Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1277: |????)? The first contact about to begin

:, ‘Report to the sirs!’

‘When the special forces of our military region were on a mission in a North American city to encircle a demon and the Morgana demon fanatics under his command, they found an abnormal unit. ’

‘The opponent’s appearance is a blond earth human or a divine river body girl, the race is unknown, the ability is unknown, but at least it is known that it has the same space transfer ability as the wormhole transport? ’

‘Now I’ll start uploading all the images and audio materials related to the other party, please check it out...’

In a conference room on the giant angel spacecraft Tianblade VII, unexpectedly, a report and a video made Ge Xiaolun, Xin Zhao, Mengmeng, who had just finished their training, run off from the battleship Mangdangshan. The commander Liu Chuang who came to the meeting, the Black Great Wall, and Lian Feng, the commander of the Earth United Army, were shocked and puzzled.

However, after they looked at each other for a while, they didn't rush to comment, but began to silently watch the combat video uploaded to them by the special forces member.

It didn’t take long for everyone to see why this report was worthy of their attention...From the brief conversation between the soldier named Li An and the target mission at the beginning of the contact to the demon’s hijacking of the opponent and the opponent. Fighting back fiercely and disappearing abruptly, until the Marines rushed into the hotel to clean up the mess, the female officer from the Deno galaxy, Lian Feng, stretched out her hand and fixed the holographic 3D video in the frame where the little girl disappeared. The moment before.

"All right!"

"Xiao Lun, Liu Chuang, and everyone, you must all understand what happened now, how about it, do you have any ideas?"

Lian Feng, a senior military scientist from the original Nuo Star Civilization, later became the staff officer of the Hero Company of the Earth Civilization Super Theological Academy and the acting commander of the Black Great Wall, Lian Feng looked at the smiling little girl in the picture for a while. , Turned around with his arms in his arms, and asked without expression to the members of the Xiongbing Company such as Ge Xiaolun and Liu Chuang behind him.

"Tell me, what do you think of this report and the little girl?"

Although the appearance of Lian Feng, the female officer of Nuo Xing, is only about 20 years old, in fact, she is already a Nuo Xing person who is more than 10,000 years old. Of course, she must keep her exact age strictly confidential. , After all, she is also a woman... But anyway, her generation is at least that of the grandma of the grandma of the earthling officers in front of her... a grandma-level figure?

"Chief, I don't know if I am thinking right or not..."

"Look, I only know two things from the video: First, that little guy has powerful power, that is the kind of huge power that can easily knock a demon out with a single punch, but can't get up for a long time. From the performance point of view, I am afraid that we can already match the Qilin sisters in our company, or Liu Chuang and Xin Zhao!"

"The second point is..."

"The magical ability that she disappeared abruptly. Although I don't know what it is, I only know that if she is not invisible, then it must be similar to space transfer or wormhole removal technology. She is very May have the ability to create large wormholes and change space?"

Ge Xiaolun touched the back of his head with some uncertainty and said.

After all, this is just a battle video. Without seeing it personally and using its Void Controller "Xiongxin" to detect and scan at close range? What kind of abilities do you have for the other party? He couldn't say too much, so he could only guess based on what he saw.


"I'm a little surprised, who is she? Where does she come from?"

Thought about it? Directly reached out and clicked on and played the holographic video upside down, and played back and forth several times after the opponent attacked the demon and disappeared out of thin air. Galen called up another picture? What is shown above is the appearance of the little girl smiling evilly.

Don't know why? That smile... always makes him feel trembling, of course it may be an illusion, anyway, he feels very bad or very upset because of it.


"I know this!"

"Xiao Lun, do I think Liu Chuang? That little girl? She is definitely not easy! Maybe... She is also a person like us, who has the Shenhe gene or the Nuoxing gene, and only recently awakened What? Just like the one we did back then?!"

Liu Chuang doesn't care so much. Anyway, he only knows that the little girl doesn't seem to belong to the demons? Isn't it gluttony? Not from the scum? And it still looks like an earthling, that's fine, so he guessed so boldly.

"Of course I know there is such a possibility, are you nonsense?"

"I'm just wondering who on earth is she, what kind of power is that kind of power, and what I think is the strangest thing... Why have we never heard of her before?"

After speaking a little annoyedly, Ge Xiaolun looked at the Lianfeng Chief who had just thrown the problem to them. He thought, from the other party's non-irritable attitude, he knew that the other party must have something to add.

"It's not weird..."

"And Liu Chuang, what you just said was wrong!"

"I'm pretty sure, that little girl of unknown origin, she is not the kind of earth person who has the Shenhe gene or the Nuoxing gene like you, at least... there is no record of a guy like her in our database. No!"

"she was……"

"It's different from everyone in your military company. Although I don't know where she is from, or whether she is an earthling or not, one thing is certain: she is definitely not a product of our plan!"

Soon, what made Ge Xiaolun, Liu Chuang and the others a little surprised was that their Lianfeng officer actually gave them a negative answer. That little girl was really not the same person as them?


"Sir, are you sure?"

"Why don't you think about it again? Could it be an accident in your original plan or a fish that slipped through the net? Things are always a little unexpected, right?"

Obviously, Liu Chuang couldn't believe it.

Because, if their chief is right, it is very likely that the little girl is an alien... Maybe the other party is an angel, or a Lieyang star, or something else, but Regardless of where she is from, one thing is certain, that is: their **** earth is being spotted by aliens again, and it is the critical time when Xiao Lun is completing the defense and concealment plan of the red star?


"You don't know that the Angel Group, Demon Group, and Super Seminary have been monitoring those Shenhe genes for a long time. Do you think the previous General Dukao would miss such a little guy?"


"This...then I don't know... But sir, don't mind, I'm just talking casually, really just casually talking..."

"Then what is going on with her?"


"Okay, let's stop discussing, first listen to what the chief said."



"It's not clear who she is, but Xiaolun was right just now. She seems to have the same wormhole computing power as Qiangwei? You see, she disappeared really abruptly. The earth is here, and she will disappear in the next frame of the video!"

"I'm pretty sure, that's not stealth, because after receiving the report, we scanned the entire earth by various means and found her here!"

"Then... she didn't stay in that place for long before she came here again. She just changed at least three places in a short period of time, and the total time it took to transfer..."

"It should add up to less than a second!!"

In this way, Nuosing Lianfeng stretched out his finger at the projection of the holographic earth and pointed to a certain warring area in Central Asia, pointed at those areas where demonic doctrines were flooded, and then stroked over half of the earth, and finally came to the Pacific On a fairly peaceful island resort.


"Oh my god!"

"Excluding the detention time, you can run a fast circle around the earth in less than a second. This is not so fast even if you take a rocket or our spacecraft. I am afraid that even Qiangwei's wormhole transfer technology can't do it. Are you there?"

"And even if it's the Devil King Morgana, it's almost like that! If that little guy fights with us, and suddenly runs to the other side of the earth, we won't be able to catch up with him!"

Liu Chuang directly exclaimed in surprise, obviously amazed at the little girl's ability to run around.


However, Ge Xiaolun did not follow the exclamation, just lowered his head involuntarily after hearing the familiar name.

Last time, at the rally against the devil and Qiangwei, he was the last time he saw each other's figure, and he didn't know what was going on now... But no matter what others thought, he knew that Qiangwei had not changed, even if she joined her. Yu Devil, but she also saved the earth in another way that is not recognized and understood by the world.



Seeing Ge Xiaolun's expression and knowing why he was like that, everyone tacitly glanced at Liu Chuang, and didn't intend to discuss the issue just now.

"Well, everyone..."

"In short, no matter who she is, no matter where she is from, or whether she is an earthling or not, let's get in touch and bring her back first. Who are you going to go this time?"

Lian Feng, the leader of Nuo Xing who did not intend to continue entanglement on this issue, directly asked Ge Xiaolun, Liu Chuang, Qi Lin and other people present in a soft voice.

Obviously, it is now basically certain that the opponent is definitely not an ordinary person, but it is definitely impossible to continue to let it go. Therefore, for safety, the responsibility of contacting or guiding the opponent must fall on the members of the male company and them. , But who to let go and how many people to go, she didn't think about it for the time being, and wanted to hear the opinions of others present.


"My'xiongxin' should have a certain analysis and suppression effect on her instant transfer ability, or else, let me go this time?"

After hesitating for a while, Ge Xiaolun volunteered to raise his hand and speak up.

"That won't work!"

"Xiao Lun, you are too important to the earth. What should you do if you fight? I think I should go. Anyway, Liu Chuang is not afraid of fighting, and I have great strength. I should be able to hold her down?"

The earth has been at peace recently, the demon Morgana and her "Devil One" ran away, and the gluttonous legion was also abducted by those scums. Now I don’t know where it went, and there are still gluttonous soldiers and demons here on earth. It's just a few remnants of trash fish. The ordinary soldiers who have acquired the Shenhe gene can deal with it by themselves... Therefore, Liu Chuang, who has not been able to take a mission for a long time, feels that he can find time to run this mission instead of doing it. Heaven stay on the Mangdangshan or this Tianblade Seven?


"Liu Chuang, can you do it? You are too fierce, don't scare her!"

"Furthermore, you have also seen that from the current information, the other party has nothing to do with the devil. Even if I go, it will not necessarily fight! We are just going to contact and understand, you are murderous What does it mean?"

"And, even if it really fights, I'm not afraid, she is just a little girl, can't the power of my galaxy cure her a little girl movie?"

The other party is just a little girl with special abilities and some wanton, but fortunately that little guy doesn't seem to be aggressive, so Ge ​​Xiaolun thinks that if he goes out, he should be just right? It just so happened that his Xiongxin has recently developed some new features. If there is a new gene or ability person to analyze for him, maybe there is some help to him?


"Nonsense, am I Liu Chuang the kind of person who scares children?"

With a frown, Liu Chuang's expression became squalid in an instant, patted his chest hard and said as if doing his part.

‘Look! He is like this, kids will be scared to cry by him, right? ’

'It really is……'


‘Tsk! I know Liu Chuang is a bad guy at a glance!’


Everyone laughed and teased. Now the earth has been peaceful for a while. They haven't been able to gather together for a long time and chat and tease each other easily like this.

"you guys……"

"It's so decided anyway. I, Liu Chuang, haven't been a gangster for many years. Don't fight with me about this matter. I'll be anxious for anyone who fights!"

"Besides, you have all seen, she is not an ordinary child, she is not even afraid of demons, how could she be afraid of me?"

After some angrily explanations, Liu Chuang prepared to decide this matter.


"However, Liu Chuang, can't you go alone, so why don't you go with Xiao Lun, and you two happen to have a care?"

"I think it's okay, Brother Chuang, just do it, right?"

"I have no opinion!"

"and many more!"

"Take care? We are on the earth, and now the earth is our territory, where do we need..."

"Okay, okay! Let's go together!"

Seeing Officer Lianfeng speaking, Liu Chuanggang wanted to refute a few words, but after seeing the opponent's unbearable eyes and the advice of his teammates, he quickly became honest and prepared to accept the order.


"Xiao Lun, there is one thing you remember. Remember to be careful when you two go. We still can’t be sure who she is, or even where she comes from... We can’t find anything about it in the angel database. Any information about her always makes me faintly disturbed..."

"You must remember, you must be careful!"

Before the two were about to turn their heads and leave, as the chief, the Lianfeng warned again.

Originally, for a strange little girl or something, it was enough to send a few people to contact, but given that the other party’s abilities are very special and the strength seems to be very good, she decided to directly expel the soldiers from the company to contact. But that is not necessarily very safe, so some advice is definitely necessary.

"Don't worry, she is not from the devil's side at least, even if it is an, she is at least a female angel, not from the scum side, is she?"

"Hey~! That's the reason!"

Ge Xiaolun and Liu Chuang sang together, saying that this task is just a small person who accepts and evaluates newcomers, so where is there any danger?

"Do not!"

"Xiao Lun, she is definitely not an angel!"

At this moment, the female angel Zhixin suddenly stepped forward and said.

The current Zhixin is no longer the beautiful girl in the Earth uniform before, but after regaining her ability, she wore the armor of the angels, and she had a pair of huge white wings closed behind her.

"Are you really so sure?"

"Yes! I'm pretty sure!"


"okay then……"

"Liu Chuang, let's go, remember not to conflict, try to figure out her origins first, and if possible, bring her back to train and train. If she is our side, I must be able to send Great use."

"Know! Don't worry!"

"Then when should we leave?"

"just now!"

"Let's change our clothes and go!"

"Okay, I'll change it!"


"You cheated, I don't have the means like yours!"

"Do you want me to help you?"

"No, I want to go back and prepare."

"What can I prepare?"

"Oh, you don't understand!"


After seeing that the matter had been decided, Ge Xiaolun and Liu Chuang were not too long-winded, and went straight to the outside of the conference room, ready to carry out the small task that would definitely not be a problem in their opinion. , To contact or the world to catch that weird little girl?


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