Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1280: You talk, people just eat ( ̄~ ̄) chew...

'Protoss? Swarm? Humans in the Kepulu region? ’

‘Emon the fallen dark Titan? ’

‘It’s incredible, the God of Creation... What Sarnagar was killed by you? ’


‘Isn’t it? It sounds more reliable than our slaying Shenwu! ’

‘That... Sister Zhixin, have you heard of the races in those star regions and that dark god? ’


‘But I still don’t understand...’

"Anne, if what you just said is true, then we have to ask you a good question: you came to our earth...that is to our Chiwu star system, what do you want to do? What? ’

Anyway, Ge Xiaolun himself didn't understand. The other party didn't seem to have any special needs, and he didn't seem to want to conquer their earth, so why did he come here?

The things that the other party stated just now have nothing to do with what she is doing. So, taking advantage of the opportunity that the other party is eating the food provided by herself and others and seems to be in a good mood, he Then asked a little nervously.

"Why come here?"




"People don't know, anyway, people always like to wander around when they are bored, and then they came here accidentally. It seems that there is really no particular important purpose~!"


"It should be like that, people really seem to come here to have fun!"


Yes, Annie really did not have any purpose when she came to this Chiwu star system and the earth. She just stayed in Ore Town for a long time and got bored and crooked. Suddenly she wanted to look elsewhere, so she chose randomly. A place, and then appeared in this world, as for the purpose or something, there must be no.

And ah, maybe when she gets tired of playing here and then suddenly leaves to the next world?

"Come here to play casually?"

Their Chiwu star system and the earth are in chaos, and existences like demons, death gods, gluttons, angels, and sun stars have appeared one after another. This is about to become a arena for all forces. What's fun?

"This one……"

Ge Xiaolun didn't know what to say. First, he quietly looked at each other with Zhixin and Liu Chuang who were also eating together, and then the three of them came together. One conclusion, that is: what the little girl who looks a little cunning in front of me has reservations, they can't believe it at all!

After all, if the other party is really the leader of those great powers, then if the other party ventures to the earth alone, it is definitely not as light as the other party just said, it is just for fun. There must be some hidden secret in it!

This kind of thing is just like that Morgana who came to the earth to make trouble, those crazy gluttons who want to conquer the earth, the **** of death Karl who studies death, the male angels, and the triangles. She must have something. Are you afraid to let them know the secret or some exact purpose?


In view of the fact that they have been getting along with each other for a long time and have asked a lot of things since the other party came to Sky Blade VII, but they still have not been able to find anything that makes them feel wrong, so this kind of progress has not been made. The situation inevitably made them feel a little embarrassed and secretly anxious.



However, now that the other party doesn’t want to tell the truth, they don’t seem to have a good way...After all, they can’t really catch such a little guy who doesn’t seem to be hostile to them unless it is necessary. Then go to torture and interrogate, right?


( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

Of course Annie knew that these people in front of her seemed to be uneasy about herself, but she didn’t bother to care about it, and she just continued to work hard to eliminate the delicious delicacies they provided to herself, because these things are in this world with her. Compared to the messy food found on the still chaotic earth, it was far more delicious.

‘! ! ’

'what? ! ’

At this moment, the female angel Zhixin who had been sitting with the crowd eating silently, and staring at Annie with curiosity and alertness from time to time, suddenly froze, and then hurriedly stood up.

'Yes! ’

‘Here is Zhixin! ’

'what? Good, good... yes! Queen, I see...’

'Yes! ’

‘Okay, I will pay attention! ! ’

Then, as everyone saw, Zhi Xin directly stretched out **** and pressed them to her ears, as if she was communicating with someone, just talking to herself like something, and the more she said it, the more she said. It was surprise, the more you spoke, the more rapid your tone, and even the eyes widened unconsciously, and even the pupils contracted slightly?



Seeing this situation, the present Ge Xiaolun and Liu Chuang couldn't help but stop the "interrogation" behavior that they had done to the little girl Annie, and cast a surprised and questioning look at Zhixin. , But they didn't rush to interrupt and interfere with each other, they just waited patiently, wanting to wait until the communication between the other party and someone ends before asking.


∑(′~`)? !

At this time, Annie, who was eating, couldn't help but looked at the female angel with some curiosity.

But, she did not wait for the other party to end the communication as patiently as Ge Xiaolun or Liu Chuang, but from the beginning secretly'eavesdropping' between the other party and a guy named'Angel Queen Yan' Use special means to make a call, and when the other party is shocked and ends the call, he already knows what happened.



"Ha! It's delicious!"


But Annie didn't say anything, because the kind of things the other party said to the angel queen in the communication has nothing to do with her, and it doesn't sound funny at all, so in her opinion, it's better to care about the boring things. It's better to take advantage of the opportunity of these guys to stop, and secretly give all the things on the table to one person to eat!




"That one……"

"Sister Zhixin, what's wrong, can you tell me something?"

"Hot Heart?"


Finally, when the female angel Zhixin finally slowly stopped talking to someone and looked over with a frown, Ge Xiaolun and Liu Chuang, who had already been a little impatient, hurriedly asked nervously.


It's a pity that Angel Zhixin didn't rush to explain. She first glanced at a little guy who was still eating and thought about it secretly. She felt that it didn't seem to matter much to say those things directly. She took a deep breath and said:

"Xiao Lun! Liu Chuang!"

"Something really happened! The next situation between us and the earth is probably very bad. It's probably like this..."

After organizing the language, the female angel Zhixin slowly returned to her position and gave a little bit of statement about what they had just told her about the angel Queen Yan...

What she has just received is mainly two pieces of news that will no longer be secret soon. The first is:

Together with the gluttonous army and the triangle body, the scumbags raided the Angel Nebula and snatched the Tiangong, which was sealed for thousands of years. Then, they also sent a message to all the male angels and their descendants who wandered in other civilizations, that is— —The King of Angels, King Hua Ye, the founder of the Heavenly Order, has regained the crown of the Heavenly Palace. As long as he re-submits King Hua Ye and continues to pay tribute to the Heavenly Palace’s best genetic resources, the scumbags can regain protection or even be crowned. King, regain the glory of the heavenly court of the past?

And now, it is said that even the Heavenly King Hexi fell in that attack. On the contrary, the Tiangong has gathered hundreds of thousands of scum legions, and it must be able to reach a million or so soon. The scale, whether it is the Merlot Heavenly Court with only 20,000 angels or the Chiwu Star System that has just been baptized by a huge catastrophe, I am afraid that it will suffer a huge impact again?

Fortunately, another piece of news gave Zhi Xin a little relief...

Because, Morgana, the demon king, that is, the rebellious angel Liangbing, the guy who caused the destruction of the sacred Kesha also fell at the end of the battle when Huaye assaulted the Angel Nebula and seized the Tiangong! Now, the demon legion can almost be said to be a group of dragons without a leader. Although they have recaptured Kunsa and let the rose take control of the demon legion, in Zhixin’s view, their threat has become almost negligible, and it must be far away. Not as dangerous as Tianzha Huaye.


"No, Zhixin, are you sure?!"

"The Heavenly Palace was seized, the Demon Queen Morgana was killed, and Qiangwei took over Demon One, so powerful?"

"This this…..."

Ge Xiaolun and Liu Chuang looked at Zhixin in a daze, and could hardly believe that the news they had just heard was true.


"Queen Yan told me just now..."

"The angel Hua Ye did capture the Tiangong, and then they went to a battle with the Demon King Morgana. They both held a duel in Khunsa. The angel Ruoning played against Time and Space Rose, and finally Ruoning was in the Devil King. Under Morgana's interference, our angel's queen Yan launched the Heavenly Blade Trial outside the planet to be successfully eliminated!"

"After that, the angel Hua Ye once again left an artificial black hole outside Kunsa, and in order to save the rose that was about to be sucked into the black hole, Morgana sacrificed herself to annihilate the black hole..."

"That's why the queen sent me a message just now, she informed all the news and reminded us to be vigilant, because this matter has developed to this point, no one knows whether the sky-scrapers with soaring power will interfere with the Chiwu star. system!"

Zhixin frowned at this moment, not knowing whether he should be happy or worried.

Although Morgana, the executioner who participated in and harmed the Holy Keisha, has successfully committed suicide, but the Celestial Scum have retaken the Tiangong. It is a more threatening gang than the Demon King Morgana, whether it is for Merlot Heaven. It still applies to the earth, that's why she looks like this.

"Oh my god!"

"Even Morgana is dead? That powerful scum has gathered more thugs, and Qiangwei has become the new demon king?"

"This, these few news are too hot, Zhixin, you have to let me slow down first..."

"Let me slow down first..."

Hearing that it was really like this, Liu Chuang could still care about eating, he stood up directly, pacing back and forth, rubbing his hands, and muttering in his mouth. What, I don't know what kind of meaning he wants to express.


Ge Xiaolun didn't speak, he was just a little surprised that he heard the news of Qiangwei so soon, and it was still such a big event?

However, he quickly recovered after the initial shock, and took a look at a little girl who was still eating, seeing that the other party was just eating, and he seemed to not care about what Zhixin said. After the news, he stood up and said:

"Zhixin! And Liu Chuang!"

"These few things are not simple, I think... we'd better go and discuss it with Chief Lianfeng and the others?"

In Galen's view, this matter is very important, and it is very necessary for them to report and discuss the matter now!

Moreover, there are some things he does not intend to let the seemingly harmless little **** the side know, although the other party has not shown any hostility to them so far, although the other party has just heard it, but I don’t know why. I always feel that this little girl is not as simple as what the other party shows, but he can't figure out what is wrong...


"Yes, right, right! That's right, Xiao Lun, you are right. That's the reason. This matter is too big. You should go and let Chief Lianfeng and the others know soon!"

Hearing what Ge Xiaolun said, the one on the side was a little confused, but Liu Chuang, who only knew that he was anxious, also hurriedly agreed.


"Shall we go now?!"

Nodded, and after another glance at the little girl who didn't seem to care about their affairs, Zhixin was ready to discuss with the two of them in the command center of Tianblade VII with the female officer Lian Feng of the Nuo Star , And see if the other party has any good opinions or methods.


"No, we already know! Now there are more urgent things!"

However, without waiting for the three of them to leave, an energetic soprano sounded in the distance, and then the female chief in the earth's military uniform walked towards the four of them with a cold face.

"Head, chief?"



"What are you talking about?"

Zhi Xin, Ge Xiaolun, and Liu Chuang looked at each other in perplexity, wondering what they could say that would surprise them more.

"Is such that……"

"Just now we received the rumors of the Tiangong. The King of Angels Hua Ye asked our Chiwu star system to surrender and surrender to him unconditionally, and continue to tribute the best genetic resources to the Tiangong, otherwise..."

"Otherwise they will launch a new round of attack on our Chiwu star system, which is the earth, in three days!"

With the kind of pitiful wind that said with a hint of trembling and resentment, after seeing the surprised look on the three people’s faces, he finally couldn’t help but gulping towards someone who was still gulping. The little girl took a look, because she always felt that after such a major event suddenly happened, a certain little girl suddenly visited the earth, and it was almost at the same time. Isn’t that a bit too timely?

Of course, Lianfeng doesn't have that kind of persecution delusion, she just feels that that kind of thing is indeed a bit too coincidental.


"Three or three days later?"

"Oh my God!"

The three cried out again, and made no secret of the anxiety and anger in their eyes.


(? ̄~ ̄) Chew!

However, Annie didn’t pay attention to the surprised people at all. She was just still eating her own food and taking advantage of the chance that the three people had stood up, the original All those things that had their share were all drawn to him.


ψ(`?′)ψ Ha!

After all, in Annie’s view, those things they said are nothing but trivial things like gods, demon kings, angels, monsters, etc. If these guys in front of her are willing to entertain her a few more delicious meals, Maybe when she is in a good mood, she can help them solve the troubles by the way?


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


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