necessarily..."


Annie knew the abilities of the scum king Huaye, and had close contact with the young lady of the Demon King named Time and Space Rose, so of course she knew the gap between the two...Anyway, in Annie’s view, if the situation is evenly matched It's okay to fall down, but when the demons are defeated by the scum, the young lady named Qiangwei wants to escape with that kind of wormhole transportation technology, there is definitely not much possibility.


   "No! We can't wait like this anymore, we must do something!!"

boom! !

After slapped the table fiercely, Ge Xiaolun in black armor finally couldn't help it, and directly stood up from his position a little violently, and then looked at everyone present, planning to act quickly instead of continuing. Sitting here in the conference room like this.


   "But Xiaolun, what are we going to do and how can we do it?"

   "It's no use doing anything, we are not their opponents at all now!"


"Yes, originally, all the forces of our earthlings, angels and demons combined are at an absolute disadvantage. I originally expected everyone to work hard for a while... But now it’s better. Kunsa and the demons are first stepped by the scum. Preemptively destroy it, now only with the strength of Merlot Heaven and the poor spaceships of our planet, it is even more impossible to beat them!"

"Isn't it? You have seen that only a few hundred remaining scum on the earth have made us very busy. A guy like that, that Hua Ye has a million under him, how can I fight this? "


   "But Xiao Lun is right. We can't do nothing. Otherwise, we can only be eliminated one by one!"


   "This doesn't work, that doesn't work either, then tell me, what should we do? Yan, and Chief Lianfeng, do you have any good ideas?"

   Seeing that everyone had argued again, it seemed that he could not come up with any good solutions, so Ge ​​Xiaolun, who was a little confused, had to once again cast his eyes on the two women sitting in the first place.

   "There is no..."


"I do not have either!"

   glanced at each other, Nuoxing Commander Lianfeng and Angel King Yan could only smile bitterly and shook their heads helplessly.

After all, this matter is indeed embarrassing them. The current situation is that the Tianzha Huaye family dominates and still occupies an absolute advantage, even if the other party has made it clear that they will be given to the forces that disobey his rule one by one. They had no good way to eradicate, because after Kunsa was contributed, they had already lost the capital to confront each other head-on, let alone counterattack and destroy each other.



Hearing that Chief Lianfeng and Queen Yan could not come up with any good ideas, including Ge Xiaolun just now, everyone looked at each other for a while before they were immersed again, one by one like frost. The beaten eggplant generally wilted, just so listlessly and continued to sit in their respective positions.


"Hey! What's the matter with you, don't be discouraged yet, don't you still lose? You still have so many hot people, and a whole Merlot Heaven, why are you defeated like this? Like?"


   "I will tell you, as long as you are willing, they can barely help you make suggestions and summon..."



  ?? !

Annie just wanted to say that as long as they begged her for a while, she could help them summon a lot of fleets, and then beat the heavenly scum Wang Huaye and his birdmen with wings to fall into the water. However, she has not waited for her yet. After speaking, all those people stood up together and looked out the door in surprise, so that she had to stop talking and turn her head.


   "It's the King and Lena!!"


   "Goku! And Reina!!"

   "Brother Monkey!!!"

   "Sister Lena!"


Soon, seeing the two companions in black armor walking in the door of the conference room, Ge Xiaolun, Liu Chuang, Qilin, Xin Zhao, Rui Mengmeng, Officer Lianfeng, Angel and others who were present stood up and stood up. A warm and relieved look was cast towards the two.

"How's it going!"

   "Leina, Goku! Is your mission going well? Lieyangxing, what did they say?"

   Knowing why these two people came back so late, Nuoxing Commander Lian Feng immediately greeted them with some eagerness and asked them.


   Although the angel Queen Yan next to Lianfeng did not speak, her ardent eyes also faintly explained something, and seemed to be eager to get some good news from the mouths of the two.


   "Lenna, let's talk about it!"

   Monkey King opened his mouth, and finally sighed heavily, then walked to the side seat and sat down, looking as if he was irritated by something.


   "I have tried very hard to explain the relevant situation, but Pan Zhen and the others finally rejected our suggestion to unite against Hua Ye..."

"You also know that the'Guotai Min'an' that Lieyang Star loves, everything we do is to protect Lieyang Star, regardless of whether it is the Tiangong more than 20,000 years ago or the current Tiangong, Hua Ye has been doing everything from beginning to end. They have not expressed any strong hostility to the Sun Star, so... After discussing, they rejected the request to form an alliance. They insisted that the Sun could protect themselves, and stubbornly believed that the earth people should not be involved in the Angel Nebula. Regime change?"

   "This is the situation, I can't help it!"

   shrugged, and after spreading her hands, Rena finally gave the people who were looking forward to her helpless look.

   "But don't worry, I Rena will definitely help you, in my own name?"

   Seeing that everyone's expressions changed from hope to despair in an instant, Reina slapped her chest and comforted her pretendingly.

Although she herself is not too optimistic that the female angels of the Earthlings and Melo Heavenly Court have a chance to win against Hua Ye, especially when the demons are annihilated, Lena is still very loyal to these former companions. We made a promise and expressed our willingness to fight side by side with the friends of Xiongbing Company!

   But, if she loses in the end, she will definitely go back to Lieyang Xing to be her goddess, as Pan Zhen said?


'How could this be……'

'what! Let me just say it, those guys from Lieyang Star will definitely not help us, look at it, is it all over? ’


'okay! Liu Chuang, you should say a few words less! ’

  ‘But I’m telling the truth! ’

'To shut up! ’

  ‘It’s okay, then I’m not talking about the head office, right? Tell me if you have any good ideas! ’



Interrupted by the two people who just arrived and the noisy crowd, Annie also forgot what she wanted to say just now, so she had no choice but to get in front of a certain stuffed monkey and became curious. Looked at each other up and down.


  ! o

   "It's really a monkey!!"


Annie said that she had seen one such monkey in the world of Aunt Xu Jiaorong and her family, and now there is such a monkey here, but it makes her feel very strange... But this one here The monkey’s armor with a sense of science and technology is quite unique. It is not the same as the gold armor of the monkey she has seen before. The ones that people wear are phoenix wings purple gold crown, chain gold armor and lotus roots. , There is such an advanced one he wears now.

   "Go away, go away!"

   "What to look at, what's so nice?!"

   Monkey King doesn’t like aliens a little bit, whether it’s an angel or Lena, or the little girl in front of him who is said to have helped the people of the earth a lot, he doesn’t like them all!

Because in his opinion, the troubles of the earth are caused by these aliens. If there are no aliens to rectify the messy moths, there will be no gluttons, demons, and scum to toss the earth one after another. So many people will not die, and there will be no troubles now, even if he himself is actually created by those so-called "aliens".

   "If you don't see it, you don't see it. It's just a hairy monkey. I haven't seen it before. What's so great!"


There was no way, seeing that the other party was not getting along well, Anne had to turn to the other side angrily, intending to see if those people had finished discussing. If she hadn’t thought of a good way after the negotiation, she might be merciful to Queen Anne. Maybe give them an idea?

  ’Report! ’

  ‘Queen Yan! The big thing is bad! ! ’

However, before the three women came to discuss the reasons, and Annie found a suitable opportunity to intervene in, suddenly, an anxious female angel rushed in outside the door of the conference room, and the other party did not wait to ask questions. He said directly and loudly:

  ‘I just received the urgent report! ’

  'Hua Ye once again dispatched an army of hundreds of thousands of scum to besiege Angel Nebula, threatening to destroy the nine lines of defense guarding Angel Nebula, and let Tiangong enter the Lord Angel City! ! ’



   "Is Hua Ye crazy? Just a few days after he wiped out the demon of Kunsa, he must have suffered a lot. What's the matter, I want to do something to our Merlot Heaven?!"

Without waiting for Queen Yan to express her opinion, the female angel Zhixin and Lingxi on the side exclaimed in shock. They couldn't believe that Hua Ye moved so fast. It didn't take long for the demon to be wiped out. Before he recovered, he treated them again Luo Tianting did it, really want to beat them to death?


   "Queen, what should we do?"

   Therefore, after being shocked, they all looked at the angel King Yan who was also suppressed by Hua Ye's crazy attack, wanting to know what orders the other party had to issue.


   "Don't worry..."

However, Wang Yan, the angel, didn’t care too much, he just smiled indifferently after a cold snort in the eyes of everyone, and signaled Zhixin and Lingxi not to mess around with because Their Angel Nebula's defense line is very strong, and the energy is sufficient, and Hua Ye, without the help of Ruoning, wants to easily break through their defense line again and break through to the core is not so simple! And the only thing she needs to worry about is the opponent's war of attrition!

   After all, the other party claims to have a million scum, even if it is ten for one, the 20,000 angels in the Merlot Heaven are estimated to be not enough to consume! But fortunately, they also have the Sky Blade battle group in the Merlot Heaven. The excellent tactics formulated by the Holy Keisha are very good and that Tianzha Hua Ye is not familiar with it, especially under the defensive line of Angel Nebula? Therefore, they shouldn't need to worry too much for the time being, it is not so easy for the other party to break through their defense.


   "I suddenly have an immature plan. Why don't you help me figure it out and see if it is feasible?"

After first comforting the two of Zhixin and Lingxi, Yan suddenly turned around with a smile and turned towards the Nuoxing Commander Lian Feng who was present, and Ge Xiaolun, who possessed the heroic core, plus the one who was looking at her curiously. Lieyang Star Lord God Lena said softly.

   Yes, when Hua Ye first heard that Hua Ye sent a large army to besiege Angel Nebula and planned to destroy her Merlot Heaven, Yan himself was indeed greatly shocked, and he almost wanted to go back and preside over the overall situation regardless of him! However, knowing that it didn't help, she quickly calmed down, and took the opportunity to think of a wonderful anti-guest plan.


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